Forever Love (Arabesque) (19 page)

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Authors: Celeste O. Norfleet

BOOK: Forever Love (Arabesque)
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“Yeah, me, too,” Keith said.

“I saw the picture Danny posted of you in the Diamond District coming out of the store,” she said, smiling. “Did you get it?” He nodded. She smiled. “Good.”

Keith glanced back toward Gia’s office. “I hope so.”

“Um, about what Bill said, questioning Gia’s reputation. What can she do about it, a press release or something?”

Keith shook his head. “No, I got this.”

* * *

The rest of the weekend was a rush of publicity, but Bill’s mediocre attempts at hogging the limelight were nothing compared to Keith’s consummate charm. When Keith vowed to Bonnie that he had this, sure enough, he did. As soon as he left the OCC office Saturday afternoon, he called Megan. He detailed his process and she put it into motion. By the eleven o’clock news, Bill’s comment and accusations had turned into a pathetic attempt to justify his existence. He ended his fifteen minutes of fame by promising to run for mayor in four years. No one took him seriously.

* * *

OCC’s reputation was intact and Gia’s credibility as a community organizer had never been stronger. She held her regular Monday night neighborhood meeting, and although there were a good number of additional faces, the crowd was totally interested in what she spoke about. At first she had no idea what to expect when she walked into the meeting hall. But she soon realized that everyone there was interested in a better life and her apparent close affiliation with Keith Washington gave her additional influence with the city’s mayor.

Apparently she was wrong.

For the last two and a half days she had watched Keith work his magic from the safety of her home and office. She wanted him with all her heart, and she knew it wasn’t pride that kept her from going to him, it was trust. She loved him and in her heart she knew he loved her, too. But how could she trust him?

Chapter 22

n Election Day Keith’s focus was back on Blake. But even with that it was obvious that he was merely going through the motions. Still, it kept him busy and distracted from what was really eating him apart inside. He had Megan and Kate out in the field taking care of any last-minute glitches. Prudence and Michael were at the Grand Hotel preparing for the party of the decade. His brothers were roaming the voting sites shaking hands and meeting voters.

He stayed, managing it all from his office. Thankfully he was alone, having given everyone the day off. He watched the exit polls and communicated nonstop with his mother and father, both making late public appearances. With the exception of a few last-minute crises, everything was under control.

“All right, that’s it. Enough’s enough. You need to deal with this thing now.”

Keith looked up from his computer to see his brothers walk into his office. He sighed heavily and leaned back in the chair, knowing this was going to be more nonsense that he had to deal with. “What is it?” he asked anxiously.

“Bro, you’re killing us. You need to go get her and stop driving everyone crazy,” Drew said.

“What?” Keith repeated.

“You know what, Gia Duncan. You need to tell her you love her and give her that ring burning a hole in your pocket.”

Keith looked at his brothers. There was no denying it. They were crazy and today of all days he didn’t need to hear this. But they knew him too well. “I wish I could. But she won’t have me.”

“So what do you do, mope around here the rest of your life?”

“You know you’re overlooking the obvious. You can always talk to the expert,” Drew said.

“Who’s the expert?” Keith asked. Then he knew and shook his head. Drew nodded and looked at Jeremy, nodding, too.

“Mamma Lou,” they said.

“No,” Keith insisted.

“Actually, you don’t have much of a choice.”

“What did you do?” Keith asked.

They smiled and turned to leave. Drew opened the door. “Come on in, Mamma Lou. We’re through with him.”

Keith glared at his brothers as Louise walked into his office and they left smiling happily.

“Mamma Lou, I know what you’re gonna say and I appreciate your interest, but this is—”

“Love,” she interrupted, smiling. “Yes, I know.”

“No, this is not a good time. I have to—”

“Although I’m not quite sure how you two got it all tangled up like this.”

Keith knew there was no use. She wasn’t listening to him. “I know you wanted Gia with Rick and I know...”

“Rick Renault is a sweetheart, yes. And matching him up will be my pleasure, but honey, he and Gia could never be a match.”

“But at the Ball. You—”

“He was just a nice young man who helped me out with a little push in the right direction.”

Keith understood. He nodded. “It was me all along.”

“Oh, don’t say it like that. You and Gia are perfect together. You have fire together, and the spark you two ignite is a joy to watch. That’s love.”

“That was love. I messed up.”

“Of course you didn’t. All will turn out exactly as it’s supposed to. Love has a way of making sure of that.”

“Are you sure about that?” he said.

“Oh, yes, love is forever and you, my dear, have a forever love.”

“I like that, a forever love.”

“Now come on. I have a celebration to attend and a little errand to run first.”

* * *

Gia watched Tuesday night. Three hours after the polls closed, the votes had been counted and the official announcement was made. There were gatherings and parties all over the city. But the main celebration was at the Grand Hotel Ballroom, and it seemed as if the entire city showed up.

Although invited, she didn’t feel like going out. She didn’t have a whole lot to celebrate. Yes, she had endorsed Blake Washington and yes, he won the election, but what she lost was far more. Her cell phone rang. It was her grandmother.

“Hi, Grandmom, how are you doing?”

“Fine, I’m having the time of my life.”

“Doing what?” Gia asked. She had no idea how anyone could have the time of their life at a nursing home.


“Oh, right, the election. I didn’t know the Crestar was doing anything.”

“Oh, I’m not at Crestar. I took the night off.”

“What? Where are you?”

“Louise invited me. I’m at the Grand Hotel.”

“Grandmom, what?”

Julia chuckled. “You should come down and join us. We’re in the Washington Suite.”

“I’ll be right there.” Gia didn’t think and she didn’t waste any time. She changed and hurried to the hotel. The crowd was insane. There was no way she was getting in. She called her grandmother and told her. A few minutes later she was instructed to go to the employee entrance. Megan, Keith’s assistant, stood waiting and escorted her to the suite.

She hugged and kissed her grandmother and Louise and watched the large television as several speakers began the program. She saw Keith standing on the stage along with his brothers and sister. Then she saw what he had in his hand. It was perfect. She texted him.

She watched as a few seconds later he looked at his cell phone. His expression was priceless. Her heart soared. He texted her back.


Here. Washington Suite.

She watched as he stared at the small screen, waiting, smiled and then texted something and finally walked away. She stood. Her heart raced. This was it.

Keith ran so fast he doubted his feet even touched the floor. He knew the elevator would be too slow, so he dashed up seven floors. A minute later he opened the door to see Mamma Lou and Julia Duncan smiling and pointing to the next room. He rushed in. Gia was standing there, smiling. He was speechless.

“So, I was thinking, maybe waking up with you every morning and hanging out with you wouldn’t be too bad.”

He smiled and nodded, remembering the conversation. “I agree. Come on. We need to get downstairs. I need to be onstage and you need to be with me,” he said. She nodded and they left.

Minutes later Gia was on the stage with the rest of the Washington family. She got warm welcoming hugs from everyone as the program began. Preston Hodge, who had also won a seat on the city council, stepped up to the podium to introduce Marian Washington.

Blake stepped up and stood beside Keith.

“Congratulations, son,” Blake said, shaking Keith’s hand.

“I think you have that backward, Dad. Congratulations to you. You’re mayor of Philadelphia again. There was never any doubt you’d be here.”

Blake nodded. “Are you ready for this?”

Keith nodded. “Yes, I’m ready.”

“I don’t often get in my sons’ personal lives, but when it affects more than his life I don’t have a choice. Your happiness affects all of us. Loyalty to family is admirable, but loyalty to love is without a doubt life’s true joy. Gia is a wonderful woman and I’m proud of you.”

Keith smiled and nodded. “Thanks, Dad.”

Marian Washington stepped up on the stage and stood at the podium. The crowd of thousands was still loud and celebrating. She held her hands up and after a few minutes they finally settled down. “Thank you, Preston, thank you and congratulations.” The crowd roared again. “This is an incredible night,” she continued. The cheers began again. “I want to thank you all so much for staying and for coming out tonight. And a special thanks to all you volunteers. It’s a great night. What do you think?”

The crowd went wild again. Marian smiled and waved, then laughed as a chant of “Wash-ing-ton” began. “Okay, okay,” she said, calming them down again, “my job tonight is to introduce my husband. I’m not going to tell you all the wonderful things about him because you already know that. And I’m not going to tell everything he’s done for this city because you already know that, too. I am going to tell you that he’s the best man I know and the man of my heart. Ladies and gentlemen, my husband, your newly reelected mayor, Blake Washington.”

The noise level was earsplitting as she barely got the words out. The music started playing and balloons fell from the ceiling. Blake stepped up to the podium, and the party began all over again. He kissed his wife and they waved.

After another three minutes of constant cheering, Blake stepped up to begin his acceptance speech. “Thank you, Philadelphia,” he began. “Okay, before I get started I got a text message request a few minutes ago. So I’m gonna yield this moment to a very special couple in my life. Son?” He turned to Keith.

Keith nodded, took Gia’s hand and stepped away from the crowed stage. He knelt down and Gia gasped. She looked into his eyes, knowing the moment was here. Tears rolled down her face. The crowd immediately hushed to complete silence. “Gia, I love you and I need to love you for the rest of my life. This is forever. We are a forever love. Please honor me and become my wife.”

Her hands shook, her legs weakened and her voice escaped her. But the tears rolled steadily as she smiled and nodded, barely speaking the one word. “Yes.”

The ballroom erupted.

* * *

“Now, that’s what I call a celebration,” Julia said, witnessing the proposal on television with her dear friend beside her.

Louise nodded. “Indeed. That’s what I call a forever love.”

* * * * *

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ISBN: 9781459249134

Copyright © 2012 by Celeste O. Norfleet

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