Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (22 page)

BOOK: Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“Hell, woman, now I’m in no state to meet the girl.” He growled.

She pressed back into him and felt what he meant.

“Serves you right, you old rogue.” She chuckled, reveling in the fact that even after thirty-two years of marriage they still turned each other on.

Luke had strolled forward to greet their guests. He gave James a man hug, a kind of slap on the back but no lingering squeeze, and Shannon a hug of an altogether different kind that ended in a brief but deep kiss. Molly noticed that Shannon raised her right foot back as she responded and cleaved to Luke. She gave a knowing smile to her husband.
Yes indeed, that girl loves my boy whether she knows it or not.

* * * *

Any fears that Shannon had secretly harbored about meeting Luke’s family turned out to be groundless. She liked them a lot and they made her feel welcome. The dinner reminded her of the lively get-togethers at her relatives’ houses in Ireland when she was a child, with various aunts, uncles, and cousins. She felt guilty to admit it but she had enjoyed those gatherings much more than spending time with her own maudlin mother.

When she saw Luke’s sister she did a double take. She was the same dark haired woman whom James had avoided in the supermarket and now Shannon understood the real reason why. She explained to Diana that she had seen her before and they laughed at her rendition of James’s avoidance tactics with a shopping cart in a supermarket full of admiring women.

Luke’s brothers weren’t subtle in their appreciation of her and made occasional comments about her picking the wrong brother, which earned them a slap on the head from whichever father was closest at the time. All the while either Luke or James was near her, casually touching her body with an easy familiarity that she wondered at. How could she feel so at home in the company of people she hardly knew? She guessed that Rachael was right and some things didn’t take long.

“I didn’t ask, but do you have any special dietary requirements?” Molly asked, suddenly looking worried.

“Well, I used to eat only natural foods,” Shannon paused as everyone went quiet, “but then I heard that most people die of natural causes so I stopped that.”

Molly burst out laughing. “Oh, for a moment I thought you were gonna tell me you were a fruitarian or something.”

“No, I eat most things. I’m not fussy.” She wasn’t about to go into the whole ‘reducing meat intake as part of a more sustainable lifestyle’ thing. There was a time and a place for that, and this wasn’t it. She didn’t want to appear to be a sanctimonious hippy.

When it was time to deep-fry the turkey Shannon was fascinated, she had never heard of such a thing before and both Will and Stuart took the time to explain how it was done. She couldn’t believe that it took under an hour to cook a fifteen-pound bird. When they served the turkey partially carved it looked succulent and smelt wonderful.

“Anyone want stuffing?” Molly innocently inquired.

Shannon caught the briefest of smirks on both David and Sam’s faces.

“You should try it, Shannon,” David advised with his purest choirboy smile.

Shannon very subtly narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips at David, silently telling him she knew exactly what he was up to.

“Is it made out of ground up sausage meat, Molly?” she asked sweetly, noting with satisfaction the grimace on both the younger men’s faces.

“Why yes, dear, it is.”

“Yum, I’ll love some then, thanks.”

She glanced around the table and saw amused looks on a few faces and felt relief, but when she looked at the stuffed turkey she felt something akin to empathy.

After the meal Shannon offered to help tidy up, but Molly insisted that her husbands and two younger sons would do it later. She offered Shannon a coffee or a stronger drink, whichever Shannon preferred. Shannon suggested that they might like to combine the two and she could make them all Irish coffees.

“It has caffeine, alcohol, sugar and fat, everything a healthy body needs. A little taste of Ireland,” she joked as she set down the glasses of coffee with added sugar, whisky and cream.

Everyone seemed to appreciate the beverage. James glanced at her, and she understood by his smoldering gaze that he wished he could have a little taste of Ireland in a different form. She blushed but couldn’t help smile. Her guys had behaved perfectly all day by being attentive but not claustrophobic.
My guys?
She wondered at how easily she considered them as such.

By eight-thirty Shannon was starting to flag, the previous late night was beginning to catch up with her. Luke made his or her excuses to leave, explaining that she had been out with Rachael for her hen night and everyone understood. In fact she heard Sam snicker something about seeing the video.

“It was lovely to meet you, Shannon,” Molly said pulling her into a big hug. “Thank you again for the flowers, and come and visit any time dear.”

“Thank you for your hospitality. I had a lovely time.”

She shook hands with Luke’s dads and waved goodbye to the others. They all diplomatically disappeared to allow Luke to say goodnight. He had driven over from his house and would return the same way. James walked to his vehicle as Luke turned to Shannon and pulled her into his arms. It was twilight, and long shadows began to blend into the darkness. The air was still and warm, and smelled of cut grass and a faintly floral aroma. They were hidden from the house by thick bushes and the dimming light.

“You have a great family.” Shannon smiled up at him, craning her neck because he stood so close. “Thanks for inviting me over.”

“You’ve done it now; they are all taken with you. If you don’t go out with us I’ll never live it down,” he warned, stroking his fingers along the back of her neck and gently caressing her jaw with his thumb.

He lightly traced her lips with a swipe of his thumb and she responded brushing the tip of her tongue on his calloused pad. He made a rumbling noise that seemed to emanate from deep within his chest. It resonated inside her body, causing her pelvic muscles to clench frustratingly around nothing, building a need to have his cock sliding against the walls of her pussy, filling her, giving her core something to clasp and work around.

Their mouths met and they slowly shared the ardent experience of finding, holding, and cleaving to the one who was everything and made nothing else matter in that moment. He grazed his free hand down her back to gently squeeze her ass before sliding lower, snaking under her skirt and up, finally settling at the apex of her thighs. He slid a finger under her panties and dipped it into her moist sheath. She moaned and echoed his movement, stroking her hand along his solid erection straining for freedom in his jeans. If they had been alone she would have slid to her knees and sucked him dry.

“Oh, God, you must know that I want to eat you alive, Luke McKay. What kind of magic are you weaving?” She panted.

“The old-fashioned kind, Shannon.” He breathed between kisses.

She kissed him again feeling hot, horny, and in hell from the torment of resisting.

“What about James? I don’t want to be a tease, but I’m not ready for you both at the same time yet.” She groaned, regretfully.

“Don’t worry, he won’t interfere, he understands baby. I don’t want to push you, but God, I need to feel you.”

He plunged his thick finger deeper into her ripe cunt and deftly stroked the sweet spot that only he had ever been able to find. At the same time his thumb circled her clit.

“No one has ever made me feel the way you do,” she confessed.

The drawing and tightening sensation deep in her pelvis began as her muscles convulsed and her cunt quivered in joy. She came hard, her scream caught by his mouth. She would have collapsed if Luke had not held her close.

“God, she’s even more beautiful when she comes,” James murmured appreciatively. He was stood about ten yards away, leaning against his SUV.

Shannon thought that she should be embarrassed. She was totally unprepared for the onslaught of lust that assailed her at the thought of James watching. They were her own personal brand of aphrodisiac, and her craving for them increased with her exposure to them.

“I need you, Shannon.”

Luke sounded frustrated and in pain. Her legs buckled again and Luke let her slide down his hard body to her knees. She gripped his muscular thighs as he hastily undid his jeans and pushed then down on his hips. His stiff, engorged cock sprang free directly in her face and without hesitation she grasped the base and sucked him deep into her hot, wet mouth, taking him all the way until his balls nestled under her chin. She held his sac, caressing the full globes as she pulled back, sucked hard and released him with an audible slurp. Slowly she licked her way down his shaft and carefully took one round, suspended soft stone into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it, sucking and nibbling against it, before turning her attention to the other. She lathered his scrotum, tickling and teasing the sensitive skin. He was so responsive, already charged up, and she knew it wouldn’t take long. She was focused on loving the beautiful, full cock with her eager mouth, but she still heard James murmur, “Holy hell.”

“Fuck, that’s so good. Suck me, Shannon, take me in your mouth and suck me hard.”

He placed his hand on her head and dictated the bobbing pace as she heard his plea and responded. When she opened her eyes she saw James staring at them, leaning against his SUV with his very large, hard dick in his hand, clutching and squeezing in time to the rhythm of her head. Oh, Lord, she felt her pussy clench again with the eroticism of that act. Luke began to shake, and with a guttural moan he spurted warm, thick, sweet cum down her waiting throat. She swallowed it all, even lapping up and cleaning off his cock.

“Jesus, woman, that was incredible,” he panted. “I want to bury my face between your thighs and my cock in that snug pussy of yours again soon.” He helped her up off her knees and kissed her. “Don’t take too long to come to your senses and say yes to us both. James is dying for you, too.”

“Good night Luke.” She sighed with satisfaction.

Until she’d met Luke it had been a long time since she’d felt so inclined to really give herself over to the act of physically pleasing a man. She wanted him to feel wonderful, it mattered that he did. She should feel cheap that the man who had just come in her mouth was trying to pass her on to his best friend, but she didn’t. She felt desired because it was as if Luke wanted her to be part of something. She was still as horny as hell and wished that she were ready to take them both on together. Still after this afternoon, seeing a ménage relationship in a domestic setting, she was beginning to understand how it could work. She joined James who now sat waiting in the SUV. For the life of her she couldn’t think of an appropriate thing to say.

She didn’t think that he had ejaculated and his still hard cock was now crammed back in his jeans. He had watched the entire exchange and she could see from his expression that he was aroused and uncomfortable. She was conflicted, her body spoke volumes, but her mind was trying to keep it muted. She couldn’t remember having ever faced such temptation before in her life as having James sat next to her now. The image of him watching the thoroughly executed cock sucking that she had given Luke would be forever branded on her mind. James stared ahead at the dark road, face and body rigid as they drove in silence.

They pulled up in front of Rachael’s cabin, just far enough outside the pool of light that shone from the porch so that when James killed the engine and lights it was dark in the cab. The atmosphere was thick and charged with sexual attraction. Bound and captivated by the tendrils of mutual craving that threaded around them, they sat staring ahead, neither moving. Like her, he must have been battling his own demons of desire.

James didn’t take his hands off the wheel. He looked like a man in pain and she knew that she had the cure. He didn’t push her, wouldn’t push her, but now, Christ almighty she wanted him. All the way home she had experienced a burning, persistent throb of need that grew and intensified. By the time the car stopped her nerves were almost frayed through.

“Bugger this,” she snarled and launched herself into his lap, straddling his hips and wedging herself between his body and the steering wheel.

BOOK: Forrest, Dawn - Sweet Water Wedding: Sharing Shannon (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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