Furious (11 page)

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Authors: Susan A. Bliler

BOOK: Furious
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He lowered his head like a wolf stalking prey before he threatened in a deep gravely tone, “Lucia…keep this up and I promise I will come over there and prove you wrong.” 

Suddenly, Lucia had knots in her belly, but she couldn’t help but toss back, “You couldn’t if you tried.”  The smirk of satisfaction slid from her face instantly and she inhaled audibly as a sinister grin spread across Draken’s face.  Without taking her eyes from his, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and hugged her shoulders tightly as if she could read his mind.  His satisfaction at her discomfort was apparent.  They stood staring at each other for what felt like an eternity when Lucia suddenly dropped her arms and turned to run back to her room.  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Draken quickly dash into his. 


Chapter 15

Inside her room, Lucia’s mind frantically raced along with her feet as she didn’t stop to look for a place to hide.  She heard Draken’s bedroom door crash open out in the hallway, as she flew into the bathroom on the far side of her room. She entered the bathroom just as she heard her bedroom door slam open. 

Cursing, she attempted to stop in place but slid halfway across the bathroom on the large white carpet that lay on the bathroom’s floor.  She pushed off the furthest bathroom wall, her heart pounding in her chest.  She could hear Draken’s bare feet slapping the floor as he quickly approached the bathroom. 

She threw her body against the door and slammed the lock in place.  She didn’t even have a second to catch her breath before she heard Draken’s deep animalistic voice on the other side of the door, “Lucia I’m kicking this door in, so I’d advise you to move away from it.” 

She was backing away even as Draken spoke.  Just as her backside touched the sink on the furthest side of the bathroom, the door crashed off its hinges.  Standing in the darkened bathroom with one hand cupped inside the other and both held to her lips, Lucia’s eyes darted about the bathroom for a hiding place, a weapon, something, anything. 

Draken stepped into the bathroom and pinned her with a heated gaze.  He didn’t take his eyes off her as he slowly approached, his chest heaving with adrenaline and desire. 

Lucia’s eyes were wide as she whispered, “Draken…don’t.” 

His sinister smile returned as he drawled, “If there’s one thing you’ll learn my love, it’s that I keep
the promises I make.” 

Before she could react, he had her off her feet and up in his arms.  As he carried her from the bathroom she protested, stammering quickly, “Draken…I’m…you…we should call Patrick to fix the door.” 

Without taking his eyes from his path, he leaned his head closer to her neck and inhaled deeply before he released a low growl.  The sound sent shivers down her spine.  Her mind was racing and she barely noticed when he carried her from her room and into his own. 

Once in his room, realization set in and Lucia began frantically pushing at his chest and kicking wildly to free herself from his embrace.  He held her tightly and smiled as he approached the large canopied bed.  He tossed her onto his bed as if she weighed nothing.  Quickly she scrambled to her knees and attempted to crawl off the furthest side.  In one deft move, Draken grabbed her ankle, turned her over, and pulled her into him so that his body was positioned between her legs. 

Her chest was heaving as Draken lay down on top of her, kissing her throat and sliding his hand up her thigh and underneath her thin nightgown.  She struggled until his mouth claimed her own, brutally at first, then becoming gentle in a way she thought impossible for him.  At the softness of his lips and the persistence of his hands, she gave in, and Draken kept his promise.


Chapter 16

Lucia woke to the sound of birds chirping outside the window.  Opening her eyes, she was greeted by the morning sun shining through the opened balcony doors.  She stretched in the comfort of the warm bed, and nestled deeper into its warmth, before her eyes snapped open. 

Slowly rolling from her belly to her back, she clutched the satin, chocolate-colored sheets to her naked body.  She sighed with relief to discover that Draken was no longer lying in bed beside her.  As she sat up, Lucia pushed her long tousled tresses back from her face.  Quietly, she scanned the room and was grateful to discover that Draken was no longer within its confines. 

Dropping her forehead down into her hands, she shook her head, disgusted with her wanton behavior the night before.  She felt her cheeks sting with crimson as she remembered how she had reacted to Draken’s touch.  “Oh my God”, she whispered in disbelief, “what was I thinking.”  Dropping her hands and looking up, she inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled, as she contemplated how she was going to get out of the manor and off the estate without running into Draken. 

She climbed from the bed with the sheets wrapped around her body.  She bent to the floor, retrieving her nightgown and panties; clutching them in one hand and holding the sheets tightly to her body with the other.  She quickly shimmied to the door and opened it to meet a startled Patrick on the other side. 

“Good morning Miss Griffin.”  Pushing past her with a silver cart of food, Patrick continued without seeming to notice her state of disarray, “Lord Shatan thought you might enjoy breakfast in bed this morning.”  As Patrick locked the wheels on the cart next to a small wooden table beside the balcony, Lucia pried in an overly nonchalant tone, “Oh!  Thank you Patrick.  Um…where is Mr. Shatan…uh, Lord Shatan…um, Draken?” 

Without taking his eyes off the task at hand, Patrick responded, “Lord Shatan is down with the movers.  He has an exceedingly busy schedule this afternoon.”  Glancing up from his task as if something important had just struck him, Patrick turned to Lucia with an intent look on his face and asked, “Would you like me to summon Lord Shatan for you Miss?” 

“NO!”  Lucia shouted too quickly.  “I mean no, he’s very busy today.  Let’s not disturb him.”  Changing the subject she asked, “Who’s moving?” 

Patrick raised his eyebrows and gave her a look that said, ‘you must be joking’, before he answered without actually answering, “Lord Shatan has been up for hours taking care of matters.  I recommend you not worry yourself with such masculine affairs.”  As he strode past her he added, “Your breakfast is getting cold Miss,” then closed the door behind him. 

Perplexed, Lucia slowly walked to the table and picked up a piece of still-warm bacon.  Chewing on it, she wondered why she could never get a straight answer from Patrick. 

She knew that time was of the essence, but she was too famished to allow the delicious smelling breakfast to go to waste.  She made a breakfast sandwich with the toast, eggs, and bacon on the plate.  She ate quickly, taking large gulps of the tall glass of orange juice between bites.  Setting the last bite of the sandwich down on the plate, she drained the glass of orange juice in one swallow, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and tiptoed back to her own room. 

In her room, she noticed that her bed had been made, and the bathroom door had been repaired.  She quickly showered and emerged from the bathroom to discover that the clothes she had been wearing the day before were missing from the bedside chair where she’d placed them the night before.  Crossing the room to a large chest of drawers, she opened a drawer to pull out clothing that had been purchased during her stay and that was still kept in her room. 

She retrieved white socks, a pair of lacey panties, a pair of blue jeans, and a sky-blue t-shirt.  After dressing quickly, she shoved her feet into a pair of canvas shoes she found at the foot of the bed, brushed her hair back into a ponytail, and applied light make-up.  She couldn’t decide if she was feeling nauseous from the breakfast she’d eaten or from her nerves, but she was positive it was the latter. 

Crossing the room to the bedroom door, she opened the door a crack and peeked out into the hallway; it was empty.  Taking a deep breath, she decided she was going to walk straight down stairs, find Patrick and demand he arrange for a taxi to pick her up at the estate’s front gate, where she planned to stand and wait until the taxi arrived. 

As she strode from her room, she set her chin defiantly in the air and resolved to not be deterred from her course. 

Descending the stairs, she could see that the foyer was buzzing with activity.  Movers in grey suits were filling the vast entrance area with tarp-covered furnishings.  Several movers brushed past her on their ascent up the stairs, each carrying large boxes.  Lucia scanned the floor for Draken and was simultaneously relieved and disappointed not to find him. 

Tearing her eyes from the commotion of the movers, she smiled appreciatively to herself as she turned the knob on the front door.
Wow!  This’ll be easier than I thought.

As she opened the door to walk out of the manor, her brow furrowed with annoyance, as she had to step aside for two movers; each carrying the end of a long bulky object.  She stood holding the door open as the movers passed by.  Part of the tarp covering the heavy object they carried caught on the bottom of the door and was pulled back revealing a couch similar to Lucia’s own. 
That would look exactly like my couch, if only it were torn on the right arm rest.

Scanning the couch as it passed by, her heart stopped when she saw the small tear on the right armrest.  She turned and glanced at the many covered furnishings.  Slowly, she walked to the nearest one and carefully peeled back the tarp to reveal a hope chest that exactly matched one she had purchased from a street vendor in Venice. 

Quickly, she began negotiating the room and ripping the tarps off several items.  Anger welled up with each item she uncovered, until Lucia simply stood back and yelled, “These are my things!” 

The movers all stopped their efforts and simply stared at her.  After a few moments, the movers looked at one another then returned to their efforts as if she hadn’t even spoken. 

Lucia ran from the room to the library just off the foyer. “Draken!” she shouted, but no answer came.  She ran from room to room, shouting for Draken, but was unable to find him. 

Almost hysterical, she ran into the kitchen and startled several housemaids who were placing dishes into cupboards.  Out of breath and shaking with anger she demanded, “Draken…where I can find him?” 

The maids all began speaking at once and all Lucia could make out was several “Lord Shatan's”.  Annoyed, she held up her hand and the maids ceased talking.  She looked at the nearest one and said, “You.  I’m sorry I don’t know your name, but can you please tell me where I can find Draken.” 

Nervously, the girl lowered her head and looked at the other maids, then looked back to Lucia after receiving approving head nods from her co-workers.  “My name is Annie Ma’am.  Lord Shatan is in the stables.  He rides there every morning.” 

As Lucia made to walk out the back door the maid stopped her, “Ma’am, if the movers have damaged any of your belongings, you should inform Patrick.  Patrick always handles those types of matters for Lord Shatan…and for you too now I suppose.” 

Lucia turned to the girl and asked, “What does that mean?  Me too?  And why are my belongings here?  Would somebody please tell me what in the hell is going on!” 

An elderly maid entered the room just as Lucia finished her plea.  Turning to see who had entered, Lucia turned back to the young maids to find them all scurrying from the room with their heads down.  Behind her she heard the older maid clear her throat.

“Requesting information from the maids isn’t wise Ma’am.  Speaking out of line could cost those girls their jobs.” 

Feeling a little guilty, Lucia spun to address the lady dressed in a grey and blue maid’s uniform.  “I wasn’t trying to get anyone fired; I just have questions that no one will answer.  Do you know why my furniture is out in the foyer?” 

The elderly maid pursed her lips and gave Lucia a quizzical look, “You feeling alright Ma’am?” 

When Lucia didn’t answer the maid continued, “I haven’t been informed of the particulars.  Only know that I was informed to notify the staff to prepare for tomorrow as quickly as possible, and that the lady of the manor wasn’t to be disturbed.” 

Lucia felt her head throb with jealousy, “And where exactly is this lady of the manor?”  Lucia gritted through clenched teeth. 

“Why it’s you Ma’am,” was her simple reply. 

Frustrated beyond all sanity, Lucia shook her head in disgust and asked, “Tomorrow, what’s happening tomorrow?” 

A grin spread across the maid’s face turning her stern features almost childlike in their obvious pleasure at whatever tomorrow held.  “Oh Ma’am!  You shouldn’t jest so about your precious day, it might bring ill luck.” 

“Precious day?”  Lucia whispered to herself and caught the maid just as she made to exit the room with a basket of shiny red apples.  “What’s so precious about it?” 

The old maid spun in a circle with the basket of apples clung to her hip as she danced out of the room, “Not since Lord and Lady Shatan has there been a wedding on the estate.”

Lucia heard the maid’s tone change to one of concern as she passed through a side door, “So much to do, so much to do” she tisked as she scurried down the hall. 

Lucia stood in the empty kitchen looking from left to right and wondering what had just happened.  “Wedding, who in the hell is getting married?” she asked aloud to the empty room.


Chapter 17

Lucia let herself out the back door of the kitchen and found her way to the stables, which were nestled on the East end of the estate.  As she approached, she saw Draken standing in the shade of a large oak tree brushing the mane of an all-black stallion.  Her feet stalled when the hounds from hell came bounding toward her. 

Draken looked up to follow the dogs’ excited path.  Lucia stood frozen in fear of being torn to shreds.  She heard Draken whistle once just as the dogs approached her.  Upon hearing Draken’s whistle, all three dogs skidded to a halt and began sniffing each other as if they had suddenly forgotten what they were so excited about. 

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