Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television (44 page)

BOOK: Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
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While I am speaking of my former advertising colleagues, I want to say a word about the contribution made by one of them, Howard Gossage, who died many years before I even thought to do this book. Gossage exposed me to a way of thinking about media, its power and its absurdities, which probably affected my own perceptions more than any other single person or source. Often while working on this project, I found myself mentally checking things with the way he would have seen them, his mind remains that alive to me.

Finally, for contributions of hot leads and miscellaneous good ideas, I would like to thank Larry Adleman, Rina Alcalay, Obie Benz, Jeff Brand, Stewart Brand, Susan Brockman, Neeli Cherkovski, Sheldon Davis, Libby Edwards, Mali Gesmundo, Todd Gitlin, Rubin Glickman, Colette Goerner, Arlene Goldbard, Rasa Gustaitis, Jim Harding, Janet Kranzberg, Ann Kyle, Marie Helene Laraque, George Leonard, Leo Litwak, Jerry Lubenow, Joan Lubenow, John Magnuson, Jane Margold, Susan Margolis, Katinka Matson, John Mattson, Jeannie Milligan, Albert Morse, Stewart Mott, Mike Murphy, Michael Nolan, Mark Obenhaus, Zev Putterman, Michael Shamberg, Michael Singer, Dick Shouse, Sara Ur-quart-Duskin, Henry Weinstein, and the folks at the Ant Farm, Optic Nerve and Malvina’s.


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About the Author

BOOK: Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television
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