Forever Girl (17 page)

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Authors: M. M. Crow

BOOK: Forever Girl
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    Jazz and I are coming down the stairs when we hear a bunch of motorcycles come up the drive. We go out the front door onto the porch. I see about 25 motorcycles, a dozen cars, and two trucks taking over the driveway. I’m thinking holy shit did the whole MC come? It’s then I realize that Zeus is the President and I’m his daughter. I’m also with Dean so yeah just about everyone’s here. Dean walks up to me and puts his arm around my waist and gives me a squeeze.


“Should I call you Titan?” I ask him.


“Babe you can call me Dean or Titan. You can call me Titan when my brothers are around, but not at home or when we are alone.” Is his reply.


I smile and say okay. He gives me squeeze and grabs Jazz up into his arms. Jamie comes up and grabs his hand and then mine and we walk off the porch to meet our new family.



























Chapter 22







Zeus is the first off his bike and walking up to us. Behind him I see all the other brothers getting off their bikes. A couple of the brothers go to the cars and get their kids out. The old ladies start getting out of the driver seats. A couple of the brothers go to the truck and start to help the prospects unload the materials. I see Captain get out of his truck and go around to the passenger side and open the door. Ellie gets out and they hold hands as they approach us. This is the first time Lyric’s going to meet her grandparents and our kids are going to meet their great-grandparents. Zeus has walked up to us and Lyric has stepped away from me. She steps into his open arms. I can tell he’s telling her about meeting her Mamaw and Papaw for the first time. She has tears in her eyes. She takes a shuddering breath and he turns her around and puts his hands on her shoulders. Captain and Ellie make their way to her. Ellie has tears running down her face and wraps Lyric into her arms. They’re both crying when Captain puts his arms around both of them and he kisses Lyric’s head. I hear him tell her that she’s home now and he’s the happiest fucker in the world. He lets go of them and walks over to me and Zeus. He puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. Then shakes my hand.


“Thanks for bringing our baby doll home.” He says to me.


Zeus has Jasmine in his arms and Jamie’s next to me.


“I’m your papaw and I’m real happy to meet you.” Captain says to Jamie.


Jamie looks at me and then at Zeus. We shake our heads telling him it’s the truth. Jamie jumps into his arms and starts to cry. Jazz gets down out of her papa’s arms and goes to Jamie. Captain introduces himself to Jasmine and she has tears in her eyes at this point. I pick my little girl up and she cries into my shoulder.


“Princess you’re okay. I got you honey. It’s time to meet your mamaw now.” I say as I rub her back.


Captain, Zeus, and I walk to the women with the twins. We introduce Jazz and Jamie to their mamaw Ellie. Tears just keep coming down Ellie’s face as she’s hugging and kissing the twins. Ellie goes to Zeus and wraps him in a tight embrace and kisses him before walking to me.


“Thank you for bringing my granddaughter and those babies home to us. You better treat them right if you know what’s good for you.” Ellie says to me.


I hug her and let her know that Lyric and my kids are my life. She smiles and walks to Captain. He hugs her and then smacks her ass as they walk toward the house. The twins follow right behind them. Lyric walks up to me and I open my arms to her. I give her the comfort she needs right now. I know this has been an emotional day for her and our children. I kiss the top of her head and tell her that there are a lot of people that want to meet her.



   We make our way to the house and we can hear the twins talking and playing with some of the kids that are here. I tell all the kids to go outside and play.

“They’ll be fine. The brothers and old ladies are all around. They’ll be looking out for all the kids.” I say when my woman looks at me.

We make it to the kitchen and I introduce her to the old ladies that are in there. Whistler’s putting groceries away with Leelee. Butterfly’s putting the dry goods into the pantry and S.J.’s helping her. Cheeks is getting out some pots and pans and putting them on the counter. Slice’s opening up wine and getting glasses. Legs is cutting what looks like onion, lettuce, and tomatoes for the hamburgers while Cherry’s cutting up vegetables for a salad. Claws is sitting at the Island talking to Shoes and Ellie. We step into the kitchen and I take Lyric’s hand and Ellie gets out of her seat and comes up to us and grabs Lyric’s hand.

“I would like to introduce my grand baby to everyone. Ladies this is Lyric “Baby Doll” Valentine.” Ellie tells the woman.

Ellie proceeds to tell Lyric everybody’s name.

“Don’t worry about remembering their names. They’re on their cuts if you forget baby.” I tell my woman.

All the women come up and hug us. They congratulate us on finding each other again and for me bringing her back to her family. I turn my head and kiss the top of my woman’s head.

“I know this is a lot to take in but it’ll get easier.” I whisper.

“I’m going to take her out back and let Zeus introduce her to the brothers.” I say to the ladies.

They wave us off and tell us not to worry. They have everything under control in here and that there are some other Old Ladies outside with the kids.



    We step out the sliding glass door to the back deck. Zeus and Captain each have a beer talking to Shadow at the Tiki Bar. Que’s manning the grill with Hound. There’s brothers all over the backyard. I take her hand and we walk over to her dad and papaw. He smiles at us and stands. He cups his hands around his mouth and yells for everyone to pay attention. Everyone gathers from the house and backyard to the porch as he introduces Lyric to everyone. Before everyone starts coming up to introduce themselves.

“Babe, don’t worry about remembering everyone’s names. Remember the names will be on their cuts.” I say to her.

“I used to make up stories with people’s names and I observe things most people overlook. No need to worry honey. I got this.” She tells me with a small smile.

The line has formed and people start to come up to us. Que and Whistler come up first. Road Runner and Leelee are second then Stone and Sis, Thorpe and Cherry, Killer and Shorty, Smokey, Kid and Cheeks, Monster and Butterfly, Muscles and Legs, Sonny and Eyes, Milk, Pike and S.J., Stick, Knives and Claws, Shooter and Shoes, Reap and Button, Steel and Slice, Speed and Lady, Pounder, Gunner, Zinger, Demon, and Fury. Then the prospects come up and she’s introduced to Cage, Tiny, and Tiger.

“The prospects are all MC kids except Torch but he grew up with them. You’ll meet Torch and Boxer later.”

I know she has to be going crazy trying to remember all the names. To look at her you couldn’t tell.

“Welcome home baby doll.” This is your new life.” I whisper in her ear and kiss her temple.



     She can see all the kids playing and hanging out in groups.

“Is the whole MC here?” She asks me.

“Yeah babe except for Torch and Boxer and some of the older kids.”

“Is torch and Boxer guarding the Clubhouse?” She asks

“Yeah they are right now. In a bit two of the prospects here will relieve them so they can come and grab some grub.” I tell her.

“Will the sweet butts be making an appearance tonight?” She scrunches up her nose as she asks.

I give a bark of a laugh and kiss her head.

“They won’t be coming here. They don’t come to family gatherings at all. The only way a sweet butt will come to family gathering is if the get claimed by a brother.”

Everybody starts to disburse again with some of the women going back into the house. The others going to the kids or talking with each other or to brothers. Some of the brothers are drinking and setting up tables and chairs while others are putting up the Swing Set, Playhouse and Fort. I see the Prospects have gone back to putting the fence up. Que and Hound went back to manning the grill.

“Babe you want a beer or some wine?” I ask

“I would love some wine. I will go get a glass as a matter of fact.”

I give her a kiss and look out at the kids running around playing as I grab a beer and go help with the Swing Set.

Chapter 23





    I walk into the kitchen and mamaw’s grabbing the wine to pour herself another glass.


“I could use some wine.” I tell her.


“I bet you can baby doll.” She says with a laugh.


I go to the cupboard and grab a Mason Jar out. I look in the fridge and see a bottle of Moscato. I grab the bottle and pour about half of it into my jar. She and some of the other women laugh and I can’t help but giggle.


“I like to drink out of the jars and usually I don’t have to fill it up again.”


“That makes sense.” A couple of them say.


“What can I do to help?” I ask after taking a big drink of the wine.


Whistler asks me to go into the pantry and grab the disposable plates and silverware. I grab them along the crackers and lay them all on the breakfast bar. I go to the fridge and grab the Cheese block and the Summer Sausage that I saw earlier. I get the cutting board then start slicing the Cheese and Sausage up and put it on one of the plates.


“What all has been made for the dinner?”


I’m told that they have made a Salad, Potato Salad, Mac & Cheese, Coleslaw, Chili Sauce, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Chicken, and Steaks. I decide that I want to make Taco Salad.


“Is there any Taco Seasoning by chance?”


I’m told that there is a couple of packets in the pantry. I go back to the pantry and find all the ingredients I need to make my side. I proceed to make my specialty. When it’s done I grab a fork and take a bite. I moan because it’s good and I hear laughter from the other women. I remember that there are other people here and turn around and smile.


“Grab a fork y’all so you can taste it.” I tell them with a smile in my face.


They each take a bite and they all moan.


“See what I mean y’all” as I laugh.


“You should keep that taco salad in the house. If the guys get ahold of it there won’t be anything left. I want to take some home.” Mamaw says to me.


“I’ll put some up for you now.” I say with a slight giggle.


She comes up and gives me a kiss.


“Bless your heart baby doll.”



“The meat’s almost done. Do you need us to take anything outside for y’all?” Dad and papaw tell us.


“What’s that?” They both ask at the same time.


“It’s my taco salad. Grab a fork so y’all can taste it.”


“There really won’t be any left now.” Ellie says as the other ladies groan.


I laugh as both of them moan their appreciation for what I made.


“You’ll have to share with everyone. Y’all can’t keep the salad to yourselves.”


Dad grabs the bowl and takes it out the door to put it on the table and papaw follows with a couple of bowls in his hands. The women and I grab the rest as we follow them out that. There’s a couple of coolers that have kid drinks in them. I also see a couple of garbage cans and I’m impressed that they did all the set up in no time at all. I whistle and my twins turn around along with everyone else. My face gets red when I realize I’ve gotten everyone’s attention.


“It’s dinnertime y’all. Everyone needs to wash up.” I say as I shrug my shoulders.


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