Forgiven (29 page)

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Authors: J. B. McGee

Tags: #Romance, #Young Adult, #Contemporary, #General Fiction

BOOK: Forgiven
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The photographer was right. It took us forever to take pictures after the wedding. It wasn’t something I was willing to budge on, though.

We’re finally getting into our horse drawn carriage to take us the short distance to the harbor for the reception. The entire wedding party is in front of us. They are in the carriages arranged in the order they will be presented in when we arrive. I can’t ignore the obvious connection between Sam and Joe. I wonder if Ryan sees it, too. I wouldn’t have put them together, but because she was the maid of honor and Joe was the best man, they had to be paired together. I lean over to Bradley, “Sam and Joe seem to be getting pretty close. Are you sure that Ryan was the right brother to hook her up with?”

“Ha.” He chuckles. “Are you questioning my match making skills Mrs. Banks?”

I lean into his open shoulder and give him a quick peck. “I am. I can see they have the kind of chemistry you and I have. I know my sister.”

“Hmm. I don’t think they have our chemistry.”

I look up to him puzzled. “Excuse me?”

“If they had our chemistry, then they wouldn’t be able to keep their hands off of each other.”

“Maybe. But my sister is committed to Ryan. She’s not the kind of girl who would go against that. Mark my words, though. I’m right. You’re wrong.”

Bradley throws his head back in laughter. “Your words have been noted.”

When we get to the harbor, he helps me out of the carriage. We are about a block down from the reception. We are walking down the side of the harbor waiting to be introduced. While we stand and wait, Bradley takes my hand into his and laces his fingers around mine. He turns us to face the glistening water. We both stand there silently.

He nudges me. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”

“The last time I was here. How surreal all of this feels. You?”

He pulls me into his chest. “Not so innocent thoughts coming from me.” He grips my chin with his finger and thumb and pulls me into a kiss.

“Mmm,” I hum.

“I’m wondering what you have under this gorgeous dress of yours.”

“You’ll just have to wait and find out for yourself later.”

“I can’t wait.” He kisses me again, but we’re interrupted as we hear applause and the DJ speaking over the speakers.

Bradley takes my hand into his. “You ready to have some fun?”

I nod. “I’m ready.”

The DJ announces, “Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Banks.”

We walk through the man-made line as everyone cheers. I glance over to Bradley and drink in the moment. Just like a year ago, the reflections from the lights bounce off the water and back into his sparkling blue eyes. A smile curves onto his lips as the song that we had first danced to a year ago to the day starts playing,
A Thousand Years
by Christina Perri.

“Gabby Girl, what do you say? May I have this dance?” he asks.

“Always,” I reply as he leads me to the dance floor.

When we arrive to our spot, the crowd of people who welcomed us have formed a circle around the dance floor. Bradley brings my hand up to his neck and releases before wrapping his arms around my waist.

I look up to him, and before I can say anything, he takes my lips into the sweetest kiss. When he’s done, he moves one hand from behind my back and traces the stray tendril of hair that I purposely left down because I knew he likes it. “Gabby, I know I must have already told you so many times, but you look...” He eyes me up and down.

I can’t help but fill in the words for him. “Like cake on your birthday?”

He chuckles. “No, not yet. I’m sure that is a line I’ll use in a little bit when I see what you have under this incredible dress.”

I giggle. “You keep talking about what’s under this dress.”

“Mhmm. I have waited a long time for tonight, ya know.”

“I think I’ve waited longer for tonight than you. Trust me, I know.”

“We did it, though.” He moves his lips to beside my ear. He’s so close that it sends shivers down my spine. This man can make me become a complete mess with just his breath. He whispers, “I can’t wait to make it so special for you.”

“You could do nothing, and it’d be special. Not because it’s my first time, but because it’s you.”

He closes his eyes and plants his lips on my forehead as we sway to the music. I can’t resist teasing him just a little bit. “I think you’re going to like very much what I have, or don’t have on, under this dress.”

Those blue eyes light up even more than they already were, like a kid in a toy store. “I hope there is more of the
don’t have
than the
, Mrs. Banks.”

That little trick backfired in my face. I have to change the subject. He’s making me want to skip the rest of this reception. “In good time, you’ll see. You know the first time you asked me to dance?” I ask.

“Of course, I do. It didn’t go so well.”

“Well I remember thinking I had wanted to share this song with someone special. I wondered if he even existed.”

He touches my nose with his finger playfully. “And the irony isn’t lost on you that he was standing right in front of you that entire time, is it?” He brushes my lips with his. “This song...” Kiss. “Was meant for us.” Kiss. “You know that, right?” Longer kiss.

“Uh huh,” I breathlessly mutter.

He pulls me in closer to where our bodies are perfectly molded into one another. “You see, Mrs. Banks. Turns out that you’re very good at...” He motions between the two of us and his eyes become hooded as a small smile curves on his lips. “

Bradley and I had agreed that we would stay at the reception until we couldn’t stand it any longer. We both agreed we would try to stay until at least ten pm.

We ate dinner and danced with our family until nine pm. That is when we decided to cut the cake. I knew when I warned him before the wedding that he shouldn’t put icing on me, that was like talking to a mule. The man is stubborn and a control freak. There is one thing you don’t do: tell Bradley Banks what to do. The cake was beautiful.

The garter and bouquet toss was scheduled for 9:15pm. The thought of Bradley going up my dress to find that garter had made me blush for weeks just thinking about it. My dress was so big. I knew that it would be hard for him to get through all the layers of crinolin. Finally he found it. His fingers delicately touched my skin as he slid it down my leg. I knew my face must have turned one hundred shades of red during this period of time, which seemed to be playing in slow motion. Our friends and family were all cheering, hooping, and hollering. Our eyes were locked as he smiled his sly, sexy smile. There were unspoken words being conveyed in that look. Anticipation was building for the moment we had waited so long to enjoy. With the removal of that garter, we knew it was the beginning of the final countdown. The symbolism of that part of the ceremony was fully grasped by the both of us. I am pretty sure of that.

When we were done with those things, there was still about thirty minutes left to mingle before the time we had both agreed to leave. We were both giving each other looks, and I can’t tell you how many times I saw him checking his watch. When I would catch him doing it, he would just look at me and smile. Eventually, he started a countdown.

And now we’re at zero. My dad has made his way to me and embraces me. “Thank you, Angel, for giving me another chance. I would say that it means the world.” I think he’s choking back tears. “But it means more, Gabby.”

I pat his back. “I know, for me, too. Don’t worry about Sam. I think she’ll eventually come around.”

“Oh, I don’t know about that. But please don’t worry about me or us. Enjoy your trip.”

I see Sam glaring at me. I release him and make my way to her. “Hey,” I whisper. She pulls me into a hug. It’s not like I’m never going to see her again, but for some reason, I am overcome with emotion as she holds me and rocks me from side-to-side.

“I’m so happy for you, Gabby,” she cries into my neck.

“Thanks. I love you, Sam.” I pull back and dab my eyes with my embroidered handkerchief that Bradley’s mom let me borrow. Even though she and I are okay, there is still something that is just amiss there. It doesn’t matter, though. No amount of sibling fighting will ever change the fact she is my best friend. That she is my sister. That she is the only piece, other than Emma, of my mother who I have left.

I smile as I think about Mom and how proud she would have been that I made it to my wedding night, that I found the best man in the world to marry, and I have made amends with my father. Well, she might not would be totally happy about that. I think she would be elated to see the new family I have gained today. She always loved Cade. I think she secretly had hoped he and Sam would get married. I always knew there was nothing more to that relationship than just friends.

“Call me when you get back from the honeymoon?” she asks.

I nod, too overcome with emotion to speak.

“Has he told you yet where you’re going?”

I shake my head. “No. I can’t believe he didn’t tell you.” I laugh. “He tells you everything.”

“Nope. I don’t think that anyone knows. He was afraid that someone would accidentally tell you.”

“It must be incredible.” I glance towards Bradley and I can tell that even though he’s still hugging people he’s getting impatient. “Listen...” I point towards the door. “I gotta go,” I whisper as I turn my head slightly. Sam grabs my shoulders and brings me in one last time for a hug.

“Be safe.”

I release her. “I will.”

I walk, determined, back to my husband. To my husband. It’s surreal to even wrap my head around the fact I have a husband. He holds his hand out for me. I place mine in his and together we walk to the side as everyone forms a line down to the road.

The same horse and carriage we rode on for our first date is waiting for us at the end. The DJ comes over the speakers and tells everyone to wish us well as we make our exit. The line lights up as everyone lights their sparklers, and we make our mad dash down the path.

I glance to Bradley as I try to soak in the feeling of this night. When we get to the carriage, he holds my hand as I climb up into the seat. My dress is huge and takes up a large part of the seating area. He scoots in next to me. I look out and see Sam, Ryan, Joe, John, Stella, Emmi, and my dad waving at me. There is another group of Bradley’s family waving. It makes tears escape my eyes and stream down my cheeks. The crowd cheers, and I think I hear them chanting. “Kiss her, Kiss her.”

Bradley pulls me in, and we share a long kiss as we start to move. When he pulls back, he says, “I’ve waited for a long time to get to call you

I laugh. “Call me what?”

“My wife, Mrs. Bradley Banks...” He kisses me again. “Want me to keep going?”

“Uh huh.”

“With the kisses or the names?”

I grin. “Both, Mr. Banks.”

Kiss. “Mrs. Banks.” Kiss. “My wife.” Kiss. “I love you.”

“Mmm. It’s about time you start showing me how much you love me. Where are we going anyway?”

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