Fractured Soul (26 page)

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Authors: Rachel McClellan

BOOK: Fractured Soul
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Three Vykens moved forward, but stopped when one said, “What is that?”

I turned around. A fireball was racing through the forest. It barely missed Jackson, but it caught a Vyken in his arm. Jackson’s smile disappeared. “Kill them all,” he said.

“Not so fast,” Liam said as he moved out from within the shadows. Behind him were two extremely tall men built like tree trunks. Identical twins, by the looks of them. Both had brown hair and the same crooked noses.

The sight of Liam changed the look in Jackson’s eyes. “We will still destroy you,” Jackson said, but his voice wavered. “You don’t have the numbers.”

“No more talking,” Liam said. And that’s all any of us needed.

The forest became a whirlwind of activity all at once. Christian fought a Vyken and had him beheaded before I landed my third blow into a different Vyken who smelled and looked like he’d just come from working in a fast food restaurant. Before Christian’s Vyken had turned to dust, he was fighting Jackson.

“Duck!” I heard May yell.

I bent over just as a fireball flew over me and smashed into the chest of a Vyken who looked like he was in the middle of a deathblow to my head.

“Thanks!” I called back to her. I wasn’t sure where she was, but she was doing a great job of keeping a bird’s eye view on everyone. Fireballs continued to fly across the clearing.

I sidestepped my Vyken and jumped onto his back. I placed both hands on the side of his head and lit them up. The Vyken struggled against me, but I maintained a tight grip around his waist with my legs. In less than ten seconds, the Vykens head exploded into dust followed by the rest of his body. I fell to the ground, my eyes locking with Christian’s for a split second before I moved on to the next Vyken. I felt invincible.

The twins Liam had brought along turned out to be extremely helpful. Any Vyken they got their hands on was broken, twisted, and tossed. The two were stronger than anything I’d ever seen, but their size and strength came with a price. They were slow. On more than one occasion, May saved them by using her highly effective fireballs.

One of the twins had a chance to return the favor when a Vyken appeared behind May. The Vyken bashed the side of her head, knocking her to the ground. I rushed to her despite the fact that I had my own Vyken to contend with. Luckily, Christian had become aware of what was going on and side-plowed into the Vyken chasing after me. Meanwhile, May’s Vyken jumped onto her and was grasping for her neck, but May must’ve heated up her hands because every time she shoved him away he cried out and became even angrier.

I was almost to her when out of nowhere one of the twins came barreling down like a raging bull. He dove into the Vyken, and the two rolled off May.

I wanted to keep watching to see who would win, but through all the sounds of fighting I heard Tessa scream. I looked around but couldn’t see her.
She must still be in the forest.
I rushed into the woods and found Tessa up in a tree. She was trying to climb higher, but a Vyken was jumping at an unnatural height to get at her. And by the looks of Tessa’s torn pant leg, he almost had her.

“Tessa!” I yelled. I ran faster, unsure of what I was going to do next.

That’s when I heard Liam shout my name. I looked back but kept running. “Use this!” he called. He tossed a machete-like weapon; it wind-milled toward me until I caught its handle just as I was jumping up to attack the tall Vyken. I jabbed it into the Vyken, but he maneuvered out of the way and the blade tore into his shoulder. I swung again, but the Vyken caught the gleaming steel with his bare hands. He smiled, like he’d gotten the upper hand. I smiled back and lit up every particle of the weapon with Light. The Vyken screamed and stumbled back. I swung again, but he kicked it from my hands, and followed through with a tight fist to my face, knocking me onto my back. Stars exploded all around me, but I maintained consciousness.

The Vyken lunged for me but stopped when a spray of liquid rained onto him. He screamed and clawed at his face as if he’d been doused with acid. Confused, I looked up. Perched above us on a tree limb was Tessa. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
Super spit?
“Wicked,” I said and jumped to my feet. I picked up the blade and approached the Vyken, who was trying to run away but kept stumbling because he couldn’t see.

The weapon in my hand lit up. I raised it high and brought it down once. His head fell from his shoulders but turned to dust before it hit the ground.

After making sure Tessa was okay, I returned to the fight, feeling like I could’ve taken them all on by myself. Two more Vykens died by my hands. It felt good. Only a few Vykens were left, and they were running away. I looked specifically for Blade but didn’t see him. Either he was dead or he’d escaped with the others. Part of me wanted to go after them just so I could keep fighting, but then I noticed Liam watching me, and I remembered his words of caution, so I remained where I was.

May came to stand next to me. “That was crazy,” she said.

“Where’s Tessa?”

“Still in a tree.”

“You okay, Tessa?” I called and rubbed my jaw. It ached something fierce from being punched.

“Peachy,” she called back.

“How are you doing, May?” I noticed her hands were red.

“Amazing! That felt incredible.”

“Really?” I said, surprised by her answer.

“Get off me!” Jackson yelled.

I turned around. Christian had Jackson pinned to the ground and with his free hand was smashing Jackson in his already bloodied face. “Why?” Christian said. “Why did you do this?” Another punch.

Liam jerked Christian to his feet while the twins took hold of Jackson. Jackson tried to break free of their grip but stopped moving after just a minute, probably realizing it was pointless.

“Tell me why!” Christian yelled again. Liam was having a difficult time holding him back.

“You smug, arrogant—” Jackson said, but his words were cut off when one, or both, of the twins tightened their grip. Jackson lowered his voice. “You think this life we live here is perfect? We’re given all these abilities for what? To baby-sit princesses?” He spat the words in my direction. “We were meant for more, Christian. And you’d see it too if you weren’t hanging around social rejects.”

Christian broke free from Liam, or Liam let him go, and punched Jackson again, this time knocking him unconscious. The twins held up Jackson’s limp body by his arms. “What should we do with him?” Christian said.

I looked at Liam because he seemed like the person who would know, but he was typing something into his phone. “We need to question him,” he said. “See what he knows.”

“Should we go after the others?” Christian said to Liam.

Liam pocketed his cell phone. “No. We were lucky we had the element of surprise, but next time they’ll be ready.” He looked over at us three girls. “Thanks for coming to help, even though,” he glanced at me, “I believe I specifically told you to stay home.”

Christian looked at me, his brows drawn together.

“I think they did great,” one of the twins said, speaking for the first time.

We all turned and looked at them.

Liam nodded his head toward them. “This is Arik and Aaron.”

“Who’s who?” I asked, but Liam didn’t answer. He had turned around and was walking away, scanning the ground for something.

“I’m Arik,” the twin on the left said.

“And I’m Aaron,” the other said.

Their voices were just as large as their muscular frames.

“Nice to meet you,” I said. “I’m Llona, this is Tessa, and the fire-thrower is May.”

They dropped Jackson and shot their hands out in front of Tessa and May. “Nice to meet you,” they said.

“So are you guys like half giants or something?” May asked.

The twins laughed; the sound would’ve been frightening if they didn’t have smiles on their faces. “Our kind come from the trees,” Arik said.

May and I looked at each other.

“Long story,” Aaron said. “Let’s just say we’re hard to knock down.”

“I’ve heard of your kind,” Tessa said.

Christian joined Liam on the other side of the clearing. They spoke softly, and by the looks of it neither of them was happy. “One second,” I said to May and the others. Christian and Liam stopped talking when they saw me approaching. “What’s up, guys?” I said.

“Jackson didn’t bring anything,” Liam said. “I was expecting some kind of trade.”

“What does that mean?” I asked.

“If he didn’t have any blood with him, then that means it’s still back at Lucent.”

“And?” Christian said.

Liam looked at both of us. “I’m worried the Vykens are planning on going inside to get it.” His words hung in the air, making it feel heavy.

“They wouldn’t dare enter Lucent,” Christian finally said.

Liam looked annoyed. “Why not?”

“Because the place is guarded by Guardians.”

“Jackson is a Guardian. How many more have switched sides?”

Christian didn’t answer, but by his bulging jaw muscles and white-knuckled fists, I knew he was upset. I placed my hand on his back and let it warm with Light. He quickly moved away. “Don’t do that.”

“I just—”

“I know, but I need to feel this anger. I need to be upset. Things are not okay.”

Christian was right, of course, but I hated seeing him so serious, as if he were doubting his own skills. It made me scared.

“I’ve got to get back,” Christian said. “I need to see who’s still on the good side.”

“I have to go too,” Liam said. “Arik, Aaron, grab Jackson and let’s go,” he said loud enough for them to hear.

The twins turned around but didn’t move.

“Seriously, guys. Let’s go,” Liam said again.

Arik and Aaron slumped their shoulders and each grabbed an arm of Jackson’s.

Liam turned to me. “Clear your head tonight. Use Light. Do something positive. I can tell you’re buzzing hardcore.”

Christian looked at me, waiting for an explanation, but instead I said to Liam, “You stopped me, with your voice.”

“Stopped you from what?” Christian said.

“Back in the woods. We ran into a couple of Vykens, and we were about to fight them, but I heard Liam’s voice. How did you do that?”

Liam looked up at the moon and then back to me. “It’s sort of a thing I do with wind. It carries sounds to or from me.”

Arik and Aaron began dragging Jackson. The motion stirred him awake. “What?” he mumbled. “Hey, let me go!”

“Shut up,” a twin said.

Jackson looked around. “Taking me is pointless. They’ll come for me.”

“Nobody cares about you,” the other twin added.

Jackson’s gaze settled on Tessa. “Hello, Lizen. Hasn’t your kind been warned to stay out of this?”

“Get him out of here,” Liam said. The twins picked up their pace. This time Jackson didn’t argue, but he didn’t look worried either.

I moved over to Tessa. “What’s he talking about?”

Tessa was pale. “A while ago the Lizens got a letter. We don’t know who it was from, but they warned us not to get involved in upcoming events between the Vykens and Auras. They said there would be consequences.”

Liam turned to her. “Why didn’t you tell me this? I would never have involved you.”

“It’s my choice,” Tessa said quietly.

I put my arm around her as did May. “Everything will be okay,” I said, but when my eyes met Liam’s and I saw his concerned expression, I wondered if I’d just lied.


I wasn’t sure what time it was when my cell phone started vibrating, waking me up, but when I opened my eyes and saw the gray beginnings of morning’s light shine through my window, I guessed it was around 6:00 a.m. I turned and looked at the clock. Close. 6:30. I’d been asleep for two hours.

After I’d parted ways with the group, who all looked exhausted except for Liam, I didn’t go to bed like everyone else. Instead I ran on the track for almost an hour, trying to burn off some energy. I tried using Light, like Liam had suggested, but I just couldn’t get it to come. My body demanded something physical. Maybe if I could’ve calmed my mind . . . 

I picked up the phone. “Hello?”

“Is Tessa safe?” It was Liam, and he sounded frantic.

I rubbed my eyes. “Tessa? I think so, but I just woke up. Why?”

“Did she make it there safely last night?”

“Yes. What’s this about?”

“After you guys left, we took Jackson to my cabin to question him, but he wouldn’t say jack. I told the twins to take him to the Deific because they have better ways of getting someone to talk than I do, but on the way there they were attacked. Their car was totaled and Jackson was taken.”

I sat up straighter, thinking. “How long ago was this?”

“The accident happened about three hours ago, but I just got the call.”

“Why didn’t they tell you sooner, especially since he threatened Tessa?”

“The Deific didn’t know about the threat yet,” Liam said, his voice full of regret. “I was going to tell them this morning when they questioned Jackson.”

“What’s everyone doing now?”

“They’re looking for him. I’m going to help too, but I wanted to check on Tessa first.”

While he was talking, I was already getting dressed. “I’ll go check now and get back to you.” I slipped my bare feet into shoes. “Are the twins okay?”

“They’ll be fine. Call me soon.”

I hung up the phone and rushed out the door, going straight for the dining room where I hoped I’d find Tessa in the kitchen.

The dining room was mostly empty. A few girls had come early and were sitting quietly reading books while a couple of Lizens set the tables. I pushed the kitchen door open and froze. Huddled in the corner were several Lizen women. When they saw me, they stepped back until I had a clear view of Lilly, Tessa’s mother. She was crying.

“Tessa’s missing,” she said.

It took me a second to find my voice. “For how long?” I asked and wondered how much her mother knew about Tessa’s activities.

She wiped at her nose. “A couple of hours maybe. Her bed was empty when I went to wake her this morning.”

I moved forward and gave her a hug. “Have you told Sophie?”

She nodded.

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