Forbidden (short steamy romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Forbidden (short steamy romance)
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He watched as the men fought over her, wrestled for her attention. He recognized the ginger one as Eddie, a typically shy boy who rarely spoke or acted out of turn. He looked annoyed, seemed to be trying to stay as close to Elly as he could, marking her as his territory whilst the other boy watched. Judging by his actions, he doubted Eddie just had a crush on her, by the way he looked at her, pleaded with her, Kitson knew that Elly had slept with Eddie. It was obvious, even though she averted her eyes shyly when he looked at her.


Kitson sensed a fight was coming, he thought about intervening but he lost his nerve. He stepped back, unable to take his eyes of Elly when the fight kicked off. She didn’t seem to mind, barely even tried to take a defiant step away from the melee. When she turned, looked straight at him, he saw something in her eyes that was completely devoid of the typical shyness she liked to portray. She looked like she was enjoying the attention, enjoying the drama. Two men she had pleasured, two men she had probably fucked, were fighting over her whilst a third watched.


She was loving it.





“That one’s not what she seems.”


Kitson nodded. He could agree with that.


“I’ve seen her with more than one guy,” Matthew Smith, the art tutor, continued, talking into the steam of his coffee cup. “She seems shy and timid, but she’s far from it.”


Kitson sighed heavily and took a long drag from a cigarette. He hadn’t smoked in six months but his head needed some clearing, he needed to blow the cobwebs and the angst away, cigarettes were perfect. He looked out onto the fields with squinted eye, watched as the smoke from the end of his cigarette spiraled into the brisk air.


Matthew looked at his friend, thought about asking him why he was enquiring about Elly Waterhouse, and then decided against it. It was common knowledge that Kitson was sleeping with the students. Common knowledge with his friends anyway, the ones who could turn a blind eye to it because they liked him. If it was common knowledge to his superiors, then Matthew doubted Kitson would remain in the job for long. It wasn’t as bad as a high school teacher sleeping with his students, these were adult pupils after all, but it was still a position of power and it was very much frowned upon.


“I saw her coming out of the storeroom yesterday,” Matthew said. “I’d just finished having my lunch, she came out looking flustered, her pants twisted around her waist as if she’d had trouble getting them on. She gave me a shy glance. I thought for a moment that maybe she’d been for a nap in there or something, then I saw one of the students follow her out.


“Who was he?” Kitson asked.


“No idea,” Matthew said bluntly. “Skinny kid, tall. Not sure of his name, don’t think Elly knew either to be honest with you.”


Kitson nodded solemnly, tossed the cigarette away and reentered the building, bidding a brief goodbye to his colleague.


He didn’t know why it bothered him so much. He didn’t really want Elly anymore, he’d had her and that was good enough for him. But now he was learning that the sweet, innocent naive little girl wasn’t sweet, innocent or naive. Nor was Kitson the first person from the university she had slept with.


Adam Morris, the kid he had turned away from Elly’s table, had been seen with her in an empty classroom. A teacher had caught them kissing but the implication was that the kissing was just the finale to whatever they had been doing before the teacher caught them. Adam wasn’t hoping to get into her pants that lunchtime, he had already been inside them and he, like the two boys fighting over her outside Kitson’s classroom and like Kitson himself, had been drawn in by her and wanted more of her.


It was stressing him out. He had two more classes to teach and he struggled through them both, barely retaining anything that he said, struggling to converse with his students.


He needed sex. Getting his cock inside the blonde with the tight body would relieve his stress better than any cigarettes could, he knew that. It was a risk getting her into his classroom, a risk he had only taken once before, when he was younger and dumber, but he was desperate, he needed to fuck his stress away.


He spent the afternoon watching the clock, was relieved when he saw the blonde girl strut into his classroom, shutting the door behind her. There was no lock on the door, but they wouldn’t be interrupted at this time.


He walked up to her, took her between the door and the desk. He wrapped his arms around her, stuck his lips on her and moved her to the benches, prepared to fuck her in the spot from which she usually sat and admired him.





Elly met Pete on her first day. She didn’t like him much, he seemed a little extreme for her. She wasn’t a fan of his spiky hair or his leather jacket. Or his attitude for that matter. But she warmed to him. He was a risk taker.


It was him she went to after watching the fight outside the classroom. She got him talking, he turned out to be softer than she imagined. She actually liked him. Which was why she decided to fuck him.


He didn’t ask questions when she took him to Kitson’s classroom, didn’t utter a word when she pushed him inside the cupboard and jumped on him. He also didn’t object when she stripped him naked and gave him a blow job. He objected a little when Kitson and one of his classes began on the other side of the closed door, but he was too caught up in the moment to care.


After he came, after Elly took his load in her mouth and spat it silently on the floor, he began to complain a bit more. She stripped at that point, told him to finger her, then, when she was wet, listening to Kitson do his class, listening to him mumble and stumble his way through the lecture, she let Pete fuck her. He took his time, he tried to do it silently and in doing so he threw her off her game. He came again and he tried to finish up, to retreat from inside her, but she wouldn’t let him. She forced him into her, whispered that he needed to finish fucking her.


He was shattered, but this time they had finished. Kitson had finished his lesson, was halfway into the next. They dressed, Elly hoped for more but when she tried to rub his cock, tried to spark some life into it, she noticed that it was dead and wasn’t growing anytime soon.


They waited there for what seemed like an age. He sat down in the corner, she stood up, watching through a gap in the door as Kitson gave his lecture.


“We could’a left,” Pete insisted with a hot whisper. “We had our chance.”


She turned to him, glared ferociously at him. He shut up instantly.


They could have left, had a brief window in which they could have slipped out and joined the other students, but she didn’t want to take any risks, and besides, she needed to see this.




Kitson ravaged the blonde girl. He kissed her hard, nearly bit her lips and her tongue off, and then he fucked her even harder. She tried to be quiet, but under his forceful thrust, under his grunting desperation, she struggled. She bit her own lip, grabbed at her hair. She noticed that he didn’t seem to be looking at her, his eyes were on hers, but he was elsewhere, thinking about something else. He didn’t look like the distinguished, dignified teacher she had fallen for.


Even as he fucked her she could feel her adoration and respect slipping away; even as he pleasured her she could see him transforming into an angry, grunting Neanderthal of a man.




Elly grinned widely as she watched Kitson fuck the little blonde girl. She had a great body and it was nice to see him fuck it. Elly had her own fantasies about the blonde girl, wouldn’t have minded a go herself. She slipped a hand down her pants as she watched, began to play with her pussy which was still wet from Pete’s juices.


Pete watched on, didn’t know what was happening at first. When he figured it out, he began to wish that he’d never accepted the advances of the new girl with the shy smile.




Kitson was struggling to climax. The girl beneath him had already come, he felt her body rock and vibrate a few thrusts ago, saw her eyes roll into the back of her head, but he was struggling to get there. His mind kept drifting away, trying to concentrate on other things, and he was losing it. When he thought he had it again, when he thought he caught the rhythm right, she would move, shift him from his position and throw him off.


He continued to pound away, breathless, panting. He was sweating, the beads forming on his forehead, running down his eyes. Some of them dropped onto the girl beneath him who didn’t seem to mind, she was lost in her own world, her head in an oblivion of ecstasy, her hands pressing onto his chest, grasping at his muscles, his flesh.


He yelled at her to stay still but she didn’t seem to hear. He got annoyed, got thrown off his game again. She was screaming now, about to come again, he still hadn’t climaxed and he was further away than he had been before. He was angry with himself and angry with her, but he continued, tried to concentrate above her screaming, which was getting louder and louder.




Elly was reaching climax, the wet clicking of her finger against her clit echoed in the room. Pete had been disgusted at first, then a little turned on, now he was worried. He had peeked through the door, seen what was going on inside the classroom and he now wondered if that’s why she had brought him here. He still didn’t know whether that was sexy or disturbed, but he was leaning towards disturbed.




He was losing his breath, losing his stamina. The blonde girl came again. Her thrusting hips and her shaking limbs threw him off again, just when he had found the right rhythm. He groaned, she heard him in the silence, between her screams, but she ignored it, closed her eyes. When he continued she couldn’t believe her luck, her screams started again, even louder than before. She had forgotten where she was, forgotten who was lying on top of her. None of that mattered now, what mattered was that she was being taken to a place she had never been before.




The blonde was sexy and Kitson was in form. Elly was nearly there, her eyes wide as she stared at the fleshy, sweaty bodies in a tight and forceful embrace. The big, bouncy tanned tits; the sweaty, hairy back and chest. The grunting; the screaming.


She began to make noises of her own, grunts that formed in the back of her throat, grunts that she tried to ignore, to keep down, but eventually let loose. Then she was moaning, softly at first, turning into gasps.




Kitson was so wrapped up in trying to orgasm that he didn’t hear the door open behind him, didn’t hear the gasps and screams as a handful of people entered his classroom and bore witness to the sweaty and desperate sex scene. He didn’t see the face of his Mrs Coleman, didn’t see the horror spark her features. He didn’t see her step aside to let her boss, and Kitson’s boss, see what was going on.


She shouted at Kitson, tried to get his attention, then she moved towards him, stood next to him, demanded that he stop what he was doing straight away.


He turned, his face nearly purple, his body pouring with sweat. He saw her, took a moment to digest what he was seeing. Then his boss came into the picture and he realized at once.


He stopped his thrusting, stopped his dire attempts to orgasm. Mrs Coleman thought that she saw a glimmer of recognition in his eyes, for years afterwards she would say that she saw regret and desperation there, something that she pitied, but when Kitson’s heart stopped he had no control of his emotions, had no interest in showing regret.


He collapsed on top of the blonde girl with a wet thud, their fleshy bodies both soaked with sweat. It took the blonde girl a few moments to realize what had happened, at first she thought he had come, she was too wet to notice if anymore fluid had entered down there. But then she heard the gasps above her, noticed that could no longer hear Kitson’s exerted breaths.


She peered above his shoulder, saw the horrified faces above her. She tried to squirm free but he was heavier than her, his arms and legs had slipped down to her side, holding her in a prison of wet limbs.


She would remain there until the two teachers rushed to get help, until, ten minutes later, the medics could pry Kitson’s body off of her. By then she was a shivering wreck, and when the medics failed to revive him, when they loaded him on the ambulance and later declared him dead of a heart attack, she would never be able to properly enjoy herself again. Her best sex had turned into her worst nightmare, there was no coming back from that.

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