For the Love of Dixie (17 page)

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Authors: Shyla Colt

Tags: #Kings of Chaos

BOOK: For the Love of Dixie
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I rest my hand over my sternum, feeling the spot where the ring hung for months that summer. I’d never been able to get rid of the symbol. Instead, it has rested in a safety deposit box in our local bank. Shaking my head, I smooth the nonexistent wrinkles in my off the shoulder black dress with lacy accents on the belled sleeves and hemline. My three inch velvet pumps boast crystal skulls and add an edge to the almost rock and roll style wedding. After putting on the crystal skull dangling earrings, I walk out of the room on my way to the car.

“Damn, babe, you look amazing,” Echo says letting out a wolf whistle.

I wag my finger at him. “Keep those fuck me eyes to yourself.”

“Not what you said last night,” he replies, and pulls me into his arms.

I laugh. “Yeah, well today I have to kick ass, take names, and make sure things run smoothly.”

“Tonight though, you’re mine. Keep the dress and heels, lose the panties.”

A shiver winds its way up my spine and I shudder.

“You like the sound of that, don’t you? If people only knew what a dirty little girl you could be.”

I place a finger on his lips. “Stop! I don’t want to walk around all day with soaked panties.”

He laughs. “I hear you, but tonight, that ass is mine.”

“I’ll gladly give you my body tonight, Daddy,” I say with a playful wink.

He looks good enough to eat in a pair of black khakis, a short sleeve black dress shirt, his cut, and a black and white bowtie.

“You guys have it so easy, I swear,” I say.

“You want us to run around like you? The marriage would be chaos.”

“Why do you have to be logical right now?” I ask, kissing his cheek.

He slaps my ass and I shake my head. “I’m leaving. I’ll see you at the wedding, babe.”

Ruthie is at Blue’s house as I deal with the boys. They settled on a small vineyard just outside of town, which was the only place big enough to house the large number of people on such short notice. Luckily, it was also gorgeous. I run through a mental list of things that need to be taken care of this morning before I can arrive at Blue’s house to help her get ready.

Shadow—being the incredible and bossy man he is—hired people to do hair and makeup.

Prospects open the gate to the winery and allow me inside. Security is going to be heavy, per Wizard’s request. It’s always a little risky to have so many of us in one place. It was so last minute though, the chances of anything organized were slim. They’d be foolish to roll up into our territory and try shit. They’d never leave alive. But sometimes, they don’t care.

I park in the designated parking area and begin my walk around the premises. An area has been roped off for the bikes that will line the makeshift aisle the bride and groom will walk down. I nod my approval. The white seats are lined up a few feet away with burlap sacks filled with wild flowers hanging from the end.
Prospects were earning those patches last night and this morning.
I make my way toward the massive white tent that was set up last night, where I hear noises coming from. The closer I get, the more worried I become.

Tables were still being brought down from a large truck and into the tent.

“Why is this just now being done?” I shout to the nearest prospect.

“Truck broke down last night. It just got here about an hour ago.”

“I want someone else setting up the tables already finished.”

“Yes, ma’am.” The short, stocky, brown-haired male glances around. “Scott, come over here and do whatever Ms. Dixie Rose tells you. She’s the one in charge of everything.”

“Thanks, Brock,” I say, patting his shoulder.

He grins. “Just put a good word in for me?”

“You got it,” I reply with a wink.

Scott slinks over and instantly—I’m chilled. There’s something about the blue-eyed blond that makes the hairs on my arms and neck set up. He narrows his eyes and I suddenly wish I had a can of pepper spray handy.

“You need me to do something?” he asks.

“Yes, please. I want to show you how to set the table up, and then you can assemble a crew to start on the left side while they put the tables up on the right.” I hate to turn my back to him, but I don’t have a choice. I power walk to the side of the tent where bags are full of white lace tablecloths and burlap runners. Buckets of flowers, mason jars, and the bike chain candle holders painfully crafted by us are lined up and ready to go.

“I’ll set up this table,” I say, nodding toward the table a few feet away. I focus all my attention on the task at hand, ignoring the way his gaze is making me feel. I lay down the lace, place the runner in the end, and center the Mason jar. “Just place a medium amount of flowers in here. There are all shades of blue, so you don’t have to worry about actually trying to arrange anything.” I grab the flowers and set them in the jar. “Add a few candle holders, and the table is done.”

“What about seating?” Scott asks.

“There’s nothing assigned, so once this is all set up, we’ll be good to go.”

“I can do that. Anything else?” His tone is disrespectful.

I bite my tongue and turn to eyeball him. “You got a problem?”

He flashes me a smile that somehow looks like a devilish grin. “Of course not, ma’am.” One of his tattoos show from beneath his rolled up sleeve.

It’s AN tat… I know what that means. I take a step back. “I’ll leave you to it.” This is one of the new people Mouth brought in.
That son of a bitch. He’s taking his racist movement to a whole other level, and trying to infect the club.
Taking a deep breath I force myself to move out of the tent. This is Blue’s day, and I refuse to let anything ruin it.
I make a call to the beer company coming out to set up the portable alcohol trailer, the caterer, and the bakery. Assured that everything is on track, I allow myself to slip into the role of best friend and co-Maid of Honor.






My eyes are glued to Dixie Rose at the ceremony. I can’t hear the responses, because I’m trying to envision what life would be like if we’d made it to the altar.
Would we have a few mini me’s running around by now?
The sweet smile on her face and the wistful look in her eyes has me thinking her thoughts are running the same line as mine. I’m thirty-four and not getting any younger. I’m ready to start our life together. I’m a greedy motherfucker. I don’t want this big fanfare when we say our vows. I want her, me, and a weekend to ourselves. We can come back and remarry for everyone else later. After everything we’ve been through, I think we deserve to be a little selfish.

She looks up at me and our gazes lock. We’re magnets. When we’re in the same vicinity, we can’t help but be pulled to one another. Her lips curve up into a sweet smile she reserves for me. I wink. She bites her lip and looks down. Even after all this time, she still has traces of that shy girl I once corrupted.

Shadow pulls Blue to him, grabs a handful of blue and white gown, then proceeds to eat her face.

The crowd cheers and bikes rev.

They pull apart, grinning like mad, and make their way down the aisle.

I hold my arm out for D’Rose and she hooks her arm in mine. We walk into the tent to Back in Black by AC/DC. Wrapping an arm around her shoulder I pull her to my side. There are foxes in the hen house, and I’m not letting her out of my sight. She wraps an arm around my waist, and I’m home. It’s more than I ever thought we’d have some days, being like this among our family.

“I’ll be right back. I need to make sure Blue is ready for her grand entrance,” D’Rose says.

“All right. I’ll be waiting.”

She rushes out and I watch her exit the tent.

“That’s yours?”

I turn to see Scott and Brett standing side by side in crisp white button downs and slacks.

“Damn straight, that’s my old lady,” I answer, staring them down.

Their lips curl up in identical scowls.

“Didn’t know salt and pepper mixed around here,” Scott says.

“Funny, you just watched
salt and pepper
get married. I suggest you keep your opinions far away from Shadow. He’s not as easy going as I am,” I snap.

Brett scowls. “Given your parentage, I figured you’d know better.”

My hackles raise. “Better than what?”

“Than to mix. It never ends well,” Scott sneers.

“And you want me to think you know from experience?” I ask.

“Not personally. I don’t mix with mud monkeys.”

I step forward. “Did you forget who you are and who I am? You’re damn sure going to respect my woman. You’re a prospect, less than fucking nothing in this club. As far as everyone else is concerned, you’re a bitch until you get a patch. If you’re lucky enough to get everyone’s approval.”

His nostrils flare.

“Since you have such a fucking interest in what I have going on, you can spend the rest of the night serving my old lady. She so much as thinks about being thirsty you better be there, bringing her a drink.”

Scott grits his teeth.

“Please refuse, so you can end your time with KOC. We don’t take kindly to motherfuckers who believe the bullshit you do. My Father is an old head. The time for new is at hand.”

“Yes it is,” Brett says.

They exchange a look I can’t decipher.

A smirk appears on Scott’s lips. “I got no problems doing my part, boss man.”

“You need everyone’s vote to get in here. You should’ve kept your opinions to yourself.”

“You know, I’m thinking you may have a change of heart,” Scott says.

“For the first time, let’s hear it for Mr. and Mrs. Barnett,” Stone’s voice booms over the loudspeaker.

A hand grabs my elbow and I turn to see a concerned looking D’Rose.

“Everything, okay?”

“Oh yeah, Scott here just volunteered to be your gofer for the night. You want a drink?” I wrap my arm around her and squeeze her side.

“Um, yeah, whiskey and coke,” she replies.

“You heard her, Scotty boy. Get to it,” I order.

He turns on his heel and makes his way toward the line already formed.

Brett wisely slips away.

“What the hell was that about?” D’Rose asks.

“Just giving the newbies a hard time.”

“Don’t lie to me. I’m pretty sure at least one of them is racist as hell.”

“They say something to you?” I ask, ready to bust heads.

“No, they didn’t have to. I can pick up context clues and body language just fine. I also saw an AN tattoo. I’m sure he’d give you a valid story about it, but my gut says Aryan Nation.”

“Shit,” I whisper.

“Since Mouth couldn’t convert members, I guess he’s bringing in those from the outside.”

“Don’t joke.”

“I’m not,” she says.

I glance down and catch her sadness, before she locks it away and puts on a smile. She elbows my side and I grunt.

“Look happy,” she hisses.

I wipe the mean mug off my face.
It’s going to be a long night.



I pull D’Rose outside the tent and lead her to an oak tree. The cool air is a relief from the heat happening inside the tent. The dance floor has been full with people dancing. The tables are crowded with brothers catching up and sharing road stories. The alcohol is flowing and Scott is keeping his mouth shut. I’m ignoring him for the most part, but watching him on the sly. I can’t believe his appearance is a coincidence. My father is up to something. I’ve only seen Charm once, briefly, so he’s not a viable source of enlightenment. I place my hands on either side of her head and press our lower bodies together. “I’ve missed you.”

She laughs. “You’ve been with me every second tonight.”

“With you, not in you.”

“So, you’re saying you miss my pussy?” she asks sassily.

Her words make my dick twitch. “Shit, I love it when you get nasty, babe.”

“I learned from the best,” she says with a wink.

“There’s a lot I’d like to show you right now, but I’ll keep myself in check. If anyone here even sees a part of your ass, I’d be ready to kill them.”

She bites her lower lip.

“You like it when I go alpha, don’t you?”

“Hate to break it to you, love, but you’re alpha all the time.”

I bend down and nip at her neck. “And you love that shit.”

She moans. “I do.”

When I rock against her, she hooks her leg around my hip and I laugh. “You’re bold as hell.”

“It takes a strong woman to hold down an alpha,” she pants.

The roar of an engine pulls my attention from the woman beneath me. A small silver compact parks haphazardly.

“Fuck, I think that’s Pixie,” D’Rose says.

The tiny aforementioned woman gets out of the car and runs full tilt toward the tent.

“Shit,” I hiss. I jog for the tent with D’Rose on my heels.

“Are you fucking out of your mind?” Bolton barks. The bass in his voice is impressive. He grabs his grandmother’s arms and yanks her away from the circle of people surrounding the dance floor. “Are you really coming here trying to ruin this day for them? What kind of mom are you? Newsflash, we all lost Grandpa and it was Calla’s fault.”

“That is your mother you’re defaming.”

“She did that herself, what I’m doing is speaking truth,” Bolton snarls. In that moment, he looks so much like Shadow it’s scary.

“She’s turned you against us.”

“Why are you so stuck on my mom? Are you that blind to all the damage she’s done to everyone else?” His voice shakes, the pain is there on his face. “Blue is your daughter, too. It’s not like you found her on the side of the road and took her in. Jesus. You’re so blinded by your guilt for doing Calla wrong, you haven’t stopped to realize you did the same thing to Blue in an entirely different day.”

Pixie slaps Bolton so hard, his head turns. “You don’t talk to your elders like that.”

“You just fucked up, old woman.” Shadow looms over her.

I’m by his side in an instant. “Brother, she’s grieving—”

“And stupid coming here and putting hands on my boy.” He shoves me away.

Blue appears looking like an avenging angel in her wedding gown. “You’ve hurt us for the last time. Don’t look at me, don’t call me, don’t even think about trying to contact me unless it’s through your lawyer. Bolton is off limits, too. If you so much as breathe in his direction, I’ll rip your motherfucking heart out.”

My jaw drops. I hadn’t expected her to be so harsh. She turns to the crowd gathered behind her. “Prospects, get rid of her,” Blue demands.

Stone comes barreling through the crowd like a bull in a china shop. “You come here and disrespect my brother like this? Hell, your own daughter? You’re out of line. You caused this club enough grief. I don’t want to see your ass around the club anymore. I tried to hold off out of respect for Psycho, but you crossed a line. Your ass is banned.”

“No, you can’t do this,” Pixie screams, rushing forward to pound his chest.

Stone grabs her forearms. “I just did. Get yourself some help, Pixie. We all hate seeing you like this, but I can’t let you do anymore damage.” He turns, taking her body with him, and hands her off to a massive prospect. “Little, take her home, and make sure she stays there for the rest of the night,” Stone orders.

“Yes, Pres,” Little replies.

Blue turns to the crowd. “What the fuck are you looking at? Wouldn’t be a KOC wedding without some kind of fucking drama. Let the party resume.”

Shadow laughs and wraps an around Bolton’s shoulder as the crowd begins to disperse. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I guess. I just can’t believe she’s changed so much,” Bolton whispers.

“Hey, grief does funny things to people,” Blue says. “And my mother, she’s always been delusional when it comes to Calla. I think it’s just easier to live in her own world than own up to her mistakes. I figured that out a long time ago.”

I guide D’Rose away in order to give the new family their privacy.

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