Forever (6 page)

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Authors: Karen Kingsbury

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #Christian

BOOK: Forever
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They walked along the side of the house, and as they rounded the corner, there on the edge of the dilapidated deck was Dayne. le wore khaki shorts and a casual, long-sleeved, white buttondown with a T-shirt underneath. For a single moment Ashley ,isWaS looking at Luke. They were that similar. And


only then did she realize Luke was right. Because in that moment she wasn’t thinking about Katy’s reaction or how the two of them must be feeling. Rather she was thinking about herself and how right it was to be in the same place as her older brother.

Even for just a few minutes.



KATY WAS picturing the backyard the way it would look when it was renovated, imagining Dayne beside her on the back porch watching the sun set over Lake Monroe, when she turned the corner and saw him.

At first she thought she was seeing things. But her imagination couldn’t account for the way Dayne stood and held her eyes, the way his face lit up as she came closer. And that could mean only one thing: he was really here; he’d flown in to surprise her. And now she couldn’t breathe or talk or move.

Dayne winked at Ashley and Cole, but he came to Katy first. “You wanted me to see the house, right?”

Katy grabbed a quick breath and fell into his arms. “You’re here.” She breathed the words against his chest. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

He held her but only for a few seconds. “It was Ashley’s idea.” He moved from Katy to his sister and pulled her into a hug. “Nice work.”

Ashley grinned at Dayne, then at Katy. “Very nice, I’d say.”



Cole took a small step toward Dayne. He seemed more shy than usual. “Hi.”

“Hey, Cole.” Dayne patted his nephew’s shoulder. He peered into the baby carrier. “Wow … Devin’s bigger in just a few weeks.”

“I know.” Cole smiled, more relaxed. “He’s growing like a weed.”

Dayne chuckled. “No question about that.”

Ashley turned her attention to Katy. “So are you surprised?” Katy looped her arm through Dayne’s. “My heart’s finally beating again, if that’s what you mean.”

They all laughed, and Ashley seemed to take the moment as a cue. “Your house is beautiful.” She caught Cole’s hand and moved back a few steps. “Early dinner tonight at the Baxter house, like we talked about?”

“Can’t wait,” Dayne said.

Ashley took another step. “Okay, you two. Have fun.” She pointed to the back door. “Just don’t walk across any broken floorboards.”

“We won’t.” Katy waved. “See you later.”

“Bye!” Cole turned and started jogging toward the van.

Ashley fell in behind him. But not until she was gone around the corner, not until Cole’s cheerful voice faded did the moment finally begin to feel real to Katy.

She turned and took hold of Dayne’s hands. “Every time you do this it feels more like a dream.”

“Get used to it.” Dayne’s eyes danced. “I took a private plane.” He worked his arms around her waist. “If it’s this easy, I might come once a week.”

“Dayne …” She closed her eyes and pressed her head to his chest again. It was true-having him show up unannounced felt like a dream. But sometimes so did everything else about their relationship. As if maybe she’d only created the story in her head: Hollywood heartthrob Dayne Matthews stumbles onto a small3


town Indiana theater, steps inside and watches fifteen minutes of a play, falls in love with its director, finds the faith he’d lost somewhere along the way, and asks the director to marry him.

But having him here like this, his arms around her … there was no doubt the story was real. Because Katy could feel his heartbeat against the side of her face, feel him breathing into her hair. She held on a little longer, then eased back. “When you’re here like this I have no choice but to believe.”

Dayne touched his lips to hers. “Believe what?”

“This.” She held out her left hand and looked at the ring. “That it’s all really happening.”

“The house is unbelievable,” he whispered against her face. His breath smelled faintly like peppermint.

“Thanks.” They were still standing where they’d been when Ashley left them. This time Katy took the lead, kissing him shyly at first and then with a depth that made her pull away and catch her breath.

“It feels so good to be here. I don’t know how I’ve stayed away this long.” He brought his fingers to her face and kissed her longer this time, a kiss that told her more than his words could say about how much he’d missed her. When he withdrew, a smoldering passion shone in his eyes. “We could stand here like this-” he kissed her again-“until my plane leaves, and it wouldn’t be long enough.”

There were no words to describe how wonderful it felt being here with him.

Kissing him gave her only a glimmer of what lay ahead after the wedding. “Then let’s.”

This time when their lips met, the feelings between them grew more intense.

Dayne seemed to realize it first. He took a step back and gently put his hands on her shoulders. “Okay… about this house you picked out.” He was breathless, the desire in his eyes deeper than before. He took her hand and turned to face the back of the house. “Why don’t you give me the tour?”

Katy exhaled, steadying herself. “Good idea.” This was one 38

more thing she loved about her fiancC. He had a colorful past, but he treated her like a princess. He respected her completely. They’d drawn the line on safe ground, so there was never any question about things getting out of control.

They walked into the house through the back door, and Katy saw the place through Dayne’s eyes. The door led to a great room, but the space was dark with only two small windows. Mold grew on one of the walls from the floor to the ceiling, and cobwebs hung from every corner.

Dayne pressed her fingers between his and gave a lighthearted laugh. “You weren’t kidding. It definitely needs work.”

“And maybe a few windows.” Katy noticed that the linoleum was peeling in places.

“And a new floor.”

“Yes.” He put his arm around her shoulders. “But I can see it, Katy.” He turned and looked out the sliding door to the deck. “Once it’s fixed up it’ll be gorgeous.”

“You think so?”

“Definitely.” He gazed at her, and for a moment they were lost in each other’s eyes. “But never as gorgeous as you.”

Katy felt like she was walking on cotton candy as they moved from the great room through the kitchen and down a hallway into a laundry room. When they were finished with the downstairs they went up, careful to step over the two broken stairs. “Lots to do, huh?” She gave him a sheepish grin.

“It doesn’t matter.” He followed her toward one of the bedrooms. “If it isn’t ready by Thanksgiving, I can stay with John He already offered.”

“Good.” She stopped him just before the bedroom door. Slic circled her arms around his waist and looked into his eyes. long as it’s ready after the wedding.”

He looked like he wanted to kiss her, but instead he retreated a step. “What’s in here?”

The joy in her heart was so strong it made her dizzy. Her voicc fell a notch, and she heard the shyness in her tone. “Our room.



They walked in together, and she heard Dayne take a deep breath. He stopped and put his arm around her waist. The former owners had skimped on windows downstairs but not here. An entire wall was made up of a series of three enormous sheets of glass, giving the master bedroom an expansive view of the lake. At one end of the room was a sliding door and beyond it a balcony that was sagging on one side.

Dayne released his hold on Katy’s waist and took her hand. “Bob said this would happen.”

“What?” Katy loved hearing about Dayne’s missionary friend. He and his wife and kids would be coming to the wedding, and she could hardly wait to meet them.

“He told me God wanted to give me the desires of my heartas long as those desires were lined up with His. That’s why on my list of what mattered most I had God first. He’s already done enough for me.” He shrugged. “I guess now I want to leave this part-the desires of my heart-up to Him.”

Katy touched his face. “And look what He’s given us.” “More than I could’ve imagined.”

They finished touring the house, and when they found their way to the backyard again, Dayne looked at the house and nodded slowly. “It’s possible, Katy. It could be ready by Thanksgiving.” He took her hand and brought it to his lips.

“Let’s wait lor the inspection, but if the contractors here are anything like the ones in LA, you can make it worth their while to move quickly.”

“I’ll make some calls next week.”

I be led her toward the edge of the bluff. “The stairs down to the water don’t look real safe.”

“But there’s a path.” She had dreamed of this moment, known that when he came it would happen exactly like this. The two of them walking through the house, imagining what it might be we day, what it needed to make the transformation complete. And then they would take a walk to the shore. She’d found the 40 path two visits ago. Itwound down the hillside, and though it was overgrown with weeds, she’d made it to the bottom without Dayne led the way. “Out here, it doesn’t even feel like Hollywood exists.” He was careful not to move too far ahead of her. “Not Hollywood or the paparazzi or the gossip of Tinseltown.” He breathed deep. “Out here I’m just a guy in love counting the

And that’s the way he came across the rest of the afternoon as they reached the water, took off their shoes, and walked barefoot along the beach for a mile, stepping over the occasional rock or piece of driftwood. They talked about the wedding plans and the press and his new movie. Katy told Da about the script for Cinderella. Everything was coming together for the fall perforBefore they climbed back up the hill, he let go of her hand and waded into knee-deep water. “Wow. It’s a lot warmer than the

And more private. But she didn’t say so. She wanted to forget how careful they had to be on the be behind his Malibu home. All those days were behind them now.

She moved toward him, and as she did, he leaned close to the surface of the lake and

“Oh no. Not this time.” She made a move, intent on splashing But before she could get him wet, he started to run. “Okay, She gave him an innocent look. “Don’t worry, Dayne.” She took slow steps toward him, her eyes never leaving his. “I won’t get you wet. No paybacks from me-no sir.” But just as she reached him, just as she went to push him, he lost his balance and slipped backward into the shallow water. With nothing to catch her, she fell forward and landed on top of him. Katy gasped as the water splashed her face and drenched her



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clothes. At the same time, Dayne propped himself up on one elbow and wiped his eyes so he could see. Katy tried to scramble free, but she couldn’t get a footing and she fell on him again.

“Hmm.” He grinned at her. “This could be interesting.”

“Dayne!” Katy braced herself and pulled her knees up. She spit a mouthful of lake water at him, and they both laughed. “Help me!”

With a single motion, he smoothly flipped her onto her back, soaking the only parts of her that were still dry. He was on top now, though he used his arms to keep some space between them. He brushed his nose against hers. “It’s easier to get up from this position.”

“Is that right?” She splashed him with both hands, but before she could squirm free she realized that they’d never been this way, this close before. And even though it was an accident, she could understand how people with the best intentions could fall into temptation in a matter of seconds. The feeling was heady and different from anything she’d ever experienced.

He must’ve sensed it, because his expression changed. “I want to kiss you so bad.”

“Me too.” She swallowed and without meaning to eased her hand around his waist, against the small of his back. Suddenly, in a terrifying and scintillating rush, she wanted to forget every promise she’d ever made about staying pure. Every inch of her wanted him to draw closer. “Dayne …”

Under the gentle pressure of her hand, he lowered himself a fraction of an inch, then another fraction. But just when it seemed like they might both tumble toward a point of no return, Dayne closed his eyes. From the depths of him he groaned, but it came out as a single whispered word: “No.” Then in a decision that looked like it took everything he had, he pushed himself up and away from her.

With his knees still in the sand, he sat back against his heels and reached for her hand. His sides were heaving from everything 42

he must’ve been feeling. “I can’t, Katy. I …” He rubbed the back of his neck, then found her eyes. “I gave myself a line.” He clenched his jaw and stared at the sky above. There were blue patches now, the storm clouds breaking up. “No matter what I want, I promised God I wouldn’t cross it.”

Katy sat up and picked a piece of lake moss from her shirt. Her body screamed for more-more of him, more of his nearness, more of his kisses-but at the same time her heart pounded from how close they’d been. How close they’d come to turning a corner from which there would be no backtracking. God … I’m sorry.

. . I never want to be this close again. Shame made her cheeks hot. “It’d be so easy.”

“Yeah.” He surveyed their surroundings. The lake formed a private cove at the base of the hill. There were no people or boats or houses in sight. He leaned over and gave her a single tender kiss. “I have a feeling we’ll spend a lot of time down here.” He helped her to her feet. “Just not right now.”

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