Frosted on the Ferris Wheel (8 page)

BOOK: Frosted on the Ferris Wheel
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Quietly and with great restraint, Holly slid the paper to the spot next to her. She sipped her coffee and forced herself to take pleasure in the small things: the nutty scent, the comfort of the warmth, and the fact that later she’d buy a copy of the Daily Paper and burn it.

Lindsey leaned across the bar, taking a break from her work. “Darling, I can see you’re troubled. Now, as owner of this restaurant, I see and hear a lot. I don’t want to know the details. I don’t want to know the truth.” She patted Holly’s arm. “You’re in a tough spot, opening a new business. That takes courage. That takes spirit. I would know. So keep your head high. Be the better person. And you’ll make it out alright in the end.”

As Lindsey rushed away to fill orders, Holly appreciated her friend. Be the better person.

That’s what she had to do.


Coffee in-hand, hoping Millicent liked cream and sugar, Holly strolled down Main Street to The Daily News. So many conflicting thoughts, hard thoughts that made no sense whirled through her head. From Charlene’s abrupt turnabout to Millicent’s article filled with subtle slams only Holly would catch, to Lindsey’s advice to be the better person.

That’s what Holly chose to do.

She pushed through the glass doors and into the waiting room. Laughter sounded from the hall from Millicent’s office. Seconds later, Millicent exited, followed by a mother and child.

“This will make a great first article, spotlighting heroic acts in Fairview. Can I take your picture outside?” she asked to the young boy.

He nodded.

Millicent cast Holly a suspicious look and went outside with the mother and son. Why was Millicent trying so hard to come across as this loving, good-hearted person? Was it to win Trent back? To earn her spot back in the book club by proving herself? Holly suspected it was both.

Or maybe she’d truly experienced a change of heart, and Holly had left no room for her to show it.

Normally, Holly would’ve used this time to wander into Millicent’s office and poke around. But she didn’t have the heart, or the motivation. If Millicent were going to attend the secret club at lunch, then she’d share any information at that time.

“Why Holly, what a nice surprise. Are you here to talk with me?”

“Yes, I am.” Head up. Be the better person, Holly reminded herself.

“Follow me.” Millicent took a seat behind her desk. “It must be about my article this morning. I’ve received emails from readers, responding to my article about relationships. I have enough questions for the next year.”

“Wow. That’s terrific.” Holly wasn’t lying. Millicent’s article cut to the heart of anyone and everyone, because family and relationships were a part of life. No one could escape them.

“I know. Isn’t it?” Millicent gushed, the joy radiating off her. She looked beautiful. “Or you’ve probably stopped by to apologize for your outrageous behavior recently. Sabotaging my date out of jealousy and poor sportsmanship.”

Holly ground her teeth and desperately tried to control her rage. If Millicent pressed further, Holly didn’t know how she’d react. She had to get over this. Maybe inviting her to the book club was the only way.

“But I completely understand. Trent’s a hottie. He’s a hard one to lose. I know from experience.” Millicent smiled sympathetically. “Or maybe you’ve stopped by for relationship advice. Like how to find the perfect rebound. Or cures for the broken heart.” She clapped her hands. “Perfect for my next article.”

“How will you ever find the time to write two columns?”

Millicent laughed and waved. “No problem. It just comes so naturally. I’m an excellent writer. The words flow. I barely have to do any editing. And lately, I’ve been inspired.”

“So I’ve noticed,” Holly said.

“What?” Millicent let out a gasp. “You read my article. That’s wonderful.”

Holly thought more seriously about her plans to burn the paper. Maybe make it a part of her daily routine.

“Or maybe,” Millicent said. “Your sad mystery club is up against a wall with this current investigation and need my help.”

This was it. The perfect segue into the invitation. Holly smiled. She could be the better person. “We’ve all talked and would love for you to start coming to book club again.”

“I knew it was only a matter of time before they faltered without my wit and insight. Of course I’ll come.” Millicent blew a strand of hair from her eyes and leaned back, waiting, as if she knew there was more, as if she knew what Holly was going to say.

“We’d love for you to come to the secret society today at noon.” Holly spit out the words.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t hear you. Would you repeat that?”

Holly smoothed her dress, stalling. “We’d love for you to attend the secret society meeting today at noon.”

“Ha!” Millicent slammed her hand against the desk, a triumphant, with snooty smile. “I knew it!”

Holly had to get out of there, burn off steam. Run and run until she forgot all about this morning. “Would you like to host it at
The Tasty Bite

“I’d love to. I knew those old bats wouldn’t go for very long without my dad’s chocolate chip cheesecake.” She tilted her head and softened her voice. “I’m sorry. I know how hard this must be now that the luster has faded. Now that your reputation is suffering and the club is turning back to me. And then there’s Trent too, but I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about that with me.”

“No. Not really. So I’ll tell Charlene you’re in?” Trent? So last night truly was a date. She guessed they were broken up after all.

Millicent pulled out her phone. “Not a problem. I’ve been texting with all of them for the past day or so. I’ll let them know myself.” Holly tapped the side of her head. “And I’ll share the new information I found on the case.”

“Can’t wait.” Holly smiled and forced enthusiasm into her voice. “See you then.”

Holly didn’t want to attend the meeting of the minds without bringing something to share. For the past month, they’d been using the secret meetings not only to plan investigations but as a time to bake at
Just Cheesecake
. Maybe she’d taken advantage of that?

She tightened her grip on the pitcher of homemade iced-tea and entered
The Tasty Bite
. If she didn’t feel so unwelcome it would be a great place to enjoy a cup of coffee and one of Pierre’s decadent desserts. The sunlight slanted in through the large windows. The scent of cinnamon wafted through the air. The low chatter of friends rumbled in the background.

The meeting was at noon. She glanced around the place, wondering if maybe Charlene had arrived early and they could chat. But what about? That Charlene had been absent from a lot lately? That Holly missed her ornery friendship? For the first time, the murder investigation wasn’t top priority.

Someone sat hunched over a laptop at one of the small corner tables. The blonde hair barely rose above it. If Holly listened carefully, she could hear the clatter of keys as someone typed ferociously. She studied Millicent, her focus and determination. Was she writing another article or working on her mystery?

Holly approached, hesitantly, but trying to have a right attitude. “Hi, there.”

Millicent didn’t respond, her eyes on the screen.

“Hey!” Holly said louder.

After a glance at her, Millicent said, “That time already?”

“I think so.”

Millicent typed faster, then with a satisfying nod, closed down her laptop. “I’ve been so inspired lately. I think this latest twist will make my story a killer.” She giggled at her own joke.

Holly smiled. “Glad it’s coming along.”

“About time.” She stood. “Want to know what I added?” She didn’t wait for Holly to answer. “I added romance. The amateur sleuth, a budding mystery writer on the brink of discovery, has the town cop wrapped around her finger. He’s hopelessly in love with her.”

Holly bit down on the inside of her mouth.

“Hey ladies!” Millicent called. “About time you guys got here. Holly and I were wondering...”

Charlene, Kitty, and Ann joined them.

“We ready?” Charlene asked. “Where should we meet? Hope you have some place a little more private here.”

Millicent nudged Charlene with her fist. “You don’t have to put up the tough act with me.” She waved them all on. “Just follow me.”

They entered the kitchen where Pierre was hard at work. He offered a smile, his cheeks flushing with color. “Enjoy your time, ladies.”

“Thanks, Papa!”

Millicent led them through the kitchen to a backroom with a table and chairs all set up. A chocolate chip cheesecake sat in the center. Holly placed her pitcher of iced-tea beside it.

Once they were all seated, Charlene pulled out her notebook. “Let’s get started.”

Millicent cleared her throat. “First, I wanted to express my thanks at inviting me to your secret club. I’ve known about it for a while, waiting and hoping someday I would receive an invitation. And the day finally came.” She dabbed at the corner of her eyes. “So thank you. I promise you won’t regret it.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll be put to work later today.” Charlene read over her notes. “Basically, we’ve got nothing. We can’t seem to pinpoint a motive for anyone. Even the cops seem a bit befuddled from what I can tell.”

“Oo! Oo!” Millicent raised her arm like she was a schoolgirl. “I know you’ve all tried to subtly interrogate Trent, but sometimes he lets more slip with me, knowing that I’m an investigative reporter. And lately, with our changing relationship, I might get him to admit to more than usual.” She giggled at the seductive tone to her voice, showing exactly how she intended to woo that information from him.

Kitty and Ann glanced at Holly with sympathetic smiles. Holly’s insides crumbled a bit more.

“That might work. My bacon quiche hasn’t been doing the trick lately,” Charlene said, without batting an eye at the fact that Millicent practically admitted to seducing her son.

“No wonder,” Millicent said with a gasp. She smiled slyly. “Melted chocolate, fresh strawberries, and lacy undergarments work wonders.”

Holly stifled a gasp, Millicent’s words a stabbing pain to her heart.

Ann piped up. “Why don’t we cover what we do know?”

Refusing to completely shut down, Holly said, “Most likely the murder was planned, not a heat-of-the-moment thing.”

“It’s called a crime of passion,” Millicent said snootily.

“What else?” Charlene asked.

“Most likely,” Kitty sliced a piece of cheesecake, “the suspects are the victim’s wife, Judy Schilling, and his business partner at Sunny Side Realty, Joel Atherton.”

Holly thought about her run-ins with Chip. Yes, he seemed completely separate from this murder, but he was at the crime scene that morning. And, she’d overheard him talk about payment and finishing the job. And, he’d threatened her. “There might be someone else.”

“Who?” Millicent’s eyes narrowed in suspicion as if it was absurd that Holly might know something she didn’t.

“Chip. The guy you had a date with the other night. He’s a worker at the fair. He’s been setting up the rides. He was at the crime scene. He’s talked about payment and finishing the job.” She kept to herself his threats, because it would expose her failed espionage missions, and she couldn’t handle being humiliated right then.

“Pfft.” Millicent waved her hand. “First of all, I wasn’t on a date. And I haven’t seen him since. Second, I’ve been living in this town for years. Those fairground workers are all the same. A lot of wind but no sail.” She looked pointedly as Holly. “The biggest lesson I’ve learned in writing mysteries is that we can’t create suspects based on appearance. They are often red herrings and cause confusion where there shouldn’t be any.” She slowed her speech and spoke clearly as if Holly were a child. “A red herring is a type of false clue, meant to mislead the reader.”

“Thanks,” Holly said dryly.

Millicent clapped her hands and let out a squeal. “I knew this club needed me.” Then she grew serious. “That being said, I have information on who the real suspect might be. Based on fact, not on stereotypes.”

Holly tried to hide her grimace but her body tensed, sending a dull ache across her back. How did Millicent do that—insult Holly while making herself look better, smarter?

“Okay, let us have it,” Charlene stated, glanced at Holly, her face a blank slate, then focused on Millicent.

“We all know Gary Schilling was a realtor. I believe you also know he had purchased the abandoned lot. Come to find out, he’s been buying multiple parcels of land, and he’s been doing this for the past couple years. Without telling Joel.”

“But there’s nothing wrong with purchasing land,” Kitty said. “It’s considered a wise investment.”

Millicent grinned triumphantly, a gleam in her eyes. She slid copies of receipts across the table. “Yes, but what if he was using the business’s profit to fund these purchases?”

They murmured, surprised and impressed. Even Holly had to admit this was the biggest break in the case so far.

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