Forbidden Fling (Wildwood Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Forbidden Fling (Wildwood Book 1)
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Ethan propped himself up on his elbows so he could watch, which only added fuel to her fire.

“I could do this
all night
.” She puckered, pressed the tip of his head against her lips, and pushed him all the way into her mouth, centimeter by excruciatingly slow centimeter, while he watched, eyes heavy, expression flooded with edgy lust. His whole body trembled.

And once the head of his cock pressed against her throat, she hummed with pleasure, then opened, carefully drew his head into her throat, and swallowed.

—” His eyes closed, head dropped back.

God, that was so hot.
So. Damn. Hot.

Men weren’t the only visual animals. And right about now, she was wishing she’d gotten him naked before she’d started this, because she craved the sight of those hard muscles quivering because of her touch.

“Delaney, stop.” He panted the words, cupping her jaw with one hand. “Stop, baby. I can’t . . . goddammit. I’m gonna come.”

She pulled her mouth off his cock. “How long does it take you to get hard again?”

He held her face gently, his thumb absently stroking her cheek while he stared at her as if she’d asked him if men really came from Mars. “What?”

“If you come, how long will it take for you to get hard again?” She rubbed his wet length with her hand, her own sex just as damp, just as swollen, just as ready. “’Cause I really,
want to suck you off.”

“Jesus Christ. I don’t know.”

She straightened her arms and lifted a brow at him. “You don’t know? What guy doesn’t know how long it takes him to get hard enough for a second round?”

He huffed a laugh and dropped back against the floor. “A guy who doesn’t have many second rounds, I guess.”

Delaney let one hand slide beneath his shirt, over his belly, his chest, and found a wall of muscle. “Good God. You’re ripped.” She pushed up and looked down at him again. “Handsome, you are hanging out with the wrong women. With your looks, this body, and that mouth, you could have women doing anything you damn well please as often as you damn well please.”

A growl started low in his throat. He grabbed her wrists, sat up, and flipped her to her back. Delaney squeaked in surprise. Then she hit the floor, and her breath whooshed out.

Ethan hovered over her, his eyes hot and intent. “And if the guys you’re with take their pleasure first and make you wait for yours, you’ve been hanging out with the wrong men. Because with this face”—he stroked her cheek gently—“this body”—his hand moved down, covered her breast, and squeezed, making Delaney’s breath catch—“and this mouth”—he lowered his head and traced his tongue over her bottom lip—“you could have men crawling over broken glass to please you.”

Delaney didn’t even have time to think of a response before his mouth covered hers, hot and demanding. He pinned her wrists to the floor above her head and licked into her mouth, tasting and teasing and taking. Then his lips were on her neck, her throat. He transferred both of her hands to one of his and used the other to pull at the hem of her blouse, freeing it from her skirt. He pushed it up her body, sliding his hands over the skin of her belly and the silk of her bra, his fingers lingering along the lace edge with a low, “So pretty. I should have let you undress for me. Should have let you give me a show.” His heavy-lidded eyes came back to hers, and his fingers dipped beneath the edge to tease her nipple. She lifted into his touch. “Would you do that? Strip for me?”

His gaze was so open, so honest, as if he really wanted to know. She hadn’t done that in a long time. The thought spiraled a few nerves low in her belly, but his eyes were still holding hers, waiting for an answer, so she said, “Given the right incentive.”

His mouth kicked up on one side. He lay half on top of her, with most of his weight on the floor, his thigh between hers.

His fingers left her breast for her mouth and traced her lips. “Like what?”

“Stroke yourself as you watched me.” She held his gaze and licked his fingers as they passed. He made a pleasant sound in his throat as she went on. “Tell me what to do and how to do it. Have me pleasure you exactly to your liking while I was naked and you were fully dressed.” Her voice grew softer, his eyes sharper, and the intimacy of the moment seemed sharply intense. “Make me kneel between your legs. Make me say please.”

He slipped his hand around the back of her neck and searched her eyes for long, tense moments. “You’re so . . .” He shook his head as if he either couldn’t or didn’t want to put all his thoughts into words in the moment. “God. Am I caught in a dream? Am I going to wake up and find you gone? A remnant of a fantasy?”

She smiled. “I would make sure to fulfill your fantasies if you’d let go of my hands. Because I want to touch you

He sighed and let his gaze and his touch drift down her body. “My turn to go slow.”

His fingers traced the outline of her bra again, then pop, it snapped open between her breasts. The backs of his fingers skimmed her flesh, brushing the bra cups away, teasing her nipples into tight, hypersensitive peaks, and turning her skin to fire.

She squeezed her eyes closed to gather her control. She was panting, her pussy throbbing, and he hadn’t even—

His mouth closed over one nipple. Warm, tight suction shot a current through her chest and up her spine, and she arched beneath him. “Jesus.”

Delaney worked one hand free and gripped a handful of the shirt on his back, pulling toward his head. But he was focused on eating at her breast like a peach, grazing her with his teeth, licking and sucking. Then he moved to another area and started all over.

“I can’t take this foreplay.” She’d grown light-headed, dizzy. Supremely frustrated. “I need you in a
hard-core way.”

He closed his teeth firmly on her nipple. Delaney gasped, but the pain shot pleasure straight between her legs. Releasing the pressure, he licked at the burn, leaving Delaney’s entire body on fire.

“You’re talking my language, baby,” he murmured against her skin. “And the better I know your body, the better I can fuck you.

His free hand slid over her belly and slipped beneath the waistband of her skirt. Delaney wiggled beneath him, tilted her head to bring her mouth close to his ear. “Yes. Touch me.”

Ethan rolled over her and lifted to his knees. Delaney took the opportunity to draw the shirt over his head, and he had to release her hand to get it off.

But as soon as she tossed it aside, Delaney realized she had no way to hold on to him now. He moved lower, unfastened the side zipper of her skirt, and sat back on his heels as he slipped it down her thighs with her panties.

The hardwood was cold beneath her, and a flash of reality broke through the lust. She was lying butt naked on the floor of a stranger’s house, ready to beg him to fuck her.

God, she hadn’t done this in years.

Hell, maybe ever.

She was certainly impulsive. A woman who knew what she wanted and went for it. But this . . . this was definitely off her spontaneous charts.

The fact that her recklessness shot another thrill through her veins probably should have raised a warning flag. But nope. Looking at Ethan, sitting back on his heels, staring at her with undisguised white-hot desire, raised no negative flags. Not a one. Though it did pull up nerves.

He covered her knees with his palms, brought them parallel with his body, and dropped a kiss to one kneecap. “I should ask you if you want to move to the bed.”

He added pressure, pushing her knees apart while slowly kissing his way up the inside of one thigh. Delaney curled one hand into a fist, digging her nails into her palm, reminding herself to take this slow. The way her life was going, it would probably be a very long time before she met another man she wanted to sleep with. She threaded the fingers of her other hand into his hair.

Midway up her thigh, one of his big hands on each, he switched his kisses to the other side. “Or the couch.”

Delaney bit her lip and watched him. The sight of that blond head moving between her legs, those big, tan hands against her light skin, his wide, muscled shoulders at her thighs, shot blood straight to her sex.

“Or at least the carpet.” He paused with her thighs spread until her hips ached, his gaze directly on her pussy, which she knew was dripping wet. “But there is just something about finishing what you start where you start it that’s so hot. Like you were so into each other you couldn’t wait. Couldn’t think about anything but getting at each other. Didn’t care where or when, just had to have them. I haven’t had that with anyone in a damn long time.” He released one thigh and stroked a finger through her wet folds. The touch on her oversensitized, yearning tissues made Delaney suck in a breath and shiver. “And I so want to finish you right here on this floor.”

He pulled her lower legs over his shoulders, bent, and pushed his hands under her ass, then lifted her hips as he lowered his head.

And smothered her pussy with his mouth.

Delaney cried out in surprise. Then pressure and heat exploded between her legs. She arched, and her eyes rolled back in her head on a throaty sound of pleasure. And when his mouth moved, when his tongue worked, when his hums and growls vibrated over her, all her words, all her thoughts evaporated until she was floating in a delirious cloud of excitement so intense her body was possessed with quivers and jerks.

He was a
with his mouth. He knew just how to draw her to the edge of climax only to change focus and build pleasure from another direction. His tongue swirled and plunged and stroked. Lips tugged and suckled. Until she was lifting her hips off the floor, rocking toward his mouth, begging him for release. “Please.

He tilted his head and directed his tongue expertly to her clit. Then closed his lips gently over the hidden bud and sucked, sucked, sucked—

“Fuck . . .”
She flew off the ledge.

Her orgasm blasted through her pelvis and up her spine, arching her back and shivering through her limbs.
So good. So sweet.
She floated in the haze of pleasure, her mind drifting back in pieces. Ethan’s arms were wrapped under and around her thighs now, his cheek pressed against one. She smiled. Her breaths came quick and shallow. Her heart beat hard. And her body . . . her body felt as though it was popping with raw energy pulses.

Ethan’s kisses moved from her thigh to her sex again, and his tongue bathed a path up the center. A shock of arousal rekindled, and Delaney pulled in a sharp breath and opened her eyes just as Ethan opened his mouth over her again. And with his eyes open and intent on hers, he deliberately, methodically, began working her back toward the peak.

She covered his hands on her thighs. “Ethan—”

He sucked harder, cutting off her words.

“Ah, fuck.” She dropped her head back.

He threaded their fingers and trapped her hands. And when she lifted her head again, dizzy from the rush, his hot eyes watched her every second as she rose, watched as she struggled to peak while he held it just out of reach, no matter how she moved or rocked her hips.

“God, please—”

That’s all it took for his lips to add suction, for his tongue to flick harder and faster, for his incredible mouth to push her to climax.

This orgasm was more intense. A single, sharp, almost painful peak of pleasure and an equally quick drop back into reality, leaving Delaney spinning and panting, wondering what the hell he was doing to her.

“Jesus Christ . . .” Her sex throbbed. Her skin sizzled with sensitivity. “Maybe it’s time for that bed or that couch now.”

She pulled one hand from his to push up to sitting, but Ethan didn’t let go. His gaze was between her legs.

“I love the way you respond,” he murmured, almost as if he were speaking to himself, maybe in another world. He pursed his lips and blew over her wet sex. Sensation washed across her sex and prickled her skin. And, yes, excitement spiked. “I can’t wait to fuck you.” He moved their joined hands to separate her folds and blew again, making Delaney wriggle. “I can’t wait to have my cock buried in you. Can’t wait to drive into this sweet, wet pussy.”

Then he licked her, and her body responded, and Delaney whimpered.

Ethan chuckled. A low, sexy, devilish chuckle that created both pleasure and unease. “Oh, man, the things we could do.” He covered her, sucked, and licked until her hips were lifting toward his mouth. He’d definitely learned how her body responded. Could put his mouth on her and go from zero to orgasm in just a few seconds now. When he pulled his mouth away, he said, “How do you feel about restraints?”

“You mean these?” she said, her voice dripping frustrated sarcasm as she lifted her hands confined in his.

He laughed. His eyes sparkled deviously. “Glad we’re on the same page.”

And he started eating her again.

“Ethan . . . payback’s a bitch.”

His chuckle vibrated over her, tantalizing her nerves into a mini-orgasm. But that wasn’t enough for Ethan; his tongue continued to spiral around her exposed clit, so sensitive now, the mere touch pushed her right to the edge again. One soft scrape of his teeth, a long, slow lick to soothe, and Delaney went flying.

Still shivering, she used all her strength to shift back and away. “No more. No more. Need a break.”

He growled in frustration, and his teeth sank into the flesh of her inner thigh just until the sting made her gasp. Then he licked the flesh, pushed to his hands and knees, and kissed a path over her still-quivering belly.

“Oh . . . my God . . .” She couldn’t pull her mind together. All she could do was lie there with her body soaked in the splendor of absolute and total release.

Ethan swept his gaze over her body. “God
you’re gorgeous.”

She was thinking the same thing about him. Lights shining in from the street painted his muscular body in moving shadows, and she lifted a hand to slide her fingers over all the ridges in his belly.

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