GalaxyZombicus (4 page)

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Authors: Piper Leigh

BOOK: GalaxyZombicus
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“We saw Gryl yesterday, she seemed fine.” She whispered the
words in the trading language.

“She said she wasn’t feeling herself this morning.” I
responded in a low voice.

“Is that how quickly it happens? One day you’re totally
fine, the next…”

My gaze shot to the guards at the door, but they didn’t seem
interested in our conversation. “Maybe the treatment doesn’t work so well on
her species.”

Her black eyes centered on the guards. “Perhaps the drugs
don’t really work on
species. What if all this talk about a cure is
just that? Talk?”

I’d wondered that myself. Had they really brought us here to
help us, or did they just want to keep us away from the rest of the population?
I shook my head. “Does it matter? We can’t stay out there with everyone else.
Eventually the whole galaxy would be zombies.”

I thought of how quickly the disease had spread among the
stars. It didn’t take much of an imagination to picture the entire galaxy wiped
out. I pictured whole planets falling, their industries drying up, going
off-grid. I envisioned whole star systems dark and lifeless, mere rocks in
space overrun by flesh-eating fiends. At least here in this facility, I didn’t
have to worry about hurting anyone else.

“Recreation time is over,” one of the guards barked. With
that, we were unceremoniously herded back to our rooms.

Lunch was delivered to our rooms. No chatty mealtime today.
I didn’t have much of an appetite. I picked at my food in silence.

The afternoon passed in a flurry of doctor visits.
Technicians drew so much blood I was surprised any was left in my veins. In
spite of all the needle stabbing and prodding that morning, specialists
subjected me to yet another round. I could only guess that Gryl had taken them
by surprise. Whatever had happened to her came on so suddenly, no one had
expected it. With a whole complex full of zombies-to-be, that had to have the
scientists and the security people worried.

Once the doctors left, I tried to pass the time watching the
news feed, but it only depressed me more. Whatever had happened here at the
facility was happening out in the stars as well. Quarantine facilities were told
to expect a fresh influx of patients. New complexes were being built as quickly
as possible. I turned off the feed. I couldn’t bear to watch any longer.
Another meal appeared at my door. I didn’t even take off the cover.

For a long time I sat in the semidarkness, the lights having
dimmed for the night at some point. I’d barely noticed.

At a noise in the hall, I glanced up to see a man-sized
silhouette in my doorway. A shriek died on my lips as I recognized Benson.

I rushed to the entrance of my room. “Benson?”

“I didn’t mean to wake you up.”

“That’s okay. I don’t think I’ll be sleeping very well

His shoulders heaved with a deep sigh. “Me neither.”

“What’s going on? I got attacked in the recreation room.”

“You got
?” He glanced over his shoulder,
checking the walkway before lowering the force field. He stepped into my room,
reactivated the shield and circled me in a strong hug. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I pulled back so I could look into his eyes.
“The guards got her before she could hurt me.”

“The woman with the red fur?”

I nodded.

“I heard about that. Don’t worry, she’s locked away safely,
somewhere she can’t hurt anyone.”

“But she was okay just a few minutes before. I don’t know
what happened.”

Benson pulled away from me. Grasping my hand, he led me back
to the bed and sat beside me. “It’s been happening more often. They aren’t sure
why.” He shut his mouth tightly after that.

“I’m guessing you weren’t supposed to tell me that.”

He took a deep breath. “No, but you don’t need to be a genius
to figure it out.”

“Is that what happened last night when you were called

I sat close enough to feel the deep shudder roll through
him. “Last night was bad.”

“I thought we were coming here to be healed.”

He had no answer to that. No one did. I realized for the
first time how much responsibility must rest on those scientists’ shoulders.
The whole galaxy looked to them for rescue.

“You’re feeling all right?” There was an edge of desperation
in his voice that hadn’t been there before. In spite of what we’d shared last
night, I wondered if he truly felt safe sitting so close to me.

“I don’t feel any different. Whatever they’ve been giving me
seems to be working.” Gryl hadn’t been so lucky. “So, what do we do?”

His lips brushed my forehead and he pulled me close again.
“We enjoy the time we have together.”

The way he said it only reminded me that our time would
eventually come to an end. As Gryl had found out, it could come sooner rather
than later.

But I stopped thinking about that when he drew me closer
still. He hung on to me as if tonight might really be our last. I had no way of
knowing if it was, but I intended to enjoy myself. And if I got another night
after this, it would be a bonus.

Benson’s mouth covered mine, hot and demanding. I parted my
lips, allowing his tongue to slide inside. Today’s brush with danger only
served to heighten my passion as I kissed him back.

He pushed me gently down against the mattress. Normally I’d
be all for surrendering to his touch, but the stress of the day got the better
of me and I shoved until he yielded the top to me. Benson’s eyes were glazed
with desire, but I saw urgency in them that hadn’t been there yesterday.

The same panic surged through my veins. Time weighed down on
me, eager to steal my last breath. My fingers fumbled to undo the buttons of
his uniform. His hands covered mine and stilled my frantic movements.

“Easy,” he breathed, his face close to mine. “Let’s just
enjoy tonight.”

Suddenly it didn’t matter that we were in my room in this
quarantine facility. The only thing on my mind was the growing passion between

I undid his buttons one by one. His eyes followed the path
of my fingers and his breathing grew ragged. I spread his shirt so I could run
my hands over his chest. I reveled in the sensation of that hot, muscular flesh
beneath my fingertips. But I had to let go as Benson pulled my t-shirt over my
head. Cool air brushed my nipples before he reached for me, his hands warming
my breasts.

The feeling of his hard cock reminded me of how good it had been
between us last time. That memory made me wet all over again. Unwilling to
wait, I shimmied down his legs so I could loosen his belt and undo his pants.
The movement brought a rough moan to his lips.

I covered his mouth with my hand. “Shh. We don’t want to be

He bit his lip and nodded. I shoved his trousers down his
legs, freeing his cock into my hand. That hard yet velvety flesh made my breath
catch. He was so big I could barely close my fingers around him. I ran them up
and down his shaft instead, teasing him while lingering just out of his reach.
His hips bucked, showing me how much he enjoyed that touch.

He stretched slightly and his hands seized my hips, pulling
me close enough so he could shove my loose pants down my legs. I kicked out of
them. Then, as an afterthought, I pulled up the blanket to shield us from
curious eyes on the other side of the semicircular structure.

My body was long past ready. When his fingers grazed my
clit, I bucked, almost shouting aloud. I moved over him, positioning myself so
the tip of his broad cock rested at my moist opening. I smothered a moan as I
slowly lowered myself down.

I sucked in a long, slow breath at the exquisite feeling of
all that hard flesh deep inside me. Tentatively, I began to move. He let me set
the pace even though I could tell from the tortured look on his face that he
had a much quicker rhythm in mind. But I intended to enjoy every second left to

Smiling, I moved up and down slowly, torturing him,
torturing myself. I placed a finger in my mouth and sucked before easing it
down to my clit…

Finally, unable to stand it any longer, he gripped my hips
and quickened the pace. My entire body clenched, ready for the orgasm that
lingered just out of reach. Benson moved faster beneath, plunging deeply, hands
lifting and lowing me on his cock, and my body coiled tighter still. My finger
flew over my clit. Passion rippled through me and I came hard and fast.

I heard Benson’s choked gasp as he gained his own release.

Our mingled breath created a hot dampness beneath the
blanket. I pulled away and peered around a corner of cloth, shooting a glance
at the walkway. All seemed quiet. I sagged back into the protection of his

As I lay there sated and content, all my worries seemed far
away. Benson’s arms tightened around me, one hand stroking my back gently, and
I rested my head against his shoulder. All I wanted was to fall asleep just
like this.

Benson’s radio crackled, making us both jump. “All guards
report in.”

“No!” The word slipped from my lips before I could call it
back. But Benson still had a job to do. One that didn’t involve sleeping with

He sighed and wiggled out from under me. I clung to him,
refusing to let go.

“All guards to level one,” the radio demanded.

With my own sigh, I released him.

He got to his feet and yanked his pants back in place.
Tucking in his shirt, he bent forward to give me a lingering kiss before moving
to the entrance. He dropped the field and cast a glance full of regret over his

I pulled the blanket back up to my chin. “You’d better go.”

He nodded, offering one last hot look before reactivating
the force field and disappearing once more.

Beyond my room, I heard the echo of other radios followed by
the familiar slap of guards’ boots against the metal walkway.

Level one. That was several floors below, where everything
had happened last night. It was also where they’d taken Gryl. I shuddered at
the thought of Benson down there.

Shouts resonated up the facility’s hollow interior and for
the millionth time, I wondered why the builders had designed it that way.

And then it occurred to me. Perhaps this place had never
been designed as a medical facility. Maybe it was just what it looked like.

A prison.

That explained why the builders made the acoustics so sensitive.
The jailors wanted to hear what was going on in every part of it. Their
survival depended on it.

I sat at the head of my bed with my back toward the wall and
the blanket pulled up to my chin. Benson’s warmth began to dissipate and the
chill that permeated the entire rocky structure seeped in. I pressed my hands
to my ears to muffle the screams coming from downstairs.

Hours went by and the sounds continued. With all the
commotion, I didn’t hear Benson’s approach until he was standing at the entrance
to my cell.


He shifted from foot to foot but didn’t lower the force

I got up and walked toward him. “Are you coming in?”

He shook his head.

I had a sinking sensation some very bad news was coming.
“What’s wrong?”

“Something’s happened.”

Chapter Four


Even in the dim light I could see his stricken expression. I
recognized that look of shock and disbelief. I’d seen it on the faces of the
people who’d made the journey to Zombicus with me. I moved to stand as close as
I could to the entrance, just inches away from the force field. “Oh god,
Benson! Were you

He brought his finger to his lips. “Shh!”

“You were, weren’t you?” I whispered.

He nodded grimly.

He shouldn’t be here.
The realization came with a
stab of panic. He should be downstairs in the med lab getting his first round
of shots.

Which meant he hadn’t told them yet.

“You have to report it, Benson! You can’t just leave a thing
like this.” I lowered my voice even more. “The virus is already surging through
your bloodstream. If you don’t get treatment, you’ll turn in hours.”

“I don’t—I don’t know what to do.”

I longed to reach through the force field and hold him.
After all, he wasn’t a danger to
. “You have to do what’s right.” I
shuddered at the thought of what they’d do to him if they found out he’d been
withholding that information. Then I imagined the virus spreading through the
facility like wildfire. I envisioned the rest of the guards falling victim,
followed by the scientists and the rest of the staff while those of us already
stricken starved to death behind the force fields of our cells.

?” he repeated. “How do I even know
what’s right anymore?”

“You have to get treatment. You can’t spread this thing any

He nodded but didn’t move. “I came here to help.”

The change in topic of conversation jarred me. “What?”

“I volunteered to work here because I didn’t know what else
to do. The whole galaxy was falling apart. I wanted to help fix it.”

“The galaxy isn’t falling apart,” I said. Even though it
was—kind of. “Worlds will not end.” Even though they might. “We have every
great mind in the galaxy working on this. We’ll figure it out.”

“In time to help

After what had happened to Gryl, I wasn’t so sure about that
one. But I said it anyway. “Yes. In time to help us.”

“If I tell them, I may never see you again.”

Which was quite possible. They housed the men and women and
tri-sexed separately in the facility. I don’t know what they were so afraid of.
Baby zombies, maybe.

“Could we ask?”

He shrugged. “I could put in a request, but I doubt it would
make any difference.” A single scream drifted up the columns from one of the
lower floors. “They’ve got their hands full down there. I’ll go wherever they
have space.”

“Maybe they could give you the drugs and leave you on the
job. After all,

“You’re fine. Others, not so much. They still don’t know

“But it’s only a matter of time. They’ll figure it out and
then we’ll all get to go home. We’ll see each other then.”

At least that’s what I hoped. I had the feeling this might
be my last stop in this existence.

Benson straightened. He must have come to a decision because
he lowered the force field and stepped into my cell. “You’re right. I should do
what’s right. I should do what will help the most, and that’s to try to get
better so I can help some more.”

He didn’t seem any different, just on edge, a little tired.
I remembered how that first day had felt to me. I’d assured the med techs I was
fine. “Just a little tired,” I’d said. Been up all night partying. They’d
nodded politely and stuck me with a dozen needles.

“But first I want to make sure we say goodbye properly.”

I reached for him, tugged him as close as our bodies would
allow. “Not goodbye,” I insisted. “See you later. When this is all over and we
can go home.”

“Sure.” He didn’t sound as if he meant it, but he sure meant
the scorching kiss he laid on me. No doubt about that.

I drew him toward the bed, not caring if we got caught. They
were going to separate us anyway. We didn’t even get as far as the cot in the
back corner. We stopped halfway down the wall, my back pressed against it and
Benson pressed against me. I stopped worrying what anyone might see. It would
be the last time anything exciting happened in my cell.

With that thought in mind, I didn’t waste time. My hands
went straight to his belt and I undid it quickly, along with the top button of
his trousers. I undid his zipper and shoved the material of his briefs down,
freeing him. My fingers found his growing erection and closed around the shaft.
Benson leaned his forehead against the wall and groaned softly.

As I stroked his cock, Benson cupped my breasts through the
material of my shirt. I arched against him, shoving myself farther into his
grip, releasing a soft sigh. I wanted to rip my clothes off. I wanted the
warmth of skin-to-skin contact for this last coming together. But that would
take too long and make us more likely to be found.

Benson must have had the same idea because his fingers moved
over my rib cage until they found the waistband of my pants. Cool air gusted
over my skin as he gripped the material and pulled both the trousers and my
underwear down my legs to puddle on the floor.

He cupped my buttocks, raising me slightly. His large
erection pressed against my belly, proving how much he wanted me. Wetness
pooled at my center. I wanted him just as badly.

If anyone interrupts us, I’ll die.

I pushed the thought away and ringed his neck with my arms
as he lifted me. His strong hands beneath my butt positioned me just right.
Slowly he pushed inside, every inch of him deep within me, our bodies pressed
together. My breasts crushed against his hard pecs and my back against the cool

His mouth covered mine, possessing every part of me, breaths
harsh as he kissed me deeply…as if for the last time.

Then he began to move.

I let him set the pace—and it was fast. My body responded as
each stroke brought greater pleasure. Deep inside me, muscles clenched as I
rose quickly to the precipice. We fucked hard, frantically,
The first waves of orgasm rippled through me too soon and Benson just moved
faster still, hips snapping as he thrust again and again.

I shoved back with what leverage I had, taking him even
deeper. Tension shattered. I came, my orgasm too intense, and I bit my lip to
keep from crying out. Benson’s hot breath came in gusts beside my ear. He
moaned my name as he shuddered and came.

Breathless, I leaned my head on his shoulder. After a
moment, he let my feet slide down the backs of his legs until I was standing
under my own power. Gently we parted, but came together again for a heated

From farther down the walkway came the sound of footsteps.
We sprang apart and quickly pulled our clothing back into order. I glanced
around my cell. Nothing seemed out of place. There was nothing to give us away,
except perhaps my lips that were still swollen from his kisses. The footfalls
were definitely moving quickly in our direction.

“They know,” Benson said. “They must have seen it when they
reviewed the security footage. I’m going to have to go with them now.”

“Only for a while,” I said, mostly to make both of us feel
better. He nodded as though he didn’t believe it any more than I did.

Rising up on tiptoes, I gave him one last thorough kiss. He
gripped my shoulders and pulled me close for our final stolen moment. We
separated just in time to see a trio of guards appear at the door to my cell.

All three guards stood taller than Benson. Together they
formed a wall of heavily armed brawn.

My gaze darted to Benson. For a moment we locked gazes.
Regret mixed with longing lingered in his expression. He looked back at the
weapons trained on us and raised his hands. I did the same.

“Benson?” one of the guards inquired.

Benson sighed. “C’mon, Nar, you know it’s me.”

“I need you to state your name and ID number,” Nar said.

Benson rattled off his credentials. Nar got out his scanner
and verified the information. He pointed the device at me as well and matched
it to the ID on my cell.

Nar glanced at me. “Just stay where you are. Keep your hands
in the air.”

Were they going to put me in detention just for wanting to
say goodbye?

The two other guards crowded into my cell. They sandwiched
Benson between them and one hauled his arms behind his back before the other
snapped on a pair of cuffs. The whine of the restraints charging up filled my

“Benson, you’re charged with failing to report a workplace

“Incident”? Is that what they put in their reports? That
Benson had an “incident”?

“I was on my way to report it,” Benson said. “I just wanted
to say goodbye to someone first.”

“Fraternizing with residents is strictly forbidden.”

“So is getting bitten,” Benson remarked. The guards didn’t
see the humor.

Could they levy extra punishment on him? Other than sticking
him in a cell just like this one?

My muscles protested in pain at being held in the same
position. First the romantic workout and now this unexpected torture. “Can I
put my hands down now?”

Annoyance crossed Nar’s face. “Sit on the bed and don’t

That seemed like a good idea to me. I crouched on the edge
of the cot.

“C’mon, Benson,” Nar said. The other guards each took one of
his arms. Benson craned his neck, trying to keep his gaze on me as they dragged
him away.

“Wait!” I knew I shouldn’t say anything. There was nothing
to keep them from using those stun guns on me and saying I’d been unruly and
that the discipline had been necessary.

Nar turned back, looking even more annoyed than last time.

“Can’t he stay here?” I started to rise from the bed and
then thought better of it. “I mean, since we’ve both been bitten, what harm
could it do?”

“It’s against policy,” Nar said.

“I know, but—”

“Policy.” Nar barked the word, ending the conversation.

I opened my mouth to protest the ridiculousness of their

“We’re just trying to keep the galaxy safe,” one of the
other guards said. They all looked uncomfortable, even the stoic Nar. After
all, they’d seen patients like Gryl go through a rapid decline. Now they were
hauling off one of their own. They had to be wondering if this would someday be
their fate as well.

I stayed on my bed as I’d been ordered to and watched as
they took Benson away.

Benson turned his head one last time as they hauled him onto
the walkway. “It’ll be okay, Janeece,” he said with such conviction I wanted to
be believe him. The guards reactivated the force field on my doorway, sealing
me inside.

“Maybe we’ll see each other passing in the halls.” I didn’t
know what else to say. The likelihood of us seeing each other again was slim.

“It’ll all work out, you’ll see.” His voice echoed down the

“Shut up,” ordered one of the guards. I couldn’t see who it
was. Their footsteps disappeared down the stairs. I heard the
the force field disengaging on an access door and then silence.

The disturbance had woken up other residents. Across the
circular hallway, I could see shadows lingering in their doorways, watching the
events. I’d been reduced to a curiosity, something to discuss in the mess hall
and recreation center.
A guard carrying on with a resident ought to make for
some good gossip
, I thought darkly.

Only Benson and I weren’t just guard and inmate. We were
people with feelings. Feelings that had just been laid bare for half the level
to see.

I thought about Gryl and how the yellow-skinned woman and I
had discussed her rapid decline. Even though the conversation amounted to “Oh,
poor Gryl”, it didn’t change what had happened.

Most of the other residents turned back to their beds now
that there was nothing more to see, but a few lingered in their doorways watching
me, possibly to see what I’d do.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to throw myself against that
force field. I wanted to trash every scant piece of furniture in my cell.
Anything that would release some of the pain inside seemed like a good idea to
me. But I refused to give anyone a show.

So I got under the covers and pulled the blanket up over my
head. At least then I could cry in private. If I was quiet about it, no one
else would know.

* * * * *

I awoke in the morning fuzzy-head and sad. Staff delivered
breakfast to our cells. Everyone was still on lockdown after the incident with
Gryl and what had happened between Benson and me. I drank the weak tea and
nibbled on a piece of toast. My stomach refused to tolerate anything else.

The facility was strangely silent. I expected another round
of doctors poking me with needles, but none showed up. I even anticipated a
trip downstairs for a disciplinary hearing. After all, I’d hardly been an
unwilling participant in my tryst with Benson. But no guards appeared to drag
me away. I sat on my bed and stared out across the cavern. The residents on the
other side seemed to avoid looking in my direction. They probably blamed me for
being locked up.

It took me half the day to realize that I hadn’t heard any
screams coming from the lower levels. During the past couple of days they’d
been nearly nonstop. Things would quiet down for a while, then abruptly someone
would begin shrieking and guards would come running from all directions. The
sudden quiet made me nervous.

It could mean things are better
, my optimistic side

Or that the screaming people have perished
, came a
more pessimistic revelation.

Once they’d strayed into darker territory, my thoughts
refused to lighten. What would happen if the whole facility fell? Were there
safeguards in place? What reserves could they call in with planets all over the
galaxy being overrun by zombies?

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