Forbidden (Motorcycle Club Romance): Trista and Blaze 1 (Fallen Idols Motorcycle Club) (5 page)

BOOK: Forbidden (Motorcycle Club Romance): Trista and Blaze 1 (Fallen Idols Motorcycle Club)
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As I rode I tried to shake the memory of Blaze touching my skin the night before. And of his truth of the night his family left. If what he said was true, then they had to leave, it was a club decision. I wouldn’t have any reason to hate him anymore. That would be trouble. That allowed me to be with him. I couldn’t think about that now though, there was too much at stake. I needed to focus.

We dismounted our bikes right in front of El Presidente's home. Isidro was the head of Las Almas, and my mother's brother. Yep, that made for super fun holiday meals. There was a time in my childhood when I didn't even remember him, but when I was barely a teenager, he and Dad made an agreement that, if they didn't run drugs on our territory, our blood war would end. Chen's little information from earlier was a big pill for my father to swallow. Sure, we still had issues with some of their young ones, but for the most part, their officers stayed away from us. By showing up to his house, we were making a statement.

El Presidente walked out with a shotgun over his shoulder, as he descended the concrete steps in front of his home. Several of his men fanned out on the sidewalk. There were maybe six of them, but I knew that he owned this whole block, and that there were guys in the house behind us as well. One signal, and like a sniper, one of us would go down.

“What brings you to Pineview?”

Rogue took a step forward, Ace and Pops flanking him. “You know why we’re here. We had an agreement, esé. You don't run drugs, and we don't steal your cars. But today, we have both missing car parts, and a strung out junkie up at the Red Dragons who said she's buying in Brooks Landing. I assume you know something about that.”

Isidro curled his mustache between his two fingers. He had multiple rings on them, and I wondered if his wife came out, she’d have bruises on her face. Imprints of the letters. “No, man. That wasn’t us.”

Rogue took a step forward, pulled out his gun, and fired. Within a second, he dropped one of Isidro's men. Guns flew out everywhere. Nobody shot, but we were all ready to make a move. “Nothing else needs to happen here. You didn't play by the rules, so neither did I.”

The man's dark blood filled the pavement. It was a clean shot, directly in the head. He never even had a chance to pull out his weapon. I kept my gun pointed at my uncle. It didn't matter that he was family; my MC came first. If one of his guys released a bullet, then I would put one in his skull.

“Not the way we play, Rogan. You know that. Don’t change the game on us.”

Rogue scoffed. “Why? You did!”

I saw Isidro nod, and a second later, hands grabbed me from behind, and a gun was put to the back of my head. I couldn't believe I didn't see him. The prospects were supposed to be watching our backs. Cruz and Blaze would pay for this.

“Mi hermano! You killed my fucking brother. Now we'll see what it's like to lose one of your own.” I felt the cold metal at the back of my head, and I said a prayer. But, when I heard the gun go off, I didn't feel the pain. I looked to my right, and saw Blaze with his gun out in front of him, looking determined. He made the shot that saved my life.

Within seconds, the streets erupted into chaos. The Mexicans shot at us from all angles. I ran for cover behind the van that Cruz had been driving. I didn't want to leave my bike, but I didn't have another choice. A bullet went into the van.


“I’m fine! Let’s get the hell outta here!”

I continued to use the van as my shield, and watched my father continue to shoot as he got on his bike and fled, along with four other members following him. I stayed with my back against the van, and moved swiftly around the corner to see if I could make a run for it.

Right in front of me was a man in a bandana, with the typical skull tattoo on his arm. I didn’t even think; I just shot. He fell with a bullet in his chest as I heard Bones call to me.

“Trista, we gotta go. Now!” He covered me while I ran to my Harley, and got on. They shot after us, but with the van blocking the way, we were safe.

Looking behind me, I counted at least four dead on the ground. Served them right. You don't mess with our territory.

As I kept driving, I considered what had just happened. I never let my guard down. And I was nobody's hostage, but yet Blaze had just saved my life. If that wasn't a test of his loyalty, I didn't know what was. He was all in, and suddenly, I wasn't so annoyed by his presence. Instead, I allowed myself to think about how I wanted to repeat last night. How, in the kitchen, I knew he was hard thinking about me. I had felt my body tense in response. Blaze had saved me, and I needed to pay him back. It might've just been the vibration of my bike, but I needed to have Blaze again. He was suddenly like a drug, and I needed a fix.


Back at the clubhouse, the guys were getting shitfaced, celebrating that everyone was whole. A couple of them were loving on some club whores, while a few more slammed back drinks. It would be a long night.

We had gotten lucky making that bold move. Rogue was asserting his dominance. I just hoped it had worked.

I eyed Blaze behind the bar, and made my way to the steps. Catching his attention, I beckoned him with a finger. I told myself I only wanted to say thank you, but, deep down, I knew I wanted more. He followed me upstairs, but not before giving shifty eyes to Larry. I would have to cover this up later.

We stood against the pool table, completely alone. The perfect spot. I reached over, my fingertips trailing down his sculpted arm.

“You saved my life.” No one had ever done that before. I wasn’t the type of girl who needed saving.

“I had to.”

“Why? Because I’m the president’s daughter?” Say yes. Don’t tell me it’s because…

“I want you.”

“No, you don’t.”

“I do, Trista. I think I know how I feel better than you.”

I glared at him. I didn’t do feelings. I did sex. Fucking. I didn’t know how to do any different, and I certainly didn’t know how to “make love” to someone. I couldn’t have him going around professing feelings. I needed to nip this in the bud. He needed to understand what this was—a thank you fuck. I didn’t know how to feel like that. Sure, I cared about my family, but I protected them, took care of them. I didn’t have a boyfriend. I’d never had sex because of feelings. Last night had nothing to do with feelings and it was the best sex I’d ever had.

He moved closer to me, pushing me against the pool table. “I want you,” he whispered haughty in my ear. I sucked in a breath. “I want to show you how I feel.”

“I just want to say thank you… I…”

He kissed me, long and hard, my resolve waning. For a moment, I forgot that I wasn’t allowed to be with him. He was a prospect. Totally off limits.

That just made me want him even more.

He pressed me up against the wall, his fingers digging into my ass. I couldn’t control the want I had for him any longer. I pushed against his mouth again, devouring it, as I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling gently on the thick strands.

He moaned, and tossed me onto the pool table, pulling off my shirt, ripping it in the process. I released my bra for him, and he tugged at his belt, our lips never detaching. He slipped his hand under my panties, running his fingers lightly up and down my slit.

I groaned with pleasure and want. He took his mouth off mine to suck my wetness off his fingers. That movement alone almost brought me to climax. I quickly unclasped his jeans, and pulled them down with one hand, while the other reached into his boxers, and grabbed his rock hard shaft, squeezing slightly.

“This is how I say thank you.”

He jerked at the feel of my hands on him, and I slowly started to stroke, gently biting his nipples as I kissed my way down to where my hands were. I ran my tongue over the tip of his cock, tasting the saltiness of the pre-cum. I slid him into my mouth, and attempted to go slowly, but the taste of him drove me wild, and I moved faster, taking him deeper.

“Hold on, sweetheart. If you move any quicker, this thing will be over before it begins,” he said, pulling my mouth off him with a pop. But I just couldn’t stop.

“Ahh!” He gave up on pulling me off of him, and began to move my head up and down, pushing himself into the back of my throat. I gladly took him deeper, suckling and slurping him along the way. I began to massage his balls, as my mouth moved rapidly over his cock. I could tell he was close, so, to push him over the edge, I tugged on his sack a little bit, pinching them lightly, as he thrust himself into my mouth as deep as he could go, feeling the saltiness spill down my throat.

I licked him dry, and then stood up, feeling pretty proud of myself.

“That’s some way of saying thanks.” He smiled, pulling his pants back on.

“Listen, this was fun and all, but it—” I had to tell him, he was a prospect, I was a member. This couldn’t work.

“Taylor? You up here?” Rocco yelled as I put on my shirt.

“Shit!” I tossed the rest of his clothes at him, and fled to a bedroom to get dressed. It wasn’t a second later Rocco’s footsteps hit the top step.

“What the hell are you doing up here, man? There’s plenty of pussy downstairs, no need to do it alone.”

“Uhh yeah, just cleaning up. You know,” Blaze responded.

“Let’s get you downstairs, ya nasty ass. Time to get that cut.”

I peered out from behind the door to see Rocco taking him downstairs. That was close. But damn if it didn’t feel good.

I waited almost an hour before going downstairs; didn’t want to create suspicion. Blaze wore his cut and worked with Larry behind the bar. He was officially in. I wondered how that made him feel. And how that would affect whatever the hell it was we were doing. Because I wanted to do it again, and again. I sat down at the bar just when the phone started ringing.

“You gonna get that, Prospect?”

He smiled at me devilishly. “Thought the phone was for members only?”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine I’ll get it.”

The room was so loud I could hardly hear the woman on the other end of the line. “Shut up! All of you!”

“Hello, who is this?”

“My name is Pam. I work in the justice department. Someone told me you pay for info.”

“Sometimes, depends how good it is.”

“They have Axel in custody. Some shit went down with Las Almas, and he’s hurt. They’re doing some work, but he’s going to San Quentin.”

“Fuck. Thanks for the tip.” I hung up.

Rogue sauntered up to me. “Something going on, baby doll?” He smelled like whiskey; he always smelled that way when celebrating.

I sighed. “Axel and Las Almas. Lady said jail time.”

He shook his head. “Shit.”

“Rogue, we gotta get him out of there. You know Las Almas have guys on the inside, they’ll kill him.”

Rogue nodded. “Everybody in the back,” he commanded, but no one moved. “Now!” The girls scattered, and the men made their way through the back doors.

Blaze just looked at me blankly. “Welcome to the life, Prospect. Welcome to the fuckin family.”



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