For You (5 page)

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Authors: Emma Kaye

Tags: #Holiday,Regency, Historical,Time Travel

BOOK: For You
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He coughed. Bent double at the waist.

Was he choking? She slapped him lightly on the back.

He straightened, and the coughing gradually ceased. “Sorry.”

“I apologize. I see my question has disturbed you. Please disregard my curiosity.” She looked away so he wouldn’t see her disappointment. His response made her even more intrigued, but her upbringing demanded she do her utmost to make others comfortable.

“No need. I don’t want to insult you with bad language.”

“I promise I will not think poorly of you. Given your theory of Vincent’s misdeeds, perhaps the use of vulgar language is called for in this instance.”

Drew laughed. “True.” He paused a second, then said, “A wanker is someone who wanks.”

She stifled a sigh. That was of no use at all. “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

“I’m working up to it.” He smiled. The blush on his cheeks deepened.

The corners of his eyes crinkled in the most delightful fashion. She wished to trace the lines with her fingertips.

“Basically it means a jerk. Someone you don’t like.”

“I gathered that from the context of your statement. I fail to see how that caused such consternation in your deportment.”

“Yeah, well. The literal translation means someone who…touches himself for pleasure.”

She frowned. Surely he didn’t mean…


Her cheeks heated this time. Especially when she realized she’d dropped her gaze to stare at the front of his breeches. The outline of his manhood increased under her gaze. The sight of him growing hard brought a warm glow to her limbs. Her legs weakened, and she was pleased she had retained her seat for this conversation otherwise she would have embarrassed herself further by falling into a chair.

She snapped her gaze away from that intriguing hardness and found him staring at her with a hungry edge. He quickly glanced away.

She had difficulty deciding if she were pleased or not. She had not enjoyed performing her marital duties with Payne. She had no reason to expect she would enjoy it any more with this man who was so like and yet unlike her husband.

She jumped up and rushed to the door. “It has grown late. Vincent was rude to stay for such an extended period of time. I shall see Cook and send you a tray with your midday meal.”

She didn’t give him a chance to delay her departure. She practically flew from the room in her eagerness to escape.

How was she to manage life with this man? He had come to them so unexpectedly. What made her believe he would not leave the same? If she allowed herself to become attached to him, would she survive his loss?

She couldn’t allow herself to care for him too deeply. No good could come of it.

Chapter Four

Three weeks later, Drew kept his chin up as Payne’s—now his, he’d have to get used to it—valet tied the cravat around his neck. He had no idea how he was going to get through the evening. He’d thought a tie felt tight. That was nothing compared to this.

“Can we loosen it a little?”

The horror on Brecken’s face said it all.

Drew suppressed a sigh. He’d have to suck it up and breathe shallowly. Forget about eating anything, he doubted his collar would allow for swallowing. At least he didn’t have a headache for the first time since he’d arrived.

Despite Vincent’s repeated attempts to drag him out to all of Payne’s old haunts, they’d managed to make excuses to put off his inevitable reentrance into society. Until now.

Lady Farnsworth’s ball was not to be missed. Mellicent insisted they attend. So here he was getting dressed up like a Ken doll.

He shrugged into Brecken’s second choice of a coat with help. Not bad. The first he’d tried on had been tight across the shoulders and a little loose around the waist when Brecken wrapped his arms around him to tug it shut. Ha! Take that Earl of Payne.

He wondered what Julia thought of the differences. Did she even notice?

Brecken stood back and scanned Drew. After a moment he nodded in satisfaction. “Mary is working diligently to alter the rest of your attire. I believe she shall complete the task by month’s end.” Brecken paused and asked, somewhat uncertainly, “Will you be coming home with Lady Payne tonight, my lord?”

“Yes, of course.” Weird question. Where else was he supposed to go?

After a slight hesitation Brecken said, “Then I shall see that Walliker has your brandy ready in the study upon your return.”

“Thank you.”

The valet’s eyes practically popped out of his skull.

The more Drew interacted with people here the more he was convinced he wouldn’t have liked his predecessor. He better start acting like a jerk and keep his answers more open ended, or he was going to give away the secret in no time.

With a final twitch at Drew’s sleeves, Brecken gave a nod of approval, and Drew figured he was safe to leave. He was eager to see Julia. If the dresses she wore around the house were casual, he was looking forward to seeing her in something formal. Hopefully something with a nice low-cut top.

He jogged downstairs to wait for her in the drawing room as they’d agreed upon earlier and stopped dead in the doorway.

Julia stood before the fire. Her hair was piled on top of her head with long curls dangling to tease the curve of her neck. And that low-cut dress he wanted to see?

Oh yeah. The sight of her perfect breasts pushed to the verge of breaking free from her top was enough to force all the blood out of his head to the lower reaches of his anatomy.

Lust hit him so hard, he ducked into the hall so she wouldn’t see his body’s reaction. He cursed the coat’s style that had tails in the back, but left the front cut away to place his crotch on display.



He needed something to keep his mind off the mouthwatering view of Julia all decked out.

“Drew?” Julia poked her head out of the drawing room. Thankfully, she kept her eyes on his face. “What are you doing out here?”

His mouth dropped open. His brain ceased to function the moment he caught sight of her again. Staring at her with his mouth hanging on the floor wasn’t giving the best impression. He clicked his mouth shut. “I…uh…was just on my way in.”

“Mellicent should be down any moment. Remember to stick close to one of us for the entire evening. We will direct you with regard to names and provide an excuse to keep you from descending to the gaming tables with any of Payne’s acquaintances.”

“He liked to gamble, huh?”

“He most certainly did.” Her frown was a clear indication of what she thought of her dead husband’s proclivities in that regard. “I find it hard to imagine how he managed to gamble away my entire fortune without my being aware of it.”

“From what I understand of him, I’d think he didn’t tell you much of anything.”

“That is true.” She shook her head. “Yet, his income was quite respectable when we wed. How he managed to destroy that is beyond me.”

“I suspect he had some help.”

She raised a brow and stared at him in question.

He indicated for her to precede him into the room. “Let’s have a seat, I’ll explain.” Once she was settled on a small sofa, he took a seat next to her. Their knees bumped when he turned toward her. She shifted to avoid the contact, but had nowhere to go so they sat with their legs barely touching.

He didn’t press it. Such an innocent touch, but it set him aflame. She fairly vibrated with nerves, her hands gripped tightly in her lap. He had no idea how to set her at ease. Looking like her asshole ex didn’t help matters he was sure. Would his news relieve her or upset her further? Either way, he was determined to be up front with her. She was a strong woman. She’d prefer to know the truth. He’d learned that much of her.

“Are you particularly fond of Mr. Snell?”

“Our steward? No, not especially. His family has worked for the Engledowns for generations. His father worked for Payne’s father, and when the elder Mr. Snell retired, Mr. Snell the younger took over.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. At least he wasn’t about to trash someone she cared about. “He’s been stealing from you.”

Her face paled, and she sucked in a sharp breath.

He clasped her shaking hand. “Looks like he’s been doing it for a while, too. There’s no reason you should have been left with so much debt when Payne died.”

Color flooded her cheeks. “That, that…I can’t even think of a word severe enough to encompass my rage at that man. I shall see him clapped in irons for this.”

She was something when enraged. Her brown eyes flashed, bright red flooded her once pale cheeks, and her breasts—hot damn, those breasts—heaved with each breath she took.


Julia couldn’t tell if it was rage or desire that caused the shaking of her hands.

She’d never liked that sneak thief, Mr. Snell. Especially when Payne died and the man didn’t see fit to let her know anything. Keeping up Payne’s wishes, he’d told her, before running straight to cousin Vincent.

But with Drew sitting so close, their legs touching, his warm hand grasping her cold one, she couldn’t keep her thoughts straight. The rage faded, and all she could feel was his proximity.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t bring you better news.” He squeezed her hand.

She couldn’t control the way her hand twitched in his, and he let go, retreating slightly so their legs only barely touched on the small settee.

He likely thought her movement an indication his touch was unwelcome. Oh, how far from the truth that was! She wished she could snatch his hand back. Or better yet, lean against him to rest her head against his chest. How would his warmth feel all up and down her length? The mere brushing of knees sent desire racing straight to her core, perhaps a more substantial touch could bring about the pleasure one of her more outspoken friends had once described. Before she’d learned the truth of intimate encounters at the hands of her husband.

She sensed such acts would be wholly different with Drew. Did she dare find out? Once that door was opened, she likely would be unable to close it were she unhappy with the results.


She started. “I’m terribly sorry. I’m afraid my mind wandered. What were you saying?” Impossibly, the heat in her cheeks increased tenfold. Could he see her thoughts on her face?

He smiled, dimples popping on both cheeks—be still her heart.

“No wonder. I sprang a lot on you.” His smile faded, and his gaze darted around the room. “I’m afraid there’s more.”

“Theft by my husband’s most trusted advisor was not enough?”

“I’m afraid he wasn’t in it alone. I have no proof as yet, but I suspect your good cousin Vincent had his hand in the cookie jar.”

She rose half out of her seat but forced herself to sit back almost immediately. “That would explain quite a lot, actually.” She smoothed her skirt over her knees. “I was never permitted to see anything connected with the running of the estates even when Payne was alive. I’m convinced Payne could have cared less. But if Vincent were fleecing my husband, he’d have ample reason to convince Payne to keep me away.”

Drew nodded. “Mr. Snell gave me the impression Payne didn’t get involved in the finances himself. As long as he had money to spend, he didn’t give a rat’s—uh, he didn’t care what Mr. Snell was up to.”

“He might have changed his mind had he realized what was being done. But he was not one to bother himself with the little items.” Such as his estates, his mother, his wife…“No matter. I’m afraid we must ask even more of your good nature. With you in Payne’s place, it would be unseemly for me to seek the aid of a solicitor to straighten this mess out.”

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to take a different tack for now. I’d like to see if I can find proof of Vincent’s involvement before going to the authorities. If we move too soon, I’m afraid he’ll cover himself, and we’ll lose our chance.” He leaned forward, elbows on knees. Payne’s coat stretched tight across Drew’s wider, more muscular shoulders.

She forced her gaze toward his face and saw a strength there that again, Payne had lacked. Payne would have seen it as a weakness to ask her permission for anything, yet Drew projected strength at the same time he showed consideration for her wishes. Incredible. “Of course. Please proceed as you see fit.” She bit her lip and hoped her next request would not be taken as too forward. “I would like to be kept informed, however.”

“I wouldn’t dream of doing anything without your approval. It’s your money, after all.”

“Thank you.”

Mellicent strode into the room. “Good evening, my dears.”

Julia bolted upright, appalled to realize she’d swayed in Drew’s direction. Her shoulder nearly brushed against his. It was unseemly. They weren’t, after all, truly married.

She must keep reminding herself of that fact.

“Shall we be off?” Mellicent’s keen gaze swept between them.

Her mother-in-law wasn’t to be fooled. Julia knew she’d face questions later. Mellicent wouldn’t dream of embarrassing her in front of Drew, but she wouldn’t keep silent either.

Julia sighed. Wonderful. Just what she’d want after a night dancing amidst the vagaries of the
. Tonight was bound to be a

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