Forbidden Worlds - Box Set (38 page)

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Authors: Bernadette Gardner

BOOK: Forbidden Worlds - Box Set
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Mission accomplished. Jared spoke his next words to her bosom. “Oh? Are you experiencing any...pain?”

She grinned. “Nothing I can’t handle. Everything is just so intense.”

His hand rose, and she imagined he barely realized what he was doing. A second later he placed a finger on her cleavage. “Tell me how intense.”

“Very, very intense. I’m afraid I did a bad thing last night. I inserted some...”

The elevator doors opened then, disgorging them into Gentron’s first-floor lobby, which was currently empty except for Victor, the weekend security guard.

Jared dropped his finger and leaned back, away from Sydney. His breathing had become shallow, and small beads of sweat had formed along his hairline.

Tess smiled to herself. “I’ll explain it all later. I’ve got to go home and shower.” She winked at him, then sauntered out of the elevator, casting a wave and a bright smile at Victor as she passed by.

This is going to be so much fun, she told herself as she left Gentron in her wake and headed for the mall, her artificial heart still thumping beneath her breasts from teasing Dr. Simon. She had a lot more planned for him before the week was up, but right now her focus was on seducing Tye.

Chapter 5


At seven fifteen Tess drank her next allotment of water and stretched out on her couch to wait for Tye. She’d had a fantastic day at the mall, strutting around in a body that attracted all kinds of attention.

On her dresser sat a handful of notes and business cards she’d collected from men wanting her phone number. She’d given out a few false ones here and there and made a lot of promises she didn’t intend to keep. Normally she would have felt bad about lying, but Sydney was the type of girl who had to break a few hearts. She certainly couldn’t date every man who wanted her, but she could at least leave them with some hope.

She smoothed the tight black shirt she’d bought and opened a few notches of the zipper that ran from the hem in front up to about her crotch area. Easy access. She giggled at the thought. How sexy would it be to unzip the skirt from the bottom up and invite Tye to dive between her legs?

Her nipples were already hard, but the push-up bra she’d bought in bright yellow hid that. Her matching blouse snapped down the front and skimmed her waist to just above the shirt, leaving barely a quarter inch of skin bare. Her black thong was a size too small, so it hugged her hips and ass tightly, making her feel like she’d been bound by a silken rope. Her black heels made her legs look sculpted. The scent of vanilla musk clung to her, competing with the naughty, skin-warmed aroma of the finger full of arousal lotion she’d spread along her pussy lips and partway up her vaginal walls. The burn it caused had her writhing a little bit as she tried to find a comfortable position on the couch.

Tye would know immediately what was in store for him, but Tess hadn’t yet decided if she’d play the aggressor or let

She jumped when he rang the door bell, and pressing a hand to her chest, hurried to let him in.

His smile lit the room when he saw her. For an instant two emotions competed in her mind. Sydney’s arousal kicked into high gear at his frank, sexual appraisal of her while Tess battled with a stab of jealousy. She’d dreamed of having Tye smile at her like this and had resigned herself to the reality that it would never happen. Did Sydney really deserve what Tess couldn’t have? She could get used to having everything come to her easily because of her looks. Tess’s academic brilliance had always opened doors for her, but a body like the one she inhabited right now could grant her access to almost anything.

“Wow. You ready?”

God, she was. She nodded and stepped outside, locking the door behind her. “Where are you taking me?”

“Everywhere, pretty lady. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.”

She planned to.


Tye’s convertible whizzed along the highway half an hour later like a streak of silver lightning. He drove with the arrogance of someone who’d never had to work too hard for anything. Tess had discovered his wealthy parents had paid for the car, his apartment and most of his expenses until he turned twenty-five. Then he’d inherited money from his grandfather, which allowed him to spend his time doing what he loved, working out and teaching weight training.

Tess soaked it all in. She’d suspected most of it, since Tye never seemed to want for anything and spent too much time at the apartment complex pool to have a nine-to-fiver.

None of it mattered, though. She nodded and smiled as he talked, making sure her fingers were always in motion, skimming through her hair which she’d had highlighted at a salon, toying with the snaps on her blouse or the zipper of her skirt. She noticed his gaze flicker over her every few seconds and wondered how he could concentrate on the road when he was so busy ogling her legs.

After a cursory tour of the city highlights, he headed downtown, skillfully maneuvering through weekend traffic. “Want to go to a club?”

“Sure.” She had no idea if she could make Sydney’s body dance, but in this outfit it really wouldn’t matter if she had any rhythm. Tye wanted to show her off, and she wanted to be seen. She licked her lips and ruffled her hair into a wild halo. “What’s the hottest place you know?”

Tye only smiled. Ten minutes later, he paid a valet to take his car and offered Sydney his hand. They strolled into a club called Tanzania where the pulsing beat of the music seemed to sync itself to the pounding of her heart.

He led her through the crush of bodies, and they found a spot on the dance floor. There, he put his hands on her hips and began to grind his pelvis against her.

Tess threw her head back and laughed. This was amazing. Every nudge of his burgeoning cock against her mound re-ignited the fire of the arousal lotion. Within fifteen minutes she felt like she was sweating—even though it was anatomically impossible for Sydney. Tess figured her core temperature might have risen a degree or two, but she didn’t let that worry her. She locked her fingers behind Tye’s neck and shimmied against him, making sure her breasts rubbed his rock-hard pecs and abs.

After a couple of songs, he pulled her off the dance floor and found a small table. He offered her a chair. “Can I get you a beer?”

“I don’t drink. Water, please.” She needed to keep hydrated. Hopefully a sip or two of mineral water wouldn’t cause Sydney any problems.

Tye returned a few minutes later with a glass of Evian with a twist of lime and a beer for himself.

Tess sipped experimentally. The hint of citrus juice caused a tangy burn on her artificial tongue. Marc would probably have to flush her lubrication system tomorrow. She smiled at the thought at what else he might have to do to repair the damage she might inflict tonight.

She laughed, and Tye raised a brow. “What’s so funny?”

“Just thinking about...Tess. She’s stuck in some stuffy conference room in Detroit listening to boring speeches.”

“Poor Tess.”

“How well do you know her?” Dangerous territory, but Tess wanted to know what Tye really thought of her.

He shrugged. “She’s nice. Really smart.”

She sighed. That’s what everyone said about her. She’d given up being flattered long ago. Just once she wanted someone to say she was beautiful and not care if she was intelligent.

“So you two are friends?”

“We say hi. She works a lot. She’s kind of shy too.”

Poor shy, overworked Tess. “Let’s dance some more.” She tugged him to his feet and half dragged him out into the surging crowd again. Wantonly, she planted his hands on her ass and began to sway to the beat.

Tye locked eyes with her and started pulling her hips toward him, bumping his crotch against hers. Tess bit her lip and uttered a slight whimper each time their bodies collided. She doubted he could hear her over the music, but it didn’t matter. Her lips told the story, and he seemed to hang on every utterance. Before the song ended, he crushed her against him and whispered in her ear, “Let’s get out of here.”

She nodded and found herself teetering after him, trying to keep her balance on her toes so she wouldn’t break a heel. As soon as they left the club, he tugged her around the side of the building into a shadowed edge of the parking lot and pushed her back against the wall of the building.

“You are so fucking hot,” he breathed against her neck. “I have to kiss you.”

Tess shivered, hoping that wasn’t all he had to do. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. An instant later Tye thrust his tongue into her mouth.

He tasted like beer, but she didn’t mind at all. She concentrated on sucking his tongue as far down her throat as it would go. Sydney didn’t possess a uvula, so she had no gag reflex. Oh, the head I could give you, she thought as she groped the front of Tye’s tight jeans.

He surged against her hand, letting her feel his impressive package. “You want that?”

“You have no idea how much.”

He growled something unintelligible and thumbed her nipples, but the thick padding of her bra cushioned the sensation. She wanted to rip open her shirt and thrust his hands up under the silky cups, but this venue was too exposed. Someone could wander by, and since this was a more exclusive section of town, she’d likely be arrested for prostitution if she unzipped her skirt and straddled him right here against the building.

“Get your car,” she murmured, still rubbing his hidden erection. “Take me home.”

“I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

“Then fuck me in your car. I don’t care where we do it. I just want you in me.”

“Jesus.” He pushed away from her, grabbed her hand and dragged her back to the front of the building.

He tossed his valet ticket and a twenty at the young man stationed outside the club and told him to hurry. While they waited for the car, he stood with his hand on her ass, gently squeezing.

Tess thought she’d pop out of her polymer skin. The arousal lotion hadn’t worn off yet, so her pussy burned delightfully. Her thong cinched her ass and rubbed against her perpetually swollen clit. She thought of Jared and made sinister plans to tease him while next to her Tye tapped his foot impatiently and cursed.

When the valet pulled up with the car, he practically tore the kid out of the driver’s seat and jumped in. Tess climbed into the passenger seat, and grateful for the dark-tinted windows, began popping the snaps on her blouse.

Tye moaned. “Take it easy, baby. Let me find a place we can pull over.”

“Hurry.” She yanked the skirt zipper up and crossed her legs so her thigh was exposed almost up to her thong. “I’m so wet I’m going to cream your nice leather seat.”

Tye gunned the motor. The car screeched around a couple of corners. Inside five minutes they pulled behind a dark office building and coasted into a partially hidden space at the back of a covered parking deck.

He shut the car off and turned to her. “Before we do anything, are you sure you want this? Because I’m about ready to explode. If I don’t get my hands on you soon, I’m going to need to fucking jerk off before I take you home.”

“Back seat or front seat?” Tess smiled wickedly.

Tye didn’t need any more encouragement. He reached for her shirt and opened the remaining snaps, then pulled the satiny yellow fabric down her shoulders.

The bra unhooked in the front, and he went for that next, freeing Sydney’s breasts to the cool evening air. “God, you’re perfect.” He lowered his head and began to suckle one nipple.

Tess gasped. She hadn’t expected it to feel so real. In Tye’s hot mouth her nipple crested into a hard peak. Each pull of his lips created a sensation that pulsed through the mounded flesh and traveled to that area in her abdomen that had tightened so deliciously last night. She wondered if she could orgasm just from having him suck her nipples.

Maybe later she’d conduct that experiment. Right now, she needed more. “Let’s get in the back. I want to be under you.”

Tye lifted his mouth from her breast. “Okay.”

The logistics took only a moment. Tess climbed over the seat, making sure Tye got a good long look up her skirt before she slithered into the back seat. She stretched out and reached up her skirt while he watched, producing the thong in a swift, triumphant movement.

Tye grabbed the scrap of cloth and sniffed it. He moaned and tossed it into the front seat, then dove over himself and knelt between her spread legs. “I’ve got condoms...hold on.” He reached into the front again, popped open the glove compartment and pulled out a box of assorted flavors, colors and textures. “Pick your favorite, baby and put it on me.”

He unzipped his pants and shoved them down his thighs, releasing a tent of white underwear. He freed his cock from his briefs and caught her eye, as if waiting for her approval.

Tess licked her lips. He was bigger than she’d imagined, all dark-skinned and naturally ridged with thick veins. She wanted him just like that, naked, but now wasn’t the time to explain that she couldn’t get pregnant or catch a disease. She opened the condom box and picked an extra-large, double-ribbed tickler in neon blue.

She would have laughed, but at the moment she was so desperate for release she would have fucked the gear shift. With trembling hands, she opened the packet and rolled the latex over Tye’s cock. He was hot and silky soft and already glistening with precum.

Once she’d adjusted the condom, she bent forward and licked the feathery tip and the shaft. Tye shuddered. “Goddamn, I should have asked you to do that before you put the rubber on.”

“We have plenty of time for that.” She took his hand and guided it up her skirt. “I’m going to come any minute. I want you fucking me when I do.”

“Don’t need to tell me twice, ma’am.” Tye leaned forward and let his fingers explore. The pressure of his thumb against her clit reactivated the arousal lotion. The burn had her writhing again. Urgently, she guided Tye’s fingers to her slit, and he thrust two inside.

“Mmmm.” Tess moaned. She needed more of that. Much more.

“You’re so tight.”

“I used something,” she whispered, spreading her legs farther. “That cream that makes you tight and hot inside. I wanted you to have a good time.”

“Damn. Damn.” He stroked in and out a few times, fingering her clit with one hand and a nipple with the other. She bucked her hips.

“I’m ready, Tye. Please.”

He let go and grabbed his cock, guided it to her entrance and pushed in.

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