Forged: The World of Nightwalkers (26 page)

Read Forged: The World of Nightwalkers Online

Authors: Jacquelyn Frank

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #General

BOOK: Forged: The World of Nightwalkers
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He chuckled again, the sound low and rich and companionable,
not mocking. It made her smile in spite of herself.

And then she felt him slide his hand beneath her shirt, cupping her breast in his fingers and palm. All of a sudden she felt so small. Small beneath him. Small within his hands. Small and inadequate. Who was she kidding? She
tiny. Diminutive. Itty-fricken-bitty. All these years of fighting to make people see beyond her height and build and suddenly she was facing the truth of it. Probably because he was the polar opposite of her.
Good God, what could he possibly see in me?
A man like him needed a buxom lass with wide hips and a big fat booty. She had a tiny booty. Practically no booty. She was booty-less.

“Ah, Kat lass, look how fine and full you are,” he invited, his tone sounding strained as if he were somehow holding himself back. “I want tae devour you, lass.” His fingers curled into the fragile lace of her bra and pulled it free of her, exposing her breast and nipple to the open air. “I’m going tae taste you now. I’m going tae have you on the flat of my tongue and between my teeth.”

She swallowed hard. There it was again. That feeling he could create in her. The feeling that she had all the power in this thing between them. But she didn’t, did she?

She had no further time to think about it. Her nipple was between his teeth that next instant and the sensation was so outstanding that she cried out. His mouth was bold and wet, hot and strong, sucking her in, toying with her in quick little flicks, letting her go to cool in the air of the room. Her entire spine turned to butter, melting away beneath her as she squirmed with pleasure. Then he ramped up the sensation by exposing the opposite breast and closing his mouth over her with a voracious sound of hunger.

“Kat lass,” he said, his breathing rolling hot over her
dampened skin, “you’re so bloody fine. Can you no’ feel how much I’m hurting for you?” He pressed the rigid length of his erect shaft against her thigh to make sure she was certain of his meaning. “Jesus. Jesus,” he groaned, burying his head in her neck, his breath hard against her. “I canna do this. I canna be this close tae you, tae feel you, wi’out wanting tae be inside you. But you’re such a wee li’le thing.”

“Say that again and I’ll knee you in the nads,” she said breathlessly.

That made him laugh, the sound gusting hard against her. He raised up again and looked down into her bourbon-colored eyes. So brown with the slightest tinge of red. It was as beautiful as the rest of her.

“I want tae make love tae you, Kat. If not entirely, then enough tae give you the pleasure you deserve. I want tae taste you on my tongue, feel you from the inside on the tips of my fingers. I want tae hear you cry out in my ear. Maybe you’ll say my name rough or maybe soft-like. Maybe you’ll taste like chocolate, just as you smell.”

“Ch-chocolate?” she asked, her mind reeling from his words. She had never heard anyone want anything from her so passionately. Just hearing all of his suggestive desires had made her wet with response.

“Yes. Warm, sweet … delicious.” His lips brushed ever so lightly over hers. His tongue came out to drift over her lush bottom lip. Her breath caught, her throat tight with a thousand emotions. How could he ever know what his desire for her meant to her? How could he understand that she had never, in all of her life, felt more like a real, normal—even better than normal—woman in the eyes of another. It had taken finding this man and this dark little world for her to learn that normal was such a subjective thing.

“Do it,” she said with soft ferocity. “Do it all. I want it all. I want to give it right back to you, too. I want to
know what you taste like, Ahnvil. What you feel like.” She reached between their bodies and ran a hard palm down the length of his zipper. He bucked against her touch, his hips lurching forward almost frantically.

He reared up then, ripping away the clean shirt he had donned, exposing his bare, massively beautiful chest. She reached out and grabbed at the buckle of his belt, her nimble fingers undoing it swiftly. She pulled it free and his loose waistband slid down to ride low on his hips. She could see the strong cut of muscles stretched taut over his hips, disappearing suggestively beneath his jeans. Equally suggestive was the furry line of hair that drew downward from his navel. Oddly enough he hadn’t a speck of hair on his chest. It was all just tight, gorgeous muscle and a pair of flat, buff nipples.

He only let her look at him for a short period of time before he was bracing a hand on the bed by her head and looming over her. His fingers were at the buttons of her shirt, undoing them in rapid succession. Within seconds he was parting the fabric, exposing her midriff, her bra, and her panties. Next he went to the front clasp of her bra and snapped it open. Then he lifted her limp body up and shucked it all away. She lay there naked and vulnerable, nothing but her panties to protect her.

“Look. A wee li’le bow,” he said with amusement, touching the tiny bow at the top center of her panties. “Gods, I canna decide if you’re adorable as hell or sexy as hell. I’m torn betwixt the two and was never happier for it.”

That made her smile.

“I like the idea of being both for a change.”

“For a change? You ever were,” he insisted. “Nothing has changed on you from the time before I met you tae today. You are what you ever were. Beautiful, amazing, sensual. All that and more adjectives a brute such as me has little access tae.”

“You’re not a brute. No more now that you ever were. Not to me.”

He unbuttoned his jeans with a single hand. “I doona want tae frighten you,” he said after a moment’s hesitation.

“I’ve seen it before,” she reminded him.

“Aye. Only this time you’ll know my aim is to put myself inside you and that’s more than enough to frighten any lass.”

“I’m not just any lass,” she said on a whisper of breath.

“Oh aye,” he agreed, then slowly unzipped his jeans and pushed them down and away from himself. His erection was an astounding thing of beauty. Bold and thick, flushed and taut. She couldn’t help but to reach out and touch him, and the moment she did she felt him shudder hard. He said something unintelligible under his breath and even though she didn’t know what it was she understood the sentiment behind it.

Slowly she wrapped her hand around him, just lightly at first, drifting her touch up and down the length of him, learning every single taut vein and bump. Then she went to stroke the head of it and was instantly rewarded with a bead of fluid against her fingertips. She rubbed the fluid back into him and he cursed.

“Nay. You’ll make me come just as we are, that’s how eager I am for you,” he said after snatching her touch away from himself. He reached for her panties and in one swift jerk of movement he’d shucked them off her. And now she felt truly vulnerable. Truly exposed. She wasn’t made perfectly, had no supermodel figure. She had some good curves in some places and some bad ones in others. But looking into his eyes she could swear he didn’t see a single one of them, and that made her doubts about herself instantly evaporate. His hands were on her body then, running up her entire length from kneecaps to shoulders and touching everything in
between. It brought her skin to life and her nipples tightened, jutting up toward him and eagerly begging for his attention. And he gave it gladly. First with the touch of his fingers. A brush. A stroke. A pull. A pinch. Then he wrapped a hand around her ribs and jerked her torso up about six inches and brought her directly to his mouth. Teeth. Lips. Tongue. All of it in parts and then together. The feel of it making her go wild with need. How was he able to do this so easily? How was it as smooth as water over glass with him when before, with others, it had always seemed like so much effort?

He shifted from one nipple to the other, cuddling and cradling each breast in their turn. She arched her back, pressed back her shoulders. He tasted her until she was raw with need and her fingers were nearly tearing the hair out of his head.

“Ahnvil, please …” she moaned softly.

“No’ yet, love. No’ yet.”

And then his touch drifted down over her belly, causing it to contract under the attention. He found the soft mink curls guarding the treasure he was truly seeking and scraped through them with the tips of his fingernails. He imagined himself doing the same with the claws he grew when he changed and it was all he could do to keep himself from doing so right then. He didn’t want to frighten her. Not when he was so close to having her. And anyway he didn’t feel things as finely when he was turned to stone. It was one of the reasons he could take hit after hit after hit and just keep coming.

But now he didn’t want to be so rough and so tough. He was afraid of being that. Afraid of hurting her. God, she was so small! But fiend that he was he couldn’t make himself walk away. He was going to do everything in his power to make her sing. Everything he could to see to it she felt nothing but the sweetest pleasure the world could offer. So he touched her gently, felt how wet she
already was, and groaned as the flowering flesh gave way beneath his fingertips.

He immediately stroked her in short, languid circles. Her knees drew up instinctively, then one fell aside, completely opening her to him. He could see her, so pink and so pretty. He wasted no time sliding a probing finger into her. But even his fingers were big in the face of her smallness so he went gently. She made a sound and with the sweep of her hips pushed him into herself faster than he had planned on.

“You’re tormenting me,” she accused him on a soft cry.

“Nay. I just doona want tae hurt you.”

“You won’t. I know you won’t. Just … please …”

So he thrust his finger into her and felt her give way. Her hips rose again, along with the erotic scent of her. That left him with only one option. To taste her while he touched her. There was really nothing else he could do. Nothing else he wanted to do.

When his tongue unerringly touched her clit Kat gasped loudly into the room. To her it sounded as though it echoed. But none of that mattered. What mattered was the pleasure that was echoing through her. She rolled her hips, chasing his mouth, rubbing herself against the tongue that was laving against her. It took no time at all before she reached a high point of pleasure, trembling on the very brink of release, needing so badly to fly. And then she was gone. Soaring beyond him, beyond the room, beyond everything she’d ever thought she was or could be. With him there were no limitations.

There was absolutely nothing weird to be found anywhere.

“Ah, Kat, you’re the prettiest picture a man ever saw,” he said as he carried her back down to earth with languid little strokes of the fingers inside of her. Two fingers,
she realized. When had that happened? Did it matter?

No. Absolutely not.

Then he pulled them free of her, the wetness of it so obvious to them both. He took those two fingers and touched them to the head of his shaft, rubbing her wetness into himself there. It was the most erotic thing she’d ever seen in her life. And there was nothing she wanted more than to feel him inside of her, she thought as he moved over her, his cock heavy in his hand as he aimed himself carefully against her.

The instant he came into contact with her they both gasped aloud. He bent for her mouth, kissing her fiercely, all the while bathing himself in her wetness. He groaned as he thrust against but not inside her. Running himself over her again and again until he was sure she and he were both as wet as they could be. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done in his life. Even escaping from captivity had never been as hard as trying not to come against her before either of them was ready. He felt green and eager, as though she were his very first, and in a way he supposed she was. She was the first mortal woman he had allowed himself to be with since his forging. Ihron had been less discerning, but he had not been made as big as Ahnvil was. For him … he’d always been afraid his ferocity would hurt them.

But here ferocity was and yet it played in perfect tandem with gentility. And it was with leashing one and letting loose the other that he began to slide inside of her. Inch by excruciatingly lovely inch.

“Yes!” she cried, once again lifting those mobile hips of hers up into him. It brought him ever deeper inside of her. And deeper still with another undulation. And that was how it went, with her working herself along the length of him. It was torturous and sweet. Lush and
violently needful. He wanted more and more until he was flayed apart from the pleasure of it.

And then, with a thrust he could not control, he shoved himself into her. She sucked in a hard breath, as if she had been hurt and he immediately cringed and went to pull back, but she grabbed hold of his shoulders and dug in her nails.

“No,” she said, groaning tightly. “Don’t move yet. I just want to enjoy this for a moment. Enjoy the first time you’re inside of me.”

“Oh, lass. My Kat lass,” he said with a relieved wash of breath escaping him. “Doona take too long because I doona want tae spend myself wi’out so much as a thrust. And as it is I’m a hairsbreadth from it. God, oh God you feel like … like … like I’ve never known anything could feel. Can I move now? Please,” he begged her.

“Yes. Please do,” she said with a laugh. “You do beg so well.”

“Oh aye. And soon you’ll be doing the same,” he said with a grin.

“Promises, promises,” she sing-songed.

“You’ve got that right. And I’m a man who keeps his word.”

And he kept it with a long, deep thrust that took her breath away. And then another. And another. A volley of them so stunning and so arousing, each to the highest degree. She knew within seconds that she was going to come again. There was nothing she could do to prepare herself, no hope of even stopping it … if she might ever want to stop anything like it.

She didn’t.

Ahnvil felt her contract around him just as a cry of pleasure exploded out of her. Again, she worked her hips against him, using him however she could to derive the most out of her pleasure. It was absolutely maddening
for him. He lunged into her then, the feeling like ripping free of chains and launching into freedom.

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