Fly Like You've Never Been Grounded (Summer Lake, #4) (3 page)

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Authors: SJ McCoy

Tags: #contemporary romance, #romance series, #romance, #summer lake, #wealthy, #rich, #sweet n steamy

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aura watched her cousins dance. They were quite something. Missy's brother was something else! She stole a sideways glance at Smoke. Even just standing there watching, he was still a whole lot sexier than any of the guys dancing on the bar.

He caught her eye and leaned a little closer. “Are you having fun?”

“I am, but I think I'm leaving soon.”

His face fell, but before he had chance to say anything Laura heard raised voices and turned to see what was happening. She was surprised to see Dan's ex, Olivia—what the hell was she doing here? She was making quite a scene.


fter all the fuss around Missy and Dan had died down, Smoke appeared at her side. “Are Jack and Emma leaving early?” he asked.

“I don't know. Why?”

“You said you were leaving soon.”

She smiled, waiting to see what he had to say.

“I could give you a ride out there later if you want to stay a while. I've got the crew car from the airport.”

She smiled again. He really was keen. She couldn't resist playing with him. “That's okay. Thanks though.” She was curious to see how cocky and confident he really was. She usually liked her men a little more timid, but she was enjoying sparring with Smoke as an equal.

He gave her a sexy smile and stepped closer. “At least dance with me one more time?”

She nodded and let him lead her out onto the dance floor. This time he immediately pulled her to him and held her close against his hard body. She slid her arms around his neck and let herself go soft in his arms, allowing him to lead her. She'd intended to tease him, but it felt like he was teasing her. One hand rested at the top of her butt, holding her against him as his hips moved. His other hand was between her shoulder blades, pressing her against him so her breasts pushed at his broad chest.

His smile was still cocky, sexy-as-sin as he looked into her eyes. “Is it still working?”

She had no clue what he meant. She was too distracted by the feel of his body owning hers. It didn't matter that they were on a crowded dance floor. It didn't matter that they were fully dressed. His body really was owning hers.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

Heat was building between her legs as he held her against him. His hand strayed lower onto her butt. His smile grew wider. “You asked if this was supposed to scare you, remember? I said it's supposed to make you want me.” He brought his lips to her ear and nuzzled it before he said, “I need to know it's still working.”

Damn, him! He was too good at this. “It's working,” she breathed.

“But you have to go home with Jack and Emma?”

She shook her head. “I never said that.”

His arms tightened around her. “Then where are you staying?”

“Here. At the resort.”

His smile was victorious. “So. Can I walk you home?”

“Yes, please.”

Chapter Two

s they made their way off the dance floor, Holly appeared out of the crowd.

“Hey, sweetie. We're about to leave. You're not supposed to be staying at Missy and Dan's are you? I doubt they'll want any company tonight. I just wanted to check that you're all set.”

Laura smiled as Holly eyed Smoke. “I'm good, thanks. I'm staying at the resort.” She had to laugh at the way Holly’s eyes widened.

“Oh! I see.” Holly looked back at Smoke. “Well, you two have fun. We'll all be out here for breakfast...if you're not too busy,” she added with a saucy grin.

Laura shook her head. Holly was terrible! “My plan was to stay out here to get some alone time. I need a break.”

“Yeah, alone time, right! I think you'll find Summer Lake has this weird effect on people's plans. Just ask Pete! I'll see you when I see you, sweetie. Call me though. I need to talk to you about the plaza.”

“Will do. Good night.”

As Holly turned away, Jack and Emma came pushing their way through the crowd. Laura looked at Smoke. “So much for making a quick exit.”

He made her knees go weak with the heat of the look he gave her. “We've waited for months. I can stand another few minutes, but not much longer.”

“Are you sure you want to stay here?” asked Jack when he reached them. He gave Smoke a dark look before turning back to Laura. “Why don't you come up to North Cove with us?”

She had to laugh. “Because, Jack, you're my cousin, not my dad! And besides, my plan in coming here was to get some me-time. Things have been crazy the last few weeks and I need to just chill out. You of all people know how that feels.”

Jack's glare softened. “Okay then.” He looked at Smoke. “Sorry, bro. Make sure she gets to her room safe though, huh?”

Smoke nodded. “You can count on it.”

“And breakfast? Here? Around ten?”

Laura rolled her eyes. “Maybe.”

“Only if you want to,” said Emma. “Come on, Jack. “I'm tired. I want to go home.”

At that Jack seemed to forget everything but taking care of his wife. As he led her away, Emma looked back and winked at them.

Smoke laughed. “She certainly knows how to handle him!”

“She does. I think I need her to give me lessons. I swear he thinks he's my dad sometimes. I wouldn't mind, but he's only a year older than me.”

“He's just looking out for you. You've got to respect that.”


moke was glad when they finally got out of the Boathouse. “Are you all checked in?” he asked.

“Yes. Ben took care of it and had my bag sent down, too.”

As they crossed the square, Ben came down the steps from the lodge. He nodded at them. “It was a good night, huh, guys?”

“Great,” said Laura. “I'm so happy for Dan and Missy.”

“Me too,” said Ben. “And you're happy with your cabin?” He raised his eyebrows.

Ben seemed to be acting strange. Smoke liked him, but he still wasn't sure about him and Laura. They'd been paired together in Jack's wedding and seemed to have become friends. Smoke wasn't convinced there wasn't more to it than that.”

“I haven't been out there yet,” said Laura. “But thanks again. It's really good of you.”

“Oh,” Ben gave Smoke a smile he didn't understand. “I hope you'll think so,” he said. “Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow. I need to get back to it. Good night guys.”

“Good night.”

Smoke frowned to himself. He didn't know what Ben was trying to get at, but he didn't think he liked it. He shrugged. He had more pressing matters to get to. Like getting Laura safely home—and into bed. He put an arm around her waist as they walked on.

“So, where is your cabin?” he asked.

She laughed. “Down by the water somewhere. I don't even know.” She opened her purse and took out an envelope. Opening it, she took out a little map and a key. The tag on the key read 11B. Smoke had to bite back a laugh. Now he understood Ben's weird smile. He said nothing as Laura held up the map and tapped it.

“Wonderful,” she exclaimed. “Cabin Eleven is down on that little beach in the pines.” She smiled at him. “Come on. Let's go see.”

They followed the road through the resort and down to the lakeshore. Laura gasped when the road rounded a bend and she saw the cabin in the pines, the moonlight reflecting off the water behind it. “Isn't this perfect?”

Smoke nodded. It couldn't be more perfect as far as he was concerned. He laughed as she ran the rest of the way to the cabin, then stopped dead.

She turned back to him, disappointment etched on her face. “Look,” she whispered once he'd caught up to her. “I have neighbors!” The cabin was a duplex, one door at either end of the building. “I thought I was going to have this whole beach to myself.” Her disappointment was almost comical.

“You don't need to whisper.”

“I don't want to wake them up!”

He laughed. “You won't.”

“How do you know?” she hissed.

He took the key from her hand and unlocked the door. “Trust me, you won't.”

She eyed him suspiciously as he ushered her inside.

“Come on. I promised Jack I'd see you safely to your room. My job isn't done until you're inside.”

She smiled and stepped past him. He closed the door behind him and followed her into the great room. A stone fireplace was set into a wall of windows looking out onto the lake. Smoke stood close behind her and put a hand on her shoulder as she looked out at the lake.

“Alone at last.”

She stepped quickly away from him. “Finally we get chance to get to know each other,” she said, once she was on the other side of the room.

Smoke nodded. They could play this however she wanted. He reckoned they'd know each other pretty well by morning. “Are you going to offer me a drink, then?” he asked. She looked flustered. This was going to be fun.

“I didn't bring anything.”

“Let's check the kitchen shall we?”

He wasn't surprised when she found a bottle of champagne with a bow on it in the fridge. He'd stayed at the resort often enough to know that was standard.

“Look!” she held it up with a grin.

“Great.” He took it from her and popped the cork while she went through the cupboards and returned with two glasses.

“Want to take these out on the deck?” he asked. “It's a beautiful night.”

She hesitated. “I'd love to, but I really don't want to disturb whoever is next door. I know there must be someone staying there. Ben said the resort is full this weekend.”

“I told you,” he grinned. “You will not disturb your neighbor.”

“How do you know?”

Smoke couldn't keep it to himself any longer. “Because
I am
your neighbor. That place next door is my temporary digs ’til I figure out where I'm going to be living.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “So that's what Ben was acting so smug about!”

“Apparently. I couldn't figure out what he was up to. I'd never have guessed he'd thought to put you out here.”

She bit her lip and smiled at him. That was so damned sexy. It made Smoke want to bite her lip himself.

“What?” he asked. She was evidently quite happy about something. “Are you glad he put you out here for the night?”

“He didn't.”

Smoke didn't get it. “No?”

“No. He put me out here for the week!”

This was getting better and better! “You're staying the whole week?”

“Yep. I wanted to get some peace and quiet. Spend some time relaxing while I start work on this new line of jewelry.”

She was leaning back against the kitchen counter as she spoke. Smoke came to stand in front of her. He put his hands on the counter either side of her, caging her in. He leaned his weight against her, satisfied to feel her tremble as she looked up at him.

“It is peaceful out here, and it's really quiet.”

She nodded and moistened her lips with her tongue.

, she made him hard. “I think I can probably help relax you a little, too.” He thrust his hips against her, making perfectly clear what he had in mind. He smiled as her arms came up around his neck.

“And how might you do that, Smoke?”

He lowered his head. “Like this,” he murmured before brushing his lips over hers. “Open up for me, Laura.”

She lifted her lips to him. He covered her mouth with his, slowly at first, exploring gently. Once she was eagerly returning his kiss, he stepped his feet between hers. He edged his knee between her thighs and pushed out, spreading her legs as he thrust against her heat. It wasn't just her lips he wanted her to open up and let him inside. He kissed her deeply as he ran his hands down her sides. Her body was perfect, just the way he liked his women, long and lean. When his hands reached the hem of her angel costume he pushed it up around her waist. She was still clinging to his neck, lost in his kiss. He pushed her panties down and found her heat. She pressed herself against his fingers. She moaned when he slipped a finger inside her, and bit his lip as he slid it deeper. He needn't have worried if she was ready for him, she was hot and wet—and so damned tight.

He withdrew his hand and unbuckled his jeans. Her hands joined his. He moved fast, grabbing the foil package he'd had ready in his pocket, while she unzipped him and pushed his pants down. Seeing the condom she arched a brow while he put it on.

“Confident I was a sure thing?”

He smiled. “The day we met, lady. I told you I want it, and I
take it.”

“We'll see about that.”

She closed her fingers around him, guiding him towards her. He looked down to watch as she stroked herself with the very tip of him. This was driving him crazy; he needed to be inside her. He looked into her eyes and closed his hands around her ass, pulling her away from the counter and onto him. He buried himself deep inside her.

“Oh, God, Smoke!” she gasped. She began to move with him. He thrust hard and fast. She was so tight, he was losing his mind as he lost himself in her.

“Wait!” She was pushing him away.

What was she doing?

Her neck and cheeks were flushed, she was breathing hard. He needed to be back inside her. She pulled the costume up and over her head. “I'm obviously no angel,” she said with a smile. “I want to get naked with you.”

No way would he argue with that! He kicked out of his pants and unbuttoned his shirt without taking his eyes off her. She was fabulous! Her panties were gone and she unfastened her bra, pushing the cups to the sides before she slid the straps off her shoulders. He shrugged out of his shirt and reached for her, needing to feel her slender body under him, needing to taste her small, round breasts. She smiled as she put a hand to his shoulder to stop him.

“Take a seat, Smoke.”

He frowned, puzzled.

She pulled out one of the dining chairs and pushed him back to sit in it. His cock strained to be back inside her as she stood beautifully naked before him. He grabbed her hips as she straddled him and thrust up as she lowered herself onto him.

“Smoke!” she moaned as he pulled her down and thrust deeper. He clamped her to him as he rocked his hips. Seemed she wanted to be in charge. Well, she needed to know that this was his show. He slid down so he could fill her more deeply. She grasped the chair either side of his head. He knew she was hanging on, trying not to lose it, but she had exposed another weakness—he could tease her nipples with his lips and tongue.

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