Four (Their Dead Lives,1) (7 page)

BOOK: Four (Their Dead Lives,1)
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“Lance Corporal,” Evans said.
Glad she’s on my side or that road would’ve been drenched with pieces of my brain.

Faith nodded back. “Specialist.”

“Good to see you made it. See any others?”

“Pollock was severely injured in the crash by this guy.” Faith shot her eyes at Jennings. He blushed and turned away in embarrassment.

“That all?”

“No.” Faith smiled faintly, which was rare for her. “Jeff’s alive.”

Hell yes, brother.
Evans didn’t smile, and as he was about to kneel by Longsong, Faith grabbed his arm.

“A second?” she whispered.

Evans followed her a few yards away from the rest of the group. “What’s up?”

“Jeff,” started Faith. “He, well, you heard what happened.”

“How does he look?”

“Too good. Better than us. How?”

He’s alive. What else matters?
“Let’s worry about us first, then find him.”

Giving Evans a skeptical squint, Faith finally affirmed his idea and they rejoined the others. Evans knelt by Longsong, who held the wounded Felix close. “What happened to her?”

“Surrounded,” breathed Longsong, pressing his hands to Felix’s eviscerated stomach. “They tore her inside out!”

“Worse stomach wound than Pollock,” muttered Faith.

Pvt. Felix raised a shaking hand at Evans. Blood dripped from her mouth as she choked, a deep gash cut through her neck. Her body convulsed for several long seconds before she died. Another VTF left this world.
We were never meant to stay long, were we?

“Alicia!” Corporal Longsong sobbed and shook the lifeless body.

Evans rose. “I’m sorry, Xander.”

Corporal Longsong wiped his face, unintentionally smearing blood across his chin and cheek. He took off his helmet, revealing sweaty hair, then hid his teary eyes from the others.

“She was a good fighter,” said Jennings.

“You didn’t even know her!” Longsong struck back, sweat and saliva flying off him.

“Corporal, let’s keep it together.” Faith grabbed his shoulder.

We are loud and in the open. I despise this.

Longsong glared at her. “I am together. Can’t you see that, Lance Corporal? I’m fully together!” He stood and paced in a tight circle. “What the hell are they, anyway?!”

Jennings muttered, “Zombies.”

Evans ignored him, stepped to Longsong and Faith. “Have you seen the Lieutenant?”

Longsong dropped his helmet to his feet then kicked it. For some reason, Jennings limped over and kicked it too.

“We lost Lt. Sampson and Pvt. Cruz.” Longsong looked up at the dark sky. “Then we got ambushed. I killed most of them but Alicia, sweet Alicia...” his voice trailed off.

Jennings whispered, “Oh, so they were banging? I get it now.”

Ignore him.
“Listen, we need to find the others. Any idea where they are?”

Longsong was silent, staring at his slain lover.

Faith stepped in assertively. “Jon is right, Corporal.”

“The LT made a rendezvous point before we got separated.”


“We can’t leave her though.” Longsong crouched back over the corpse, still ignoring Evans and Faith. “I won’t leave her alone.” He finally looked at them as he clutched her body. “Help me.”

They stared at one another. Faith whispered to Evans, “He’s freaking losing it.”

Keep your cool, help him, keep moving.
“Okay, Corporal, we’ll take her.”

“Well, someone help me!” he shouted.

Faith insisted, “Where’s the rendezvous point?”

“Up the road,” he said as he leaned right over the corpse’s face. “Now, will someone, for the love of God, help me—”

Undead teeth sank into Longsong’s wrist, ripping flesh and vein. Longsong squealed and yanked his arm away from her mouth, spattering blood onto dirt. Falling on his ass, he stared in shock as the late Pvt. Alicia Felix rose jerkily from the ground. He grabbed his weapon with his other hand.

Blood and organs fell wetly from the dead woman’s stomach.

No, Jennings can’t be right.

“Alicia?” Longsong jumped to his feet and stood next to her, holding his assault rifle. “Alicia, baby?”

“Corporal!” Faith shouted, raising her weapon. “Xander, get away from her.”

Evans, along with Jennings, retreated a step as he watched them. With his carbine strapped tightly to his back, Evans quickly equipped his M9 Beretta, but not quickly enough.

Alicia darted forward, grabbing Longsong’s neck and digging her nails into his soft flesh. She swung her arms apart, dismembering his throat with one quick pull. Blood burst out in a red fountain.

Longsong frantically waved his gun, swinging it up as his finger slipped against the trigger, accidentally unleashing a three round burst at Faith.

Faith fell to the ground, roaring in pain as she crawled from the corporal’s flailing body. More shots were fired Faith’s way. Bullets ripped her thigh. She hissed through clenched teeth, sweat drenched her shaved head, and turning over on her side, she aimed her rifle at Longsong with one hand, cursing at the corporal as she hesitated to end his life. Another burst splattered her face across grass.

When Longsong first started firing, Evans had thrown himself into Jennings, tossing them both to the ground. By the time he shot the gun out of Longsong’s hand, Faith was already dead. Longsong gurgled and collapsed in the dirt.

Dead soon as well.

Next, Evans shot the reanimated Felix’s kneecaps. She dropped to her former lover’s side, tried again to gnaw on Longsong, but Evans rushed over, pinned her to the ground with a boot to her neck, and kept his pistol lined with her head.

He called back for Jennings, “Help the corporal.”

Jennings stumbled to Longsong’s trembling body, paused while standing over him. The corporal’s pained eyes shot wide as he grabbed his own neck with both hands, trying futilely to stem the flow of blood. His weak struggle lasted a few more seconds before his hands slid limply to the ground.

Jennings glanced at Evans. “He dead.”

Growling and moaning, the dead Felix tried to break out from under the specialist’s boot. Fresh blood coated her mouth. Her ravenous eyes looked blindly at him.
I know what you are. I know what you want.

His pistol lined flush with Felix’s forehead, Evans cursed Jennings for being correct, and he squeezed the trigger. “Fucking zombies.”


“Jeff would never bail on us.” Alec defended their friend, swaying back and forth drunkenly. “He wanted this reunion the most. You guys know this. A’ighty?”

“Then why hasn’t he answered his phone? Why isn’t he here?” Kale demanded, tapping their table with one hand. His chin rested tiredly on his other.

Where are you, Jeff? All we need is one more. Speaking of one more, where’s the next drink?

Scot leaned forward, his voice hushed. “Anyone speak with him since he left the Navy? I mean, since the submarine accident.”

Of course I did. I helped Jeff put this together.
“Wait, wait, wait.” Alec stumbled but grabbed the table to steady himself. Nicole giggled.
A perfect giggle. She’s perfect.
He continued, “No talking about bad shit tonight. Jeff is alive and well, and let’s all be thankful for that. He should be here any second, I swear.” Glancing at Nicole again, Alec spoke with a lowered voice, “At least he better be. I have something to tell you all.”

“Tell us now.” Much like Scot, Kale was never one for waiting.

“No. We wait for Homer. Come on, guys – we leave as four.”

Scot leaned back, groaning and rolling his eyes.

Guess he doesn’t say it anymore.

Nicole finished her drink. “Okay, seriously. Why does Jeff have the nickname Homer? Why have you guys never told me?”

Kale and Scot looked at one another, their mouths ready to share in a laugh, but then they remembered their old resentment and the moment was lost. Kale turned away first.

Get over it already, you stubborn doo-doo head dummies

Dear God I need to start swearing again.

“I told you, babe.” Alec lowered down next to her. “He has to explain it to you.”

Kale and Scot agreed. For once.

“Well,” said Nicole, “someone try calling him again.”

“Already on it.” Kale had his phone to his ear. “Huh? No service.”

The others looked at their phones. No one had service.
How the hell does that happen?

“Service is gone, eh?” started Howard, who leaned over to Kale. “This has all the makings of a horror movie.”

“I hope the girls can find the place,” Nicole remarked to Alec.

“Girls?” Howard shot to life. “I like girls.”

“You wouldn’t even know what to do with one.” Kale gave Howard’s arm a light punch.

“I do! Stick ‘em with the pointy end!” He mimicked swinging a sword between his legs.

Laughing, Kale turned back to Nicole. “Which girls are coming?”

“Sadie. I think Jerry, too.”

“Jerry isn’t a girl. Though, I guess he could be.” Kale lost himself in thought. “Isn’t he an asexual?”

Howard leaned forward, speech slurring. “A what?”

Cutting them off, Nicole touched Scot’s wrist. Angela gave her dagger eyes.
“Sadie is good friends with Kelsey, but don’t worry, I doubt she’s coming.”

Scot fought to keep his face from flushing. Skin so pale, it easily turned red and showed embarrassment. But now he was slightly pink from the alcohol. “I have no shits to give,” he said.

Angela asked, “Who is Kelsey?”

Well, this might get ugly. Should I take a stroll? I say yes.
Alec turned away from the group, and went to his brother, Brian, in the back office. The office door hung slightly ajar, and Alec stumbled into the wall next to it.

Brian was speaking to Erica, his voice quick and quiet.
He’s upset about something.

“You don’t get it,” Brian said impatiently. “The bar is draining money. You think I left it empty for them on purpose? No one drives down here. Those wealthy bastards up the hill all go to sleep early. I’m losing it, Erica. I’m losing it all fast. No, I already lost it. Let them drink it all.”

“I’m here for you, okay? We will figure this out.”

“How? How can we figure this out? Do you know anything about running a business? Tell me. Please, if you have the answer, tell me.”

“You don’t have to be a jerk, Brian. You know I care for you, right? I’ll do whatever you need.”

“Aren’t you still seeing Tommy?”

“Aren’t you still with Morgan?”

“Yeah, but, Erica, what are we doing? How has everything gone to shit so fast?”

I avoid drama only to stumble into more. Great. I need a drink!

The two lovebirds bickered a few more moments before Erica, fed up, saucily told Brian she had invited her
boyfriend Tommy to come to the party. Brian coldly said he didn’t care.

Am I the only one in a normal relationship? It’s not that hard to stay in one vagina.

The door to the office swung open, startling Alec. Erica moved past him, her head lowered, embarrassed.

Poking his head into the office, Alec said, “Hey, brother.”

“Hey, get the door, yeah?”

Alec closed the door and sat in front of Brian’s desk. Inside the small office there were some cabinets, a desk, file folders tossed here and there, and a large rickety air vent that Alec and Brian had once crawled through when Brian first got the place. It led up to the roof. Silly shenanigans. Good times.

“You okay, Brian?”

Rubbing his temples, Brian said, “Ugh, let’s not get into it. This is your night. Don’t worry about me.”

“You know,”—Alec burped—“you know you can tell me anything.”

“I know, but enjoy yourself tonight. We can worry about it tomorrow.”

“All right. Well, Kale and Scot are here. Jeff will be here soon. They would all love to see you.”

“Whole gang again, yeah? Maybe I’ll join.”

Alec stood, leaned over the desk and touched his brother’s wrist. “We’re going to be fine.” He noticed something in Brian’s lap that surprised him. “Is that a gun?”

Brian nodded, revealed a shotgun.

“Jesus, what are you doing with that?”

“I like to load it and unload it when I’m stressed. That’s all.”

“Please tell me I won’t hear it go off while I’m out there.”

“Alec!” Brian laughed. “Life might be a little shitty right now, but I won’t kill myself.”

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