Fox Tracks (19 page)

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Authors: Rita Mae Brown

BOOK: Fox Tracks
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A stacked row of hay bales made for a temporary jump until Cindy could design one to her liking. This pierced the fence line and Sister was soon over. The electrifying pace kept her and everyone focused. Clods of mud flew from hooves. Seeing the hounds ahead, she could see bits of mud flying from their paws. They ran tightly together, throwing their voices.

The grasses, high, were down slightly from the snow that had been weighted on them. Sister still couldn’t see the quarry. Within minutes, she’d dropped into pines. The hounds turned right again, and Sister found herself slowed by the lowlands along Soldier’s Road. The thin ice on top cracked as Matador ran through it.

Thank God there was no traffic on the road. The hounds crossed into the meadows, at the base of Hangman’s Ridge, now a half mile away. Although a low meadow, it had no standing water but the going was tough. Sister headed for a deer trail she knew and happened to see a large flash high up. Hounds, well behind a coyote, pushed as hard as they could.

Once on the deer path, she climbed. At times, the earth slipped under Matador. Gamely, he pressed as fast as he could because the hounds were pulling away. Breathing hard while Matador wasn’t, they finally came out on the top of Hangman’s Ridge, a long flat expanse, its black tree in stark contrast to all around it. She paused for a moment to listen for hounds and to figure out the best way down, depending on where they were. The field came up behind her. Everyone remained silent.

A slight gust made the tree moan, or so it seemed. Then Sister heard the hounds. She took the farm road down, which, while slippery, wasn’t as rough as the deer trail. At the bottom she kicked on, took the coop into her field with the old ruins, and flew, flat-out flew to the edge of her field, where she soared over the hog’s-back jump into the woods of After All. They ran the mile and a half to Broad Creek where the hounds lost the scent.

Everyone was grateful for the breather, all the more so since bad footing took a toll on the horses. Shaker cast both sides of the creek. Nothing.

He looked to his master on the opposite side of the swift running water. Sister waved him in.

Once over, she called to him: “Lift them, Shaker. It’s been a decent day.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He called the hounds to him. “Caught a glimpse. Coyotes.”

“He certainly ran in a straight line.” Sister nodded.

Pookah mumbled to Cora,
“We could have picked him up again.”
The talented young hound was disappointed.

“Yes, and we could have run to Main Street, Charlottesville, too.”
The older hound smiled.

“At least to Roger’s Corner.”
Pansy, Pookah’s littermate replied, referring to a convenience store in the opposite direction. “
Do coyotes always run like that?
” she asked.

,” the older hound answered.
“They go straight as a stick, just go, go, go, but they aren’t clever like a fox. There’s not much to figure out, although this one did manage to throw us off.”

Diva joined them and said, “
All he had to do was run in Broad Creek. Because he’s bigger, about sixty pounds, he can stay in the water a lot longer than the fox, who will hit a deep spot and have to swim. Some coyote are as big as we are

said Pansy.
“What happens if we corner one?”

“It will be one hell of a fight,”
Cora replied.

That gave the youngster something to think about as they walked all the way back to the kennels. Sister would have someone drive the kennel trailer back from Foxglove. No point in walking the hounds or her horses all the way to Cindy’s. She bid everyone to go on and she’d drive over once horses and hounds were put up.

Betty, who had borrowed one of Sister’s horses, and Sybil put
the hounds in the kennels. Sister took both her horses to untack, clean up, and get water.

Hunt staff runs like a platoon. It’s a small unit and everyone knows their job, ready for abrupt shifts in task.

After, they all jammed into Sister’s truck, reaching Foxglove just as everyone was going into the house for breakfast. Perfect timing.

Sister found Cindy. “How’s Kylie?”

“Dry and warm.” Cindy smiled. “And she fits into my clothes. I don’t know if I’ll see that sweater again.”

Sister noticed Kylie in Cindy’s jeans and a dark green turtle-neck sweater. “You’ll never see it again because you’ll give it to her. I know how you are, and I regret I’m not your size.”

“You’d have to shrink a few inches.” Her dear friend laughed as they headed for the hot drinks.

Hot tea in hand, Sister walked over to Donny and Sybil, who were deep in conversation.

“Sybil, I am stealing your boyfriend.”

Her whipper-in laughed, turning to chat up the schoolgirls who hunted today.

“Donny, I noticed you were carrying a gun.”

Surprised, he said, “Yes.”

“That’s fine with me, but you should have asked me first. The last thing I want is someone armed in the field who can’t hit the broad side of a barn. You can shoot. Why are you carrying a sidearm and what caliber?”

“I’m sorry, Sister. I didn’t mean to break a rule.” He inhaled. “Two reasons. I saw a wounded deer when we hunted in January and I couldn’t do anything to help it. And well, I know this is—” He paused. “Anyway, a dead body was found in our hunt territory. Just in case, you know?” He looked at her.


“Sister, he had to be murdered. No way that’s a natural death.”

She sighed. “I know. I’m not so worried for the club, Donny, but he was found on Gray’s farm. The only people who know about that abandoned road are poachers, and if you think about it, us.”

Glass held high, Kasmir approached them.

Donny quickly said in a low voice, “It’s a .38. I keep a rifle in the truck.”

“All right.” She put her hand on his shoulder, squeezing lightly, then turned. “Kasmir, my very own maharaja.”

He kissed her on the cheek and they instant-replayed the morning’s hunt.

Later, riding back to the farm as Sybil drove the hound trailer, Sister thought,
What you see coming is not what you see going

Funny that popped into her head. Her father used to say that when life was confusing.


ray stamped and wiped his feet on the heavy sisal doormat inside Sister’s mudroom door.

Raleigh slipped through the dog door on the kitchen side to greet him. Rooster remained with Sister in the den, where she was at her desk paying bills. Golly was nowhere to be found, never a good sign.

The handsome man stepped inside the house and placed
The Washington Post
on the kitchen table, calling, “Where you at?”

“Den!” she called. She always smiled when he used the colloquialism.

Picking up the paper again, he walked down the hall and dropped in the den’s big leather club chair. “Hell Road. Honest to God, the drive home from Washington, never good, was a goddamned mess today.”


“Where do all the people come from? Remember when we
were kids and the road to Washington was two lanes of pitted asphalt?”

“That was because they still feared we’d march on them again.” She teased him.

“Not my people.”

“Do you know that for sure?”

“Not really. When Great Aunt Tinsley died, she took most of the family history with her. She was the one who knew about all the Lorillards in the War Between the States. Now I wished I’d asked a few questions, but we sure did hear about the time she met Booker T. Washington. A thousand times.”

“A great man.” Sister nodded.

“Don’t you wonder how many people who did a lot for others were never recognized? Or who died at nineteen in war?”

“Yes, I do.” She pushed aside her checkbook, stood, and walked over to the recessed bar in a bookshelf.

She poured Gray a stiff Blanton’s with a splash of water, a pinch of bitters. He liked his bitters, a twist of lemon. After handing it to him, she said, “I’m glad you’re home.”

“Me, too. Oh, read the first section of the
. Where there’s a little recap of news from other places.”

She dutifully took the paper, sat opposite him in her own club chair. She found the section, her interest now piqued.

“What in the hell is going on?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know, honey, but you can tell everyone you were in on the first murder. I don’t think this is a personal vendetta anymore.”

She read aloud as Raleigh put his head on the chair arm to listen. “Oliver Frontenac, proprietor of the exclusive Chicago Tobacco Emporium, was found shot through the head, a pack of American Smokes on his chest. Police believe nothing was stolen
from the store, et cetera, et cetera.” She looked at her Doberman, then at Gray. “This gets under my skin. It really does.”

“It’s getting under mine, too, and maybe that’s because two dead bodies we sort of know is two too many, even if Carter Weems has nothing to do with any of this other stuff going on.”

“Right now, I’m ready to consider anything, no matter how fantastic.” She folded the paper in quarters, smacking it on her knee. “And let’s not forget that an Altria warehouse burned up.”

Altria was the parent company of Philip Morris. “Which brand?” asked Gray. “Do you remember?”


“That’s one of Philip Morris’s biggest moneymakers,” he said. “It is possible that fire was in some way connected, although I don’t see how.”

“What baffles me is why would anyone kill these days over tobacco? Savaging the industry seems to be a done deal.” Sister frowned. “Seems un-American to bedevil an industry that served as collateral for loans from France. We’d have not won the War of Independence without France. Do you have to kill these few people who still sell tobacco products? Or burn out a warehouse?” Sister petted Raleigh, who closed his eyes in pleasure.

Sprawled on the rug, Rooster opened one eye, then closed it again.

“I don’t know, honey, there’s a lot of crazy people in this world. If they’re killing over tobacco at least that’s a dispute over a real thing. You can hold a cigarette or a tobacco leaf in your hand. It’s killing and persecution over ideas that seems to raise human cruelty and perversion to new heights. And you know, this is creeping closer to home. The Henrico County Board of Supervisors approved construction of a mosque, perfectly reasonable, we have freedom of religion in this country, and some of the locals got all up in arms about it, doing their best to show off their intolerance.”

“Midget minds.”

He took a long drink. “I wouldn’t kill for a bottle of Blanton’s, but I might consider it on a bad day.”

She laughed at him. “Bourbon is so sweet. Smells good, though.”

“That it does. I watch myself. You know how that one glass at the end of the day can get bigger and bigger? Or the other trick is you start with one glass of wine or one shot of whiskey, yet the glass is never drained.”

“Gray, you’re not going to turn into an alcoholic.”

“I hope not, but I’m vigilant. Sam certainly provided me with a dismal example and Momma could knock it back, too, when the mood took her.” He smiled at Sister. She always looked so pretty. “How was today’s hunt?”

“Good.” She smiled. “Ran two foxes under the schoolhouse and then picked up a coyote heading south on Cindy’s back farm road. That was wild.”


She nodded. “It is mating season. Looks like our schoolhouse fox has a boyfriend. And Kylie Engle, the sophomore at Custis Hall, slipped in the lower pond. Horse scrambled out. The kid kept her head.”

“Speaking of kids, what have you heard from Tootie today?”

“She was able to get some money refunded to her father. Now she’s packing up her room at Princeton. Val is pitching a fit—Tootie’s version. I’m sure Val’s is a little different.”

He leaned his head back on the chair, stared up at the ceiling for a moment. “Tough call,” he said, and she knew he referred to the right course of action for Tootie.

“Yes, it is, but I think she’s right.”

“I hope she’s able to make an arrangement so if she wishes she can return to Princeton,” said Gray sensibly.

“I don’t know. Oh, you know what else happened today? I noticed that Donny Sweigart was carrying a pistol. Happened to notice the bulge at his side. If he falls, he’ll break his ribs and oh, that will hurt.”

“Why is Donny carrying a gun?”

“He says we can’t be too careful after the corpse was found at your homeplace.”

“Seems a little extreme.”

“Does, but I gave him permission after the fact. Never hurts to have a good shot in the field.”

“True.” He heard a thump upstairs.

Sister looked at the ceiling. “Now I know where Golly is. I’ll find out what she’s done later. I’ve been paying the bills and that’s trouble enough.”

He laughed. “Damn cat.”

“How true. So very true,”
Raleigh solemnly intoned.

Sister returned to the large desk, rolling her chair to the computer. “I just had an idea. The American Smokes murders were in New York, Boston, and this latest, Chicago.”

“Right,” he said skeptically, unsure whether to encourage her.

“Okay, give me a minute here. Here we go.” She peered at the screen. “Just the taxes on a pack of cigarettes in New York City with federal, state, and local taxes is $6.46. That’s just the taxes. The rest of the cost is determined by the brand, et cetera. Okay, now, Chicago has the second highest tax rate at $5.67 per pack, which will go up another dollar, and—” She kept looking. “Can’t find Boston, but the Massachusetts state tax per pack is $2.51.”

“What’s Virginia?”

“Ummm, thirty cents. Which makes sense. Let me look at another tobacco state here. Kentucky, sixty cents. North Carolina, forty-five cents. South Carolina, fifty-seven cents, uh, Georgia,
thirty-seven cents and Tennessee, sixty-two cents. Those are the tobacco states.”

“Connecticut.” Gray finished his drink.

“Three dollars and forty cents.” She raised her eyebrows. “It’s not really a tobacco state. I mean it grows cigar wrapper leaf, but that’s not the same.”

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