Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (29 page)

BOOK: Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“That should cool your ardor.” Shannon reckoned that there was no way any man could have an erection in water that cold.

James and Luke broke the surface laughing and started horsing around, ducking each other under. They were making such a commotion that Shannon thought she could slip away and get out unnoticed—no chance. James yanked her to him.

“Jesus, O’Reilly, you’d better be careful, you could poke someone’s eye out with those,” he said, looking at her very erect puckered nipples.

“Only yours,” she warned as she put her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

“Well you know what they say? In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is king.” He looked down at his cock, which admittedly had shrank somewhat but was rallying again with her wrapped around him. She could feel it thickening against the warmth of her sex.

“Jesus, have you taken Viagra and cocaine?”

“Honey, love is the drug.” He winked then shuddered. “But my poor testicles feel a bit cold. I think they’re trying to climb back up into my body.” He adopted a mournful tone. “My penis needs a nice warm muff to snuggle into.”

Shannon snorted, “My fanny’s freezing, it’s numb, but I can feel the hot sun on my shoulders, perhaps we should get out and move to a shady spot, like under that tree?”

James carried her out of the water, one hand on her ass, the other around her waist and stood on the grass. She locked her ankles behind his back for more support and hugged him tighter.

“Well, if that isn’t a fine sight,” Luke drawled, glancing over at them as he grabbed two large blankets from the backs of their saddles and laid them under a large leafy tree.

It really didn’t seem to bother Luke that she was naked and wound around James. They all lay down on the blankets with Shannon in the middle again and the guys sprawled out on their sides, facing her. She rolled onto her front, and propped up on herself up on her elbows and forearms. She felt a little less exposed in this position but had an inkling it wouldn’t last long. Luke caressed her back while he nuzzled her shoulder with his cheek and lips.

“I could get used to having you with me on the range. There are some definite fringe benefits,” James murmured as he lazily traced his fingers along her arm and then under to play with her nipples.

“I bet this goes down well with whomever you bring out here,” she murmured with a brief tight smile, her insecurities showing.

“I’ve never brought a girlfriend on a trail ride with me before.”

“Me neither,” Luke added.



She felt relief and knew that she was being was ridiculous, because so what if others had been here before her? Logically it shouldn’t lessen the moment, because it would have occurred before she knew them. Yet she did feel happier knowing that it wasn’t so.

“Listen, Shannon, we don’t want you to think that all we want to do is fuck you. I mean of course we want to, but we want you to get to know us and to feel comfortable with us both around. Ménages are about good dynamics between more than two people.” Luke stroked down her torso, hip, and outer thigh as he spoke.

“I’m just not ready for d—” She faltered. “d–double penetration yet, but perhaps we could explore some other of those fringe benefits together?”

“We’ll take it slowly, Shannon, and if you feel uncomfortable about anything we’ll stop, okay?” James watched her face as he rolled her nipple between his finger and thumb.

She swallowed down a gulp and nodded.

“Were you a good girl last night? Did you obey me and not come?” Luke asked as he cocked his head to one side with an amused expression on his face.

Shannon frowned. “Obey?” That word lodged itself in her throat and her mind. Had she obeyed when he had told her not to come? “I prefer the word complied.” In her mind there was a difference.

He gave a low deep chuckle. “But you wanted to come.”

“Yes, but I wanted to wait for

She heard his breath hitch before he said, “The waiting’s over.”

At some unspoken signal they pulled her over so that she was on her back and suddenly their hands and lips were everywhere. She lost track of who or what was touching her where. It felt heavenly and decadent. After a few minutes or maybe it was longer, they settled down, breathing deeply. James began to lavish all his attention on her breasts, while Luke kissed her face and mouth.

“Darlin’, we’re gonna take good care of you,” Luke whispered.

His hands traveled southwards, tracing swirling patterns in her skin like magical runes, bonding them all together. His fingers finally found their way between her thighs and she shifted her legs a little farther apart to give him the access they both desired.

He gently slipped his finger through her swollen, hot, and sensitive folds. It slid along her seam, back and forth, gathering her slick cream before plunging up and deep inside her. A moan escaped her lips and James responded by sucking more forcibly on her nipple while rolling the other a little harder between his finger and thumb. She arched her back in response to the pleasure that zipped through her body.

Luke stopped kissing her to watch James.

“Hot damn but she has the sexiest, longest nipples.”

It was true. What she didn’t have in the overall breast size department she made up for where it counted. They were darn sensitive too.

“I bet they’re sensitive, aren’t they, honey?”

Luke seemed to have a knack of knowing what she liked.

“Yes, very.”

“And I bet you’re sensitive here too.” With those words he hooked his finger inside her and gently fluttered it against that secret place on the wall of her pussy.

“Oh. My. God.” She panted and keened.

Her back arched and she ground her hips upwards against his hand. If he kept that up she would be climaxing very quickly.

“Whatever you’re doing, man, our woman loves it.” James had stopped playing with her breasts for a minute and was watching her face intently.

“I’ve found her sweet spot. Hell, you should feel how tight she’s gripping me and all those little ripples…” He groaned. “I can hardly wait until it’s my cock in there.”

The way they spoke about her, in intimate, crude detail, it should have shocked her out of this fevered lust. Instead it had the opposite effect.

“You’re right, I should feel for myself,” James responded quickly.

Suddenly Shannon felt another hand at her entrance.

“Oh, honey, you’re so wet.” James slowly worked his finger in alongside Luke’s. “Hell, that’s amazing, she’s gripping tighter than a pair of Steven Tyler’s pants. Where is it?”

Shannon felt Luke move his finger over and James’s replaced it to touch the pleasure point.

“Yes, oh, yes, there,” she cried out softly.

James gently rubbed and pressed.

“Oh, oh, that feels incredible.”

“It certainly does.” James closed his eyes for a second.

Luke pumped his finger in and out and James massaged her G-spot. She gained altitude quickly, climbing toward release. Luke pressed his finger against her muscular wall, down toward her lower spine, in the opposite direction to her G-spot. At the same time he rubbed her clit with his thumb. It blasted her into orbit. She screamed and bucked, clamping down on their fingers, slamming her thighs closed on their hands.

“Partner, she’s not letting us go.” James chuckled.

After several long seconds she slumped back onto the blanket and relaxed her legs. She was vaguely aware that she had held their free hands tightly in hers. Luke leaned over for a deep yet quick kiss, only to be replaced by James a split second later. They slid their fingers out of her now sopping cunt. When she released their hands they immediately did something that looked an awful lot like “rock, paper, scissors.”

Luke gave a triumphant sounding “Ha!”

What were they up to? Shannon slowly gained her breath back and smiled. “Just give me a moment will you? I’m coming back down to earth.” She sighed contentedly.

“No, honey, you’re not.” Luke’s deep voice took on a darker timbre.

Before she knew what was happening she felt her legs being spread farther as Luke settled between them. She looked down and saw that he was rolling on a condom. Unprepared for the shot of lust and desire that hit her right between the thighs, she gasped. James was rolling one on too.

“It’s all right, Shannon; we’ll go one cock at a time. All you have to do is relax, feel, and enjoy.” James was back to plucking her nipples and kissing the neck. Relax? Impossible, her body felt like one huge erogenous zone with them.

* * * *

Luke didn’t hang around. To the victor go the spoils, whether it was war or merely “rock, paper, scissors.” He was up first. He rubbed his cock along her slick, pouting pussy, gathering her natural lubricant, and then surged forward into her sweltering core. He leaned over her, resting his hands on the ground on either side of her for leverage, and flexed his powerful flanks as he fucked his way into her again and again. He knew that if he kept up this pace it would be over too soon, so he slowed down to savor the friction and squeeze of her muscles against his hard length. He adjusted his angle to slide against her clit.

Shannon moaned, “That feels sooo good.”

“So fucking good, darlin’. I love the way you grip and push around my cock. Oh, baby, hot damn, but you sure know how to please a man.”

Her heavy lidded, half closed eyes seemed to lose focus as her mouth opened wider to catch her breath and release a moan. The urge to possess her, to ram his cock deep and butt against her cervix, raged in his veins. With monumental effort he tampered it down. He didn’t want to hurt her and there was still James to come, who he doubted would show the same restraint.

She must have seen the struggle in his eyes. “Faster, Luke, don’t hold back,” she encouraged.

It amazed him that she seemed to know what he needed. He couldn’t help but increase the speed and force of his thrusts.

“Honey, your neat, sweet, pert breasts bounce beautifully. One day I’ll have my cock between them while Luke makes ’em jiggle and sway, pounding into that pussy of yours like he is now.”

This is what James did. He liked to conjure up erotic images for everyone to enjoy.

“I won’t wear a condom. I’ll come all over your tits and watch you lick them clean.”

Fuck, James was sure feeling inspired today. Luke closed his eyes, imagining Shannon covered in cum. Christ, he wasn’t going to last much longer, but when he looked at her he didn’t think that she was either. She was panting and making small mewling sounds, looking more wanton and aroused than ever. He heard an erotic squelching sound as he continued to ram his cock into her soaking core.

“A little help here with her clit, partner,” he said, shifting back to make room for James’s hand.

James licked his middle finger and rubbed it around Shannon’s swollen bud until she shrieked. Luke saw James clamp his mouth over hers, stealing the sound of her climax as her body jerked uncontrollably. His cock felt on fire with the effort of holding back until she came. Now he could let go, and with one final shove he came with the pressure of a geyser.

He heard her soft moans through the pounding beat of his heart. Had he been too much for her? Too rough?

He was about to express concern when, unbelievably, he heard her feminine, soft voice say, “That was absolutely amazing, Luke. Now can James fuck me please?”

BOOK: Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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