Fort Lupton (15 page)

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Authors: Claudia Hall Christian

Tags: #'romance, #suspense, #urban fiction, #serial fiction, #strong female character, #denver cereal'

BOOK: Fort Lupton
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Drink it,” Katy said.

The twin started drinking.

What about the other
one?” Edie whispered.

Do the same thing,” Katy
said. “I’ll get another one.”

Katy ran out of the room and appeared a
moment later with another bottle of breast milk. She held the
breast milk out to Edie.

It’s not warm,” Edie said
to Katy.

Aren’t you a fairy?” Katy

Oh,” Edie

She put her finger to the bottle and the
milk warmed up. Emboldened by Katy, Edie turned around and held the
bottle to the second twin.

You have to be

Anjelika’s Russian-accented voice came from
the doorway. Edie groaned to herself. Now everyone knew how lame
she was. She glanced at Katy’s grandmother. Anjelika smiled at

It’s not you,” Anjelika
said. “It’s them. Mikhail and Megan drove my mother to

Drink this,” Edie

The baby looked at Edie. The next thing Edie
knew, the baby was drinking the bottle.

They’re hungry,” Anjelika
said. She put her hands on Katy’s shoulders. “They’d just rather
play than eat.”

She was being too nice,”
Katy said.

Oh, yes.” Anjelika smiled
at Edie. “They are good children, mostly. But they must know what
you require of them, up front. Otherwise, they get up to

Why?” Edie asked. “Rachel
and Mack, they . . .”

Who knows?” Anjelika

It’s Grandpa’s fault,”
Katy said in a conspiratorial voice.

Perses?” Edie

Anjelika nodded. Edie looked at the twins.
They had finished their bottles.

See!” Katy said. She
zoomed out of the nursery.

I’m going to burp you
now,” Edie said.

She reached in and picked up the closest
twin and then the other. She walked around the room with the
infants on her shoulders.

You’ll do just fine,”
Anjelika said.

You think so?” Edie

Look,” Anjelika

The babies were asleep. Edie smiled. She set
them down to change their diapers. When she looked up, Anjelika was
gone. She had changed the twins and put them in new outfits when
she noticed they were looking at her. They smiled at Edie, and Edie
felt a well of love for these tiny babies. She smiled.

We’re going to sleep
now,” Edie said in her best commanding voice.

The babies were sound asleep on the changing
table. She ferried them to the crib. One feeding and one changing
down. Smiling at herself, she sat down in the armchair by the door
and fell asleep.

Tanner and Bladen woke up and looked for
Edie. Bladen looked at Tanner. They both grinned at each other.
Katy appeared in the doorway.

Go to sleep,” Katy

They dropped back to sleep. Nodding to
herself, Katy left the room.


Thursday morning — 11:15 a.m.


Charlie opened his eyes and scowled. He had
no idea where he was.

Hello?” Charlie

Jill came into view. Charlie smiled at her
familiar face. Sandy’s girlfriends had been around so much when he
was growing up that they were like his older pseudo-sisters. He
couldn’t imagine it any other way.

Hi, Charlie,” Jill said.
“Honey had to go into Lipson for a while, and Sandy’s at the police
station with that Red Bear.”

Where am I?” Charlie

You just had another CT
scan,” Jill said. “You’re in the waiting area. They want to check
the scan before sending you to a room.”

A room?” Charlie

You’re leaving the ICU,”
Jill said. “If the scan’s clear.”

I don’t know what that
means, ‘scan’s clear,’” Charlie said. “Clear of what?”

Bleeding,” Jill said.
“Your liver has been bleeding from where it’s injured. John thought
it would settle down, but we’re checking to see if he’s

feel . . . better,” Charlie said. He glanced at
Jill. “Did you . . .?”

Did I what?” Jill

Give me a whammy?”
Charlie asked. “You know, like you did with Honey and Aden and
Sandy and Pete and Blane and . . .”

Jill cleared her throat, and Charlie

What if I did?” Jill

Um . . .”
Charlie closed his eyes for a moment. “Thanks. I’d just say thanks.
I think I needed it.”

Well, if that happened,
then you’re welcome.” Jill smiled at Charlie.

Charlie tried to give her a dashing grin,
but he mostly groaned. Jill smiled.

Can I ask you a favor?”
Charlie asked.

Sure,” Jill

Will you tell me what’s
wrong with me?” Charlie asked. “No one will say. I mean, maybe they
told Sandy, but not me.”

Jill looked away from him for a moment and
then looked back.

Okay,” Jill

Okay?” Charlie

Your legs are broken as
are your arms,” Jill said. “You have some broken fingers and a
couple broken bones in your hands and one in your foot. You have a
few broken ribs. Your insides are . . . bruised.
They were in worse shape, but they’ve healed remarkably

Jill raised her eyebrows and cleared her
throat. Charlie smiled at her.

Why did I have more
surgery?” Charlie asked.

John did surgery because
you ripped a bunch of veins where they all come together in your
arm,” Jill said. “He said you shouldn’t have any more trouble, but
it may also be a problem.”

I’ll never play
basketball again,” Charlie said as a matter of fact.

Maybe,” Jill said.
“Personally, I think you’ll heal.”

Why? Why would you think
that?” Charlie’s voice rose with pain. “My life is

Jill took his hand.

You’re not going to try
to talk me out of it?” Charlie asked.

I’m not,” Jill

Aren’t you supposed to?”
Charlie’s voice rose with pain and indignation.

Maybe,” Jill said. “What
would I say?”

That my life is my life,”
Charlie said. “No one is guaranteed a free ride. That I’m young and
healthy and have all the opportunities in the world and I’m loved
and . . .”

Charlie’s eyes flicked to Jill’s face. He
raised an eyebrow.

That was either brilliant
or lazy,” Charlie said.

Lazy.” Jill nodded.
Charlie laughed.

Jill leaned back away from Charlie. He
grabbed her hand. Jill leaned over him again.

What am I going to do?”
Charlie whispered. “I was getting caught up in school and working
and Tink and . . . everything. I can’t get up the
stairs at the Castle if I go back there. And my
brain . . . and . . .”

Jill kissed his cheek.

What am I going to do?”
Charlie whispered.

You’re going to do what
we all do,” Jill said. “You’ll just live one minute at a time.
We’ll help. Sandy’s traded hairstyling for help from a PT. The PT’s
going to start working with you as soon as you’re home.”

What about school?”
Charlie asked.

My mom’s still your
tutor,” Jill said. “She’s not about to let you slip.”

I can’t pay her,” Charlie

Jill squeezed his hand.

What?” Charlie

You’ve already paid her,”
Jill said.


All those choices you’ve
made,” Jill said.

What?” Charlie

You’ve stayed sober,”
Jill said. “You’ve worked really hard in school. Your reading has
improved a lot. You decided to testify and helped Tink and the
other girls.”


That’s all my mom cares
about,” Jill said. “She’ll be here as soon as you get into your own

Oh,” Charlie said. “But
I’m sick.”

Jill smiled. Charlie grinned.

It’s not going to be
easy, Charlie,” Jill said. “But we’re all here to help in any way
we can.”

Charlie stared at the ceiling.

What’s been happening?”
Charlie asked.

You mean you want an
update?” Jill smiled.

When Charlie was a little boy, he used to
like it when the girlfriends gave him “updates” on their lives.

Just an update, not the
whole thing,” Charlie repeated what he used to say back then. “Just
the interesting parts.”

Jill smiled. She took a breath to start, and
Charlie interrupted her.

Well? I haven’t got all
day,” Charlie said, the way he used to.

I’ll get right to it,
then,” Jill said with a smile.

Charlie nodded.

Sissy’s excited and
nervous about going to New York,” Jill said.

Tink?” Charlie

Oh, poor, Tink,” Jill
said. “She’s devastated about what’s happened to you. She’s upset
about Blane. She’s been sleeping in your little closet at the
Castle just to be close to you.”

Charlie’s mouth was set in a grim line.

But Tink’s tough,” Jill
said. “She’s ready for you to come home and start getting better.
That’s what she says. She’s really ready to move forward in her

Without me?” Charlie

I don’t think so,” Jill


Because she’s been here
every chance she got,” Jill said. “She’s sleeping in your

Oh.” Charlie cleared his
throat. Trying to change the topic, he asked, “How’s

Nash-like,” Jill

Annoying and

Yes,” Jill said. “He’s
come up with a grand plan of how to get into the Science and Tech
school. He and Teddy think they have a chance. We’ll

I remember.” Charlie

You haven’t actually been
here that long,” Jill said.

I haven’t?” Charlie
seemed genuinely surprised.

Just a few days,” Jill

Charlie fell silent and stared at the

You okay, Charlie?” Jill

Just feels like a
lifetime,” Charlie said. “Like there was a before-time and then a
now-time, a before-Charlie and a now-Charlie.”

I bet,” Jill

That means Noelle is
still obsessed with her new painting,” Charlie said.

Exactly right.” Jill

Just hard to fathom,”
Charlie said.

Jill nodded. A radiology technician came
into the room, and Jill looked up.

The radiologist says we
have all we need,” the technician said.

And?” Jill

They’re getting a room
ready for him,” the technician said. “But you should
know . . .”

Yes?” Jill

They will only keep him
in a room for a couple days,” the technician said. “You’ll need to
find a long-term care facility.”

Why is that?” Jill

He’ll need care for a
long time,” the technician said.

Yes,” Jill said. “I guess
that’s true.”

I asked the nurse to get
you a list,” the technician said.

That’s not necessary,”
Jill said.

They won’t release him
without a care facility,” the technician said.

We’ll just bring him
home,” Jill said.

It’s a lot of work,” the
technician said. “He’s really better off in a facility.”

We’ll just split it up,”
Jill said. “There’s a lot of us.”

Jill glanced down and saw that Charlie was

Well, just let me or your
nurse know,” the technician said.

When the technician was gone, Jill leaned
over Charlie.

What is it?” Jill

I want to go home,”
Charlie said. “I want to go home so bad I can taste it.”

Then it’s all

Jill sat back. After a few minutes, an
orderly came to take Charlie to his own room. When he got there,
the room already had flowers and balloons from people wishing him

Another orderly came in. They carefully
moved Charlie into the bed. The nurse came in to get him hooked up
to all of the machines.

Did you
see . . .?” Jill whispered to the nurse.

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