Forever Kind of Love (4 page)

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Authors: Moira Callahan

BOOK: Forever Kind of Love
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A little shyer than he recalled. In high school
she’d have tackled him for the keys to his ride and taken off with a triumphant
laugh. But today, she’d been hesitant and wary. Not his
not the girl he remembered at all.

That worried him. It made him wonder what she’d had
happen in her life to make her not trust his word. He’d never once broken it. She’d
been the only person he would have sold his soul for to ensure she never had a
bad day. Fuck, he’d have
down over a puddle just
to keep her toes dry.

Yes, he had been and still was that much of a sap
when it came to Veronica Malone.

Sighing, he kicked his booted feet up onto the
windowsill and slouched further in his chair. Rubbing a hand through his short
dark hair, Taylor smiled. He couldn’t get over the fact she still looked so
damned fine.

Straight black hair to her ass, deep green eyes
with the little flecks of yellow to make them really interesting, and the
lightly tanned, flawless skin he wanted to touch and lick. She was still
shorter than him, the perfect height really, but she had legs that seemed to go
on forever and an ass he wanted to hold onto as he slammed his cock into her
sweet pussy over and over again.

“Shit,” he muttered, shifting in the chair.
Rearranging the jeans under his overalls, he groaned. He’d given himself
-induced raging hard-on. Like that was
any surprise. Taylor rolled his eyes.

Dropping his head to the headrest of his chair, he
stared up at the ceiling. He had to wonder though, had she ever married? Was
she seeing anyone? Would she even consider going out with him? Fuck, maybe he
should ask her out for dinner for a catch-up between old friends and go from

“Actually,” he muttered to himself. “That might

Now that he had a plan he was much happier with
himself. He’d call her up, let her know that Dolly was fixed and it hadn’t been
major, and ask her to have dinner with him. He’d drive so he could take her
home afterwards. Maybe get in a little kiss to tempt her into more.

Damn fine plan. As long as he didn’t fuck it up and
trip over
his own
two feet around her. The woman had
the strangest effect on him and always likely would.


Chapter Three


March 1, 1995


Dear Diary,

So, I heard from Trent today. He expects me to come
over on the Easter break to stay with him. Darla of course is
because that wasn’t in the prearranged times they
agreed to during the divorce. Trent says that he wants that weekend because
he’ll be away during the original prearranged weeks over the summer.

Darla of course, being the bitch she is, says
that’s not her problem and if he’s away, then too fucking bad. Yes, she said
that, in front of me. She’s fucking off her rocker these days. Oh! Did I tell
you about the latest of her boy toys? No? Damn, where was my head? Oh, right,
on Taylor of course. Darla’s newest boy toy seems to think he is an expert in
child-rearing. He keeps giving Darla advice that she keeps taking. What the
hell is she thinking? Oh, that’s right, she’s not.

So, anyway, the lawyers will be getting big fat
bonuses over this latest feud. And so will the psycho shrink, since Darla has
decided I need to have three sessions this week because of this turmoil in my
I’m rolling my eyes, just so
you know, Diary.

On a much more pleasant and happier note, Taylor
said he’d teach me to drive. He’s got a sweet ride, an old Mustang that his dad
got him when he got his license. It’s in ratty shape but purrs like a kitten.
So he’s not all that worried about me doing any damage, told me that with a
straight face, too, I should mention. The sexy little shit.

That’s it for
heading into the ninth level of hell with the psycho shrink now.

Annoyed teenager about to go postal.


Now -

When she got to his shop he was waiting out front,
Dolly once again getting the pleasure of that fine and tight ass rubbing up
against her.
The bitch.
Tension seeped back into
shoulders, and much lower, as she eyed him up and
down. So much for the hour and a half she’d just spent getting her body to

Oh God, it was that bad. She was fucking jealous of
her car. She needed a sex life.
One with Taylor wouldn’t be all that bad.
Damn her subconscious for that stray thought. She could just imagine getting
that sexy, hard body under hers.

Whimpering, she eased Tabitha up next to Dolly and
put her, very carefully, into park. Taking a couple of breaths while she
gathered her purse and shopping bags, she finally eased out, feeling slightly
more in control.

“Hi,” she said, her voice a little breathy, but not
so much so he would notice.

“Hi yourself.
So, how was it, driving around this beast?” Taylor pushed off of
Dolly’s bumper.

“Tabitha is a dream, so smooth. And you were right.
I definitely had to keep a close watch on the
she likes to creep up there.”
laughed. “But that
engine...” she moaned happily. “I had a bunch of teens asking me about her and
giving me grief about the fact that she was too much car for a girl like me. I
flat out told them that I’d learned to drive in muscle cars and when they grew
up, maybe they’d finally see what it was like to hold real muscle in the palm
of their hands.”

Taylor threw his head back to laugh, the sound rich
and deep. Shaking his head he shot her an amused look.
I hope they were appropriately chastised.”

“They were when I turned her over, revved her
engine and pulled out of that parking spot like a pro with a little finger wave
to their slack-jawed selves.” Okay, she wasn’t proud that she’d done it, but it
had been so fun.

He shook a finger at her, but the grin on his face,
dimples and all, ruined the chastisement he was likely trying for.

“So, what do I owe you for Dolly?” she asked,
figuring it was best to get business out of the way first before their dinner.
She still couldn’t believe she’d agreed to go to dinner with Taylor
I’m-a-fucking-god Granger.

“Nothing,” he said. When she went to protest he
held up a hand. “The line was ten bucks and the rest was my time and a little
elbow grease and sweat. Don’t even worry about it,

Chewing her lip, she eyed him as she worked through
it in her head. She felt horrible to put him out for likely most of his day and
yet he wouldn’t take her money. That much she knew for a fact. “All right, but
I’m paying for dinner, no arguments.”

That earned her a glare from him. “I asked you out,
so I’m paying for dinner, period.”

Was it wrong to get turned on even more from this
harder, very firm-toned version of Taylor?
she was so going to hell for the thoughts she had. “Fine, but I’m going to
figure out a way to repay you for this, Taylor. It feels wrong if I don’t.”

He harrumphed at her. He’d won and he knew it.
“Look, get back to your place and do your girl thing. I’m going to head home
and shower and change. Doll yourself up if you’re in the mood,
. The place we’re going is business casual so you can
take that however you want. I will pick you up at seven. That work for you?”

It was just after five now, she’d be home by
five-thirty, and in the shower five minutes later. A quick shave to her legs
and pits, no need for her pussy because she always had that waxed, and then
out. Dry her hair in fifteen minutes and that left the rest of the time to
figure out what the fuck to wear to entice Taylor without being too slutty and
obvious. “That works for me.” She nodded after a moment.

He strolled toward her and took the keys to Tabitha
from her fingers. “Then I will see you at seven, Ms. Malone. Try and not look
so damned delectable, will you? I’d hate to have to beat up every guy in the

Blinking at his words, stunned by them really, she
let him gently push her to Dolly with a hand on her back. She even let him open
the door, get her in, and shut the door, all without a comment. He thought she
was delectable? Holy fuck!

Shooting him a look as he walked to his ‘
, she moaned at the view of his ass she had. She got to
watch how the jeans lovingly cupped and caressed him with every step. Shaking
her head,
turned over the engine, keys in the
ignition thanks to Taylor’s thinking ahead, and pulled out of the lot.

If he thought she looked delectable in jeans and a
t-shirt, wait until he saw her when he came to pick her up. She’d fucking rock
his world.


Chapter Four


March 28, 1995


Dear Diary,

official, I’m
going to Trent’s over the Easter break. His lawyer was crushed by Darla’s,
again. The guy seriously needs to look at getting a better lawyer, like really.
It’s embarrassing, actually.

On the plus side, since Darla will be away anyway...
I’m not sure why she argued to keep me around, since I’ll be here alone! I have
the house to myself. And Taylor will be giving me driving lessons, woo-

Yes, I have my learner’s permit, thank you very
much. But I need some serious time behind the wheel that
Trent or
Darla are willing to accommodate. That’s
they’d just freak on me and make me too nervous to actually learn. Taylor,
though, will be calm, even if I do something horrid to his car—really hope I don’t,
please don’t let me do anything—he will talk me through this hellish first

I just hope we can get in a couple drives during
Darla’s disappearance so that when I turn sixteen in August, I can get my license
right off. Plus, any excuse to spend with Taylor is okay by me.


Irritated-and-yet-hopeful teen signing


Now - Taylor

Stepping out of the shower Taylor wiped at the
foggy mirror. Squinting at the reflection he contemplated shaving, but wrinkled
up his nose. Fuck that, he hated to shave and hadn’t done it any more than he
had to over the years. Besides, he’d overheard one of
fantasies about a guy with scruff and what it would feel like to have that on
her skin.

Definitely not shaving, if it was a
part of her fantasies.
He just hoped he had at least starred
in a couple of them.

He was ninety-nine point nine percent sure he had,
at least according to the juicy shit one of her best friends Tina, back in the
day, had shared with him. Tina had assured him that
dreamed about them getting together. Too bad
his own
insecurities at the time had kept that from ever happening.

No longer.
Fuck that shit.

He was taking life by the balls and getting his
Hopefully tonight.
If not
tonight, then soon.
He could only wait on the sexy little firecracker so
long. He was getting blue balls already and she’d just come back into his life
that morning.

Not good, not good at all.

Shaking his head, Taylor brushed his teeth and
combed his hair into some semblance of order. Not that it would stay there, it
had a mind all its own and would flop over his forehead in no time.

Padding naked into his bedroom, he pushed the
sliding door open to get in the breeze, finally, that had kicked up. Staring
out into his yard, Taylor wondered if
would like
his place. It wasn’t huge, but it was his, like the shops.

'Course, she probably wouldn’t be thrilled with the
little photo array he had in the hall of all the shots of them together through
high school. Some would call it creepy but, honestly, he’d loved her then and
he still did now.
Though he did admit to himself that he
needed to get to know the adult version of

Shit, there was a thought he didn’t need to be
having. Adult Veronica Malone, the fucking wet dreams of every man in America.
Well, his wet dreams, anyway.

And his body was responding to the images playing
in his head, right on cue. Groaning he looked down to his cock as it filled
with blood. “Damn it, you are a serious pain.” Closing his eyes, he let out a
breath and focused on mundane things, paperwork, house cleaning and, worst of
all, a visit from his parents for a month.

Shuddering, he could feel his cock practically
wilting at that last thought.
As it well should.

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