Foreign Affair (18 page)

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Authors: Shelli Stevens

BOOK: Foreign Affair
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“No, it’s not that,” she rushed to say, and her tone made him believe her. “I just need to figure out a few things. I need time to think.”

“Okay. I can live with that.”

“Thank you, Tyler.” She yawned. “I think I’ll just go to bed for now. This day has been…a little crazy.”

“I know.” Guilt stabbed at him. “Go get some sleep. I’ll come to bed in a bit.”

“All right.” She turned to head for the bedroom. “Thanks again. For everything.”


Lena woke up just in time to see Tyler get out of bed and go into the bathroom.

She sighed and leaned back against the pillows, tucking the sheets around her body. Lord, it had been a crazy day yesterday.

She glanced at her purse and thought about the printed email. She had to be crazy to think it, but what if Tyler was Carolyn’s fiancé? The idea of Tyler being engaged to such a…raging bitch, really…kind of made her doubt the possibility.

She traced her fingers over Tyler’s side of the bed, feeling the warmth from where his body had just rested. Sighing, she rolled over onto her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut.

The bed dipped again, signaling Tyler’s return. He sat beside her, closing strong hands over her shoulder blades and then began a slow knead of the tight muscles in her body.

“Mmm. That feels really nice.” She shut her eyes and allowed him to massage her thoughts into oblivion.

He stopped twenty minutes later, and she rolled over, giving him an appreciative smile. It faded when she saw the quiet intensity in his gaze.

He lowered his mouth to hers in an unexpectedly tender kiss. “What are you feeling for me right now?”

She shook her head, running her tongue across her mouth. “I don’t know.”

“Of course you do.” His mouth brushed over hers again.

“I don’t,” she denied, a little breathless. “It’s never been like this before for me. Never.”

“What are you saying?”

Her stomach flipped. “That’s all I can say for now. Please don’t ask me to. I can only say that…it’s never been this way before.”

He stayed silent for a moment. “Then that’s all I need. I won’t rush you. Why don’t you get ready?” He kissed her forehead. “We’ve got big plans today. I was thinking the Eiffel Tower and some other sites. And we can’t forget dinner with Claire.”

“Thank you.” Lena hopped off the bed and hurried to the bathroom. “I’ll be out soon.”

Chapter Fourteen

“How fantastic is this view?” Lena cried and slapped the edge of elevator.

“It’s great,” Tyler responded, pushing aside the nausea. They’d stood in line for less than fifteen minutes at the Eiffel Tower before taking the elevator to the second level. Now on the second elevator, they started to ascend to the top of the tower.

He kept his gaze directly out over the city, not looking down. How had he gotten through this the last time? Heights had never been his thing.

“Just fantastic.”

Lena gave him a sharp glance, her smile fading. “What’s wrong? You look like you’re going to get sick.”

“I’m not going to get sick,” he denied, but sucked in his breath when someone bumped into him. His hands clenched at his sides.

“Tyler?” Lena’s voice softened. “Are you afraid of heights?”

“No.” He shook his head. “Not at all.”

“Really?” Lena crowded past another person in the elevator so she could grab his hand. “Because you seem kind of nervous.”

Tyler flushed as several pairs of eyes in the elevator honed in on him.

“Really, I’ll be okay.”

“I could understand if you were. It’s a little freaky being on this elevator, rising slowly above the city.” She leaned forward to glance out. “Has anybody ever gotten killed up here?”

Tyler gave her a swift warning glance, and she gave him a devilish smile.

“I mean, wow, it’s a long ways down.” She whistled and peered down at the ground, which was some two-hundred-fifty feet down.

Tyler closed his eyes to allow the nausea to pass, and when he opened them, the elevator doors were sliding open. He was the first one out.

“Better now?” she teased, but there was an apology in her eyes.

Tyler, still a little shaken from the elevator ride, gave her a sidelong glance and shook his head. “You’re one sadistic witch.”

“I can be at times.” She gave him a sardonic smile and moved toward the deck so they could look out over the city. “You don’t have to come to the railing if it bothers you. I don’t mind going alone.”

“I can handle it. Wouldn’t miss this view for the world.”

They moved as close against the railing as all the modern securities allowed. Her long, dreamy sigh eased his nerves a bit.

Still, he stayed behind her, content to just wrap his arms around her waist and gaze at the view from over her shoulders.

“I love Paris. It’s so romantic,” she murmured.

“I am feeling a bit romantic with you right now.” He nuzzled her shoulder and looked out at the river. “Though my friends would give me hell if they knew I’d just admitted that.”

“Romance can be manly.” Lena elbowed him in the ribs lightly. “Hey, did you pack us a lunch?”

“I brought some snacks. A baguette and sausage. I have a full water bottle in my backpack. Are you hungry?”

“Not yet. But I thought we should have a picnic on that grassy area down there.” She pointed. “That spot where a few people are. Are you up for it?”

“Baby, I’m up for anything.”

She stiffened. What had he said wrong?

“I’d prefer it if you didn’t call me that.”

“Call you what? Baby?”

“I’ve never liked that endearment.” Her tone had grown tight. “You just always said sweetheart before, and it’s just more…sweet.”

“Sure.” He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze and wondered if there was some kind of story behind the
aversion. “Let’s catch the elevator back down now. You mentioned food, and now I’m getting hungry.”

A short while later they sat on small blanket, enjoying a surprisingly clear winter day.

Tyler pulled out the food and then handed her the water bottle. Lena took a sip, letting the cool water slip down her throat and then handed it back to him. They sat and ate in silence.

She sat back on the grass, supporting her body with her elbows and staring at the magnificent tower before her.

This was the life
. Her gaze moved to a family that lounged a few feet away from them. The parents were cuddled close, watching their two toddlers run around in the grass. The kids’ laughter was loud and sharp in the mild air.

Lena turned to look at Tyler who also watched the kids. He’d be a great father someday. She smiled.
And if he could hear your thoughts, he’d no
doubt hightail it out of the country and as far away from you as possible.

Don’t mention marriage or kids to a man who’s not ready.
Up until
recently, Keith had been a prime example of that.

“They’re cute, huh?” He gestured to the kids.

Lena nodded. “Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing. That and how lucky we are to be here right now.”

“Together.” His gaze locked on hers.

“Together,” she agreed. Had she ever been happier? “I’m in Paris, sitting under the Eiffel Towel, with a hot guy named Tyler Bentz who makes passionate love to me at night.”

“It seems unfair. You do realize I don’t even know your last name.”

“Richards. My name is Lena Cosmo Richards.”


“Hey, I explained that my parents are pretty much ex-hippies. So don’t give me crap about my middle name.”

“Eh, Cosmo isn’t so bad. You could’ve done worse.” He winced. “The last woman I dated was a woman named Carolyn Monroe. Now

The world tilted, and the breath locked in her chest.

“Now that’s a crazy look.” Tyler gave her a quizzical glance. “I said Carolyn Monroe, not Marilyn Monroe.”

“Ugh, yeah. Got that.” She blinked rapidly and pressed a palm against her head.

“Lena? Are you okay?” He scooted over to her and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.

She flinched. “What? I’m sorry. I don’t feel very well all of a sudden. I’m just going to run to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

Tyler opened his mouth to say something, but she pushed herself off the ground.

She hurried to the bathroom and, once inside, splashed some water on her face. She let her wrists sit under the slew of cold water.

Tyler was Carolyn’s fiancé?
You saw the email last night. You knew it
was possible.
She swallowed hard and shook her head. What were the
chances of this happening?
Could Tyler know who I am?

No. Carolyn hadn’t even remembered Lena’s name. She wouldn’t have told Tyler about the silly little travel agent who’d given her information for their honeymoon.

So what did this all mean? Technically, she was sleeping with her client’s fiancé—or ex-fiancé. Which was it? Either Carolyn or Tyler was lying.

You trust Tyler
. She took a deep breath and left the bathroom. Tyler
stood waiting for her outside the door.

“You okay?”

“I am. Sorry, just got a bit of nausea.” She gave him what she hoped to be a confident smile and slipped her arm through his. “Where else did you want to go before we head out to Claire’s? We have a few hours.”

“Hmm?” He seemed preoccupied. “I suppose we could walk along the river and check out some of the bridges.”

“That sounds good to me.”

She’d bring everything up tonight after Claire’s. Keith. Carolyn. All fiancés, ex or not, must come out of the closet.



Lena knocked on the door of what looked to be an upscale townhouse. Her nerves
had remained rattled the entire taxi ride over, she squeezed Tyler’s hand.

Tyler smiled down at her and winked. “Nervous?

“A little.”

The door swung open, and she shifted her gaze forward to meet Claire’s smiling face.

“Hello, hello. Please, come in.”

Lena stepped through the doorway, and Tyler followed a second behind.

“How are you, Claire?” she asked as the other woman ushered them inside.

“I am wonderful. Come, I will take you to our leisure room where my family is waiting.” Claire walked gracefully, leading them down the beige-carpeted hallway.

The house didn’t seem large and overbearing, but intimate and decorated with pictures of the family.

Lena glanced around, curious to see the man that Claire had left her first husband for. In her mind, she envisioned a tall, handsome and distinguished looking man.

” A young girl peeled out around the corner and wrapped herself around Claire’s leg. “
Qui sont-elles

“Remember how I told you, Antoinette. You are to practice your English tonight for our guests,” Claire replied after leaning down to hug the girl.

The girl scowled and then gave Lena and Tyler a hesitant glance.

“Antoinette.” Claire’s voice took on a firm edge.

Oiu, Mère
,” Antoinette replied with a sulk.

“These are Mommy’s friends. Tyler and Lena. They are from America,” Claire explained.

Lena smiled at the child. “Nice to meet you, Antoinette.”

The girl stared. “You are not very tall.”

Lena gave an abrupt laugh, not surprised to hear such a blunt comment from a child. “No, I’m not. I’m just barely taller than a child, aren’t I?”

Antoinette looked at her mother in an obvious indication that she didn’t understand all of Lena’s words.

Tyler took over by kneeling beside the girl and speaking to her in fluent French.

Lena watched them in amazement. He charmed the girl quicker than he could have with a lollipop. Antoinette laughed and responded to him and, after a moment, she turned back to Lena.

“I am sorry,” the girl said. “I speak in English as
wishes. Tyler, he is funny. Come, I show you to my family.”

Lena hid a small smile, impressed at the girl’s broken English. She spoke well for being so young.

As they followed her into the other room, Lena turned toward Claire.

“She’s adorable. How old is she?”

“Antoinette is seven,” Claire replied proudly. “My oldest daughter, Monica, is eighteen. She is the one gone to University at this time. Eric, my son, is fifteen.”

They reached the sitting room decorated with several floral paintings, with floral-patterned throw pillows, and even a floral arrangement in a vase to complete the apparent theme. The woman liked floral.

Claire gestured for them to make themselves comfortable. Tyler and Lena sat down on a plush, green couch, and his hand came to rest on her knee. Her whole leg tingled at the contact, and she placed her palm on top of his hand.

Claire spoke in a soft voice to Antoinette. Lena glanced up at the other woman and had the sudden urge to confide everything about her situation with Tyler to Claire.

“Ah, Luc.” Claire’s voice came out on a sigh.

The entrance of a man into the room had Lena’s jaw dropping a bit. The man she stared at was not at all what she had expected. He wasn’t much taller than Claire, had very little hair left on his head, and had a slightly bulging stomach.

Claire’s face lit up as she went to him and returned his brief kiss on the lips.

“These are my friends, Tyler and Lena. And this is my wonderful husband, Luc.”

“Very nice to meet you both.” Luc smiled and shook her hand. Tyler stood and gave a nod, the two shaking hands.

Luc returned to his wife’s side and slipped his arm around her again, beaming down at her.

“You two are awful.” The voice belonged to a lanky, teenage boy who’d just entered the room. He turned to Tyler and Lena and gave them a disarming smile. “I am Eric, the unfortunate child of these two inseparable people.”

Such a teenager
. Lena smiled, amused by the boy.

“You sound jealous, Eric. Your parents appear to have a beautiful relationship. Perhaps you are hoping to find the same someday?”

Eric shook his head and gave a lopsided grin. “I am only fifteen,
. I cannot even begin to think about being with just one
woman. There are so many who should enjoy the embrace of Eric Ames before I select just one.”

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