For Keeps (Aggie's Inheritance) (16 page)

BOOK: For Keeps (Aggie's Inheritance)
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People feel sorry for me. I’m just a poor overburdened, inexperienced ninny of a girl who is saddled with too much responsibility. Normal people have half the number of children or less, and most have husbands. I was ‘forced’ by circumstance to have to take on more than anyone should have to handle… You know the drill. That word joyful, the way you put it larger than the rest of the words and in a different font all together. That was genius. It really is a perfect reminder. By the doorbell, they’ll
to see it.

It was going to be a housewarming gift, but I didn’t finish it in time. The trees took longer than I expected.

How did you do that?

Her fingertips traced the finely detailed trees on either side of the welcome and verse.

A wood burning tool. I ruined the first one. Then I got smart and burned first and carved last.

She laid a hand on his upper arm.

Did I thank you? I don’t think I did. It’s beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever received a nicer gift.

It was my pleasure, Mibs. Truly.

I still haven’t discovered why you call me Mibs.

Luke’s laughter filled the cab.

You’re over-thinking it. It’s really so simple.

Nearly passing the turn off, Luke jerked the wheel, throwing his hand in front of her instinctively.

I think it fits you just perfectly.



Aggie says:
Libby? Ohhhhhhhhh Liiiiiibbbyyyyyyy

Libby says:
Mom had to run over to Corinne’s. Rodney hit his head and then started vomiting, so she’s going to help Corinne decide whether to go in or not.

Aggie says:
Oh, no! I’ll be praying. I’m surprised we haven’t had more accidents with the children.

Libby says:
No, you are just a self-sacrificing

auntie mommy

and take the hits yourself.

Aggie says
: Tee hee. Wasn’t that adorable?

Libby says:
Yup. Almost as adorable as a little pantomime I saw once
where someone called herself

Aggie Milly-Mommie.

Aggie says:
Ugh. Yeah. Not one of my more mature moments.

Libby says
: Maybe not, but it made me smile.

Aggie says:
Well, I aim to please.

Libby says:
How’d your date go with William?

Aggie says:
He had to postpone ‘til tomorrow. He got called in to cover for Megan. Her father had a heart attack.

Libby says:
I’ll be praying for both of them.

Aggie says:
It is weird reading

Libby says

when Luke is doing all the


Luke says:
Is that better?

Aggie says:
Yep. You didn’t have to do it
though. I shouldn’t keep you. I just wanted to thank your mom for the curtains and the cake.

Luke says:
If I recall correctly, and I do, you did.

Aggie says:
Well, I wanted to thank her again. I guess, instead, I’ll have to thank you again for my plaque. It’s just beautiful. I keep seeing Tavish out there running his fingers over the wood.

Luke says:
How would you feel about him playing around with a wood burning pen?

Aggie says:
Hmm… I don’t know. That is so out of my element.

Luke says:
It was just a thought.

Aggie says:
If he was your son, would you let him do that?

Luke says:
I had a whole kit at his age. All my fingers are present and accounted for, and I never burned down the house…

Aggie says:
Will you show him how to use it and take care of it so he doesn’t destroy the house or his hands?

Luke says:

Aggie says:
Well then, I say let’s go for it. Where do I get one?

Luke says:
I have a spare at home. I’ll give him mine. He can work on trim scraps and stuff for a while until he decides if he likes it. Then we can buy him plaques and such to work on.

Aggie says:
Thanks. You don’t know how much it means to me that you take an interest in the boys. I don’t know anything about being a boy.

Luke says:
Well, I’d say that’s a common problem for all mothers.

Aggie says:
Yeah, but most mothers have fathers around to make up the slack. I have to rely on you and Zeke and William for that.

Luke says:
And all of us are happy to do it. Chad wanted to take Laird and Tavish fishing over at Willow’s sometime too.

Aggie says:
Fishing as in worms, hooks, and flies? Hey, how do they capture those flies?

Luke says:
Haven’t you ever seen a picture of a hook with feathers and string and stuff tied to it?

Aggie says:
Yeah, tied flies… oh! They actually USE those? I thought it was jut a hobby for looks. I didn’t realize fish would fall for something so inedible.

Luke says:
Didn’t you take biology? Have you seen the brains on fish? Not much there, Mibs.

Aggie says:
Just a minute. I want to do something.

Luke says:

Mibs says:
How’s that?

Luke says:
LOL. I like it.

Mibs says:
Good, I think I’ll keep it. Maybe my mom will figure it out.

Luke says:
I’m sorry we didn’t get that room next to the mudroom finished for them. I keep forgetting it’s there.

Mibs says:
That’s ok. We can do it after my room. It’s awfully small now that we expanded the mudroom. It’ll barely fit a bed and a chest of drawers.

Luke says:
I wouldn’t put drawers in there. They’ll just need the closet and we can add some shelves in it for their things.

Mibs says:
Do you think we could find a comfortable futon or sofa bed? It’d take up less room during the day and give Mom a quiet place to go rest or read a book alone with just one child at a time.

Luke says:
I’ll ask Mom. She knows about that stuff. The good thing about that is that most of those are smaller than a queen-sized bed, so you could put an end table in there for a glass of water, glasses, and things like that.

Mibs says:
If the closet wasn’t there, the room would be so much bigger, but then we’d have to put a piece of furniture in there, so that wouldn’t work.

Luke says:
Well, actually, you know, there is enough room in the mudroom in that one bank of cabinets to hang a rod and remove the
lower shelves. It’s close enough not to be a pain for them.

Mibs says:
You’re right. That’s a great idea! Can we do it?

Luke says:
Just as soon as your room is done.

Mibs says:
I wonder if we shouldn’t do it first, so Mom and Dad know they can come back sooner. If you were working on it before they left…

Luke says
: They’d worry that you were putting too much before you and neglecting yourself. Just talk it up when we’re working on it or get your mom’s input on colors or something. That’ll let them know that they’re important without making them feel guilty for taking away from work on your space.

Mibs says:
You’re right. Again. You’re making a very bad habit of that.

Luke says:
I’ll put being wrong more often on my

to do


Mibs says:
You’re so accommodating. Thank you.

Luke says:

Mibs says:
Uh oh. I think Kenzie is starting another nightmare. I better go.

Luke says:
Oh, I didn’t know she did that. I’ll be praying for her.

Mibs says:
Maybe not. Must have been a cat.

Luke says:
Maybe your cat. So, does she have many nightmares?

Mibs says:
Every now and then. Some kid at church gave her a very detailed description of what probably happened in her parents’ accident, and now she has these nightmares every now and then.

Luke says:
I’d like to give that kid a piece of my mind. Who does something that cruel?

Mibs says:
Haven’t you noticed how horribly cruel children can be?

Luke says:
I suppose. That poor little girl. Have you ever asked her exactly what he said?

Mibs says:
No, I was afraid it’d reinforce it and make things worse.

Luke says:
Or, maybe it’d be so out there that you could tell her it isn’t true. Kids also exaggerate. For all you know, this kid told her that their heads were cut off or something equally revolting.

Mibs says:
I hadn’t thought of that. You have a point. Maybe I’ll do it.

Mibs says:
Nope, I was right. She’s starting up. Gotta go. Bye.

Luke says:
Bye. Praying…


Fizzled Dates

Chapter 6


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