ForsakingEternity (15 page)

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Authors: Voirey Linger

BOOK: ForsakingEternity
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“Don’t go.” He pulled Adam against him, holding him to his
body, face-to-face, chest-to-chest and cock-to-cock.

“I’ll be right back. Just getting something to clean up.”

“No. Stay. I’ll take care of it.”

“I have to take care of you.” Adam brushed a kiss over Ren’s
cheek and slipped free of Ren’s body, but Ren pulled his wings up, cocooning
them in soft feathers, and rolled them to their sides.

“Wow.” Adam looked up at the wing covering them.

Ren smiled. It seemed his lover appreciated the intimacy
wings could provide as much as he did.

“I still need to clean up.”

His lover might be protesting but from the way Adam was
snuggling into his plumage, Ren doubted he really wanted to leave the bed.

“Have you forgotten my
special skills
? Consider it

“Ah. Those skills are handy.” Adam smiled drowsily and his
eyes drifted closed. Adam shifted to lie on his back and he pulled Ren with

It was an odd sensation, lying with his head pillowed on
Adam’s shoulder. Always before he’d cradled the female. He’d never had anyone
devote this level of care to him. He felt…cherished.

“This doesn’t hurt your wing, does it?” Adam’s words were
slurred and sleep-heavy.

“Not at all.”

Ren sent a wisp of power through the house. Once he’d locked
the doors and cleaned the mess they’d left in their haste, he let the power
stroke over the bed. He cleaned their bodies before repairing the torn sheets
and pulled the covers up around them.

They lay curled together in the darkness, cradled in the
warmth of each other’s bodies. Adam’s fingers idly stroked over his wing,
ruffling the feathers and sending a little shivery tickle through him.

“Where did the feather you gave me come from?” Adam gave a
quill a gentle tug and Ren shifted a little.

“Here.” He raised a wing and pointed to a spot next to the
shadow of the black feather. “This place is said to be closest to an angel’s

Adam’s fingertip traced the edge of the black feather and he
went tense under Ren’s cheek.

“What happened to you while you were gone?”

The gray void. Blood and pain. The cackles of the
creatures as they circled, waiting for him to heal so they could begin their
glut on his flesh and power again.

“I will not speak of it. Please, do not ever ask me to
remember these things.” The fear and vulnerability in his voice shamed him. To
show such weakness, to feel it…

He shuddered and clung to Adam. The arms around him
tightened, until he was being held with almost crushing strength.

“I’m so sorry, Ren. I wish I could have done something.
Saved you from whatever it was.”

No, love. I embraced the pain for you.

“Before the bad, there was something else. Something
wonderful. Michani.”

“Your daughter?”

His throat felt thick as he remembered their reunion. She’d
flown to him, calling out to her daddy in joyous welcome, even after so many
years apart. Her open acceptance, despite his long absence, had restored
another piece of his soul.

“In the seven thousand years since her death, I never once
visited her spirit in Heaven. I couldn’t bear the thought of seeing my
beautiful little girl as nothing more than light. I will not neglect her again.
I’ve missed being a father.”

The hand stroking his wing slowed, stilled.

“What if you could be a father again?”

“If it were possible, I would.” Another child. Oh how he’d
love to be a father once more.

“I’ve considered adoption.” Adam’s voice was hesitant,

“I think it a very noble and honorable thing to do. You
would be a very good father.” Ren couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the
two of them sharing fatherhood. The two of them would make sure their son or
daughter always knew love.

“I’m too old.”

“I’m older.” Ren raised his head to look Adam in the eye.
“Do not create roadblocks where none exist. We are already doing the

Adam gave a wry chuckle. “You have a point.”

“And it is a very good point.”

Adam hummed his agreement and kissed Ren again.

“I love you, Adam.”

“And I love you. Always and forever.”

Ren pulled his wing over the two of them. Placing a gentle
kiss to his partner’s shoulder, he extinguished the light and let himself sleep
in the arms of the man he loved.

About the Author


In an ideal world, Voirey Linger would live surrounded by
brawny, half-naked men who cared for her every need. In real life, she spends
her days chasing her children and trying to convince her cats not to kill each

Writing brings a few of her fantasies to life while helping
her escape the chaos that follows three battling boys and two warring felines.
She looks forward to the day everyone learns to get along, but until then she
deals with it all the same way any Southern woman would…sass laced with just
enough honey to make it go down easy.


Voirey welcomes comments from readers. You can find her
website and email address on her
author bio page




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Voirey Linger





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