Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy) (2 page)

BOOK: Gabriel's Promise (A Romantic Comedy)
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My heart was beating so fast I was in danger of
passing out. He was so hot I felt like fanning myself, but I couldn't let him
see that. Of course I knew who he was, as soon as I heard the name the face
clicked. I had an old dog eared picture of a younger him up in my dresser, I'd
had plenty of unSam like thoughts about him during my younger impressionable
years, okay still did sometimes but not as much, well okay maybe...whatever.
What I wanted to know was what was he doing here now. It had been six long
years why would he be here now? And why was he looking at me like that, did I
have something on my face or something?
I could swear he was fighting a smile while I pointed my gun at his head, was
he too stupid to understand danger? Maybe that coma that he’d been in all those
years ago had addled his brain. Bless his heart.
Pop was back to grumbling, but he didn't understand, this was my shield, my
protection. If I didn't do this I would probably sit on the couch and simper at
him like that stupid cow Diana Thorpe did with Dan Young, it was sickening.

"Samantha Eliza Holder..." Pop was
three naming me again but I'll deal with that later; for now I just gave him a
look, to which he glared back at me.
"Would you put that damn thing down and offer our guest something to
I kissed my teeth and headed back to the kitchen glad for the reprieve, my legs
were ready to give out so I sat down at the table. Well genius what's your next
plan of action? I bit my nails as I contemplated my next move. I got up and
opened the fridge, there was nothing but beer and soda in there and since I
didn't know if Mr. Fancy drank domestic I went with a soda.
Returning to the room I called a heads up and threw the can at him, to which pop
proceeded to have a conniption.
"What did I do to deserve this? Tell me, you took my legs and I took it
the best I could, but did you have to send me one of Satan’s imps to put me in
an early grave?" Pop was having one of his many daily asides with our
Meanwhile Mr. Cool caught and opened his can in one smooth move.
"It's okay sir, I think I'm kinda getting use to Samantha's antics."
Oh you thought so did you? We'll just have to see about that, they didn't call
me the hellion of Lexington for nothing. I wonder how long he was staying in
these parts? I'd show him antics.

Chapter 4


I kept a stern face on but inside I was
snickering, who did these two think they were fooling? I might've lost the use
of my legs but the old noggin still worked very well thank you. I'd been a cop
and a damn good one, I knew how to read people. There were more sparks flying
off these two than a welder's flame, I guess my boy was right after all.
Phillip had had some hair brained idea that these two would be perfect for each
other, mind you when he first mentioned it I thought he'd lost his ever loving
mind after all his sister was a child of twelve and Gabriel was already a grown
man, but Phil had insisted that he knew what he knew and since the boy had
always had a bit of the fey in him I let it be, after all who am I to stand in
the way of destiny?
Right now Samantha was sneaking looks at our guest out the side of her eye, it
was a wonder she didn't go cross eyed, meanwhile he was trying his best to play
it cool but I knew for damn sure if I wasn't in the room he would've probably
kissed her already. Either that or throttled her, the damn girl was a handful.
Well, if nothing else it was sure going to be hopping around here for the next
little while. If I knew anything about my daughter it was that there was never
a dull moment. Lord knows what she would come up with to torture the poor man.
"So Gabriel you're staying with us of course." I broke the silence.
My dainty little flower huffed and snorted at the same time, I kid you not you
had to see it to believe it. I didn't even look in her direction if I did I was
sure she would be spitting fire at me with her eyes.


Delilah Spelman AKA Miss. Marple

Well, looks like no show for me today that
young man's been over to Charlie's going on a good half hour and nothing, not a
peep, unless Samantha killed him and buried him in the backyard. Lord I hope
Charlie was home and not out gallivanting with that Geoffrey Godwin, those two
still thinks they're teenagers with their beer swilling and caterwauling
sometimes at all hours of the night. No wonder Samantha was such a hooligan,
between her father and her Godfather she sure was getting an education.
Well I might as well head on inside, this infernal rain was starting to come
down again, I could always stay close to the window just in case.



Now why would pop go and do such a stupid
thing as to invite him to stay here? And who pray tell was supposed to look
after him, huh?
I gritted my teeth he still wasn't looking at me.
"Maybe Mr. Sweeney has other plans."
"What other plans he can't be planning to head back all that way after
only a short visit and there's no hotel in Lexington, use your common sense
girl." At least he didn't use his usual refrain of " You don't have
the good sense that God gave a duck".
"That's no trouble Charlie I was thinking of heading back to Annandale to
find a hotel for the rest of my stay."
"Boy that's more than two hours back and forth nonsense, you'll stay here
and that's final, Miss. Priss will make up Phil's old room it'll be fine."
I wondered what was the penalty for patricide in the good state of New York,
and if that damn Gabriel didn't stop his snickering I was really going to lose
it. Maybe I should put a little surprise in his bed, let him see how welcomed
he was. Very mature Sam and damn if he wasn't looking at me like he expected
just that. I turned my glare on him instead to let him see just what I thought
of this state of affairs.
If looks could kill I'd be road kill.

Chapter 5


After spending the afternoon reminiscing with
Charlie about Phil's childhood and being entertained by Samantha's antics it
was time for dinner.
Between huffing and puffing her way throughout the house while muttering what I
was sure were curse words under her breath, she'd been in the kitchen
concocting something that smelled amazing.
Charlie pretty much ignored her while I couldn't keep my attention off of her,
which I hoped he didn't notice. I was aware of her every move, she was like
some kind of magnet, and she was so damn cute when she was pissed. I'm sure the
chief would be getting an earful at her first convenience.
"So what do you think of our little Sam?"
Shit, trick question how was I supposed to answer that? Obviously I couldn't
tell him the truth that I'd like to lay his daughter down on the nearest flat
surface, spread her out and feast for the next few days. Way to go, now you
have another boner to hide, shit.
"Uh, she's... Different?"
He almost choked on his beer, yes, we'd graduated to beer at some point.
"That's a very polite way of saying it son."
He snickered and I laughed.

"If you two hyenas are finished cackling
dinner's on the table." She flounced in and out of the room, which just
made us laugh even harder. We both stopped when we heard the ominous sound of
the garbage disposal getting started. We made a speedy beeline for the kitchen
Charlie beating me out by a nose.
"Come on Gabriel, it wouldn't be the first time I lost my dinner to her
temper and I'm too lit to drive to the diner and so are you."
He was right about that, but would she really throw out dinner after working so
hard to prepare it? Apparently so, since we found her in the kitchen standing
over the sink with a plate in hand ready to do just that. "
"Sam, honey put the plate down, don't make your old man have go out in
this rain to get something to eat." He looked so forlorn I wanted to
"Okay what did we do to set you off?"
"Nothing, you didn't do anything to set me off, whatever could you mean,
it's just that you took so long to come when I called I figured you two weren't
hungry." Butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, what a little spitfire, she
said it all with a saccharin smile.
"Sorry about that hon, won't happen again, right Gabe boy?" I hated
being called that but I could put up with it this once if it would placate her.
"Sure thing chief, my apologies Miss. Sam." She rolled her eyes at me
and brought the plate back to the table. Figures it was mine. She glared at me
when I thanked her then dropped down in the chair across from me.
"Such a lady my little princess is." Charlie teased as she glared at
him. He must want to go hungry, I for one was suddenly starving so I kept my
trap shut. That still didn't save me though.
"Just so you know you can wash your own plate when you're done, I'm not
the maid."
"Lord love a duck, Samantha Eliza Holder did you fall and hit your head?
Where are your manners? Please excuse her Gabriel and don't worry about the
dishes Miss. Manners over here does them."
"Not tonight she doesn't I have a date."
There were two very surprised men gaping at her, and what did she do after
dropping that bombshell? The exasperating woman child proceeded to pick up her
fork and eat as if she hadn't just thrown my world off its axis. Over my dead
body she had a date. Fuck that.

Chapter 6


Oh shit Sam's done stirred up the hornets'
nest; I know my little girl's innocent of the ways of men, so she didn't know
the telltale signs of a man on the scent. I better head this off before things
get ugly.
"A date, really Sam! Since when is pool with Brandon and the boys a date?
Brandon's like a brother to her, they grew up together you know. His father's
her Godfather and I'm his, he's family."
I hurried to explain to the young man who looked like he was about to explode
at my table. Of course my contrary daughter wouldn't thank me for my
interference seeing as how she was shooting daggers at me again with her eyes,
but it was all for her benefit, she'd thank me one day, if she didn't brain me
first, Lord where did I go wrong? She was such a quiet baby.
"Anyway I don't think you should play tonight, we have guest, come on Sam
one night isn't going to hurt anything, besides it wouldn't be polite." I
gave her my most innocent look. Hah.

"I'm going." Oh Lord, crossed arms
and the unibrow not a good combo, that meant she was working up a good head of
steam. What to do, what to do.
"That's okay chief, I'm sure I can find something around here to keep me
I was a terrible father but I had to do it.
"Oh I know, I could call up that Diana Thorpe, or that Paula Winters and
have one or the other show you around , they're Sam's girlfriends, I'm sure
they wouldn't mind. Yes that would be perfect, that way Sam you won't have to
miss your night out with your friends and poor Gabriel here wouldn't be stuck
in this house bored out of his gourd. I go to sleep early son, wouldn't be any
company at all." Not really but tonight I would be.
I sat back and waited for the fire works to start.



Was it possible to see red, I mean I've heard people say it before but this was
the first time I'd actually experienced it myself. If either one of those
hussies came within two feet of my Gabriel...oi, my Gabriel, since when? I felt
my face heat up. Pop could be so infuriating sometimes.
"They're both busy tonight so you can't." I didn't know if that was
true or not but over my dead body were they showing him around, they were both
simpering ninnies and Paula was always on the prowl for a husband, I'm sure
she'd take one look at Mr. Car and see dollar signs. I guess since he was my
brother's long lost friend it was only right that I save him from her clutches.
"Says who, I'm sure either one of those beautiful young ladies would be
more than happy to show our Gabriel around, maybe they can even drive up to the
beaches at Ulster if it's not too late, it's very nice out there Gabriel."

The fool man just smiled and nodded like the
village idiot, he had no idea what dad was suggesting subjecting him to, he'd
shoot his own head off if he had to endure any amount of time with either of
those cows. Bless his heart.
"Fine pop, I'll call Brand and cancel, happy now?"
"You don't have to change your plans on my account, I'll be perfectly
happy with either this Diana or Paula person. "
I gave him a look that would strip paint.
"Shut it." He held up his hands in surrender and grinned at me like
he knew a secret that I didn't.



Well, well, well, I think my little flower is
jealous, interesting, very interesting indeed. I think I just might call home and
make arrangements to extend my stay. I haven't had a real vacation in years I
had a team of executives that could more than hold their own for a while. I
looked away in time to catch that gleam in Charlie's eyes again. Yes indeed
things were going to be interesting around here.

Chapter 7


Dinner was...interesting to say the least,
the food I have to say was superb but the company was...interesting. Charlie
tried his best to keep the conversation going, but the other occupant was
either huffing or rolling her eyes.
"Was there something else you wanted to discuss besides sports
Samantha?" Too late I saw Charlie shaking his head in warning out the side
of my eye but when I turned around he was suddenly very interested in some
imaginary spot on the ceiling.
Our delightful little Miss. Sunshine huffed at me again before lighting into
us, or should I say all men everywhere?
"Yes actually I would, since I don't see the big deal about a bunch of
grown men running around with pigskin in their hands while trying to knock the
sense the good Lord gave them out of each other’s heads, or that other insipid
game where grown men stand around waiting to catch a ball that could knock
their stupid teeth out of their fat stupid heads while another fool stands
around waiting to hit it, and don't get me started on golf, I mean what the H E
double hockey sticks?"
You'd think she was done, not by a long shot.
"Meanwhile these jerks are making millions while the men and women
responsible for teaching your children get diddly squat. Now you tell me Mr.
Big shot in what universe is that even remotely acceptable? Men."
Oh boy better not introduce her to Jon anytime soon.
Charlie made as if to speak but was cut off.
"And what about those goons on ice? A perfect example of bullying gone way
wrong, and what is with you men and balls anyway? Every game has to be centered
around balls, I don't know seems kinda telling to me." And with that she
folded her arms and the show was over. Charlie was once again inspecting the
ceiling, which meant I was on my own.

"Okay then Samantha what would you like
to talk about."
"Must you say my name like that?"
"Uh, excuse me, like what?"
"Well okay Samantha." She snarked at me, no seriously with high
falsetto accent and all, I would've been offended if she wasn't do damn cute.
There was a car door closing in the driveway which thank heavens provided me
with a reprieve.
"Oh shoot, I forgot to call Brandon."
"Sammy poo where are ya, you ready?"
A man entered the kitchen, kind of built, stocky, not quite six feet tall,
heavy on the Native American, and made a beeline for my Sam. He picked her up
from her chair and twirled her around while she laughed like a little girl it
was the most carefree I'd seen her since I'd been here and it was for another
man, a man who had his hands on her...
I saw Charlie once again sizing me up out of the corner of my eye, what I
wanted to know was why wasn't he telling this big gorilla to unhand his
daughter? No brotherly type would have his hand on her ass. Fuck no, I was ready
to tear him from limb to limb but Charlie apparently woke up out of his stupor
in time to save the kid from an ass whipping.

"Brand put the girl down we got
"Oh hey man I didn't see you there. Brandon Godwin, friends call me
"Brandon." You aren't really contemplating having a pissing contest
with a kid are you Sweeney? I politely shook his hand, barely restraining
myself from crushing the bones in his.
"Gabriel Sweeney."
"Yeah man pleased to meet ya, so come on Sam you ready?"
I folded my arms across my chest like an ADD kid about to throw the mother of
all tantrums. If she even thought of stepping out that door with him, I
couldn't be held responsible for my actions. Brother my ass, were these two
blind? It was plain as the nose on his face that he wanted her, too fucking bad
buddy she was off the market as of ten o'clock this morning, run along now, go
play with your other friends because if I had my way the last time she went
anywhere alone with you, was the last time she went anywhere alone with you.
"Uhm, Brand Bear I was gonna call you, I can't go, you know guest and
all." She pointed at me like an afterthought. Oh really. And what the hell
was up with that Brand Bear shit. God now I'm snarking.
"Aw come on Sammy Charlie's here he can keep him company, besides he's
Charlie's guest right."
"Brandon why don't you head on out with your friends? Sam will see you
next week alright." Charlie had the good sense to pipe in.
The kid looked like he wanted to argue but then thought better of it.
"Walk me out Sam." He practically dragged her out of the room and it
took everything I had not to follow them and break his damn arm, he better keep
his hands to himself if he knew what was good for him. I started counting down
the seconds. Shit I'd met her less than twelve hours ago and already she'd made
me insane.

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