Forever Love on Fireweed Island (Island County Book 4) (28 page)

BOOK: Forever Love on Fireweed Island (Island County Book 4)
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I’ve been thinking a lot about your offer to visit your library on Fireweed, and I know it would make my publisher tremendously happy. Would a week from Friday give you enough time? If the offer is off the table, I understand. I just think it’s about time we meet up face-to-face.


It literally felt like the world was playing the weirdest trick on me. I quickly slid my phone into my purse, afraid to answer him until I had a moment’s peace. I drifted back over to the group, and Jake wrapped his arm around me as Wally filled us in on the lifecycle of a ladybug, and I wondered if life could get any better.




“This is the real deal,” I breathed into the phone.

Natty laughed. “Nick is going to owe you for the rest of your life.”

“He’s not the only one, but Nick would definitely make a horrible detective.” I glanced at Walter King’s schedule. His agent sent it over, and he was due to arrive in Fireweed any second.

 My stomach clenched into knots. This was the real deal.

“No, he really wouldn’t,” she mused. “So how is Jake handling take two of Walter King?”

“He doesn’t seem too fazed by it, but I’m panicking. Blzin, I mean Mr. King, has been writing some really intense pieces, and if I weren’t already a woman in love, I’d be swooning left and right.”

“Did you just say a woman in love?” Natty asked.

“I did, and I am,” I confessed.

Jake was outside playing with Coco so Mrs. Coleville could have a little break. She’d been taking care of Harry left and right, and Coco began to rebel. I thought it might only be a matter of time before Coco went back to her old ways. She only felt the pull of a couch for so long.

“Is the feeling mutual?” Natty asked.

“It had better be.” I laughed. “You will love his family. His mom is absolutely incredible, and you’ve already met his brother, Chance. He’s so funny. Anyway, I can’t wait for Mom and Dad to meet them all.”

“They will not believe it.” Natty laughed.

“You’re probably right about that. But Mom must be having a lot of fun in the UK, because she’s not even commenting on my blog posts.”

“The nerve. Well, I hope your big reveal is everything you’ve ever wanted it to be.”

“To be honest, I just want it to go smoothly. You’ll be there, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m surprised Jake is so easygoing about it all.’”

“I kind of am too, but I think after the bug guy, he knows he’s in pretty safe territory. But listen to this.”

I brought up Walter King’s latest blog post and scrolled to the bottom and read aloud.


I've seen a thousand mountains with a thousand faces,

but all I see is you looking back at me.

I hear your smile and

I see your voice in the

currents of our ocean,

 and I wonder

if you see me?


“Is that not the most romantic thing? His words just washed over me, and I couldn’t help but think about Jake and me in fifty years.”

“Well, have you messaged Walter, letting him know that—”

“No. I don’t really know how to bring Jake up,” I interrupted. “It’s not like Blzn and I even know one another beyond . . . well, you know.”

“I suppose.”

“I doubt he’s coming because he’s interested in me. He’s kind of a recluse. He probably just wants to do his first press thing with someone he’s comfortable with, and—”

“At an island most of the world has never heard of?” Natty interrupted. “It’s because there’s a connection between you two. I don’t know if that poem was directed at you or not, but don’t chance it.”

“He probably figures the island is so small, no one will pay attention.” I hoped that was the reason, but I sighed into the phone.

She was right. A few months ago, I would’ve been all over this, hoping Walter felt the same way I did, taking that poem as a sign. Now, I was just hoping he was exactly like Wally so Jake didn’t worry and I didn’t make a fool of myself by tripping over my feet or tongue.

“Okay, love ya.” Natty laughed. “See ya tonight.”

“Love ya too.” I hung up the phone and turned to my laptop.

“Whoo.” I whistled aloud as Jake came into the house.

He walked over to me and began to massage my shoulders.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“Natty’s got me paranoid about Blzn. She thinks he’s only coming because of me.”

“She’s probably right.”

“No way.”

“Come on. The poor guy has been puttering along, talking openly to his pen pal, and then bam! He gets his heart ripped out by a librarian with no—”

“Hey. That’s not how it’s gone at all.” I smiled. “There’s never been anything romantic.”

“But you’ve shared all kinds of things.”

“True, but I stopped the sharing since we met.”

“Did you happen to mention to him how incredible your someone is?” He wiggled his brows.

“No, I left that part out. Keeping my options open and all that.” I giggled.

 “Let me remind you of what you could be missing.” He worked his lips softly down my neck, as if I needed any reminding.

“You’re asking for a lot of trouble,” I murmured, feeling the softness of his lips nip and tease their way lower.

“And I hope I get it.” His whiskers scraped along my skin, and a wave of goosebumps ran across my arms.

“You do realize I have to be to the library in under an hour?”

“I can make that timing work,” he teased, straightening back up.

“I bet you could. I really wish you’d reconsider and come tonight.”

“I don’t want to make the guy nervous. I think he’s already coming under false pretenses.”

“Not even.”

“Did I tell you how much I admire your kindness?” he asked, and I wondered if it was a trick statement, considering I felt like anything but kind to Walter.

“How so?” I asked.

“I just do.”

“If you need anything, give me a call. I’m going to go out on a jog. Good luck with everything, and get lots of bookmarks.”

“Really?” I’d hoped he’d changed his mind about coming tonight to hear Walter King.

“You’re sure Wally isn’t showing up again instead?” His sexy smile was my complete undoing.


“If you don’t come right home, I’ll know you’ve left me for bug man.”

“Not the same guy,” I chimed.

He gave me the sweetest kiss, and I knew no matter who was going to show up tonight, all I wanted was to spend my life with Jake Harlen.

I watched him take off down the sidewalk and took in a deep breath, hoping for something that just couldn’t possibly be.

The library was bustling, and I saw a local television crew from Seattle. Our little Fireweed Island was getting all kinds of press.

Val came dashing over the moment I got inside. “Insane crowd tonight. Some people drove all the way from Montana. Can you believe it?’

“I kind of can. Have you seen his latest blog post? I guess it’s an excerpt from a new project he’s working on.”

“You mean the one with a thousand faces, and all are you . . . or whatever he said. Can you imagine being the one he’s talking about?”

My stomach tightened, and I glanced at the building crowd.

“No, I really can’t. Now, let’s hope he’s not a no-show.”

She laughed nervously. “He’s canceled before.”

“Has he really?”

“Yep. This really will be his first appearance.”

I tried not to panic as I thought about everyone eagerly waiting to meet this legend of a man and the legend not showing up. That wouldn’t happen.

No way.

The crowd began getting antsy, and I needed a moment outside to come up with some proper excuses for a no-show. I walked through the library doors and felt the evening air swirl around me.

Everything was going to be just fine. I glanced down the sidewalk toward Natty’s flower shop and turned the other direction to see Jake making his way over. I noticed he had a copy of King’s book.

“Curiosity killing you?” I teased.

“You could say that.” A wolfish grin spread across his lips.

Jake looked incredible, dressed in a pair of jeans and an open flannel shirt. Seeing him walk toward me with such confidence reminded me of the first time I’d met him while I was stranded in the towering maple. He commanded such authority, and it was difficult not to get lost in it.

“I hate to say it, but I think he’s a no-show.”

“Nah. He wouldn’t do that to you. He knows this means a lot,” he assured me.

I shrugged. “Maybe, but if that’s the case, he has an odd way of showing it.”

Jake’s grin widened, and his eyes locked on mine.

A shiver ran through my body as he brought my chin between his thumb and index finger.

“Now?” I asked, nervously glancing around.

He bit his lip, his eyes darkening as he went in for the kiss. I felt the most amazing clash of emotions as his kiss deepened, and I cared less and less about whether Walter King was going to show up. As I pressed my body into his, I felt him come to life.

I smiled, loving the reaction I could so easily get from him.

His kisses slowed, and his lips parted from mine.

“There’s something I need to tell you,” he began, and my world stood still as I saw the look in his eyes.

“I haven’t known how to tell you, or when to tell you, or if it would make a difference, or—”

“Or what?” I whispered, praying for something that couldn’t be possible.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m like your very own John Griffith Chaney, or to the literary world, Jack London.” The hopeful look in his eyes was only exaggerated by the familiar desire running between us.

My mouth parted to say something, but nothing would come out. I wanted Jake to be my Jack London so badly it hurt, but I wouldn’t let myself believe in something so magical. That wasn’t how my life had worked.

“You are Walter King. You use a pen name,” I said aloud just so it would sink in. “I don’t believe it.”

“Without the bad habits of Jack, yes,” he whispered as he brought me into him. “Actually, there might be a few,” he teased.

“I just . . . I can’t believe it.”

“Believe,” he murmured. His arms tightened around me, and I knew this was where I’d always belonged. If it hadn’t been for the detour that got me back to Fireweed, I might never be standing in Jake Harlen’s arms like I was this very night. “The moment I realized it, I knew forces outside of us were making this happen, and I just waited for the right time to reveal it.” He kissed the top of my head, and my entire body went limp into his.

“I think I just fell a little more in love.”

Jake laughed and pulled me even tighter.

“I suppose I should go into the room full of people?” He sighed.

“I suppose. So you did this for me?”

He nodded, and I smiled, taking a step back.

 “I did. I’d do anything for you.”

“Well, I can’t wait to hear what Walter King has to say.”

We walked into the library hand in hand, and the crowd began clapping as we walked toward the stage. He stopped so I could take a seat in the moderator’s chair, and I watched him glide to the front of the room. I knew several of the locals were already making the connection, and I held in my giggle.

For a man who didn’t like attention, Jake Harlen was about to get a lot of it. I was sure he’d be on the front page of our local newspaper again.

He opened the book to a page he had marked off and began reading, and I knew I was falling in love with him all over again.




“Okay, Todd. This is absolutely ridiculous. Dotty did not mean to snub you in the pasture. You don’t need to take it out on the rest of the crew, either.”

Todd turned around and backed his way into Dotty, and she began humming frantically. I didn’t understand how I could be pulled so easily into alpaca drama, but here I was.

Thank God these creatures didn’t have Facebook.

I stood on my tiptoes and saw Jake wandering over without a care in the world. We were about to leave for Hound Island, and my simple task was to get the crew inside the barn. Jake had packed the chopper, and all I needed to do was meet him there about ten minutes ago. The problem was and always would be Todd. He had firmly planted himself in front of the others, not allowing them to get by.

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