From The Ashes (Life After War)

Read From The Ashes (Life After War) Online

Authors: Angela White

Tags: #survival fiction, #fantasy series, #apocalypse story, #angela white, #new fantasy book, #life after war, #magical fantasy, #from the ashes

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A Note from the Author


There is now a new website for this series, where you'll be able to find all the thing you're looking for in one EASY-to-use place. I built it myself and hope you like it.


The Life After War website


Also, Kendle and Luke will not make an appearance until the very end of this book. Please do not let that distract you from the amazing journey we’re about to make together. There’s a long road ahead for Safe Haven, and it’s time we took our next steps.

Please flip the page after reminding yourself that the world you know has not collapsed, that there was no apocalypse, and that the future of mankind looks just fine…

From The Ashes


Angela White


Edited by Sharon K. Maybrier

Angela White © 2013

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Standard Copyright laws apply. Made in the United States.

Table of Contents


Part One

One of Them

Rockin' Rough

Welcome Back

In the Garden

Settling Down


Part Two

The Younger Generation

Lines in the Sand

That Sinking Feeling

Honor and Confusion

Tiger by the Tail

Twice the Men

Fighting for It

Give Me Your Line

Chosen, Not Used

The Wire Coming Down

Rookie Rule Six D

All That Buzzing

This is Safe Haven


Part Three

Required Blood

Those Late Nights

Deeper and Deeper

A Major Pain

The Right Bait

Just Keep Moving

It's Your Ship

Mergers & Mayhem



Notes from Angie



Book 6

Deleted Scenes

Interactive Bonus

Are You Strong Enough?


Are you strong enough?

Can you hold your doubt?

Do you care enough?

To take the wild route?


Is your heart beating faster?

Are your muscles tensed for flight?

Did you bring your gun?

It’s the only defense against the night


Have you locked up your loved ones?

Seen to your things and self?

Have you begun to understand?

There is no such thing as wealth


Are you tired of the lies?

Are you ready to show your skill?

Do you have what it takes?

To kill


The battle’s nearly here

The road fraught with danger

And in each apocalyptic strip of street

Lurks a desperate stranger


Are they a threat?

Or maybe a friend?

Someone’s new start

Yet always, the same old end


Are you strong enough?

Can you control your fear?

Are you ready to feel alive?

Cause Mother Nature’s here


and she’s pissed.



Part One



The co
nsequences of an event

Chapter One


Ellsworth County Rest Stop

Glendale, Kansas




Adrian tilted the gun up, and the driver swerved too late. Blood sprayed across the cracked glass.

Out of control, the truck continued its run and the Eagles dove out of the way. They watched from the muddy, blood-soaked ground as it smashed through the big gun, hit Cesar’s Corvette, and jack-knifed. It crashed violently into the piles of burning wreckage, then burst into a sweltering orange fireball that raced over the scene in a heat wave.

Adrian’s Eagles screamed in triumph… and then in warning.

Look out!”

Standing outside the rest stop doors, Angela realized there was someone behind her. Instead of the welcoming chaos of an Eagle mind, there was only darkness oozing from them. Fear shoved into her brain, and she followed her training, drawing as she spun around.

Cesar pulled the trigger with an elated sneer of victory. “If I cannot have you, bruja, neither will they!”

Kill him!” Adrian shouted, unable to get a clear shot with Angela in his line of fire.




The bullet slammed into Angela’s chest, knocking her backward as she fired. She saw her slug plunge into Cesar's stomach as she hit the mud, and realized he would get a second shot. Death was coming.



Cesar’s eyes widened, and the pistol fell from his grip.

Around them, the cicadas went silent.

Cynthia lowered her new gun as the evil man sank to his knees, blood streaming from his wounds.

The reporter didn’t stop the surprised tears as Cesar’s body fell forward and smacked onto the concrete. She had been inside the rest stop, forgotten in the chaos. Now, she was of them.



I’ve gotten her killed.

Adrian’s first thought flew through the Eagles, as well. The sound of running feet echoed like the hoot of an owl.

Angela fought for breath as blood ran down her shirt, and she slumped backwards, hitting the wet ground. Hands and feet surrounded her, voices raised in panic.

She gasped as the vest was roughly ripped away, and then shouted hoarsely as strong hands touched her shoulder. She clenched her teeth against the next cry as the agony increased.

It went through!”

Put pressure on it!”

Angela wanted to help, but the pain was overwhelming. It lashed brutally across her torso in breathtaking waves.

Other side’s pourin’, Boss!”

At least it went through there, too.” Adrian grunted at the sight of the ugly injury. “I need heat… lighters! Get all the car lighters!”

Angela knew what the heat was for. She groped out blindly for a hand and found one.

It's okay, Baby. You're okay,” Jeremy tried to comfort, horrified.

Harder! Make it seal against your palm,” Adrian told Kyle.

Angela managed to open her mouth without screaming. “Don’t... let them… leave.”


Adrian’s order stopped her from saying more, but they all understood. If she died, Charlie and Brady were to be kept at Safe Haven.

Kyle rolled her onto his knee, wrapping her up tight. “Hang on, Eagle.”

Adrian grabbed the first glowing lighter and shoved it against her bloody skin.

Angela’s chilling shriek hurt the Eagles. Knowing how strong she was, how prideful, told them she was in agony to allow them to hear it. One of their own was making that awful sound, and there was nothing they could do but listen.

Her gasping screams also drew the next threat.

Before the War, cicadas feasted on the liquid in plants. The males sang, the females clicked their wings, and their weeks of life were spent in a mating frenzy. Harmless for the most part, they were ignored. When the bombs fell, it changed the weather patterns for the entire planet, and the cicadas’ food sources began drying up. The lack of rain in the Plains forced millions of these emerging insects to consume what was readily available after the War–blood. In an amazingly short amount of time, the bugs had learned that screams meant food.

Get down!” Neil shouted.

Standing in a tight circle around their injured member, the first horde of cicadas hit the distracted Eagles on the farthest edges and enveloped them in a thick cloud. The insects attacked relentlessly, sharp wings and prickly feet slicing into exposed skin as men batted at them and spun out of line. Above them, another wave circled hungrily.

Get inside!” Adrian ordered.

Help the others!” Jeremy added.

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