Forever Love on Fireweed Island (Island County Book 4) (14 page)

BOOK: Forever Love on Fireweed Island (Island County Book 4)
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“Well, I stopped by and snagged a few, and they were mind-blowing.” He grinned, turning onto the main road leading to Island Bluff. We probably could’ve walked, but then getting to Tori and Mason’s would’ve become a chore. Besides, I kind of liked being trapped in small quarters with Jake.

“I think that might be where Natalie gets some of her baked goods for her shop too.” Natalie’s florist shop also had a little café with espresso drinks and baked goods.

“I just might need to start coming into town more often.”

I giggled and looked at the bustling sidewalks filled with tourists and locals enjoying the summer weather. The blue skies provided the perfect backdrop for the sparkling water, marinas, boutiques, and restaurants. Jake found a spot to park and turned off the car. He slid his hand to my knee, and a spark caused my breath to catch.

“Thank you for coming out with me tonight,” he said softly.

“Thank you for inviting me. Sometimes, it’s nice to get out of my own little world.”

“Tell me about it.” He slid his hand off my knee, and I kept my breathing quiet and steady. I didn’t want him to see how much his touch affected me.

Because it did. Every single time. In fact, my knee still tingled from where his fingers were.

He climbed out of the car and I followed, hopping onto the sidewalk.

“Hi, Jewels.” I looked over to where the voice came from, and there stood Gary, the owner of Loxxy, Fireweed’s boutique hotel on the water.

“Hi, Gary.” I waved and saw his wife, Rhonda, dash outside from Misty Shallow’s boutique to say hi. They were regulars at the library and always donated books that got left behind by guests.

“How are you? That must have been so awful, dangling from that sapling and all,” she teased, giving me a quick hug. She still had two skirts draped over her arm from inside the boutique. “Good thing that sexy fireman was able to save you.”

My cheeks reddened, and she glanced a few feet away where Jake stood, smiling.

“Leave it to my wife . . .” Gary laughed. “She loves a man in uniform. That’s how we met.”

“Yes, it was, my dear, and you’re still the hottest man in town.” She rolled her eyes in my direction, and Jake laughed. “I have a couple of boxes of books to drop off. I just keep forgetting.”

“That’ll be great. Thank you. Our summer library sale will be coming up soon.”

“I thought so. Now, if only I can remember to deliver them.”

“I can swing by,” Jake offered. It only took one step, and he was next to me.

“You don’t have to do that,” she told him. “Now that I know the sale is coming up, I’ll drop them by when I return my books.”

“I think we interrupted a date,” Gary whispered to his wife. “Go back inside and let the man make his moves.”

This time, it was my turn to laugh while Rhonda gave me a quick hug and turned on her feet to continue shopping.

Jake pressed his hand to the small of my back, gave me a gentle nudge forward toward Island Bluff, and slid his arm around my waist. He leaned his head down and whispered.

“Have you ever noticed the people on Fireweed are overly friendly? It’s like there’s something in the water.”

“And the scary part is that it’s genuine.” I laughed.

Jake opened the door and I walked under his arm into the island’s most upscale restaurant. Tonight, it was filled with tourists and locals celebrating special occasions. The décor was sophisticated, but nautical elements featured an exposed stone wall behind the hostess area, and brass anchor lamps dotted the wall behind her. Sounds of dishes clanking with the bustle of the wait staff and laughter echoing through the air led the way to the packed dining room overlooking the water.

The hostess led us to a window table tucked in the corner. Something told me Jake had reserved this one especially for us.

“This is lovely,” I said as the hostess pulled out my chair and waited until I sat down before handing me the menu.

Jake sat across from me and took the menu from the hostess. I noticed her gaze linger on him a beat too long, but he didn’t even notice.

Or if he did, Jake didn’t show it, and for that, I was grateful.

“This is a pretty perfect place to sit,” I said, leaning forward.

“You’ll get an incredible view as the sun sets.”

“You’ve been at this table before?” I asked, wondering if this was where he took all his dates.

“This is my mom’s favorite restaurant.”

I must have looked a little too relieved, because his brow arched as he studied me.

“What did you think I was going to say?” he asked.

I smiled and looked down at the menu.

“Do you like calamari?” I asked.

“Love it, and their aioli is amazing. Perfect amount of lemon.”

My gaze shot to his, and I hid a smile.

“So you know a lot about Seagulls and aioli. I’m really not getting a clear picture of who you are yet.”

“Does it keep things interesting?” he asked.

“It has so far, but I’m going to need more soon, or else I may lose interest,” I teased, studying him. He ran his hands through his blond hair and flashed a sexy grin without saying a word.

“Or my imagination might go really crazy, and I’ll have you working for the CIA or scaling mountains when you’re not volunteering as a fire-putter-outer, and then my fantasies will be destroyed when I discover the man behind the mystery.”

“Well, we can’t have that. I’d better pick up some dangerous hobbies.”

The server came over and took our drink and appetizer orders.

“Go ahead and ask me anything.” His gaze intensified as he sat back in the chair.

“What do you do during the day?” I asked, my brow arching. Finally, I was about to get some answers.

“It depends on the day.”

“Why did I ask?” I laughed. “But seriously. You know where I spend my days. Where do you spend yours?”

“At home, working away on various projects. Last week, I installed shelving in the garage Mason built. Yesterday, I had to go to Seattle to meet with some partners.”


“For one of my businesses.”

The server brought over the calamari and set it on the table.

Now we were getting somewhere.

“How many do you have?”

“More than I should.”

“Are they all successful?”

“Yeah. That’s what makes it difficult to want to let any of them go.”

“Would I recognize any of them?” I asked, praying he wasn’t in the adult toy industry or the who-knows-what-someone-will-do-in-front-of-a-camera industry.

I shuddered at the thought. What a terrible end to a beginning that never began. I never really thought about it before, but I actually didn’t think I’d be able to handle being with someone who was involved with the sex industry. I mean, no judgment from me, but I just don’t think I’d be happy. I wasn’t a prude, but I doubt I’d be thrilled if my man spent his time directing things that didn’t usually need to be directed or selling things that—

“You doing okay over there?” Jake asked. “You look like the squid just got up and walked off the table.”

“Yeah. Totally fine.” My cheeks flamed red. “Just worried I left my door unlocked.”

Oh, no. What if that was why he could fix my blog?

“Sure that’s it?” he asked, seemingly amused by the expression I couldn’t get off my face. Why was I so transparent?

I nodded, which then turned into a swift shake of my head. “How do you know so much about websites and blogs?”

“In my industry, you have to be able to move rapidly with the changes. Between video technology and—”

He was a really attractive guy. Maybe I could look past this little issue. Maybe it would make the sex even better.

“So you’re an IT guy?”

“Not at all. It’s just a tool. When you come over, I’ll show you some of what I’m up to.”

“It’s not anything—” I stopped myself.

“Anything like?” he prompted, smiling.

“You know . . .”

“I don’t, actually.”

“Well, you’re so private and secretive.”

He tilted his head slightly. “And?”

I leaned closer to the table and whispered. “It’s not . . .”

Why couldn’t I just say it? I was a grown woman.

“Not what?”

I sucked in my breath and whispered. “Porn?”

He threw his head back in laughter, and my entire body relaxed until he brought his gaze back to mine.

“Would that be a problem if it was that industry?” His voice was quiet.

“I mean, you’re an attractive guy, and I would understand—”

“So being good-looking helps you overlook that?” he interrupted.

“No. I don’t know. Of course not. I don’t think that has anything to do with it one way or another. Yes. Actually. No. I have no idea . . . so that’s what your businesses are?” I nearly hissed as my heart plummeted like I took a little dive off the Empire State Building.

The familiar grin spread across his lips and he shook his head.

“Absolutely not. I’d rather have the real thing than waste my time with any of that.” His gaze intensified.

“If you weren’t so secretive—” I started.

“How in the world did I go from being a CIA agent and mountain climber to a porn exec or whatever you were thinking? It takes a fascinating mind to make those jumps of logic.”

I shrugged and giggled. “It’s the same mind that knows I’m deathly afraid of heights yet still climbs a tree to save a dog.”

“Indeed, it is.” He smiled and took a sip of water, and I felt my guard slowly begin to slip away.




Mason and Tori’s yard was bathed in a soft glow from the hanging outdoor lights and fire pit that Mason designed and constructed out of slate and lava stone. Flames were stretching toward the starry night, and I could feel the heat from ten feet away. The structure was gorgeous, and the largest source of outdoor heat I’d ever seen. From what I gathered about Mason, he liked to go big with everything, and that same rule applied to outdoor living spaces. A gazebo the size of most people’s living room had been built off the side of the house, overlooking a beautiful butterfly garden and Forgotten Cove. Benches and tables were sprinkled in all directions, and music played in the background.

“You made it,” Natalie called from the far corner of the yard. Cole’s left arm circled Natty’s waist, but he gave a strong wave with his right.

“We did.” I waved back, trying to act nonchalant about having Jake by my side.

We’d had an amazing dinner, and I was so proud of myself for not mentioning my past relationship—or his, for that matter—during the entire meal. My goal was to keep up the streak at Mason and Ayden’s party, and so far, so good. Granted, we’d only been here for about five minutes.

I spotted Mason and Ayden by the barbeque with Lily and Tori close by.

“Tori moved back to Fireweed for a summer and never left. Did you meet her when you worked with Mason?” I asked Jake.

Tori’s red hair was in a French braid, and her pink summer dress looked gorgeous.

“No. He talked about her a lot, but I have to tell you . . . I have no idea which brother is which.”

“Really?” I laughed. “Mason is the one in the open flannel and shorts.”

“How can you tell?”

I studied Mason for a moment and turned to look at Jake. “You know, I have absolutely no idea. I think I just assumed it was Mason because he was standing closer to Tori.”

“Makes sense.”

“The gal with the auburn hair is Ayden’s wife, Lily.” I scanned the crowd of people, most of whom I didn’t know. I doubted if they were from Fireweed. “That’s Gabby and Jason over there. Jason builds bikes, and you’ve already gotten a taste of Gabby’s baking.”

Gabby stood on her toes and placed a sweet kiss along Jason’s cheek and he grinned. A slight stir appeared in my stomach, and I pushed down the frustrating feeling of wanting something I didn’t really want. Or did I want it, and that was why I was frustrated?

“Who’s that guy over there in the suit?” he asked, pointing. “He’s standing behind Gabby.”

An attractive man dressed in a dark suit stood drinking a beer with his arm around Brandy’s shoulders.

“That’s Aaron. He’s Gabby’s brother and is with Brandy.”

“Maybe this is why I stay home all the time. Too many names and relationships to remember.”

I laughed and nodded. “It’s easier to memorize them all when they’re in a book.”

“Hey, man,” Nick said from behind.

We spun around to see him walking over with two lemonades.

“Glad you two could make it.” Nick had a mischievous twinkle in his eye, which was always worrisome. I saw how he operated with my sister and Sophie, and it usually never led to calm things. “Has she stayed out of trouble?”

“Define trouble.” Jake shook Nick’s hand after grabbing a bottle of lemonade, and I scowled. “She nearly got run over by a motorcycle in the last week.”

“Really?” Nick’s brows lifted, and he handed me the other lemonade.

“It’s complicated.”

“Isn’t it always with you?” Nick smiled. “Would you guys like something to eat? There’s a hot dog bar, ribs, and fried chicken.”

“We just came from dinner,” I said as Jake slipped his arm around my shoulders.

“As in a date?” Nick looked pleased.

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