Freefall (The Indigo Lounge Series, #5) (24 page)

Read Freefall (The Indigo Lounge Series, #5) Online

Authors: Zara Cox

Tags: #sexy billionaire; wounded heroine; damaged hero; indigo lounge; erotic sex

BOOK: Freefall (The Indigo Lounge Series, #5)
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“Answer me,” I press, letting authority throb in my voice.


“What if I promised you that every time you call me Master, you’d get wetter, hotter? That your pleasure would triple with the knowledge that handing me that little control would guarantee bliss beyond your wildest dreams?”

“I’d say, it’s a nice idea in theory, but logic says I have to believe what I’m saying in order for it to work.”

I smile, and her lips part on a single, delicious exhale. “Then I look forward to putting the theory to the test.”

I key in the code, and the door swings open behind her. When she stumbles, I catch her and walk her backward into the suite.

Her hands grip my arms and she stares at me. “Why do I get the feeling I’ve just walked into a clever trap?”

“Because you’re an astute woman. A woman I’ve been dying to fuck again for days.”

The moment my mouth touches hers, she moans. I kick the door shut and taste her deeper, harder, my hunger a force I can barely contain. My cock throbs painfully by the time I pull back.

I need to do this right. I hadn’t actually thought of how much time we have together until she mentioned ten days. Now all I see is that damn neon clock, counting down again. I have a little over a week to appease the raging monster within, to find that jagged peace, which will carry me through the tormented wasteland of nightmarish days, weeks, and months that is now my life.

“Strip.” I barely recognize my voice as I stop in the middle of the living room.

Her eyes widen. Apprehension and anticipation flit over her features.

My gaze skates over the curves I want to fuck and bruise. She’s hot everywhere. Even her dainty little fingers...

I spot the damn cell phone still clutched in her hand. The death grip on it like she’s welded to it.

“Put the goddamn phone down, Keely,” I growl.

Her head snaps downward, “What? Oh...”

I stalk to her and hold out my hand. She regards me warily for a few seconds before she gives me the phone. My fingers curl over it, and a burning desire to know every last one of her secrets explodes through me. I could know them if I choose to, and for a heartbeat I weigh the risk/reward ratio.

Her tongue darts out and licks her lower lip and the rewards swing back in favor of carnal pleasure.

“I said
. You make me ask you a third time, and this takes a turn you won’t be ready for.”

Her fingers flex, and she’s torn between smart-assing me and doing as I ask. Her need wins, and one hand goes to the side zipper.

I hold my breath as she pulls it down. She’s braless and I can’t make up my mind if that pleases or pisses me off.

“You always go without a bra, kitten?” The urge to touch a finger to that hard, furling peak smashes through me, but I stay my ground.

“When I feel like it, yes.”

“From now on, I tell you when to wear a bra and when to go without. Got it?”

Her mouth gapes, but knowledge flares in her eyes as she stares at me. Slowly, she nods. “Okay.”

I shake my head. “
doesn’t do it for me. Try again.”

Her lashes quiver as she fights against narrowing them. “Yes, Mas—Mason.” She chokes on the word she’d almost said.

I eat the smile threatening to explode, and cup the cock, which
explode if I don’t fuck this woman in the next ten minutes.

Her gaze drops to where I’m stroking myself, and she quickly shimmies out of her dress and kicks it away. I pause to stare at her lush curves, caught between visions of demon-burying bliss and soul-shredding guilt. The opposing emotions threaten to tear me apart.

I fist my free hand and ground myself with deep breaths.

“Are...are you okay?” she asks hesitantly.

I want to laugh. I want to howl. I want to destroy myself. I want to destroy her. “No, I’m not.” I release the first few buttons of my shirt and tug it over my head. “Slide your middle finger between your pussy lips, kitten. Show me how wet you are.”

Heat flares over her cheeks. “I don’t need to. I’m wet.”

I pause. “Is that a

Her face burns brighter, and in that moment, I want to adore her and punish her at the same time. The dichotomous feelings deepen when her thighs squirm against each other. “I’m really wet, Mason. Do I have to touch myself?”

Mild shock unravels through me. “You don’t like touching yourself?”

She mangles her lips and her lashes sweep down. “Not really. But I like it when you touch me.” She lets loose a sultry smile and sways toward me.

“Are you trying to distract me, kitten? And did I say you could move?”

She freezes. “I...” She sighs. “I don’t know how to play this game, Mason.”

“Your first mistake is thinking this is a game. Do I look like I’m playing?”

Wide green eyes stare back at me. She catches a glimpse of the dark, turbulent arousal spiking through every emotion burning beneath my skin. Slowly, she shakes her head. “No.”

“No, what?” I test her softly.

“No...Sir.” She pauses, and swallows.

I let her response rest between us for a dozen heartbeats. “Touch yourself, Keely. Two fingers, this time. Look at me when you do it. It’ll please me.”

Her left hand twitches, then slowly rises to rest on her hip. It stays there for an eternity before her fingers tiptoe into the thin strip of hair arrowing to her pussy. She squirms some more, and I see for myself how wet she is. My mouth floods with the need to taste her plump clit, but I wait, my temperate soaring with the need to devour her.

Her fingers slide between her legs, and she gasps. The sensitive skin around her nipples pebble as she glides her fingers back and forth. I stalk a careful step closer and watch her eyes darken.

“Are you embarrassed?” I ask.


I circle her, stalking closer with each navigation. “Are you turned on?” I ask when fine trembles shake her body.

“Yes,” she whispers raggedly.

“Show me how wet you are, baby.”

She groans as she drags her fingers from between her legs and displays her wetness. “Ah, fuck, baby. You want to see what it does to me?”

She swallows again. “Yes.”

I wait a beat, and she inhales.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Does saying that demean you?”

“No, Sir.”

“Does it give you pleasure to say it?”

She starts to shake her head, but stops. “Not quite, but I know you like it, so I’m okay with it.”

I show my pleasure at her truthful answer, and she gives me a tiny, need-laden smile back.

“Good. Very good, kitten. Now get on your knees. Put one hand between your legs and the other behind your back.”

She sinks to her knees without question, and my head pounds with the power filling my body. In that moment, my adoration of her exceeds any other emotion, and I have to breathe deep to get myself under control.

I take a few steps back and unzip my pants. I pull them and my boxers off, and glance up to see her wetting her lips.

Her eagerness weakens my knees. “Are you touching yourself?”

“Yes, Sir.”

I catch her chin in my hand and bring my mouth to hers. “Slip your fingers inside and describe the feeling to me.”

Her groan bathes my lips, and I kiss her hard and fast before I straighten. My quick study keeps her gaze on me as her fingers slide faster between her legs. Her trembles are now full body shudders, and her chest jerks with each breath.

“I’m slick and hot. I feel...I feel like a ball of electricity is concentrated between my legs, and if move the wrong way, I’ll explode.”

“You’re not allowed to explode. Not until I say so.”

Her face contorts, but she jerks out a nod. “Yes, Sir.”


I lock my knees to keep from lunging for her and ramming my cock deep inside her.

I grab the root of my dick and rest the tip against her mouth.

“I want you to suck on my cock while you picture me filling that tight little cunt. Visualize me stretching you until you imagine you can’t take any more. Then think about me ramming those extra inches inside you, until your whole cunt is mine. Until I own every millimeter of you.”

She groans again and the weight of arousal threatens to drag her eyelids closed.

“Open your mouth, kitten.”

She opens her mouth, and I slide in, all the way to the back of her throat. Desolation and rage slam into raw bliss, and I throw my head back. I have to take several deep breaths before I can speak. “Are you doing as I asked, kitten? Are you imagining me in your sweet pussy?” I grit out, my unreasonable fingers tightening in her hair, as I seek the back of her throat.

“Hmm,” she mumbles around my thick length. Her tongue flattens as she greedily sucks me down, and my balls tauten and ache with the agonizing pleasure spiking up my spine.

“Are you getting wetter?” I push harder, merciless in my wrenching desire to enslave her, to use her as an instrument of my temporary salvation. “I need you soaking. Because I want you to take all of me. Every single inch. Do you hear me?” I pull back when her eyes water and she gasps in several breaths.

“Yes...Sir.” Her voice contains the exact amount of obedience and deference that adds fuel to the fire licking through my blood.

I catch her chin in my hand as her tongue flicks over my head. “Fuck, Keely. You’re either lying about not being good at this or you’re one hell of a study.”

“I’m a quick study, Sir.” She sucks me into her mouth in rapid, hard pulls that make me grit my teeth against the urge to blow my load down her throat right then and there.

“You’re fucking stunning, is what you are.” I return to fucking her mouth in long, fast thrusts. She holds steady like a champ, and suction sounds fill the room. My control frays, unspooling faster than I can hang on to it. I squeeze my eyes shut to delay the inevitable, but it’s no use. “God, baby, I’m coming.”

She grunts her approval, and the vibration from the back of her throat flings me to the edge. I open my eyes and she’s staring at me. The look in her eyes sharpens my pleasure with the added edge of fear. It’s a look that says she sees me. All of me. The dark and the darker. The mangled and the desperate. She sees me. And she has me. If only for an instant, she has me.

A rough, wounded sound fills the room. A moment passes before I become aware that it’s my grunt, my precursor to release. Pleasure I have no right to floods every cell, radiates through me in a futile cleansing, which I clutch with both hands and greedily consume. “Fuck. Oh, fuck. Keely!”

“Hmm,” she groans. Her eyes widen as I explode and gush into her waiting mouth. The sight of her beautiful, flushed face and the hand working herself below, triggers an even longer release. My lungs empty on harsh pants, and I can barely stand as she takes everything I have to give and swallows every drop.

I tremble and brace myself as guilt roars back. The stench and strength of it nearly knocks me off my feet. I battle through it and loosen my grasp on Keely’s hair. My cock slips, wet and already wanting again, from between her swollen lips.

“Did I please you, sir?” she asks with a touch of smugness.

I stagger to the table and pick up her gift. “You did, kitten, which is why you get to open your gift before I fuck you.”

She looks up at me with a question in her eyes. “What is it?” she questions huskily.

“Get up, go into the bedroom and lie face up on the bed. Then you can open it.”

The hand between her legs slows, then almost reluctantly leaves her slick wetness. She rises and sways for a second before she finds her feet. With her hair caught up and her neck bare, she’s a long, graceful creature I can’t look away from.

I follow her into the bedroom. When she kicks her shoes off and lies down, I place her gift on her stomach.

She looks from the box to me, uncertainty in her eyes. “I don’t really like sex toys.”

My gaze drops to the soaking wetness between her legs and my cock jerks to life once more. I kneel on the bed, grasp her knees and pull them apart to expose her pink flesh. “Can we agree that some things you believed you didn’t like before we met need reassessing?”

A blush creeps across her face, and she tries to close her legs. I spread her wider and nod at the box. With pursed lips, she pulls apart the ribbon tying the box and opens the lid.

She lifts and examines the curved, almost transparent device attached to twin-gartered loops with breathless curiosity. “I haven’t seen anything like this before,” she murmurs.

“That’s because it’s a prototype.” I lift her legs and place her feet on my chest. “You ready to put it on?”

“I don’t know. Am I?” she asks nervously.

I caress her calves until her legs start to fall open. “Do you trust me with your body?”

Her gaze catches mine, and she knows why I’ve framed the question that way. She can trust me with her body, but she won’t be wise to trust me with anything else. “Yes, sir.”

“Then put it on.”

A swallow moves her throat before she lifts one foot off my chest to tug the garter on. Once the second harness goes on, she tugs it until the large ladybug-shaped device rests on top of her pussy and frames her outer lips.

“It’s a perfect fit. Hold still for a sec, kitten.” I reach for the tiny button and flick it on.

She jerks off the bed, and her hands dive between her legs. “Oh,

I capture her arms and stop her hands before she can pry my invention off. “No. Hold still,” I say again.

Her head thrashes on the pillow. “I can’t! Oh, God, it’’s...Jesus, what the fuck

I press the device until is holds her tight. “Nothing but a little power-assisted suction. Relax. Let it do its work.”

“Relax? God, Mason, I feel as if...” Her face flames and she grimaces with reluctant, decadent pleasure.

I lean over her and nip the corner of her mouth. “You feel as if a thousand mouths are sucking your clit?” I whisper.

“Yes! How is it doing that?”

I smile. “Trade secret. I can tell you, but then I’d have to fuck you until you forget.”

A dirty smile curves through her pleasure. “Aren’t you going to do that anyway?” she gasps through another wave of delight.

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