Follow (Social Media #1) (12 page)

BOOK: Follow (Social Media #1)
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I watch his face for clues. “Do you want them to see me?”

He smiles. “You’re perfect at this, do you know that?”

I shake my head.

“That’s the right question, Grace. And the answer is, no. I do not want them to see you. For now, you’re mine.”

I nod out an OK and then clear my throat to find my voice. “OK, then I should just... trust you to make sure they don’t see me?”

Another very big smile from Vaughn. “Take off your clothes and kneel on the ground.”

I take one more look over at the break in the trees, square my shoulders to muster up some bravery, and put my beach bag down on the forest floor. A shiver runs up my entire body as I raise the tank top over my head. Vaughn is there with his hand outstretched, asking for it. I hand it over and he folds it up neatly and places it inside my bag.

I slip my shorts off and hand them off to him as well. He folds them and puts them in the bag with the tank.

“All of it, girl,” Vaughn says in a low whisper that makes my insides flutter.

I untie my bikini top, first the strings on my back, then, as the little triangles of cloth hang over my partially exposed breasts, I untie the neck and let it fall to the ground.

Vaughn smiles and steps forward. His fingertips flick lightly at my nipples until they bunch up into little hard tips. And then he leans down and picks up my bikini top, folds it up, and puts it in the bag. “You’re beautiful,” he says when he turns back to me.

“Thank you, Master,” I say in response.

I bite my lip to keep from smiling, because his smile is wide and approving.

I decide right then… I like pleasing him. I like his approving smile. I like this. So before he has to ask, I hook my fingertips into the strings of my bottoms, and pull them down until they reach my mid-thigh. And then I stop.

I think this is sexy. Being half-undressed in front of him makes me throb with anticipation.

He clicks his tongue, and I know instinctively that it’s not because he doesn’t like what I’ve done or appreciate the fact that it’s very fucking hot. It’s because I didn’t do it the way he asked.

And I’m OK with that too.

“You’re testing me, girl?”

“No, Master,” I lie. I have to bite my lip again and he has to turn his head to hide his smile.

We’re both playing now and it’s fun. Just like he said last night.

He walks up to me, so close that I have to tip my head to look at his face, and then he places his cupped hand on the slit between my legs. “Do you want me to fuck you, girl?”

“Very… very… badly,” I whisper back.

“Get on your knees. And since you wanted to leave the bottoms on, you’re going to wear them the entire time like that. Don’t let them slip down your thighs, do you understand?”

“What will happen if I do let them slip?”

He looks down at me. His hand on my sex comes up to caress my cheek, leaving streaks of cool wetness as he moves. “I’ll lead you forward to the edge of the clearing, lay you down on the hard ground, and eat your pussy until you scream for more. Everyone over there will hear you. And everyone over there will see you. Is that what you want?”

I have to think about it for a second, because actually, the way he just described it sounds pretty fucking erotic. He covers his eyes and shakes his head, his smile too big to hide. “Grace.” He laughs out my name a little. “I asked you a question.”

, Master.”

He rolls his eyes up and then takes my upper arm in a firm grip and leans down into my ear. “If that turns you on, we can start there now.”

I shake my head. Fantasy and reality are two different things. “I won’t let them fall, Master.”

“Good, girl,” he says stroking my face again. “Good, girl. Now get on your knees so I can stuff my cock down your throat and make you choke on my come.”

I just stare at him.


I stand there for a moment, thinking this through. Do I want him to talk to me like that? Is it a mistake to encourage degradation?

He places his hands on my shoulders and presses, encouraging me to follow through with his request. “Does it make you angry when I talk to you like that, Grace?”

I realize he’s calling me Grace for a reason. When he calls me girl, I’m his submissive. When he calls me Grace, I’m his partner.

I drop to my knees.

“Answer me, please.”

“I’m not sure.”

“It made you hesitate.”

“Yes, but…” I look up at him and find his attention real. He’s concerned that we’ve already come to an impasse. “I’m not sure if it makes me angry.”

“Why do you think I’m talking to you like that?” I don’t know, so I say nothing. “I told you why last night. Think back.”

If I pull your hair, I’m trying to get you off. If I stroke your neck and then palm it with a little bit of pressure, I’m trying to make you come. If I stuff my cock down your throat and force you to salivate and breathe through it, you should let me do that because I like it.

“You want to excite me, but you want me to be safe while pushing my limits.”

He squats down next to me and cups my face in both hands. “Yes.” He smiles so big I get all tingly from giving him such pleasure. “That’s exactly it.”

Chapter Fifteen



stare at her for a few moments as I process what she just said.

Because that’s the closest I’ve ever come to having a sub get it. Most of them say they get it. But when you reach a hard limit, they freak out, or cry, or make you feel guilty for moving forward, even though they did not safe word. I’ve never felt like they really… understood what we were doing. Yes, it’s about sex, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about trust, and pleasing each other.

“I want to please you, Grace. Just as much as you should want to please me. And the ways I please you aren’t always about how big your orgasm is. Sometimes I just want you to…” I stop because I can’t find the right word. “I don’t really know how to say it, but—”

“Accept that you know best?” she asks me, her large eyes turned up at me, so serious, so trusting, so perfect. “And just say yes?”

I nod. “It’s reasonable? To want that? To presume that I’m able to give you that. And to get to that place with hair-pulling and cock-sucking?” We both laugh at that. “It’s stupid. It’s absurd. Hell, I’m not even sure it’s rational.”

“It’s rational, if you look at the right way. I have never swallowed a man’s semen before. And so it made me stop for a moment. But you explaining all this…” She waves her hand in the air. “It puts it in perspective. Because when you said you wanted to stuff your cock down my throat, I only felt humiliation and fear. But maybe I
like it? How do I know if I don’t let you—” She swallows hard and shakes her head a little like she’s having a hard time spitting the words out. “Take my choice away and force me to experience it.” She has her eyes closed as the words come out, but then she opens them and I see her trust.

God, that’s something I don’t get often. A woman I just met yesterday is willing to meet me halfway. Is it wrong to accept that trust when I hardly know her? When I know she’s burying secrets that might have long-term consequences?

It feels wrong, but not wrong enough to make me stop.

I reach for her hand and then stand up, placing it over my board shorts where my bulging cock is stretching the fabric. “Take me out, place my cock in your mouth, and suck me until I’m ready to come. Then I’ll decide what happens next and you will accept that decision without comment.”

She nods and whispers, “Yes, Master.”

I want to kiss her. I want to pull her up from the ground and kiss her mouth until her lips are swollen and raw. I want to possess her, and fuck her, and own her. I want to show her how perfect she is to me right now. But that would just confuse her, so I wait for her to follow through.

She pulls the fly of my shorts apart with a rip of the Velcro and eases her small hand inside, grabbing hold of my thickness, giving it a slight squeeze—just enough to make me crazy with anticipation—and leans her head in. I shudder when her breath sweeps over my tip and then she places it on her wet tongue. “I never did tell you how I like it, but I don’t think I need to. What you’re doing is perfect.”

She hums out a laugh and it excites me even more. I place my hand on the back of her head and push her forward. She gasps for breath and I ease up and let her take in some air. She does, adjusting to my silent demands. She doesn’t take me deep, she obviously can’t, so I let her do it her way and just enjoy the soft sucking, the lap of her tongue along my shaft when she pulls back, and then the teasing dance her tongue performs on the tip of my cock.

I’ve had girls who can take my cock all the way to my balls, but Grace’s mouth makes me feel like I’m being worshiped. She wants to please me and I want to please her, so I grab her hair roughly and pull her head back. She gasps, saliva dripping out of her mouth as she looks up at me and waits for my decision.

“Stand up.”

She stands, never taking her eyes off me.

I pull her by the hair and take her over to a tree. She’s holding up her bikini bottoms with her fingertips, desperately trying to keep them from falling. I push her face first into the trunk. “Put your hands above your head and don’t move.” I wish I’d come better prepared—I’d tie her hands to the nearest bough and force her into a new limit. I realize I want to do this so she’ll talk to me about it. So we can discuss how far I can go with the rope. Has conversation always been this erotic to me? Have I ever talked to the subs about it before?

Later, Asher.

I reach around and grab her breasts. They are not huge, but they are not small either. They fill my large hands and I squeeze them until she whimpers, then squeeze harder until she squeals. “Shhh, girl. The people are nearby. If you want to remain hidden, you’ll be quiet.” She is immediately silent. One hand dips down between her legs to assess her level of excitement. She’s practically dripping. “You do realize now that I know your aversion to public fucking, we will absolutely be doing it in public every chance we get?”

“Yes, Master,” she says obediently.

I want to ask her how real that is, but not now. Later. It will be a fun conversation for later.

I push my dick against her ass and she tenses up. I’m not going to fuck her in the ass now, there’s no way she can stay quiet through that. But I want her to wonder. I want to see if she’ll stop me.

My fingers drag her own wetness back to her asshole and I rub my tip of my cock back and forth against her clenched pucker. “Relax,” I whisper into her neck. “Trust me.”

It takes her almost a minute of this ass play before she relaxes and that’s when I slip my dick right up into her slick pussy.

“Ohh.” She starts moaning, but I cup a hand over her mouth and look through the trees to see if anyone heard her. I’m not against public fucking, but the weekend of my sister’s wedding is really not the time or place. “Quiet, girl. You’re calling attention to our erotic tryst.” I pump into her slowly. In, as far in as I can go, then out. Withdrawing so slowly she gets impatient and tries to push back against me to make me pick up the pace. I pinch her nipple for that. “You don’t get to decide how fast I fuck you, girl. You only get to accept my decisions or tell me to stop. That’s it.”

“I want to come,” she whispers in her ragged breath. “Please, please, please. I really want to come.”

“I want you to come, Grace.” I wince at the name mixup. I don’t want to confuse her. “Girl,” I correct myself. “I want you to come, but I want to come first and I want to come inside you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” she pants out.

I take that as permission. She barely has the words out before I let go. My release pulses through my cock, spilling inside her as she tries to stop her moaning, but fails completely. I cup my hand over her mouth and her hot breath only makes me groan with her. I want to come in her mouth so bad. But not yet. If she’s never done it, it needs to be something special.

The last lingering spasms finish and I remove my hand from her mouth. “Your turn now, Grace. Lie down on the ground and open your legs.”

BOOK: Follow (Social Media #1)
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