Friends With Way Too Many Benefits (41 page)

Read Friends With Way Too Many Benefits Online

Authors: Luke Young,Ian Dalton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Humor, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Humor & Satire, #General Humor, #Romantic Comedy

BOOK: Friends With Way Too Many Benefits
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"No, I'm sorry." Jim gave her an apologetic look. "Now you can tell her the other news."

Jillian began, "What's the other—"

"Oh my God." Jim's mouth fell open.

The women followed his gaze to the film's lead actress.

"That's uh… that's Amanda Joseph."

"Yep." Victoria replied, disinterested and they watched as Amanda headed with purpose toward the entrance of the restaurant.

"She's even better looking in person."

Jillian and Victoria shared a bored look.

"Hey we're engaged now so knock it off with the hot celebrity ogl—" Victoria lost her train of thought when she spotted Chance, looking amazing in a cream colored suit.

"Um, what were you saying." Jim shot her a sarcastic look.

"Huh," Victoria replied then she nudged Jillian with her elbow. "I missed when they filmed the shower scene. You were there, right?"


"So did you see it? Was it big?"

"See what?" Jillian narrowed her eyes.

"You know, his... his... equipment. Word around Hollywood is he's huge." Victoria gave her a knowing nod, wearing a big smile.

"Hold on, so I get in trouble for mentioning that Amanda looks better in person and it's just fine for you to ask if Chance is packing a missile in his shorts." Frowning, Jim scoffed. "How is that even remotely fair?"

"Babe, you've heard of this thing called a double standard, right?"


"Well..." Victoria widened her eyes then turned her attention back to Jillian. "So is he circumcised or—"

"I don't know…" Jillian grumbled, cringing. "Didn't Paul already have this conversation with you?"

"He did, but I thought he might have taken my advice," she said with a hopeful smile.

"Oh, yeah, sure, after you spoke to Paul we switched over— all the sex scenes were real— we had actual penetration." Jillian pointed casually to a young actress. "You see that actress… she played Ryder's girlfriend and in one scene she actually held Chance's schlong."

"Funny." Victoria sneered. "Well, it would have been a much better movie."

Jillian gave Jim a concerned look. "So you're really going to marry her?"

He shrugged, then after the three exchanging smirks they all broke into laughter.

Jillian pulled herself together first and asked, "So what's the

Victoria smiled. "We want to get married in Vegas this Thursday. That is if you guys can make it."

"That sounds like fun."

"And I want you to be my maid of honor."

"I'd never speak to you again if I wasn't."

"Oh, but, we didn't think about the baby." Victoria cringed, pointing to Jillian's stomach. "Do you think you can fly?"

"I think so, but let me clear it with my doctor." A tear fell from her eye and she gazed at Jim with a smile.

"What?" Jim asked.

"I'm just so happy for you." Stepping forward, she gave him a hug.

"What about me?" Victoria asked sarcastically.

Jillian moved to her best friend and wrapped her arms around her. "I knew you guys would do it one day." Stepping back from the couple, she raised her glass. "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Victoria raised her glass. Jim did the same and they all took a sip.

Jillian said, "Why don't we surprise Brian at the club and tell him the great news?"

"Sounds good." Victoria returned her attention to Chance. "Can I just have another word with him?"

"Really?" Jim sighed.

"Yes, we had a little conversation on the set a couple weeks ago and I just want to tell him how nice it was to finally meet him."

"Okay, but behave yourself," he scolded.

"I promise I won't touch him…" Covering her mouth and directing her voice to Jillian, she said softly, "… much." Then she took off toward Chance, leaving Jim behind.

"What was that?" Jim asked, looking at Jillian.

She shrugged and turned away. "Um, I didn't hear."

As Victoria and Chance laughed it up, Jim asked Jillian about her pregnancy and they began a baby name discussion.

Paul left Natalie's side, stepped up to the microphone and announced, "Can I have everyone's attention?"

The room quieted and he continued, "I just wanted to thank everyone for their incredibly hard work on this project. The studio has been ecstatic with the dailies we've showed them thus far. Despite some bumps in the road we've been able to complete filming on time and on budget— something, in this business, that rarely happens."

He lifted his glass and smiled. "Here's to
The Leg Thing
— next summer's blockbuster."

The group lifted their glasses and cheered.



As Jillian, Victoria and Jim lost track of time and were enjoying more drinks, laughing and talking with the cast and crew from the movie, Brian sat in his office doing paperwork. Todd stepped into the office and whispered, "There's someone here to see you, I think it might be Amanda Joseph."

"What do you mean you think? You don’t recognize her?"

"Just get out there." Todd waved him over hurriedly.

Todd turned back toward the front desk and stood frozen as Brian rose up and rolled his eyes as he maneuvered around him. A woman stood behind the counter holding a tennis bag. She wore a hoody pulled up over her head along with big dark sunglasses.

"Hi, can I help you?" Brian asked.

She looked nervously toward the front door then back to Brian and whispered, "Yes, could I have a word with you in private?"

"Uh, sure."

Brian motioned to his office door with his hand. The woman made her way around the counter, around Todd who was still standing in the doorway and finally into the office and sat in a chair.

"Thank you, Todd." Brian motioned to him with his eyes to get lost. Todd didn't move as he simply gazed mesmerized at the woman.

"Todd?" Brian glared at him.

"Sorry, I'll be right out here if you need me." Todd stepped backward slowly with his eyes still on the mystery woman.

"Wonderful," Brian replied sarcastically before closing the door in Todd's face and moving to sit behind his desk.

"It's me." Amanda pushed the hoody off her head and removed her sunglasses. "Sorry for all the secret drama, but you wouldn't believe how the paparazzi follow me around."

He shrugged, apologetically. "I kinda knew it was you and so did Todd."

Suddenly shocked, she sat on the edge of her seat. "You don't think he's calling TMZ or—"

"No. No. He wouldn't." Brian paused a moment as the confidence drained from his expression then he rose from his seat. "Hold on."

He slipped outside the office and returned about thirty seconds later and sat back down. "He's not going to be calling anyone. I told him if anyone with a camera showed up here he'd be out of a job. And he actually likes it here, so I think we're good."

"Okay. Thanks." She took a deep breath. "You're probably wondering what I'm doing here?"

"Well, yeah, isn't the wrap party tonight?"

"It's still going on. I just didn't feel like being around all those people. I thought you were going to be there and I wanted to thank you for the tennis lessons and, you know, everything. I don't think I could have done this without you."

"No." He scoffed. "You were already very good. You just needed some confidence and maybe just a little help with your strokes."

"I can't go anywhere without being followed and hounded and screamed at and... it's really a nightmare. I mean, I get that I chose this life and I'm lucky to have the money and, you know, all the freedom that comes with that, but sometimes I feel like I'd trade it all in for just a normal, regular life."

He nodded in support. "Yeah I can't say I know what it's like, but I've had a taste of, let's call it, bad publicity and attention and it's no fun."

"Lately the only time I've actually been happy, like really, really happy is when I've been playing." She looked him in the eye.

"It's a great sport."

"I think I'm going to keep up with it."

"You really should." He smiled. "You'll get better and probably enjoy it more. It can be frustrating at first."

"I know this is odd question, but, um…"

"What?" He smiled, intrigued.

"Do you feel like maybe hitting the ball around a little?"


"Well, yeah."

"You mean like a lesson or..."

"No, just for fun."

"Yeah, sure. Yeah, we could definitely do that." He gave her a supportive nod. "We're just about to close up so I think the place is empty."


Holding his head high, he smiled. "When I played Angie yesterday no one knew she was here either. Not even Brad."

"Angelina Jolie?" She asked, confused.

"I'm… I'm kidding." He chuckled. "Sorry that's just a little joke. I've, uh, never played Angelina… or Brad for that matter."

"You’re a funny guy." Rolling her eyes, she giggled. "I'm going to miss you, coach Nash."

"I don't think I'll ever forget you either. Most of the kids I teach spend half the lesson picking their noses or pulling out wedgies."

They shared a laugh as he rose to his feet and headed for the door. "You remember where the women's locker room is?"

"I think so."

"Great, how about I meet you on court four in ten minutes." He opened the door and pointed to the glass wall to the right. "It's the one right there."

"Okay." She took off around the counter as Todd watched, mesmerized. Brian tapped him on the shoulder and whispered. "You swear you didn't call anyone?"


"What's going on?"

"She wants to play."

"You... at midnight?"

Brian shrugged. "Yeah, she's... we were working together on the movie and she just wants to blow off a little steam."

"Uh-huh. I think she wants to
something, but it's not steam." Todd grinned.

"You're crazy."

"Am I?"

"Yes, you are."

Todd made a face. "All right. I think I'll just go shut the lights off on the back courts."

"No, I think you'll just go home early. I'll do it. You can go."

"You sure?" Todd frowned.

"Go. Get out of here. Go have some fun."

"Have fun playing…" Todd made quote marks in the air. "…

"Okay…" Brian rolled his eyes as he headed to the entrance. Opening the door, he scanned the parking lot and was surprised to find only three cars. He half expected to see television vans and reporters clamoring to get inside.

Todd stepped out and turned back to him. "Dude, I want details."

"Look, I'm a married man and—"

"She's got to be on your celebrity free pass list right, I mean—"

"What?" Brian made a face, shaking his head. "I, um, I don't even know what that is?"

"Sure you do, everyone has them. It's a list—"

"Goodnight, Todd." Brian pulled the door closed and locked it.

Leaning back against the wall, he sighed then glanced up to the clock." Oh, shit."

He took off rushing toward the men's locker room stopping suddenly to grab a new tennis shirt and shorts off the rack in the store. Once inside, he tore off the tags of his new outfit, pulled off his wind pants and shirt and slipped on the new clothes.

Looking at himself in the mirror, he sighed. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're just going to play tennis. That's it. This is just a story you can tell your grandchildren in thirty years. She's the biggest movie star on the planet and you're kidding yourself if you think she wants to sleep with you, you fucking idiot. Not to mention you have the most beautiful, incredible wife on the planet, who happens to be pregnant with your baby." He pointed to himself in the mirror and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, don't forget that douche bag."

He waved his hand at his reflection in the mirror. "And of course, even if she wanted to have sex with you, that whole free pass list is crap. I mean, no one really gets a free pass even if... shit, I've really got to stop talking to myself. I'm such an idiot."

He bounced up and down on his heals checking his look in the mirror. "Okay... okay. I'm ready... yes."

When he opened the glass door to the court, he discovered Amanda sitting on the bench with her hands on her knees. She looked amazing. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and she wore this adorable little peach colored skirt with matching shirt. She rose from the bench and gave him a smile. "Ready?"

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