Fool Me Once (10 page)

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Authors: Fern Michaels

BOOK: Fool Me Once
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After Olivia introduced herself, she was stunned to discover she was talking to the owner, Miki Kenyan, herself. She quickly stated her business while the detective took notes.

“Thanks, sweetie. That should do it. I'll get back to you tomorrow or maybe later this evening. Now, I'll need your credit card number. One last thing, do you prefer e-mail or phone contact?” Olivia said either was fine and rattled off her credit card number and expiration date.

The detective signed off by saying, “I'll be in touch, sweetie. Sit tight. TPDA guarantees results.”

Olivia dusted her hands. Done.

Now she turned her attention to some housekeeping chores—washing and changing sheets and towels, cleaning the bathroom and building a fire in the great room, running the vacuum. Next she made herself lunch, then played with the dogs for a while before heading to the office. Before she sat down, she raced back to the kitchen to take out a frozen meat loaf and set it on the counter to thaw partially. Her dinner taken care of, she returned to the office and turned on the computer. Then she turned it off. She didn't want to work on the computer; she wanted to start reading Adrian Ames's diary.

With a shiver of apprehension, she picked up the leather-bound burgundy diary and flipped through the pages, noting there were more blank pages than pages with writing on them. She licked her dry lips as she settled down to read Adrian Ames's small, cramped writing.

The book was old, the pages yellowed. The leather felt dry and was cracked in places. It was, after all, forty years old. She read the first entry.

Jill and Gwen agreed. They were not exactly eager, but when I explained the entire scenario, all the pros and cons, they finally agreed, knowing we would get rich. Jill held out the longest, but she's as greedy as the next one. I wasn't surprised that she agreed. They trust me. I guess they finally realized I'm the smartest of us all. We spent hours telling each other what we would do with our money. It was hard to make them understand that if we succeed, we won't be able to spend the money for five years. They didn't like that one bit, but I finally convinced them we have to wait.

Olivia read the entry several times. Allison Matthews, as she had been then, hadn't used the word
once. Not spending money for five years could mean a number of things. So what if she said she was the smartest of the three? Maybe she was. So what if she convinced them to go along with her plan? The entry didn't say what the plan was. Waiting five years to spend money could be as simple as waiting for money to gather interest. Spending hours talking about spending the money could be considered girl talk. The fact that there was no date on the entry could mean it was written at any time, not necessarily prior to the bank robbery.

Olivia turned the page to read the second entry.

We did it. Jill and Gwen were magnificent. There wasn't a tremor in either one of them. I was so calm I thought I was going to doze off. I think I missed my calling. I bet I could do this for a living. The three of us are going to celebrate tonight. I am going to tell Dennis I can't see him tonight. This is our night. We three deserve the celebration. Now all we have to do is work on phase two and wait for five years. We made a pact to never discuss this matter until the five years pass.

So they “did it,” and the girls didn't so much as twitch. “Did it” could mean a thousand different things. Allison had nerves of steel. They were going to celebrate, and she was blowing off a date with Olivia's father. Nothing incriminating here. Not talking about something for five years could refer to a secret other than a bank robbery.

Olivia walked to the kitchen and turned on the oven. When the oven buzzer pinged to announce the temperature, she prepared the meat loaf and slid it in. Then she carried a can of soda pop back to the office.

The third entry was interesting. Short but interesting.

I'm getting married tomorrow. I asked myself why, and the only response I can come up with is, why not? I don't love Dennis. He's incredibly boring. Nice but boring. He has a good job, and we're going to move to Winchester, Virginia, and live there. All around, it will be easier. A name change could prove to be beneficial. I hope. I told the girls. They were surprised. They were even more surprised when I told them the first thing I was going to do when the five years are up is divorce Dennis. They laughed. That annoyed me. I didn't like the look I saw in Jill's eyes. Gwen asked me how I could marry someone I didn't love. I told her it was easy. She asked me about the sex part. I didn't answer her.

“You were one ugly person, Allison Matthews,” Olivia snarled, tossing the diary across the room. The dry pages parted from the leather binding and scattered all over the floor. With no dates, how was she going to put them back in order? “Who cares,” she snarled again as she gathered them up in a bunch.

Olivia read other entries, all boring, about Allison's job, Dennis's late hours, keeping house, and grocery shopping. Then she read the entry concerning her. Her tongue was dry. She swigged from the soda can, the soda dribbling down her chin.

I damn well can't believe it. I'm pregnant. I've done everything I could think of that might possibly help me to abort. Nothing works. I told Dennis. What else could I do? The stupid clod was overjoyed. I called Jill and Gwen. Both of them laughed as they offered up aborting remedies. I tried them, but they didn't work either. I'm doomed to have this kid. Jill told me I should take a tumble down a staircase. I told her we don't have a staircase. She laughed like a hyena. I don't want this kid. I made Dennis move out of the bedroom. I will never have sex again. He can have the kid. I certainly don't want it.

Olivia placed the loose pages on the desk. She reached for a tissue. She was an
Allison Matthews Lowell thought of her as an

“Damn you! Damn you!” Olivia said, breaking into sobs. “Damn you to hell!”

Chapter 10

livia woke with a start, all four dogs on the bed nudging her to get up. She rolled over and groaned. She didn't want to get up. She wanted to stay under the warm covers and forget about all the bad dreams she'd had, one after the other, during the long night. As she swung her legs over the side of the bed, her head started to pound.
Damn, now I have a headache.

Tying the belt to her robe, she shuffled through the house to the sliding glass doors to let the dogs out. There was a light dusting of snow on the patio. Such a long time till spring and warm breezes! The temperature gauge said it was thirty-seven degrees outside. It felt colder. Before she made coffee, she turned the thermostat to eighty.

It. She was an it. Olivia started to grind her teeth in anger. If Adrian Ames had been standing in front of her at that moment, she'd have punched her silly. Where was it written that a person had to love her mother? Nowhere, that's where. The title of “mother” came biologically, but love for a mother had to be earned.

The last cheerful plop of the water dripping into the pot alerted Olivia that the coffee was done. She poured a cup, swallowed some Tylenol, and sat down just as the phone rang. Her voice turned surly when she recognized Clarence's voice. Before he could say anything more than hello, Olivia said, “Look, Clarence, I'm sorry I called you and asked you to find those addresses for me. It was wrong. I wouldn't want some agent giving out information on me. Let's just forget it. I had a temporary lapse of good judgment.”

Olivia listened as Clarence prattled on about everything and nothing. He didn't even accept her apology. “I'm heading out of town for a full-blown audit. A big one, Ollie. I might even get a big promotion on this one. I'm just calling to tell you I won't be able to make dinner this week.”

“Fine. I have to go now, Clarence. Say hello to everyone at the IRS for me.” Before he could comment, she hung up the phone. It rang almost immediately. Thinking it was Clarence calling her back, she let it ring four times before she picked it up. It was the detective agency.

Olivia looked at the clock, surprised to see that it was only a quarter after nine. The detective was on the ball. They made small talk until Miki Kenyan got to the point. “Okay, I just sent you an e-mail and a fax. We found Jillian Davis Laramie in Woodbridge, New Jersey. We're still working on Gwendolyn Nolan with all the many different names. I expect to have something for you later today.”

“You actually found one of them! Do you have any details?”

“The report is sketchy. It's all in the e-mail. If you want us to do a more thorough background check, it will cost. Read the report, and get back to me. If you take the Metroliner from Washington, D.C., you can be in New Jersey in three and a half hours. It's a forty-minute flight to Newark. I'll get back to you later today.”

Olivia leaned back in her chair. Her headache was just a dull throb. She hoped with a shower it would disappear completely. A fresh cup of coffee in hand, she made her way to the office, the dogs following. She took a moment to watch them. How happy the little pack was. They all got along, played and tussled and even looked out for one another. She still had no clue which Yorkie was Cecil.

When she clicked on her e-mail, there it was,
TPD Agency@earth
. She read all eight lines:

Jillian Marie Davis Laramie

99 High Street

Woodbridge, New Jersey

Time of residence: 19 years

Phone number is unlisted and there is no e-mail address.

Subject has no driver's license on record in maiden name or married name.

Eight lines.

Olivia blinked. She'd hoped for more. But, she'd hired the agency to find Jill, and that's what they'd done. No telephone or e-mail address meant a face-to-face meeting was called for. Well, she could do that. She could leave in the morning and come back the same day. Her father's buddy down the street would come in and let the dogs out. Alice liked Tom Hutchins, a retired mailman, because he always carried treats in his pocket when he stopped by. If Alice liked him, so would the others.

Woodbridge, New Jersey. A long way from Ole Miss for Allison Matthews's friend.

Olivia swiveled her chair around so she could watch the dogs growling over a pull toy. Her gaze settled on the diary. She needed to continue to read it. She had to finish it before she went to New Jersey, but first she needed to take a shower and get dressed for the day.

An hour later, dressed in jeans, a shell-pink sweater, and ankle-high boots, Olivia made her way to the kitchen, where she scarfed down a toasted bagel and a container of yogurt. She definitely needed nourishment before tackling the leather-bound diary with Adrian Ames's secrets.


The phone on the desk pealed to life. Olivia looked at it long and hard. A client? Jeff? She yanked at the receiver and brought it to her ear. She heard her father's cheerful voice. The headache that had almost been gone started to pound behind her eyes. “What's up, Ollie?” It was the way he started all his phone calls.

“Stuff,” was always her response.

“Details, please.”

“Well, I went with Jeff Bannerman, Cecil's handler, to your wife's estate. We almost got mauled by a vicious dog. There's a caretaker there. We opened the safe, and there was a diary, photocopies of the bearer bonds the trio stole, and a few other things. We took the pictures, the photocopies, and the diary. I read some of it last night. She referred to me as an
. Did you know that, Dad?”

“Yes. It was a long time ago, Ollie.” How defensive her father sounded!

“I hired a private detective to locate Jill and Gwen when my own search didn't pan out. The detective called a little while ago and said they found Jill in New Jersey. So far no luck on Gwen.”

“I assume you're going to talk to her.” It sounded like a statement, but it was really a question.

“How did she get my baby bracelet, Dad? I thought you said she didn't want to see me. Me, the

“I don't know, Ollie. Maybe the nurse gave it to her. All I know is when I picked you up, you weren't wearing it. I asked. The nurse just looked befuddled. I even panicked, wondering if I was taking the right baby home. But then I realized I had the right baby because you were the only girl baby in the nursery. The other four were boys.” “How's your charter going?”

“Fine. They're booking again in September. I have to run, Ollie. They're waiting for me to shove off. They want and expect their money's worth. I love you, kid, and don't you ever forget it.”

This was where she was supposed to say, “I love you, too, Dad,” but she didn't. Instead she broke the connection. She picked up the diary and started to read.

The most meaningful entry other than the hit-and-miss one-liners dealt with the distribution of the loot.

We met at the Holiday Inn. I carried everything in a big satchel. Before I left to meet with them, I divided the stuff into three equal parts. It was supposed to be a high moment but somehow it was flat. We just looked at each other. Jill was so interested in my divorce she almost seemed oblivious to what we were doing. I've never seen her so hateful. She actually made me nervous because she acted like she wanted to kill me. Gwen was so high she couldn't talk straight. She just babbled. I cautioned them about how and when to turn things over. I suspect they didn't hear a word I said. Jill said she was seeing a man. Gwen said the same thing. Jill said some things about her husband. Neither of the men they talked about impressed me. Jill has gained weight. She looked pregnant to me. Gwen is fat. I think both of them worry a lot.

We agreed not to call or write. It's better this way even though we did exchange addresses and phone numbers. Both of them were upset that I changed my name. Legally, of course. They acted like I was trying to put something over on them. I'm not. I just want to be done with them like I was done with Dennis and the baby.

We didn't hug or anything stupid like that. We each went our separate ways. No one ate the pastries or drank the coffee I paid for. They're such losers. I don't know why I ever bothered with them. Fifty years from now they'll still be like they are today. Stupid. I'm so glad to be rid of them.

The entries afterward were sporadic, dealing with adapting to her name change, her move away from the Winchester area, which she said was a good thing. Her first sale, her excitement.

The years fast-forwarded with nothing even remotely interesting. There was a brief mention early on about Gwen's wedding announcements. A terse one-liner summed that all up.

Fools, both of them.

Olivia flipped through the pages. She sat up straighter in her chair when she saw a paragraph that referred to her.

I hired a private detective today. I put him on a retainer and he guaranteed me quarterly reports on Dennis's daughter. Even after all these years I still can't think of her as my daughter. She's sixteen today. It's strange how I always remember the girl's birthday. It was such an ugly day for me. I guess that's why I remember it. So why did I get a private detective to find out about her? Curiosity, nothing more.

Olivia winced.
The girl
sounded a tad better than
Dammit, I will not cry
. She jumped up and ran to the kitchen. She eyed the coffeepot but decided she had enough caffeine in her to take her through the day and opted instead for a can of apple juice. Her mouth felt like cotton, her eyes dryer than sand. She struggled with herself to take deep, calming breaths. Finally quieting down, she told herself that she needed to finish reading the diary so she could move on.

The next entry that had any meaning to her was one written after her college graduation.

It's hard to believe twenty-two years have gone by. That stupid detective can't understand why I don't want pictures of the girl. I'm paying him for reports, not pictures. I think he's ripping me off, too. The girl sounds as boring as Jill and Gwen. She never does anything exciting. She doesn't date, she isn't involved in anything. Do I really want to see pictures of her with her father hugging and kissing? No, I do not. A teacher for God's sake. It figures. Good old boring Dennis must have put that idea in her head.

Olivia cringed into herself. “You bitch!” she yelled, seething with anger.

Flipping the pages, she saw bank account summaries, brokerage accounts, then this entry:

I love seeing all these zeroes. In my wildest dreams I never thought I would be a millionaire a hundred times over. Gwen wrote and asked me for a loan. I just sat in stupefied amazement reading that letter. A loan. I ripped the letter into shreds. I knew she was stupid.

Gwen asked for a loan. That had to mean she went through her share of the money. How weird was that? Olivia couldn't help but wonder how Jill had done with her share.

More meaningless entries, most of them dealing with foreign imports, new products—and then the ultimate betrayal. A longtime loyal member of Allison's staff had been caught with his fingers in the till:

I'll ruin him. If it takes my last cent I will see that man suffer. You can't trust anyone these days. I was so generous to him and his family, and this is how he repays me. He's going to regret the day he ever came to work for Adrian's Treasures.

hot damn. Serves you right, you sanctimonious bitch. And I bet you didn't call the cops, either. You handled it yourself. It figures—no cops for you, Adrian Ames, you thief,” Olivia muttered.

More blank pages.

Olivia clenched her teeth when she read the next entry.

Calendars for God's sake! Dogs! Those filthy, smelly little creatures that lift their legs on everything they come in contact with. I can't believe this. It's Dennis all over again. Calendars! I'm embarrassed for her, and I don't even know her.

Olivia bit down on her lip. To the best of her knowledge, she'd never been an embarrassment to anyone.
Way to go, Adrian. You bitch!

No more entries for years. Then the big one. Olivia's eyes widened.

That stupid doctor said I'm dying. I should know if I'm dying or not. I feel fine. I'm going to another doctor.

Another entry.

It's been confirmed. Three out of three have agreed I'm dying. I can't believe this. Well, I'm going to fight. Attitude is everything. One of those crappy doctors actually had the nerve to tell me to put my house in order. He wasn't smart enough to tell me how to do that. That's a man for you. I'm not going to write in this stupid journal anymore. I'll take care of matters myself. Life is for the living, and I'm still living.

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