Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus (11 page)

Read Frozen Holidays 1& 2 Eudorus and Zelus Online

Authors: Crystal Dawn

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #christmas, #action adventure, #alien, #sci fi, #dna

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He looked up as a female entered the room
with a flute of champagne in her hand. He felt as if he’d been
poleaxed. She had hair the color of ginger and eyes as blue as the
sky. Her complexion didn’t match her coloring. Instead of the pale
freckled skin he expected, she had a warm tanned color. Her lips
were full and pouty and he had an insane desire to kiss her socks
off. Not that she wore socks, no she wore stockings and he would
bet she wore a garter belt under that tight sexy dress. He wanted
to know so bad it hurt.

Things weren’t looking up for him. He had
feared she might be his mate, but now he knew she was. How was it
that he had managed to be the only god paired with a female
villain? Beautiful to look at but dangerous to hold. His body
hadn’t gotten the memo- female villain, don’t touch. His whole body
shook with the excitement of being near enough to smell his mate.
It was her alluring scent that was causing the problems or maybe
aggravating the problems her tempting looks had started.

She looked at him with wide eyed surprise and
he deduced that she’d not expected the added distraction of meeting
her mate. She might be human and even they had soul mates, but
she’d worked with gods enough that she must realize they had only
one true mate. The wide eyed surprise had lessened turning into

“Zelus?” she asked uncertainly.

“Yes, Em. I am Zelus. Should we get into the
tub?” he asked trying to get her focused on what they were here to

“Yes, wait a moment and I’ll be back. You can
change in the men’s room,” she said pointing to a door on the
opposite wall.

He hadn’t brought anything to change into,
but he would have to undress regardless. He went to the door and
entered. There was a shelf that had men’s shorts on it. They were
comfortable and very accommodating, but once wet he was sure they
would hide little. It seemed almost a waste of time to put them on
but he did anyway so he wouldn’t stand out and call more attention
to himself than his big aching cock would already do.

He left the men’s room and went ahead and got
in the whirlpool tub. He settled in and was comfortable by the time
she came out. She was wearing one small bikini and it wasn’t hiding
any more than his shorts were. He hadn’t thought he could get any
harder but he’d been wrong. He couldn’t even blame his stress on
someone else, it had been his idea to get in the tub.

She hurried to get in the water like she was
diving for cover. She probably was because she seemed nervous to be
examined by him. He couldn’t help but look and appreciate every
beautiful curve she had. At least she wasn’t one of those skinny
model types. Some of his friends liked skinny women but he liked to
have his hands full when he fucked. Em was perfectly his type with
her sassy ass just begging for him to squeeze it. Her breasts
weren’t overly big, but he only needed a handful and she had

She was looking at him and he wondered if
he’d missed something. He didn’t think he had so maybe she was
waiting for him to start the conversation. He could do that. He
started asking questions about the facility and she was able to
answer everything to his satisfaction. He wanted to ask some
personal things, but he wasn’t sure that he should.

“Why did you sign up with Origin?” he asked
unable to fight his curiosity.

“Ten years ago, no one knew what they were or
what they were doing. I was still in college, pre-med, and I needed
a job so I could stay in school. Even with scholarships, I didn’t
have enough to pay my way. Origin made me a deal. I could work for
them in the summer, on weekends, and school breaks. They would pay
me generous wages, but I had to agree to give them a year at the
same pay after I graduated. A year was no big deal, right? Wrong,
once they had me I couldn’t get away. Even though I was a
researcher and worked with just samples that were supposedly
volunteered for pay, when I tried to leave they threatened me.”

“Wasn’t there anyone you could turn to?”

“I had a half sister but we were never close.
She said to pull up my big girl panties and just leave. She didn’t
believe they could do anything to me. I left like she suggested,
but they’d been keeping a closer eye on me than I thought. They
dragged me back and they showed me a video. My sister was on it and
they killed her. It was a convincing argument and I never tried to
leave again. It’s been five years, but I have a bigger reason to
leave. It’s about more than just me now. Joy needs a chance at a
normal life and she’ll get it if it kills me. She’s half god so I
know even if I don’t make it, you’ll take care of her. You guys
take care of your own and this is your chance to get back two gods,
a child, and a handful of females that I believe are carrying baby

“I’m sorry you went through that. You’ll make
it too and you’ll be able to build a life with your Joy.” He didn’t
add that he’d be part of that life too. He felt better about his
mate now that he knew she wasn’t completely evil. She didn’t have
the strengths he had hoped his mate would have. She wasn’t tough
like Doc or the other mates. He would get to know her better and
learn what strengths she did have. At least he knew she could be
loyal. The child seemed to own all her loyalty now but hopefully it
would extend to him and the other gods as a whole eventually.

Someone was coming, he could hear and smell
them. He moved closer to her and pulled her on his lap kissing her
passionately. The intruder retreated, he wasn’t sure who it had
been except that it was a man.

“Sorry about that,” he said even though he
wasn’t. “Someone looked in here and they needed to believe this was
just a hook up.” He could see the kiss had affected her too. He
wanted to take things to the next level but he knew he needed to be
patient. He could risk scaring her away, they needed to do this and
quicker was better. Once it was done, he’d pursue their personal

“I understand,” she whispered. He wondered if
she truly did, if not she soon would.

“Let’s get a plan together as quickly as we

She went through the schedule and in two days
there would be a delivery. Food, medicine, and other necessities
were brought in once a week by a company they had used for years.
Raker trusted them. Another thing that helped them was Raker was at
another facility were he had some pet projects. That facility was
about to be hit, but Em didn’t know that. They had to do this in
two days or lose their window of opportunity. There was no need to
share that type of information with her. It would only cause her
needless worry.

Sitting close like this was driving Zelus
crazy. It was even worse because he couldn’t tell if it had the
same effect on her or not. He could feel her wet body making
contact with his and sliding against the side she was sitting on.
He wanted to just pull her back on his lap and impale her on his
hard and ready cock. He couldn’t and it was driving him crazy. The
plan needed his full attention in order to be successful. Luckily,
he knew his clothing carried a superior listening device that
Olympic security had provided. He had put his clothing as close to
the door as possible and had no doubts that Hades and Doc would be
listening closely.

The plan was roughly in place and now it was
time for her to go before the males tailing her came in after her.
She stood up in the water and the suit she wore was translucent.
Her nipples pressed against the top of her suit nearly visible in
all their glory. His mouth watered as his eyes continued to move
lower. Her slightly rounded stomach would be the perfect cushion
for his hard thrusts. Her sweet pussy was visible enough that he
could tell the only hair was a narrow landing strip. He didn’t need
the directions, he could have found her entrance purely by the hot
musky smell of arousal that came from her.

She was physically his perfect match. She was
probably smarter than him, but he could live with that. Now that he
knew she wasn’t evil incarnate, it made it hard to resist taking
her. His cock was so hard it wept as he watched her exit the tub
and dry off before entering the women’s room. He knew he should get
out of the tub too but he didn’t want to scare her if she saw the
massive beast between his legs that was fully awake.
Damn the
thing ached!

She had changed quickly and was now leaving.
He had to go too. He got out and dried off. He slid the shorts off
and tossed them into a nearby hamper. He put on the clothes he had
worn into the place and he was ready to get back to the hotel. He
wondered how the surveillance had gone and if they had followed Em
and her shadows back to wherever they went. Those men had better
not think about causing her any trouble. It wouldn’t be hard to
damage a guard when they rescued the gods, the women, and Em and
her child.

He would have a ready made family. The
thought didn’t bother him, it made him happy. Gods loved children
and they didn’t mind old people either. They just weren’t lucky
enough to have any of them around. Gods were accepting of all
people. They didn’t discriminate like humans seemed to. Em would
realize that he was the best choice for her. He needed to hurry
back to the hotel where he planned to research his mate to find out
everything about her that he possibly could.

He arrived without a tail. He’d checked his
mirrors carefully. He entered the hotel with a sense of purpose
moving him along. He would know all there was to know about the
female that would be his mate.

Chapter 3


Em was nervous and even a little bit scared.
She tried to breathe deep and relax, but it was no use. She figured
Raker would be coming to see her in the morning, but she was wrong.
It wasn’t Raker and he didn’t wait until morning.

She entered her suite on the top floor of the
facility. Joy was in her bed asleep her doll clutched in her tiny
hand. Martha was in her room with the door closed again. She’d
asked her to leave her door open when she was home alone with Joy,
but the woman just did as she liked. She was here as a
nanny/cook/house keeper, but she did a poor job most of the time.
Raker had picked her but she didn’t seem to have any obvious
skills. Em would think she was his fuck buddy except the woman was
at least twenty years older than Raker and looked every day of

Martha had the worst teeth Em had ever seen.
They were broken off with just stubs sticking out and they were a
blackish green. Her hair was greasy most of the time. Em thought
she only took a monthly bath since body odor was also a problem.
Last Christmas she had bought her a collection of expensive
perfumes, bubble bath, and skin lotions. The woman had never used
it, not even once.

The worst thing probably was that she
couldn’t cook and was too lazy to clean. The only thing she did do
was take decent care of Joy. She made sure the basics were seen to
and not one extra thing above that. Joy was such a beautiful girl
and so good. How Martha could keep herself clear of emotional
entanglements with a child was more than Em could understand.
Children and pets, animals of all kinds really, were Em’s personal
Achilles heel. She grew attached easily and it was painful when
they parted.

Raker had used Joy against her even before
she was born. Maybe he had recognized the way Em yearned to be free
of Origin and him. Em wasn’t sure but it made sense. He’d told her
they finally managed to breed a god child and that if Em wasn’t
there, no one would protect the child as she grew up. It was ironic
that the child he used to control her was the very catalyst to the
actions she was taking now.

Zelus, he had said some of his god buddies
called him Zee, had drawn her in like a magnet. She had never felt
so feminine in her life. He could be dangerous to her but only if
she allowed him to be. She had to overlook the way he made her feel
so she could concentrate on protecting the gods in her care the
best she could since they were so close to being freed. She and
they had bonded on some level, she was their main contact to the
outside world and the only one who would stand up for them. She
wouldn’t go so far as to say they were friends, but they had an
understanding. She hadn’t told them help was coming, she couldn’t
risk the word getting out. She had only told them things would get

In a way, they already had. She had taken it
upon herself to improve their diet and to do all testing herself. A
gentle hand on the needle or scalpel could make all the difference.
She had never wanted to experiment on live patients. Raker had left
her no choice because as the abuse had mounted, she had taken over
more and more of the testing herself.

Rheus and Themus, the gods Raker was keeping,
were holding up maybe even better than expected but only because of
her intervention. She was glad that action would be taken soon, she
didn’t think she could take much more. She wondered for the
hundredth time what had gone so wrong in her life.

Once her parents had died and she had gone to
live with her mother’s sister. Aunt May hadn’t been good or bad.
She had never married or had children because she she had been too
wrapped up in her own life and quite frankly, herself. She was an
actress of some minor repute always trying to claim the real fame
that was just out of her reach. She made more money through the
gifts and care of her lovers, most of which were famous actors,
writers, directors, or producers. She went from one to the next
with as little time in between as possible.

Em had been raised mostly by the housekeepers
May always had one wherever she went. Once Em was thirteen, she had
gone to the best boarding school money could buy. When her aunt
died of aids, Em was sixteen, she liquidated all her aunt’s assets
and used the money for her education. It had been one of the
reasons she had wanted to be a researcher. She had wanted to cure
diseases and improve the lives of those with illnesses like aids
and cancer. She and her aunt had never been close, but May had been
there for her. She‘d been her family and even in death had left her
what she needed to finish raising herself.

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