From One Night to Forever (6 page)

Read From One Night to Forever Online

Authors: Synithia Williams

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: From One Night to Forever
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She sucked in another breath and slid toward the edge of the bed, hoping he didn’t wake up and ask where she was sneaking off to again. Or give her the cold, morning-after
it was fun, I promise I’ll call
speech. She’d been there and done that before. Back when she was too young to realize that most truckers were only interested in quick hookups and not long-term relationships.

Thankfully, he didn’t stir. Kacey found and slipped on her bra and panties in less than a minute. He didn’t move and she congratulated herself of her ninja-like abilities to dress undetected. She found her pants on the floor at the foot of the bed and bent over to grab them. She’d just slipped in one leg when a pair of strong hands gripped her hips and gently pulled her back against the firm chest she’d kissed several times the night before.

“Trying to slip out on me again?” He pulled her hair aside and pressed his lips against the back of her neck.

Desire shivered down her spine, and she had to force herself not to close her eyes and lean back for more. “I didn’t want to disturb you.”

“Where are you going?”

“I have a lot of things to do today. I’m actually running late.” She tried to pull away, but he followed the movement.

His hand spread across her belly. “There’s a lot I have to do today too, but I’d really love to start my day with you…in the shower.”

He kissed her neck again and softly massaged her breast with his hand. Her eyes fluttered. A picture of how good he’d look covered in soapsuds while they washed each other’s backs formed in her mind.

No! Last night was last night—and that was all it was.

Today she had to face reality. Her last, and most important, semester of school was starting, and she was working at the restaurant that night, intent on making the family business a success. Making moves to open a second restaurant. She didn’t have time to go another round with him. The rounds last night had been too good, and slightly addictive. Her life was busy enough without the added distraction of a guy who’d just breeze out of town in a few days.

“I wish, but I really should go.” She stepped quickly out of his embrace, instantly missing his body. She faced him as he stood gloriously naked and amazingly tempting. So not helping her determination.

Eyes on face. Must keep eyes on his face.

He placed his hands on his lean hips, not bothering to hide his nakedness or his long, hard cock. God, this man would look awesome on an erotic postcard.

“Give me your number,” he said. “Maybe we can hook up later?”

Kacey snorted and smirked. His lame attempt quickly distracted her from his naked body. Almost.

He crossed his arms, the lean muscles in his arms flexing with the movement. “What was that for?”

“Nothing,” she said, grabbing her shirt off the floor. “It’s just, you know, you don’t have to pretend as if you’re going to call.”


“Yeah. I know what last night was. And really, I appreciate the attempt to make it seem like you want me to hang around, but let’s just admit that things were fun and move on like the adults that we are.”

She slipped on the tank top and pulled her hair out from the back of the shirt. She had no clue where the band that held her ponytail was and she wouldn’t waste her time trying to find it before leaving.

He took a step forward. “Well, if we’re going to be adults about this, how about you admit that you enjoyed last night as much as I did, and that you would love to give me your number so we can do this again sometime.”

His cockiness made her laugh. “Sometime, like when? The next time you breeze through Resilient? Six months from now, I’ll get a call from you and we’ll hook up again in this hotel?”

“I was thinking more like tonight we hook up again in this hotel, but I’m good with adding six months from now, as well.” His lips rose into a sexy, confident smile.

She shook her head. “I don’t think so. I know how you truckers are.”

He frowned. “‘You truckers’?”

“Yeah, you breeze into town, grab a bite to eat and a willing female to screw. I agreed to be that willing female last night, but I’m not signing on to be your regular hookup in the town of Resilient.”

He took another step forward and took her hand, slipping his fingers through hers. His eyes stared into hers, looking both innocent and tempting. “Maybe I really like you and want to spend more time with you. Come on, last night was great. There’s no reason we can’t enjoy each other.”

This guy was good. And obviously used to getting what he wanted from women. She noticed he didn’t deny her assumptions. And he’d said, “Enjoy each other.” Translation: “Have a bunch of sex until I hit the road.” They’d hook up one more night and then he would call her six months to a year from now when he was in the area and needed an easy lay. Not today. She’d gotten what she wanted and she refused to be his easy plaything.

Kacey took a step back, slipping her hand out of his. “I can think of a few reasons why we can’t.” She lifted a shoulder. “Thanks for the orgasms.”

His brows rose. She tried to walk around him, but he took her hand. “Give me your number.”

Kacey sighed. “Why?”

“Because I want it?”

“You don’t need it.”

He let go of her arm. “Yes, I do. I want to call you, even if it doesn’t include outstanding orgasms.”

“Oh, really? Why?”

He scratched his stomach, right below his belly button, drawing her eyes down, and once again reminding Kacey he was gloriously naked. And hard.

“Because I like you,” he said.

Her eyes flew up. Distracted from his nakedness, kinda sorta, once again. Casanova’s brows lowered, and confusion lined his sexy eyes. She’d bet the restaurant he hadn’t meant to say he liked her.

The damn problem was that she liked him too. Or at least the version of him she’d spent the night with. The real him couldn’t possibly be that great.

Her heart fluttered, the excited, happy fluttering she usually got before singing on the stage at her momma’s restaurant. The one she used to get back when she thought meeting a guy and falling in love was the best thing that could happen in her life. The older, wiser Kacey wanted to believe he was just delivering a line. The younger, innocent Kacey sighed all happy-like. Thankfully she knew how to shut the younger Kacey up. She’d had to after her “relationship” with Dewayne had blown up in her face. He’d chuckled when she said she loved him, and said she was just in love with the sex. Then he’d told her about his wife and kids. Kids who were around her age. Even after that revelation, she’d still thought she could make him love her. Make him leave his family and marry her, only to have her heart broken later when he’d unloaded her as casually as one of his trucking hauls.

Don’t be a fool again, Kacey.
She stepped around him again and looked for her purse. “Yeah…I’m gonna go.”

“You’re really not going to give me your number?”

She found her small beige bag and slid the long strap crossways over her body. Instead of confusion, he wore the look of sexy amusement that had hovered around him the night before.

“Nope, I’m really not.”

He opened his mouth but then his cell phone rang, cutting off whatever he was about to say. “Wait just a moment.”

He backed up toward the bed, eyes trained on her as if she’d disappear if he turned his back. She forced her gaze to remain on his face. Not his gloriously naked body. He picked up the phone, and after a quick glance, his brows rose. He pressed the screen and brought the phone to his face but met Kacey’s gaze.

“Janiyah, what’s up?”

The sound of a frantic female voice filtered across the room, and his brows drew together. His gaze dropped to the floor. “Pregnant! You’re pregnant? Seriously?”

He spun away from Kacey. And just like that, reality hit. The surprise and disbelief in his voice told her all she needed to know. He’d gotten someone pregnant. Pain from her own past mistakes landed heavily in her womb. Her mind flashed back to making a similar call, hearing the same surprise…disbelief…anger. Finally Dewayne’s cold words.
Prove it’s mine. You’ve probably slept with half the guys who come into that restaurant.
Kacey’s throat closed up, and the pain she’d long ago come to terms with tried to rise.

After Sabrina had found out about Kacey being in love with a thirty-six-year-old man, her advice was,
“Tell him you’re pregnant. Nothing shows how much a man doesn’t love you faster than blurting out that you’re pregnant.”
Her momma would know that.

Sabrina hadn’t known that Kacey had actually thought she was pregnant. Had hoped for it, the final thing that would force Dewayne to be with her. Instead he’d brushed her off. Kacey had cried all night. Her period came the next morning.

Unwilling to hear another woman get the same cold treatment she’d gotten, Kacey spun on her heels and hurried out the door.

• • •

Aaron pulled Bertha into the truck parking area of Reggie’s business, R.H. Transportation. He parked at the end of a line of blue and white trucks parked before a loading dock next to the brick warehouse. He hopped out and looked around the well-organized yard. Bertha’s bright yellow and black paint was like the exclamation point at the end of the line of vehicles. He made his way to the entrance. The same blue and white theme on the trucks adorned the interior of the polished reception area. Aaron was impressed. Reggie’s place was nice. He grinned at the lady behind the receptionist desk.

“Good morning, I’m here to see Reggie Holmes,” he said.

“You must be Mr. Henderson.” She made a few clicks on her computer keyboard, a calendar displayed on her screen.

“That would be me.”

“Mr. Holmes is expecting you.” She stood and batted her long lashes. “Right this way.”

Aaron followed her down the hall to an office. She peeked at him over her shoulder, and her hips swayed a little more after he smiled. He would have followed up on her invitation to flirt if his brain wasn’t still trying to recover from the simultaneous shock of learning his baby sister was pregnant and that the woman who’d entranced him the night before had slipped out without giving him her phone number. He was happy for his sister. And forcing himself to be happy with the situation with Kacey. She reminded him too much of his ex. Specifically the thoughts she’d stirred up in him. The thoughts that said this woman could be
woman. Not good for him.

Aaron believed in love. His own family was proof the emotion existed. What he didn’t believe in was his ability to settle down with one woman. Forever. No other women. Forever. That might work for millions of others, but he wasn’t quite sure it would work for him. He was selfish, and he liked his life the way it was. Better for her to recognize that and walk out first than have him get commitment cold feet and hurt her later. Yep, this was all for the best.

Maybe I’ll stop by Momma’s Kitchen for dinner and try to see her again.

The receptionist stopped at a door. She knocked before opening it and announced Aaron. She stepped back and motioned for Aaron to enter the office. One glance at his old friend and Aaron grinned.

Reggie hadn’t changed much. Tall, dark, and big. The three words to best describe his friend. But beneath all the brawn Reggie was just a puppy. The combination drew in the ladies.

“Yo, Aaron, I’m glad you made it,” Reggie said. His long legs got him across the office in only a few strides, where he took Aaron’s hands in one of his large ones and pulled him in for a one-armed hug. “How’s it going, boy?”

Aaron would’ve chuckled, but Reggie’s half hug nearly knocked the wind out of him.

“Damn, Reggie, I see you’re still eating bricks for breakfast,” Aaron said.

Reggie stepped back and gave Aaron a firm pat on the shoulder that made Aaron tilt to the side. “And you’re still as scrawny as ever.”

Aaron chuckled. “Hey, I’m sleek and slender.”

“Sleek and slender, huh? I never did understand why women fall over themselves to be with you.”

“And I couldn’t understand why they’d go for you. I’d think having sex with a grizzly bear would be easier.”

Reggie laughed and walked back over to his desk. “I do miss you and your smart mouth. We had some good times for the second we were in college.”

“Good times is an understatement.” Reggie sat behind his desk and Aaron slid into the chair across from it. “Remember spring break?”

Reggie’s thick brows went up. “Remember it? You know I remember it. Bahamas, the booze cruise, those twins from Texas.”

Aaron ran a hand over his chin and grinned. “You’re never going to let me live that down.”

“Hell, no. It was the one time I stole a woman from right under your nose.”

Aaron laughed at the memory. Aaron had worked every last one of his seduction and charm skills to convince the twins to spend the night with him. Only to have Reggie snag one away before the end of the night. Though Aaron had had a great night with one sister, he’d given Reggie hell for thwarting his attempt to have his first threesome.

He and Reggie had both loved the ladies, and their pursuits had earned them a reputation envied by other guys during their short stint in college. After one year, Aaron purchased his first big rig and hit the road. Traveling across the United States to places not always on a tourist map seemed infinitely more appealing than sitting in lecture halls for the next three years. Soon after, Reggie did the same. Though they hadn’t seen each other in two years, they kept up with each other via social media and occasional phone calls.

“The one and only time, let’s not forget that,” Aaron said.

“Hey, I’ll talk about that for the rest of our lives. You were the man, and I rarely bested you. Baseball hero and ladies’ man extraordinaire.” Reggie chuckled and shook his head. “I can only imagine the number of women you would’ve bagged if you’d signed that baseball contract.”

Back in college a minor league team had approached Aaron and offered him a contract to play. Aaron liked playing baseball, even competitively, but he hadn’t wanted to make baseball his career. He liked his freedom. A contract felt like signing his life over to the league. No money was worth that. When he’d turned down the offer, his brother David had said he was crazy.

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