Forbidden Seduction: Adult Romance Collection - Romantic Love Story Anthology from Amish to XXX Romance Novels (19 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Seduction: Adult Romance Collection - Romantic Love Story Anthology from Amish to XXX Romance Novels
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Reaping the Harvest


Fia woke before Harailt and kissed his chest. Her hand moved down his body as he grinned before he opened his eyes. Pushing her hand down further; she could feel his hardness. Moving her mouth across his chest and down his body. He placed his hand on the back of her head as she went lower. He felt her soft lips move to his manhood as she opened her mouth and flicked out her tongue. Her hands moved to his balls and squeezed them gently as her mouth moved up and down the hardness.


His hand remained on the back of her head, guiding her as he felt her tongue wrap around the shaft. She moved back and forth slowly, taking in everything. He rocked his hips back and forth as her mouth was like a velvet glove on his hardness. She moved her mouth quicker as he wrapped his fingers in her hair and pulled her on top of him. Spreading her legs, she felt him place his fingers on her lips and open them. Feeling the tip enter her, she pushed down and placed her hands on his chest.


He cupped her breast and pulled on the nipples making her body respond. She moved faster and faster on top of him as her nub was rubbing against his pelvic hair. Her nails dug into his chest as she felt the waves come over her body. Pushing her hips down hard on Harailt she felt the explosion rise from her body as she remained still for a moment. Harailt grabbed her by the hips and rolled her over, thrusting into her hard and fast. Her eyes opened as she gasped.


Waves were rolling over her body with every thrust she felt. Her cries were muffled in Harailt’s shoulder as he panted in her ear. Her legs wrapped around his waist pulling him fully into her. She bit his shoulder as her body arched against his. He pushed in one last time, feeling his release, he groaned loudly, his hands tightened around her waist as he held her there.


He rolled over and caught his breath. Fia traced her hands down his body and snuggled against him. He placed his hands in her fiery hair and kissed the top of her head. She sighed as she knew that it was time to start the day. She just did not want the moment to end as they both got up and got ready for the day. She knew that there was plenty of time for them to have the moments they just shared. The animals and crops however would not wait. They needed to be taken care of.


They were quite as they got dressed. Heading downstairs, it had become a normal day for both of them now. As the days went on, they became closer and did not miss a night of being together. Sometimes they would find themselves in the fields or barn enjoying each other’s bodies. As the time passed by quickly, the days became shorter and it started to get colder. Harailt knew that soon he would have to leave for the lowlands to take care of business. He was not sure how he was going to tell Fia. He knew how they felt about each other.


He knew he had to tell her before he left. He would be gone for at least 4 months and she would have to have help for the farms. He knew that the townspeople would help out while he was gone. As they sat for dinner that night, he took her hand when she finally sat down. Looking deep into her eyes, he took a deep breath.


“I have to go on a trip tomorrow.” He stated.


“Where are you going?” She asked as she watched him.


“I have to go to the lowlands, I can’t tell you where.” He answered quickly.


“And why not?” She questioned him further.


“Because I don’t want you to follow me.” He chuckled.


“How long have you known?” She searched his eyes.


“I have known since right after the Solstice.” He quietly said, “I wanted to tell you lass, I also did not want you trying to figure out how you would come with me.”


“And what about the farms?” She questioned.


“I have already asked some of the men from town to help you.” He responded.


“I see, so you have it all figured out then.” She spat as she began to pick up the dishes.


“No, I did not figure on falling in love with you.” He stood and went to the bedroom to pack some clothes for the trip.


Fia stood at the sink as Harailt’s last words rang through her ears. She had not planned on that either. It seemed to only be natural for them to fall for each other. Tears fell from her eyes as she understood how hard this was on Harailt and she knew she needed to support him in what he had to do. She went to the bedroom and wrapped her hands around his waist as she kissed his back. He turned to her and took her face in his hands kissing her softly.


“I don’t want to go, understand this.” He commented. “I have to go, our future may depend upon it.”


His hands explored her body as he lifted her up and laid her on the bed one last time to make her whimper and beg before he left in the morning.


Seasons Change


Fia watched as Colin chased after the sheep in the field. Making a small lunch, she went out and called him to her. He ran to her and held up his arms, hugging her tightly as he made contact with her.


“Lunch moma?” He questioned.

“Yes, lunch Colin.” She ruffled his strawberry hair.


They walked to where they could see the Loch from the hill top and sat. Giving him his half of the sandwich she made him, he bit into it eagerly. He had grown so much in 3 years since Harailt had left. Fia watched Colin as he seemed not to have a care in the world. He looked so much like Harailt that it brought tears to Fia’s eyes every time she looked at him. She reached over and brushed his cheek with her thumb.


“Look moma.” He pointed to a figure crossing the fields.


Fia turned and covered the tops of her eyes to see what Colin was pointing to. Her heart dropped at what she saw. Dropping her food, she stood and ran to the figure. Colin toddled behind her. The man picked Fia up and kissed her deeply as Colin shyly looked up at him.


“You are a site for sore eyes lass.” The man finally said as he looked at the boy and his heart dropped. “And who would this lil lad be?”


“I am Colin.” The boy responded answering the question.


Harailt dropped to his knees and looked at Colin, he had been gone for so long and saw so much, yet his heart had always been at the Loch and he had not intentions of ever leaving again. Fia felt the tears come as Harailt picked up Colin and held him.


“You never told me.” He whispered to her.


“I didn’t know until you were gone.” She responded as they headed back to the house.

Western Romance

Mail Order Bride

By Lady Aingealicia


Prairie Dreams


Elizabeth came to Lamar Colorado from Boston by way of the train, she had found her family, a life and a new beginning where she least expected. Soon though, there would be a new addition to her small family of Brad and their son Wyatt. She looked fondly out the window often and was grateful for Mrs. Evens answering her classified. In her mind there was nothing better than what had occurred to her when she answered and followed her heart. Yet, one would wonder if this happiness could last longer than the post that delivered the letter to her hands in Boston.


New Addition on the Way


Elizabeth looked out the window while holding Wyatt. He had gotten big in the months that had passed. She waited for Brad to come back in for lunch. She knew she had to go to town and visit Mrs. Evens. There was a letter in the post for her. She was hoping it was from Charley and Sarah of news of them coming for the holiday. She had written them so long ago to come and visit. She knew that Brad and she could not go to Boston with her in her last few months of pregnancy. She longed to show Brad and Wyatt to Charley and his family.

She was sure that Mae, Charley’s mother would approve of how she had grown in so many ways. She had learned how to cook much better and had no issue keeping up with little Wyatt as he would toddle around the house. Even with her stomach becoming larger. She could not believe how big she was getting as she rubbed her belly. Mrs. Evens kept telling Elizabeth she either had a farm hand inside her belly or a set of twins. Elizabeth just wanted a healthy child, she did not care if it was a farm hand or a set of twins.

The door opened and Brad came in, he wrapped his arms around Elizabeth and kissed the back of her neck. She shivered. He still had that effect on her. She placed her hands on his and looked up at him with her emerald green eyes. He kissed her nose and then went to pick up Wyatt who watched on. Wyatt ran from Brad and began to play hide and seek.

“I have to go into town Brad.” Elizabeth said as she placed lunch on the table. “Mrs. Evens has a letter for me.”

“Oh?” Brad nodded as he held Wyatt after capturing him. “A letter? Where do you think it is from?”

“I am hoping Boston.” Elizabeth sat down and smiled at Brad. “I am hoping to hear from Sarah and Charley and that they are coming out.”

“I see.” Brad nodded as he put Wyatt in a high chair. “And if they do come out during the holidays, you know they might not go back?”

“Oh?” Elizabeth traced her nails across Brad’s forearm, “And why is that?”

“Well this town has certainly grown on you.” Brad nodded as he ate the stew she had made. “Now, you know it is going to get bitter cold this winter. So while you are in town, talk to Mrs. Evens about that and what you will need for clothes.”

“I know, you keep saying that it will be cold.” Elizabeth took a bite of her stew and then gave some potatoes to Wyatt to munch on. “I will talk to Mrs. Evens as you suggest. I am sure she will have plenty of ideas. Besides, Wyatt will need clothes as well.”

“I wouldn’t worry about that. Mrs. Evens always gives Wyatt clothes.” He chuckled finishing his meal. “I will hitch up the wagon for you. You sure you know how to drive the team by now right?”

“Yes Brad.” Elizabeth sighed remembering the first time she drove the team of horses to town. She ended up about 10 miles from home because the horses took over and was nowhere near the town. “I have learned how to handle your beast.”

“They are not beast.” He chuckled as he headed out the door. “They just know how to take charge from one who is learning.”

She heard the door shut and cleaned up the table as Wyatt stuffed his face with potatoes, mashing them with his fingers. He was a year old now and wanted to do everything himself. He grinned and giggled at her. She shook her head and grabbed him to clean him up to get him ready to go to town. She felt a tight pain in her stomach and took a deep breath. Thinking nothing of it, she headed out to the team and put Wyatt in the seat next to her.

Brad had built him his own seat so he would not fall out when Elizabeth drove to town. Brad leaned forward and kissed Elizabeth on the cheek. He noticed she looked a bit pale and wondered if he should go in with her. The town was only 5 miles away, however it could be a long drive when you were not feeling your best. He also knew he still had the winter wheat to tend to and animals to tend to make sure they were ready for the winter.

Elizabeth looked at him and then looked around. It was late October and they had had a few snow falls already. Brad told her that it was mild so far, that in the dead winter, they would be stuck in the house except to take care of the animals because of the cold and snow that would fall. She figured it could not be any worse than the winters in Boston, yet she kept that information to herself. She had never lived on the plains so she did not know what might come to pass.

“You sure you okay?” Brad asked. “I can take you in after I feed the stock and check the wheat.”

“I will be okay.” She looked at the crisp skies and felt the wind against her cheek. “We are bundled and ready to go. Wyatt can sleep at Mrs. Evens for his nap and I can check on winter clothing.”

“Well have Evan bring you back.” Brad nodded. “I trust you will be okay.”

“I will have Evan bring me back.” Elizabeth agreed as she took the reins and moved the horses forward. “He can stay the night so he is here to help you in the morning.”

Brad watched as she led the team down the road and towards Lamar. He figured he would just finish up what he needed to do and ride into town after. He could use a night in town and wanted to take Elizabeth out before she had the baby. They tried to get out once a week while Mrs. Evens would watch Wyatt for them. Sometimes they would just stay at the house and make love.

Elizabeth looked at the beautiful sky while she led the team to town. She felt the pains again and figured she just had eaten too much. She was only about 10 minutes from town when the pains started to come quicker. She looked at Wyatt as she smacked the reigns to the horses. As she saw the Evens home, she felt relief. Mrs. Evens was outside talking to a neighbor when she saw Elizabeth.

“Hello dear.” She called out as Elizabeth stopped in front of the house. “I will get Mr. Evens to house the team and you come in. You look a bit pale.”

“Thank you Mrs. Evens.” Elizabeth placed her hands on her belly. “I have been having some stomach pains.”

Mrs. Evens nodded as she took Wyatt down from the seat and let him hold her hand to walk to the house. Mr. Evens unhitched the team as Mrs. Evens whispered something in his ear. He nodded and began to move quicker.

“When did the pains start dear?” Mrs. Evens asked calmly.

“Oh, right after lunch.” Elizabeth responded as another pain gripped her and she drew in her breath.

“Well let’s get you in the house and comfortable.” Mrs. Evens answered, “I am going to send Evan to go get Brad to come to town tonight.”

“Oh, please Mrs. Evens don’t bother.” Elizabeth smiled softly. “The wheat has to be tended to and the cattle are needing to be fed before they bed down for the night.”

“Evan can help him with that.” Mrs. Evens responded, “Now come on.”

As they were walking to the porch Elizabeth felt another strong pang and bent over, gasping. She gripped onto Mrs. Evens hand and lost her breath.

“I don’t understand.” Elizabeth stated.

“Oh honey, don’t worry.” Mrs. Evens chuckled. “Women have been birthing babies since the beginning of time.”

“Birthing babies.” Elizabeth stated with shock. “I am not due for another month according to Dr. Minter.”

“Well a baby comes in its own time.” Mrs. Evens said softly. “No Doctor can determine the time of birth, just guess.”

Elizabeth nodded as the pangs went through her body. They had made it to the first step and she felt the wetness between her legs. As she looked down she saw the water forming. She felt a panic as Mrs. Evens held her hand and led her into the house.

“Oh Mrs. Evens, I am going to make a mess.” Elizabeth panted. “Can’t we make it to Docs office?”

“I have already sent Mr. Evens after the Doc.” Mrs. Evens responded. “Messes can be cleaned.”

Mrs. Evens waved to the neighbor to help her with Wyatt at she led Elizabeth to the sitting room. It would have to do for the moment. There was no way that Elizabeth would make it upstairs and the little one was ready to make its way into the world. After getting Elizabeth to the chair and settled, Mrs. Evens went and got a cool rag to place on her head.

“Elizabeth, you just hold on and breathe through the pain.” Mrs. Evens remained calm. “I will be right here.”

As she stated that, she heard the door open to the house and looked. Dr. Minter lived a few houses away, so she knew it would not take long for him to be there. He looked over Elizabeth and smiled.

“So the little one is coming early.” He laughed, “Now Elizabeth everything is going to be okay.”

He sat down and did an examination of Elizabeth. She was further in the delivery than he planned. He opened his bag and began to set out his tools.

“Well Mrs. Evens, how about you go boil me some water and get some towels.” He chuckled. “Seems your parlor will be the first place this little one sees. Now where is Wyatt and Brad?”

Elizabeth was aware of the bustling around her and the words seemed to fade into the background as the cramps built up. Soon she heard a cry as Dr. Minter held a baby in his arms.

“Well Miss Elizabeth, Wyatt has a brother.” He exclaimed as he cleaned the child up and looked at her.

Elizabeth smiled as she held out her hands to take the baby. She could not believe how small he was. Soon she felt another pain. Gasping and crying out, Dr. Minter looked to see what was causing her to have the pain.

“Well Miss Elizabeth, it seems you are going to have two babies today.” Dr. Minter sat back down and instructed Elizabeth as she bore down.

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