Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (49 page)

BOOK: Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Oh, Shannon, that feels amazing, but we gotta stop, we forgot a condom,” James ground out as if stopping were the very last thing he wanted to do.

“No, we don’t,” she said between kisses. “I started taking the pill last week and it’ll be effective now.” He pulled back, his eyes searching hers. “I wanted to ride my cowboys bareback,” she explained.

A look of excitement and desire swept across his features and he flexed his hips, thrusting deeper as he claimed her lips.

“Shannon, you are a real gift,” she heard Luke murmur. “James, stop hogging her lips, my cock needs to be sucked,” he said more forcefully.

She felt Luke’s long, thick fingers burrow into her hair. When she turned, his big dick was near her face. Without a moment’s hesitation she wet her lips and sucked him in.

“Jesus, I’m getting one hell of a close up.” James chuckled.

“D’ya mind?” Luke asked, and slowed his shallow thrusts.

“Nope, just don’t shoot on my face or I’ll shoot you,” James joked.

“Nah, Shannon will take it all, won’t you, honey?”

She eased off and licked his balls.


“I want to see our cum leaking out of her two little holes.” James growled. “But it’s your cock, so it’s your call.”

“Hell yes,” hissed Luke as she sucked him back deep into her mouth.

Such erotic and explicit words caused Shannon’s pussy to clench like a tight fist around James’s girth. Desire dripped and coated his cock as she rode him faster and deeper.

“Woo wee, I think our little redhead also likes that idea,” James groaned. “She’s gripping me like a milkmaid.”

“Shove up the bed,” Luke directed as he stepped back and pulled from her mouth.

She reluctantly lifted off James as he back crawled like a crab up the bed. He put two large cushions under his butt, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her over him. His cock stood tall and proud and she marveled at how it fit inside of her at all. Her pussy must be some kind of TARDIS. She couldn’t quite understand why she wanted them both so much, why being near them inspired such craving, need and wantonness.

“Wait, we’re too hot, and I want this skin dive to last more than a minute. Sit on James’s face and give him your honey.”

Shannon saw James nod and lick his lips, so she moved up the bed and straddled his face. He brought his hands to her hips and pulled her down onto his waiting mouth. A long, high moan escaped her throat as James speared her with his tongue, then lapped along her slit to her clit and began to gently lave her swollen bud. She fell forward and grabbed the headboard to steady herself as her thighs began to shake.

Suddenly she felt Luke part her butt cheeks and a cold, gel-coated finger strummed across her sensitive anus then pushed into her back passage. Within seconds she was racing toward the finishing line, only she knew it wasn’t the checkered flag that awaited her because this was only the first lap. She bucked and jerked as it hit. She pulled away from James’s wicked mouth with a high, keening moan.

“Let’s fuck our woman,” Luke said with unrestrained lust.

James reached up grabbed her arms pulling her down to face him. “We are gonna fuck you and fill you up with cum. You’re ours.” He almost snarled. The savage intense nature of his desire thrilled her.

“Yes, yours.” She almost sobbed, her body wracked with need.

Luke was now behind her and gripped her hips as she still straddled James’s face. He pulled her down James’s body to their waiting cocks. She felt the hot tip of James’s cock kiss her pussy just before Luke lifted her up, pulled her back and impaled her onto it. She let out a low wail of satisfaction and ground down, forcing him deep. When she lifted slightly James pulled back then thrust up hard into her willing flesh.

A large, warm hand on the flat of her back pushed her down to lie against James’s now slick chest. Luke wasn’t wasting any time. She immediately felt the press of his wide, gel-coated cockhead against her constricted, puckered skin. He pushed against her sphincter and the muscle slowly relented, giving way to his flared girth. Luke didn’t pause as he forged forward, gliding inside her like a train slowing to a stop at the end of the line. His balls buffeted up against her pussy and presumably James wedding tackle as well.

This is where she wanted to be—sandwiched between the two men she loved and desired most in the world. For a long moment there were no sounds except their heavy breathing, then Shannon mewled and moved her hips, like a rider gently nudging her steed and they began.

First they went at a slow, easy trot.

“Oh, darlin’, I can feel you and him,” James panted. “It’s never been this good, never.”

Very soon it turned into a canter.

“Fuck, I can’t stop, it feels too good. This is heaven with my two favorite people. I love you, Shannon,” Luke said through gritted teeth.

Then they were in full gallop.

“Oh, God, I’m coming again, oh fuck, it’s too much—ahhh,” Shannon screamed.

“Yes,” both men yelled as they pumped hard, spewing the contents of their balls into her body.

Luke held onto her hips for a minute then pulled out and fell to the side. She took the weight off her knees and collapsed more onto James’s chest.

“Shannon, thank you. We’ve never done it like that without a condom,” James said after he got his panting under control.

Luke disappeared into the bathroom for a minute and returned with a cloth.

“Wait, I wanna see,” James said, rolling her onto her back and withdrawing his very red and ravished looking cock. “Bend and spread your knees, Shannon.”

“Wider,” demanded Luke, his features dark with lust.

It was a little disconcerting, but she complied.

“Fucking hell, that’s hot.” James sounded as if his throat was constricted.

Both men looked like hungry wolves as they stared between her legs.

“Er, this is a bit embarrassing,” she said, crossing her arms over her face.

“Sorry, love, but it’s such a turn on to see our cum dripping from you. We’ll clean you up now,” Luke said.

“Hurry up, I’m hard again. This time I’m using the back door and it’ll be slower and longer, baby,” James said.

“Me, too, I want that sweet pussy, skin to skin.” Luke headed off the bathroom to properly clean up first.

“You guys are going to kill me,” she groaned, but she always seemed to want them, she really couldn’t get enough.

“There’s a definite danger of being loved to death,” Luke conceded.

As the night progressed, Shannon wondered how she’d ever managed being alone or with only one man. She was going to miss them like the desert missed the rain when she left for Ireland, but, all being well, it was only for a few months and then she’d have them both for the rest of her life…a permanent monsoon. She was distracted from her thoughts when her phone rang.

* * * *

Rachael Ryden waited, hoping that Shannon would answer her phone. She wanted to talk to her friend while she was still in Meadow Ridge County and wish her a safe journey home. She wondered if James and Luke had made good on their intention to ask Shannon to marry them and if she had said yes. After about six rings, Shannon answered.

“Hey, Rachael, how’s the honeymoon going?”

“Great. I just wanted to check up on you before you leave and wish you a good journey. Anything interesting happen?”

“You could say that. It’s been a wonderful and eventful holiday. How about you?”

“Well, I was very nearly eaten by a shark, but Josh punched it on the nose and saved me.”

“Heck, are you okay though?”

“Yeah, but it kinda put me off swimming for a while, you know; dar dum, dar dum… dum dum dum dum.” Rachael did the Jaws tune. “So, can you top that?”

There was a moment of quiet.

“I’m engaged to be married to two Texans and you’ll be my new sister-in-law in the not too distant future.”

“Yes!” Rachael shrieked and punched the air in delight, causing Joshua to look surprised. “Bloody hell, O’Reilly, this time you win!”


Three months later

Shannon turned and gave her family one last final wave before she walked with James and Luke through the airport security checks and into the departure lounge. Most of the clan had turned out to wish her farewell, all except her mother. Mary O’Reilly had looked at the three of them with disapproval, disappointment, and disdain when they had explained the nature of their relationship. Shannon realized that her mother would never accept her two men, but the loss of her mother’s approval was a small price to pay for the happiness of three people in love. At least she knew she’d tried. Her father and the rest of the family had been surprisingly accepting, and they all seemed to genuinely like Luke and James.

The visa application had been granted faster than they expected, which was just as well because her car, cottage and bed were not big enough for her two large Texans. They hadn’t complained on the three occasions they’d visited, even though their legs hung off the edge of the bed and their knees were around their ears in her little, compact hybrid car.

She and James had an appointment scheduled at the registry office in Ridge Water to get married in four weeks time. They would quietly go and do the legal marriage in the morning with no guests other than Rachael and Luke as witnesses. They didn’t want to make a big deal of it because it wasn’t as important to them as the binding ceremony that would take place that same afternoon, in the same little church where Rachael got hitched. Her father, brothers, stepmother, and half sisters would be attending that service.

She guessed that traveling first class with her lovers had made the journey more interesting and enjoyable than last time. In fact the time had passed quickly and now they were in the company jet, about to land at the small, local airport at Ridge Water, Meadow Ridge County, Texas, where her future awaited. It had been three months since she had left and yet she felt right about returning, because that was where her heart had led her. It was now home.

She thought back to the picnic on Look Out hill with James, Josh, and Rachael. The idea of a ménage relationship at that time had seemed fantastical, but she had been right when she’d guessed that such a thing was possible in a place like this with men like James and Luke. With that happy thought she popped a Jelly Baby into her mouth, slipped her hand into Luke’s, and followed James out of the plane, into the bright autumn sunshine.




I was born in England, and became a voracious reader of fiction from an early age. I have always had an interest in the built and natural environment and I studied Town and Regional Planning and later Environmental Management. Writing fiction came later in life.

I met my husband in Scotland. We were married in the USA, in a hot air balloon, and our feet haven’t touched the ground since. We have lived in several countries and I have met many lovely people with interesting stories to tell.

I write from home, wherever in the world that may be at any given time. I feel incredibly lucky that I have found something that I love doing. Erotic romance is fun to write and I love to create characters that I can relate to, and give them romance, love, hot sex and a happy ending. Someday I would like to write a story that my children can read, but perhaps instead I’ll just have to wait until they grow up…a lot.

I hope that you enjoy reading my stories.

Also by Dawn Forrest

Siren Classic:
Sweet Water Vet: Taking Rachael

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BOOK: Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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