For3ver (23 page)

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Authors: M. Dauphin H. Q. Frost

BOOK: For3ver
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It'd been a few weeks of living there and I was already thinking of Liam's place as home. Pulling into the driveway I saw him and Able playing in the backyard, laughing as the Frisbee went over the fence; Liam lifted Able over to grab it. I got out of my car and walked to the back where Liam was lifting Able back over the fence. 

  "Mommy, Daddy sent me flying over the fence!" Able squealed as he ran towards me, hugging my legs. I laughed and hugged him back. He was such a sweet boy and seemed truly happy with living so far away from everything he knew. 

  "I saw, that's awesome!"

Liam smiled over at me, watching Able in amazement. A month prior, Liam had no clue he was a father, then suddenly he seemed to have almost everything he wanted. That night, though, I was going to try my hardest to make it that he had everything he needed. 

  "Go on in and clean up, buddy. You get to go play at Anna's house tonight."

He smiled and whooped, then ran inside to probably get 'boy toys' together to bring with him. 

  "So, babysitter tonight?" Liam asked, walking towards me with a curious look on his face. 

  "Yep. Go get cleaned up. We have a date." I smiled at him and kissed his cheek before heading inside to pick out my outfit, paying extra attention to what went under the outfit as well as the outer appearance. 

By the time we were ready to go it was already cutting it close to our reservation. Luckily Anna lived close to the restaurant and even better was the fact that Able didn't seem to have a problem at all with us leaving him there. It made me happy to see him making new friends so easily. 

We got to the restaurant just in time for our reservation and were seated immediately. The whole night, Liam was looking at me like I was a puzzle to figure out. It was amusing actually, watching how easy it was to surprise him. 

  "So, what's the big celebration?" he asked, sipping his beer. I smiled, trying to think of a good reason other than 'I feel like fucking your brains out and I might be ready to'. 

  "Remember when we were six?" I asked, trying to let him connect the dots that I had recently connected. He squinted his eyes and thought for a moment. 

  "We made mud pies? Oh GOD, you aren't going to make me eat one again, are you?" His face tried not to crack, but soon we were both laughing at ourselves.

I had made him do some crazy stuff, but he never complained. 

  "No, crazy. On this day I moved next door and we instantly became best friends." I smiled sweetly as it all clicked for him. 

  "Wow.… It's been eighteen years." He sat back in his chair, then looked over at me with a genuine smile on his face. "When did you do this?" he asked, obviously not used to surprises. 

  "Today, after my session. I thought it'd be nice to have a little alone time. Able is staying the night at Anna's tonight...." I trailed off as the realization of what I was saying hit him, and almost laughed at the change in his demeanor. 

  "What are you saying, Ry?" It was almost a growl that came out of him and I had to stop myself from giggling like a school girl at his serious tone.

It was amazing how light he made me feel, how being with him made me feel like my problems could just float out the window. 

  "I'm saying... I think I'm ready to try." Those words were harder than expected, but when his eyes darkened, I knew it was the right thing to say.

Smiling to myself, I was excited that he had to feel the same excitement that I did throughout our entire dinner. I grabbed my glass of wine and took a sip. 

  "Fuck, Ry. You take me to a crowded place to drop that on me?" he leaned in and whispered across the table; I just laughed. 

  "Relax and eat your food." I nodded as the waitress brought us our plates. 

Our dinner date didn't last long. Twenty minutes later we were out the door and heading home as quickly as he could drive. I was shaking, but it wasn't from being scared. I was nervous. Nervous that he wouldn't like my fuller figure, nervous about the scar on my stomach, worried that I wouldn't be good enough for him. 

  "Hey." He reached over and took my hand. "It's okay, baby. We don't need to do this. Let's just go home and watch a movie. I'm happy just being with you." Always the gentleman, Liam was trying to calm me, but that's not what I needed. I needed to know how much he wanted me. 

  "No, I want this. I need this, Liam." I squeezed his hand and took a breath. I could do it; I could be the girl I used to be without worrying about things out of my control. 

Once we got home, I felt like I was a teenager again, full of nerves and jitters. Liam noticed and took my hand, leading me to the bedroom. 

  "Just... please, let me do this, Ry," he whispered against my neck as his hands roamed down my body.

I felt the goose bumps rise on my arms and sighed into him, letting him take over. He pressed me against him and my nerves all fell away when I felt how turned on he was. 

  "Please, Liam. Please," I begged, not sure what I was begging for, I just needed him to show me I could do it. 

His hands only skimmed my body, barely putting any pressure, but I stayed pressed against his chest with his ready cock pushing against my stomach. I wanted to pull off our clothes, get that part out of the way to prove I could do it, but I wanted to savor every moment I never thought I'd have again. When I yanked at his belt, he took my hands and looked into my face. 

  "Go slow, Ry, I'm not going anywhere." 

I nodded as nerves battled inside of me; I was psyching myself into screwing it all up. The only things on my mind were Liam and how I might fail at pleasing him. How could I fail at something I'd been doing for years, though? I couldn't allow our intimacy to be taken from us. 

His lips traveled my jaw to the spot behind my ear and when I giggled, he laughed against my flesh, the sound alone only soothing me more. 

  "God, Ry, I love you so much, baby. You feel so good." He picked me up and laid me on my back.

My eyes flashed around the room to remind myself I was in my bedroom with Liam, it was only us and nothing could touch what we had.

  "You okay?" he softly asked, his hands slowly rubbing my outer thighs. 

  "Yes." I grinned up at him, lifting my head to get to his mouth. "I love you too, Liam, so much. It's like a dream." 

  "I'll make all your dreams a reality, baby." He kissed down my chin, across my neck, to my chest. 

His warm breath and wet tongue worked me into a tremble I needed to release, but I couldn't rush him. As he kissed down my chest, he unbuttoned my shirt, stopping his mouth on my stomach to softly kiss the scar. 

  "Beautiful, baby," he breathed, his mouth traveling lower. 

  "Liam," I moaned, arching slightly and he hadn't even made it to my skirt.

I'd never had a man touch me like that. Liam knew exactly what to do to show me he was cherishing our moment. 

  "I've had so many dreams about you." He pushed open my shirt, hovering over me and inspecting my pink bra. "None are like the real thing." His eyes met mine and all I could do was smile, all the while still panting, needing to feel him against me. 

  "Things are so different now. We've both changed a lot." I sat up, pulling his shirt off. I'd seen him shirtless, but yet to see him naked, and that killed me, but I just hadn't been ready. 

  "And we'll keep changing together." He kissed across my shoulder while I pulled my hands over his taut muscles. "I love everything about your changes." He grinned, pushing me back to look at my body again. 

I bit my lip, unable to hold his gaze because my eyes appreciatively took in the glorious tattooed sight of Liam before me. I'd inspected a few times, but there was so much more to look at and I was finally ready to be that close to his body. Right after what I wanted to do to him. 

  "Me too. A lot." I giggled, sitting up to run my tongue over his hairless stomach and feel the ridges of muscles. 

When my hands went to his belt again, he stopped me. When I looked up, I was worried he was going to stop everything. 

  "Me first," he said with a grin that told me it was going to be a Liam get to know Ryley's body night, more than the other way around.

His fingers went to the zipper of my skirt, but he wasn't doing anything. I exhaled a shaky, eager breath.

  "Ry. Look at me," he said.

When I met his gaze, his eyes were still alight, but there was worry on his features. He probably thought my shaky exhale was something else. When I smiled at him, he continued with my zipper.

  "Fuck," he groaned, bending to drag his tongue above the lace of my panties. 

  "Mmm, Liam," I moaned, arching again. "I need you." 

  "You have me." He began wiggling me out of my pencil skirt. "All fucking night, Ry." 

I loved the sound of that and didn't care how tired I'd be the next day; I'd drink extra coffee. 

Sliding his hand across my lower stomach, he said, "Liam." 

I scrunched my brows, slightly cocking my head. 

  "Your next tattoo, Ry." He grinned, making me burst into laughter. "I'm serious." He chuckled, biting over the swell of my breast. 

  "Where's your Ryley tattoo?" I teased, and when he lifted his head, meeting my eyes, I froze. 

  "Liam?" I said, worried he had my name tattooed on him and I didn't know. He wouldn't do that.... Would he? 

Holding out his arm, he pointed to his wrist. I fumbled to sit up and grab it. Turning his arm in what I knew was an uncomfortable position for him; I was in tears looking at the tattoo of our friendship bracelet tattooed around his wrist. 

  "Oh my God," I whispered, staring in awe. "When?" 

  "Uh." He chuckled, his cheeks turning pink. I jumped to my knees, pulling him closer. 

  "When'd you do that, Liam?" 

  "Gage's third anniversary of death. I got his name the same day. I was trying to tell myself that I hated—" He abruptly stopped and looked away. "That you and I would never be friends again, but then I was tattooing your memory on me forever." He shook his head. "I was so stupid to stay away so long." 

  "Shut up, Liam." I threw myself at him, slamming him to the bed. "Shut up and make love to me." 

He stared at me intently for a few seconds before he laughed and crashed his mouth against mine. I kissed him, tasting every part of his mouth my tongue could get to, filling his mouth with my taste that I wanted him to remember long into the next day. His hands moved a little faster, unhooking my bra, but he slowed when he got to my panties; I couldn't take slowing down. I urged them down and found the button on his jeans. He let me rush them off him, but that was where he stopped me. 

  "Baby, I've never been here before, let me explore like I've been fantasizing about for years, Ry. The one night we had in the car was nothing compared to what I can do to you now." 

  "God, Liam, I know, I know, but I.... I just need to feel you." 

  "I told you." He eased me to my back, slowly, precisely moving his hands over my hot flesh. "You're going to feel me all night." His mouth closed around my nipple, sucking carefully. 

I gasped and bowed into him, pressing myself farther between his lips. 

  "I have to taste every inch." He traveled to my other nipple. "I may never eat anything else, ever again." He smiled up at me, searching my face, and I knew he was searching to see where I was mentally. I was one hundred percent with him and there were no signs I was going anywhere else. 

  "You better eat fast tonight, Liam Porter, because I'm hungry too." 

With a deep chuckle, he growled and found my neck again, sucking my flesh into what I knew would be a mark, but I didn't stop him, that was a mark I wanted to see. 

He wasn't lying about tasting every inch and his mouth traveled from my lips down my stomach, stopping every few minutes to look into my face. Every time he looked though, I was waiting with an encouraging smile, letting him know to press on, and quickly. 

  "Ryley," he whispered, his lips traveling lower and lower, just inches from my clit. "God, I remember your smell from that night. You smell like heaven." He kissed lower and I rocked, willing him closer to the pressure. "You want it?" he chuckled against me, then looked up into my face. 

I glared down at him, probably looking pissed. "I NEED it, Liam. Don't make me beg." 

  "Fuck," he groaned and his hand slid from my hip, going to his cock. "Not tonight, but one day." At the end of his words, his mouth kissed me like he did when he was tasting my tongue.  

My eyes went wide and I inhaled a whoosh of breath, not sure I'd ever felt that level of pleasure with anyone else. I squirmed under him while he lapped at me, sucking at just the right moment each time. 

  "Liam," I moaned, so close to the cusp. 

  "Tell me you want it, Ry," he said, delving his tongue inside me again and flicking up to my clit. 

  "Please, Liam. GOD, please." 

  "Don't beg me. Tell me, Ryley," he demanded, getting right back to his torture that held me in suspense. 

  "Make me come, Liam. Now! Make me come!" I demanded with as much fervor as I could, and it was only seconds later I was trembling and crying out his name as tears poured from my eyes that I couldn't stop because the pleasure I felt was so intense I didn't think the feeling could be real. 

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