Horology,: Freehold of Grainne
revolution: 504.2103 local days, 592.52291 Earth days
rotation: 28 hours, 12 minutes, 12.9888 seconds
calenda : 5 weeks per month, 10 months per year, 4 festival days plus leap year every 5 years, no leap year in years divisible by 50
clock: day: 10 divs
div: 2 hours, 49 minutes, 13.2988 seconds Earth, 100 segs local
seg: 1 minute, 41.5329 seconds Earth, 100 secs local
second: 1.0153 seconds Earth
Environmental notes, planet of Grainne
gravity: 1.18 Earth normal
diameter: 13 092.433 km
density: 1.1443 Earth 6320.25 kg/m
axial tilt: 20 degrees
orbital distance: 1.50362 AU
orbital eccentricity: 3%
climactic details: 77% ocean
partial pressure O
: 82% Earth normal
barometric pressure at sea level: 73 kPa