Galactic Freighter: Scourge of the Deep Space Pirates (Contact) (34 page)

BOOK: Galactic Freighter: Scourge of the Deep Space Pirates (Contact)
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"Ships are powering up," the comm operator warned. "Two electronic signatures showing on low orbit," he added. "Orbital weapons platforms powered but unmanned."

Mahoney had to destroy those platforms. The ships were of no concern. He would take the issues one at a time and with that done, Katakan would be his. The actual capture would be no more than a matter of time. The Pagmok would see to that once on the ground.


Captain Naiche Tenkiller, many times removed as a grandson of the legendary Terra Apache, Cochise, and Iona's interim Governor General, sat in his headquarters on Katakan. Ten warships, all light cruisers, made up the protective squadron. Eight were away on maneuvers with the Seventh Fleet and the newly added Seltsam fleet. Once the ships returned, Katakan's integration into Ion's empire would be complete. He could turn control over to the new Governor-General and go home. Parts of his tenure while memorable, others hadn't turned out as well, particularly when he had to deal with the deposed president, Orienta Ravenscross. She was small in stature, but the woman had the temper and constitution to match anyone he'd faced.

He touched the blinking icon. "Captain, one hundred thirty six ships approaching, twenty T-hours until in-system. Thirty-one have assorted but known radiation patters, the rest unknown. All have weapons powered."

Tenkiller quickly scanned the signatures and registrations recognizing the Dolin Elite. That ship spaced from Barnard's Star years earlier at the same time Jarred Mahoney had disappeared. It wasn't coincidence.

With deliberation, he hit the general quarter's icon and signaled General Ravos Ricknei to get the army out of their barracks, fully armed and ready to repel an invasion.

Breaking that connection, he signaled the two ships on low orbit to power up and move to twenty million kilometers above the planet and then issued the command to recall Sixth Fleet along with the Seltsam and Seventh Fleets. The exercise only involved detachments of the fleets and might not be enough but that was all there was. It would take at least five T-days to make Katakan and he doubted they could arrive in time to make a difference. Last, he ordered the orbital weapons to transfer control to the surface and evacuate their personnel. On fixed orbits and unable to maneuver, they were vulnerable. Remote operation diminished their effectiveness but he wouldn't sacrifice the people. Those stations would be the focus of an enemy attack. With both, or even one combat ready, any attempt to land troops would be doomed.

Mahoney's attack would focus on the on-orbit defenses. Tenkiller would get all he could from these weapons and expected them to be a factor in repulsing the raiders. With the eight cruisers away, other than the firepower they could rain on the enemy, he had no way to protect the planet.

"Comm, send a signal, broad beam, coded, to any Ionian naval ships that can render assistance then one to Iona informing them we are under attack by Jarred Mahoney and an unknown flotilla."

Even with FTL communications, it would take a week to alert Iona. Tenkiller ordered a global alert sent for all people, government, and civilian, to enter the reinforced underground bunkers. After Buck Fryman attacked and captured Katakan, then a pirate safe haven, Captain Tenkiller had anticipated an attempt to retake it and had built the shelters shortly after his arrival six T-years earlier.

Katakan would catch hell and he'd done all he could, little as it was to meet the attack.


Buck Fryman stood on the bridge of the Molly Celeste eyes, intently watching the plot. The battleship Cochise, flagship of Seventh Fleet, directed Sixth and Seventh Fleets along with the recently added Seltsam fleet, now designated as Twelfth Fleet, through the training exercises. Lord Fryman's presence was in direct response to High Admiral Hizerman's talk with the Emperor about how to get his officers to think outside the box. That was Buck's task during these maneuvers and as such had command authority.

"Not bad." Buck commed to Fleet Admiral Grover Dennis
and got agreement. "One more run-through and we can go home," he added and headed for the hatch.

"We have an incoming distress signal," comm said. "From Katakan," the operator added.

"On speaker," Buck ordered.

Everyone froze as they learned Jarred Mahoney's forces had entered Katakan space. At current acceleration, three days to orbit.

Buck commed the Fleet Admiral. The fleet, a mixture of two battlewagons, six heavy and light cruisers along with a dozen destroyers was all they had to help Katakan.

He acknowledged the message and added, "Sir, we're five light days from Katakan."

"Five or not, Captain Tenkiller needs our help," Buck said halfway through the hatch and headed for his cabin where he commed Admiral Dennis. "I suggest best possible speed, Admiral—the entire fleet."

"We can cut one day off if we push it," Dennis said. "Have a sick crew when we get there."

"Do it," Buck said casually. "Iona owes Captain Tenkiller at least that."


Tenkiller acknowledged his Marine guards urging him to the bunker under Government House. He knew what energy cannons would do to the surface if Mahoney decided to use them: people annihilated and the surface leveled. Once in the bunker he commed General Ricknei. "Your troops, General, I suggest you keep them bunkered until the land invasion."

"You seem sure they will attempt to invade, Captain."

"Mahoney isn't here to hit and run. He wants this planet and can't take it from orbit. You of all people should know that means boots on the ground. I don't know where he got the troops but I'm betting he has them. Yes, General, I’m absolutely certain he will invade.

"He'll attack the capital buildings and your army installations including the orbiting weapons stations." It had taken two T-Years to rebuild the stations after Buck's attack. Then they had been of little use in Katakan's defense but Tenkiller hoped they would fare better this time. "After destroying our command and control infrastructure he'll invade."


Mahoney split his squadron to attack the opposite hemispheres simultaneously. Both would concentrate on the orbit weapons stations, destroy them and the fleet would make one pass with the energy cannons, eliminating the command and control. Then they’d land the Pagmok. With his fleet short on assault launches, it would take fifteen trips to get the warriors on the ground along with ammunition and other supplies and that meant fifteen hours if everything went well. He had to make sure his orbital attack suppressed any opposition. The first warriors on the ground would be vulnerable but that he couldn't help.

"The two Katakan light cruisers have gone into high orbit," comm reported

Mahoney leaned over the plot board intently studying the two ship's vector.

"They will attack," Evans said and added, "With the load the Kalazecis ships carry, maneuvering will be a problem. They are exposed."

"Our ships can handle both. Shouldn't have an effect on the landing." Mahoney's words came slowly, studied as he mockingly looked at Captain Evans.

"These are seasoned captains," Evans said. "Probably schooled by Fryman. And we both know that guy is as unpredictable as they come. So my suggestion, be ready for some maneuver that will either seem or actually be a distraction."

"Bullshit," Mahoney responded. "Fryman is lucky that's all. His attack on Katakan succeeded because the simpleton bastards guarding the planet were asleep. His skill was no more than a fluke and incompetence by the Katakan defenders. Against seasoned fighters, his luck would not do him any good. Besides, military officers captain those two spaceships. That means they follow the book. Their actions are predictable. I plan to use that.

"Put ten ships one-thousand kilometers above the surface for cover and launch the troops," Mahoney ordered his tone cold.

Evans stepped back from the plot board. "You can't be serious," his voice exploded. "Those troops won't have a chance if either of those ships gets through our defenses. The enemy ships are twice as fast as anything we can throw at them."

"Wrong, Captain. The Pagmok will land unopposed if you handle it properly. Put them down in a civilian area. Residential would be preferred. While you're doing that, have five more ships provide low orbit cover. They will lead with an attack on Government House and military installations after hitting the orbital platforms. The Katakan ships should try to stop us but with two ships, no matter how fast, our ships should take care of any problems. Once the Katakan cruisers commit, you will go to low orbit and land the troops."

Evans stood stock still not moving a muscle. "It would seem you've taken a page from Fryman's book." With that said he touched an icon and had the five Kalazecis Captains on line. To his utter amazement, they never questioned the order. Of course, it was the Pagmok who would die. "It just might work," he said apparently still doubtful.

Mahoney would err on the side of caution and ordered ten ships to high orbit just in case Evans was right that the two Katakan ships would target the landing forces.

"Land ammunition, no food supplies," Mahoney quietly ordered.

"You plan for the Pagmok to feed off the civilians?" Evans’s voice smoldered with disgust. "I object. I will not issue that order."

"You are relieved." Mahoney never took his eyes off the plot board.

Evans walked off the bridge as the order went to the Kalazecis leaders.


Chapter Thirty-Four:
The Fight for Katakan

rom his cabin, Buck urged the squadron toward Katakan. He could only hope Tenkiller could hang on until the fleet arrived. Anticipating the worst, Fleet Admiral Dennis ordered the ships to the theta range, something he'd never done before and a first for any Ionian naval spaceship as far as anyone knew. They would quickly find out how the ships and personnel would take the extreme stress. The scientists had no history on the time deficit. Buck eyed the computer Admiral Hizerman had installed. Maybe this wasn't the time to see what it was all about, but having put it off since leaving Iona, he decided to try it. Buck placed his hands on the silver plates and immediately withdrew them.

Hesitantly he returned to the computer. 'Captain Fryman, welcome. I am at your service. Your blood pressure is approaching a lever for concern. Considering the circumstances, Katakan's invasion is most likely the cause. I do suggest you try to relax. In addition, your blood sugar could become a concern. I can develop a program to lose weight, around twenty kilograms that will ameliorate this before it becomes a critical problem.'

Buck again withdrew from the computer. He could hear the computer but it wasn't an oral communication. Yet, he actually heard the machine's voice.

Startled, he returned to the pads. 'Thank you, Captain. I'm sure you prefer information relative to the upcoming battle with Jarred Mahoney for Katakan.'

Buck didn't know whether to kick or agree with the thing. "Computer, Admiral Hizerman said you are the latest in technology. What does that mean?"

'Captain, you may call me a quantum computer although I am well beyond the technology you've known for the last hundred years. I am a molecular computer, and can meld or interface on a personal level. You and I can function as one. I hope that doesn't distress you. I am very comfortable working with you. Regarding the upcoming attack against Jarred Mahoney, and with shared information from my counterpart aboard the Cochise, I have determined that the Admiral is concerned about the proper strategy for attacking the rival fleet even though they lack the expertise of experienced naval warfare. The tactics you have considered I judge a probable success approaching sixty-five and one half percent. That is well beyond the normal expectation.'

Buck again stepped back from the computer, his mind in turmoil. He stood there for a few minutes not sure that he wanted any part of this. Relenting, he again put his hands on the plates.

'Captain Fryman, I continue to detect a high stress level and that you have doubts about sharing your thoughts with me. Rest assured I have your best interests at the core of my thinking. I believe, as do you, with only twenty ships, that a direct assault will bring the best results. I agree a sustained cannon, torpedo, and laser run through their fleet will cause havoc and then you can seek targets of opportunity. This is the correct strategy.'

Buck again withdrew from the computer, let out a breath, not wanting to admit that
what he had in mind. As an afterthought, he suspected this new marvel of Hizerman's already knew that. He turned his attention to donning his skinsuit, something that was more to his liking.

Most of the ship's crewmembers spent as much time as possible in their bunks. During the two T-days the elevated acceleration took to reach Katakan, Buck stayed on the bridge, forgoing sleep.

It didn't take long for the word to make its way through the fleet. That seemed to bolster the attitude that Lord Fryman meant to save Captain Tenkiller and Katakan.

"In system in six T-hours," the speaker blared. Buck, in his cabin, approached the quantum computer but changed his mind. Along with his helmet, opened the hatch and the Marine posted with a salute. The Lord pointed toward the bridge. The Sergeant stood aside, and Fryman stepped through the hatch as the Marine on deck announced his presence.

"How long to orbit?" he asked.

"Ten T-hours," the helmsman answered.

Buck ordered the fleet to drop from hyperspace, "Emergency deceleration."

The fleet reversed, shedding delta v and again sending most of the crews to their bunks.

Over the two days in transit, Buck had received regular updates from Admiral Dennis and General Ricknei. He didn't ask the computer for advice.

Few reports sounded favorable as neither man understated the problems they faced. Knowing help was coming did bolster their spirits.

Buck properly interpreted their communications: the outcome was very much in doubt. The orbiting defense array, now no more than floating hulks, had failed to stop the troop transports and the ships assigned to destroy them, killing only one troop transport. Well over three thousand Pagmok reached the surface as both stations fell to the onslaught Mahoney directed against them. Their efforts did buy Katakan needed time, delaying the ground attack three days—time for the fleet to arrive and engage the enemy.

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