Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2 (13 page)

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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They lead me to a stretch limousine and usher me into the back, where the windows are darkened. When I get in and the door slams, the car takes off.

Langston Hart is seated in the corner.

“Behave, and you won’t get hurt. Don’t behave, and I can’t promise anything.”

“What do you want?” I put on a brave front, but fear ripples down my spine.

“Kolson. Plain and simple.”

“I don’t know where he is. I’ve already told you that.”

“Gabby, you’ve also told me you wouldn’t tell me if you
know. So that leads me to believe you know something.”

“You’re crazy.”

He laughs and then grips my wrist firmly. It hurts. A lot. He presses down until it’s extremely painful. He leans into me and his nasty voice says, “I’ll let you in on a little secret. You can find out exactly how crazy I can be if you don’t cooperate.”

I try to pull my arm away, but I’m no match. Between clenched teeth, I grit out, “So what? Are you going to make me disappear too?”

“What do you mean ‘too’?”

“Just like you made Kolson disappear?”

“I didn’t make him do anything.”

I’m sweating now from the pain. If he doesn’t release my wrist soon, I’m sure he’ll break it. “Right. Now you’re here, going to do the same to me.”

His demeanor alters and he lets my wrist go. Maybe it has finally sunk in that I don’t know where Kolson is. “I think I might just believe you, baby girl.”

I pull my arm into my chest and cradle it. He laughs. “But remember this. If he does show up, you’ll be the first he contacts and then you need to call me.” This is where he scares the shit out of me. I don’t want to let on, but I know he knows. It’s hard to quell the dew perspiration dotting my upper lip and forehead. And it’s nearly impossible to stem the shudders threatening to overtake me. “Because if you don’t, and I get my hands on that son of a bitch, rest assured I’ll kill him.”

He stabs the car roof with his fist several times. The driver pulls over and I’m in such shock, I’m not aware that it’s my cue to get out. That is until the door is opened and my arm is nearly yanked from its socket as I’m hauled out and left standing on the sidewalk as the car drives away.

I am so perplexed by what has just transpired that my legs can’t move. People push and shove to get past me and eventually, I find I’m close to a building, out of the way of pedestrian traffic. I’m not even sure where I am. I check the street signs to find I’m fifteen blocks from my office. My thoughts fall into place, like pieces of a puzzle, and this confirms that Langston is far beyond what I’ve given him credit for. He’s maniacal and threatening. And I don’t doubt he’d kill Kolson. But why? What is his goal? Is it HTS? Is that all? Granted, it’s huge. But there has to be more behind it.

And this debt. What is that all about? My answers lie with Kolson. But where the hell is he? And how will I find him before Langston does?

I glance at my wrist and see the swelling and purple bruise already forming. That afternoon, I will call Case and get him to enroll me in a self-defense class. I’m not sure how effective it will be against an armed man, but at least it’s something.

When I make the call, Case says he’s going to teach me how to shoot—and he’ll get me a gun. I can’t walk around feeling like Langston Hart could pull me into his limo again. The next time he tries to do so, I’m going to fight back, and fight hard. He’s not messing with some simpering idiot. Gone are the days where I don’t fight back. This time, I’m going at him with everything I’ve got.

I have to protect Kolson, wherever the hell he is. That dragon has done enough damage.






Enough is enough. One month. Four weeks. Twenty-eight days. Six hundred seventy-two hours. Not one word or touch. I have to see her. I can’t wait another minute. To let her know I’m okay. To see if she’s okay.

I work it out with Sam to set up a fake delivery to the penthouse. But instead, I stay in the building and don’t leave. I plan it so the delivery takes place around the changing of the security teams. They don’t keep track of when I go in and out.

It’s a pain in the ass, because I have to evade people, so I end up hanging out in the stairwells. When I think Gabriella will be in bed, I climb to the top floor. Using the keypad, I let myself into the penthouse. I disarm the security system and quietly move through the apartment. When I get to our bedroom, it’s unoccupied. The bathroom has everything in it, just as it was the day I left. All my things are on my side by my sink, and all hers are on her side. Her makeup drawer is stocked and it lets me know she’s still living here. I pause to think; she must be sleeping in her old studio.

I walk to my office and open the top drawer for the spare keys. There they sit on the tray where I left them. Before I lose my nerve, I leave, careful to reset the security system. I take the stairs again and when I get down to her floor, I’m quiet as can be when I open the door. It’s after midnight so the hall is empty. When I slip the key into the lock, I feel a momentary sense of guilt, but this is something we both need. If she sends me away, fine. But at least I’ll know.

I close the door gently behind me and lean against it for a second, trying to quell my rapid heartbeat. The blinds are open and the room glows with silvery moonlight. The outline of her body is visible in bed, even from where I stand. My pulse throbs in my neck as my desire soars. It’s not sexual, though. It’s the craving to see her, to touch her, to smell her and feel her next to me. My need to surround myself with her warmth is paramount to my existence. If she tells me I can only hold her, then fine.

I unlace my shoes and kick them off. Then I strip as I walk to the bed. It’s only when I slide between the sheets that she stirs.

“Don’t be frightened. It’s me, kea.”

She flies to her feet, ready to scream. I’m right behind her as I grab her and clamp my hand over her mouth.

“It’s me, Gabriella. Kolson. Please, don’t be frightened.”

Her back is flush to my chest and she shakes her head as she turns it. Her eyes lock with mine and recognition registers within. Then they fire with the spark I remember and anger surges in her. She elbows me in the solar plexus and I bend over as the wind bursts out of me. Fists fly as she throws punches left and right. I try to block her to stop from getting decked, only my damn diaphragm won’t release. She’s pissed as hell, and I can’t blame her. Finally, it eases, enough so I can talk.

“Whoa! Stop, Gabriella. Stop!”

“Fuck you!”

I don’t know who taught her to swing, but she comes at me with some jabs and a few uppercuts and actually connects. Her strength isn’t up to par, so she doesn’t do much damage, but I know when she starts to tire.

“Kea. Please, let me just hold you.”

“Go to hell. Exactly where I’ve been for the last month, thinking you were dead or lying in a ditch somewhere.”

And then the fight blows out of her. She sags in my arms, deflated. The arms that struck me only seconds ago wrap around me and she clings to me like ivy on old brick. Her fingers dig into my skin as her tears soak me. Her body shudders with sobs and the moment is heart-rending because I’m the cause of her despair.

Then come the questions. They tumble so fast from her mouth, I can’t keep up. I finally say, “Shh. No more. I’m here for this one night because I had to see for myself you were all right and I wanted you to know I was too.” She starts to speak again but I stop her. “Gabriella, there is so much I want to say to you, but it’s too risky right now. My father, he is a very dangerous man and wants me for things I’m unable to explain. Please trust me. I’m doing this to keep us both safe. I didn’t leave because I wanted to. I did it because I had no other choice. Please know that.”

She nods. “No. This is enough. You disappear for a month, without a word, and you expect me to blindly accept it? I won’t, Kolson. Your father is threatening me and I’m afraid!”

“Jesus. Fuck. I know you are. But you’re safe. He won’t hurt you knowing I’m out here somewhere. I’m the prize he wants, not you.”

“How do you know that?”

“Tell me something. What does he say to you when he calls?”

“He wants to know where you are.”

“He wants
, Gabriella. Only
. Please give me your trust for a little while longer.”

“Why can’t you tell me?”

“Because the less you know, the safer you are.”

She chews on this and I see when she accepts it. Relief floods me.

Moving in front of me, she says, “Okay.” Her hands brush through my beard and hair.

“I’m so sorry. Sorry for putting you through all this. For making you so angry. But I’d rather have your anger than risk your safety.”

She sighs loudly and then speaks, her voice husky. “Kestrel came to see me and so has your father.”

“They’ll be back. Don’t tell them you saw me. Whatever you do, don’t tell my father anything. Stay as far away from him as you can.”

“He called me. And then some men dragged me into one of his cars where he was waiting. He wanted to know where you were. He said something about a debt. He said he’d kill you.”

“Jesus.” That motherfucker. Already going after Gabriella to get to me. “He wants HTS in payment. That’s why I put you in charge.”

“Oh, Kolson. I hope you know what you’re doing. And all your personal assets. I’ve never managed a thousand dollars, much less hundreds of millions.” She fists my shirt and buries her face in it.

“I’m not worried about the company. You have a solid team to help you.”

She speaks into my chest. “I can trust Jack?”

I put my fingers under her chin, lifting her face so I can look at her. “Listen to me. Without a doubt, you can trust Jack. And everyone else at HTS. They’ve all been vetted by my security team. And if you need anyone checked out, have Tom do it. He’s top-notch.”

“I’m so blind here.”

“Not blind at all. Just inexperienced, but you’ll be fine,” I say.

“Are you ever coming back?”

“I’d like to think so. Stay away from my father and don’t go anywhere alone. And you need to eat, kea. You’ve lost too much weight.”

“Eating’s been difficult. You look so different. Your hair. And you have a beard.” She stifles a sob.

I hadn’t planned on it, but her mouth is right there and I can’t help myself. My lips touch hers, lightly at first, but her response is so robust, they become rough and frenzied, and before I realize what I’m doing, we’re kissing like it’s our first time. Instead of pulling away, she arches into me, pressing herself closer. We are two love-starved people who haven’t been together for far too long and our passion soars, our bodies eager for each other.

My mind is a contradiction. I want to be hard and fast with her because I’m so needy. Yet I want this to be slow … slow and memorable so I can imprint this night into my brain. Hands, mouths, tongues, lips press, taste, lick, and suck until we both moan our lust.

“I’ve missed you. Every part,” I tell her. “All the curves and edges, like that song I can’t get out of my head. It makes me think of you every time I hear it.”

Her face is damp because she can’t stop her tears. And it’s my fault. I’m the one who did this to her.

“I need to feel you inside me, Kolson. When you left, you took that part of me and I need it back. Please give it to me.”

“Gabriella, I’m going to find a way to work this out. I promise. I don’t want just your love. I want every bit of you … your flesh, bones, breath, and soul. I want you wrapped around me in the morning, your hair spread across my body. I want to hear my name when you come around me and feel you melt in my arms when you do. I want you to be the last thing I touch before I fall asleep every night and the first thing I taste when I wake up each morning. And I’m going to find a way to make that happen.”

Her mouth stops my words and her hand guides me inside her. Warm and slick, she’s ready as she welcomes all of me home. Home. I’ve missed this. If there was one thing I could do, it would be to make this night last forever. But time speeds on, much too fast, and I need to be out of here before sunrise. I need to be back in Brooklyn, where I’m safer. Where she’s safer.

The thought crosses my mind about leaving without telling her goodbye, but I know it would be wrong.

“Kea, I have to go.” My lips taste the soft flesh on her neck.

“Kolson, is there anything I can do on my end? Langston said he’ll kill you.”

Smiling, I say, “Don’t worry about me. You be safe. I want you to get a bodyguard. Don’t travel alone. And keep HTS strong. I know you can do it.”

“I was talking about your father.”

I scowl. “No! Stay out of this. It’s too dangerous for you to get involved. The way he pulled you into his car ... that’s only a taste of what he’s capable of. He’s got connections that …”

“Kolson, I’m afraid.”

“And you should be, Gabriella. Stay away from him. Fear him. More than anything you’ve ever feared in your life. Including Danny.”

Putting those thoughts in her head sickens me, but it’s the truth. Danny was nothing compared to the dragon. He’ll burn her alive if he knows he can get to me through her.

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