Flare (31 page)

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Authors: Posy Roberts

BOOK: Flare
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Kevin kissed down Hugo’s chest, sucking on his nipples and playfully biting on his belly, forcing a laugh from Hugo. There was music playing loudly enough that they couldn’t be heard beyond the door, or so they hoped. With Kevin’s noisy factor, that might not be enough.

“I’m nervous,” Kevin admitted.

“Me too. I mean, obviously.” Hugo gestured to his cock lying there like a soft snake trying to hide in the grass. “There’s no way in hell I could’ve actually done the deed if you kissing me as long as you just did and sucking on my nipples can’t get me hard. Shit. What if this doesn’t work?”

“Shhhhh. Don’t think like that. This is just sex between us. Nothing else. That’s what you’ve got to convince yourself of.”

“God. I don’t know. I keep thinking about what they’re doing in there. What
they doing?”

Kevin chuckled and shook his head. “You know more than I do. Summer’s your best friend who’s told you all about her sex life in the past. Plus, you were the one who read in-depth about how to do this. I just know the tools and the technical stuff.”

“I have to stop thinking of them.” Hugo shook his head as if that would help get his thoughts to change.

“Turn over,” Kevin said in a gentle voice. “Let’s not focus on your cock right now. Let me eat your ass. Maybe then you’ll feel less performance anxiety and get hard.”

Hugo turned as he was asked, pulling up onto his knees and elbows, but Kevin started kissing Hugo’s back first, talking in soft tones, telling Hugo to relax and concentrate on the feel of Kevin’s lips on his skin. When Hugo closed his eyes, it was easier.

Kevin spent long minutes kissing down Hugo’s back, finally getting to the curve of his ass. Rather than following his typical pattern, right down the center to lick across his hole, Kevin diverted, kissing around the fullness of his butt, spending time kissing and biting the small bit of ass near his thigh. Hugo chuckled to himself when he mentally called the spot an asslet. How ridiculous. Much like this situation.

But then Kevin was spreading Hugo’s cheeks. “Pretty,” Kevin said. “You look so sweet and tightly puckered, just waiting to be kissed.” He kissed that excitable flesh, and Hugo felt himself open to the feeling before clamping down again in response to the probe of Kevin’s tongue. It was unexpected, which was truly comical, considering Kevin was telling him how he was going to fuck his tongue so far into Hugo’s ass that he’d sprain it.

More laughing. Hugo loved laughing when he had sex with Kevin. It had been that way from the start, where they’d been able to have serious, intense moments of passion broken up by silliness.

“I love you,” Hugo got out. He had to let Kevin know how much this meant to him. He’d tried earlier in the day while they drove home after dropping the kids off. Kevin was fully on board with this decision he and Summer had come to. He was supportive and more than willing to… share Hugo. “Oh my God!” His words drifted from his mouth because of the realization of what was really happening. The fact that Kevin finally breached him, pushing past that tight pucker of skin, may have been part of it too, but not nearly as much as the understanding of how their lives had come full circle. Again. And again.

Hugo arched his back, loving the warm feel of Kevin’s breath on his skin, the slick slide of his tongue. He wanted to open himself up as wide as he could so Kevin could be a part of him. He
a part of him.

Kevin sucked at his skin, bit at the fullness of his ass cheeks so he could give his tongue a rest, and then he reached between Hugo’s thighs and tugged on his cock.

“You’re so hard, baby,” Kevin said, and Hugo looked down. He’d been so lost in his thoughts and the feeling in his ass, he truly had forgotten his fear that he’d never get hard. “From behind, right?” he asked.

“To finish at least, but we can start facing each other. I’d like that,” Hugo said, turning to look at Kevin and kissing him with a huge smile on his face.

“Look at you.” Kevin pulled away and slicked his cock, not ever pulling his gaze away from Hugo. “Look how beautiful you are right now. So relaxed and content. You look like you’re in love.”

“I am in love.” Hugo could feel the tug of his smile tighten more on one side than the other and noticed Kevin’s gaze slip down to his mouth and back.

“You ready to make a baby?”

“Oh geez,” Hugo chuckled. “You’re not actually impregnating me, you realize.”

Kevin looked sheepish when he said, “I know. I just think it’s pretty amazing I get to be a part of this. That you’d let me be here for this. You could’ve just jerked off in a cup, but instead, I get to be here with you and be the one to make you come. That’s awesome.”

“Come on. Let’s make this baby.”

Pressure, sweet and slow—it was good as Kevin sunk into Hugo, spreading him open, scattering away even more tension and worry Hugo hadn’t realized still remained. This was a moment about them. This was about Kevin and Hugo, even if Summer and Russell were across the hall waiting.

Kevin was there, buried to the root and waiting, as close as he could be, and then he kissed Hugo tenderly. With a controlled roll of his hips, Kevin started to dance with Hugo, unhurried and delicious, as the draw of bare skin on bare skin was given time to be appreciated.

Hugo released a steady sigh, loving the feel of Kevin holding back, of taking his time and not rushing. This was something he wanted to remember for years to come and with each new, slow thrust of Kevin’s hips, Hugo was burning another memory into his mind.

The leisurely pace was taking its toll on Kevin. Sweat beaded at his forehead and on his upper lip. The muscles in his shoulders shook with strain.

“Sit on your heels,” Hugo said as he wiped the small drops of sweat away, licking the salty taste from his thumb.

Kevin nodded, grateful, and sat back, shifting the angle and nudging Hugo’s prostate. Hugo had to hold back, not allow himself to get carried away and come all over his stomach, but the way Kevin was fucking into him—and it was fucking now—he wasn’t sure he’d know until it was too late. Hugo kept his hands away from his cock, refusing to even give a hair’s breadth of stimulation to himself.

It was a relief when Kevin leaned over Hugo’s chest, removing that extra sensation, but then he started sucking Hugo’s nipples again, biting and tugging so Hugo felt it in his balls. Hugo had to hold back, but it was so good. He wanted to give in and just go crazy, shifting his hips so he could fuck himself on Kevin’s dick, ensuring maximum pleasure.

“Get behind me,” Hugo panted. “Behind. Quick,” he managed to get out, rolling to his belly where Kevin helped get him up on his knees. How had he gotten so weak? It didn’t matter. All that mattered was that Kevin was handing Hugo what he needed. Kevin reached around and stroked Hugo so he could balance on one hand, before easily slipping back inside Hugo.

“I’m close,” Hugo shared.

“Me too. Jesus.”

“No. I’m Hugo,” he joked, and then he felt it, balls drawn up so tight he thought he’d shoot across the room. Pulse after pulse ricocheted through Hugo, and he felt Kevin’s cock emptying into him as Hugo started filling the little cup in his hand. Kevin draped over Hugo’s back for only a second or two before pulling away.

“Sorry. Don’t want you to spill.”

Hugo sat back on his haunches and looked in the cup. His sperm was thick and white because he’d refused to come for a week. He hoped it did the job. He kissed Kevin and told him he’d be right back.

Only bothering to slip on underwear, Hugo opened their bedroom door and walked across the hall to the guest room and knocked on the door. Russell answered wearing nothing but boxers.

“Here’s half of your baby,” Hugo said with a smile.

“Oh, thank God it worked. We were freaked you’d be too nervous to get it up,” Russell said, taking the cup and looking inside it. While Russell busied himself with the syringe and other supplies, Hugo walked into the room to find Summer resting on the bed with her hips raised on a pillow. She was covered with a thin sheet but Hugo knew she was nude underneath even if he couldn’t see any skin aside from what he’d see if she were wearing a strapless dress.

He sat beside his best friend, looking into her scared face and smiled. “It’s going to be okay. We’ll do this for the next several days, and if it doesn’t work this month, we’ll try it again. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

“I know. Thank you.” Summer pulled Hugo down into a tight hug. “Now go cuddle with your man.”

“You guys cuddle too,” Hugo said with a wink before leaving the room. “Russell, give her what she needs. She deserves it. I’m making a special dinner for us after your cervix has done its thing. See you in an hour or so.”

He shut the door and stood in the hallway for a moment, shaking his head before he heard Kevin’s voice. “You coming back to bed?”

“Yeah.” Hugo smiled and started walking. He doffed his underwear before slipping in beside Kevin and resting his head on his chest. “Yeah. I’m here, right where I belong.”

“Mmm,” Kevin breathed into Hugo’s hair, content and sleepy-sounding.




to happen next weekend,” Summer said before she sipped a glass of orange juice, preloading on folic acid just in case. All awkwardness from the last few hours was gone and Summer, Russell, Kevin, and Hugo were sitting around the dining room table eating tender filet mignon and steamed veggies. It was strange how they were able to go back to normal so quickly, but it was a testament to how close they were and also to the trust they all had in one another.

“What is?” Kevin asked.

“Our wedding.”

“What? Are you kidding me?” Hugo asked, voice lifting to a higher register as he started to lose his cool, quickly questioning the trust he’d just thought about. “You’re telling me now? My best friend is getting married, and I didn’t even get to help her pick out her dress or flowers or any of that shit? You do realize I’m gay, right?”

“Yeah, but you’re not a stereotype,” Summer countered, deadpan.

“Only because my best friend has never gotten married before. Give me a chance to be a stereotype. Geez!” Hugo had a mock fit but then burst into laughter, unable to keep up the charade any longer. “But seriously, do you have a dress?”

“Not yet. I was hoping we could go shopping this week, actually. With my mom.”

“You’re going to include me? Really?” Hugo smiled, feeling warm inside.

“Yeah,” Summer said with a meaningful nod, which had Hugo clapping, “because you’re going to do the alterations.”

“You’re killing me. Do you know that? You’re fucking killing me!” Hugo threw up his hands and then reached for his water and took a slow sip. “Thank God you fit so well into clothes off the rack. All I’ll probably have to do is take it in at the waist and maybe adjust the length if you refuse to wear heels high enough.”

“I’ll wear heels.”

“How are Tasha and Kyle taking the spur-of-the-moment wedding plans?” Kevin asked Russell, who was midbite.

Russell held up a finger and chewed, nodding as if that would help him masticate the food quicker. “I told ’em we were gonna get married quick and to keep weekends in February open. We just needed to find a place for the ceremony.”

“Where is it?”

“There was a cancellation at the Conservatory.”

“At Como?” Hugo asked.

“Yeah,” Russell said with a proud smile.

“Beautiful. I love the gardens,” Kevin breathed out. “I’ve been to events there before. Daytime or evening?”

“Daytime. We want to take advantage of the light and see outside to the snow, plus we save money on flowers,” Summer answered.

“And your parents…?” Kevin asked again.

Russell sucked on his lips, releasing a kissing sound into the air as he thought. “Let’s just say I don’t really care so much about what they think as long as I get to marry Summer.”

She reached for him and squeezed his hand, then she cut into her meat and took another bite.

“I want to be with her. They think we’re moving too fast, but I don’t think they realize how well we know each other. We’re not nineteen-year-olds. We both know what we want in a partner. What’s the point in waiting?”



and Hugo slipped into bed that night, Hugo asked him the same question. What was the point in waiting? They’d been engaged for almost two months now, and they’d hardly spoken about the wedding yet. Granted, a ton of other stuff had come up they’d had to deal with, but still.

“I don’t know. I’m ready. I have no idea what kind of a wedding I want to have this time around, though,” Kevin admitted.

“I’m not thinking of some huge, extravagant affair, but I certainly don’t want to get married in front of some judge in a nasty-ass courtroom. Outside would be nice.”

“May is gorgeous; not too hot, not too cold. We’d avoid the June cliché too. Close friends and family.”

“Maybe fifty people at the max?” Hugo asked.

“Or less. I don’t really know. I think it would make adopting the kids easier if we were married first or at least had plans started.”

Hugo rolled to his side to face Kevin and looked into his eyes to get a better read of him. “Do you really want me to adopt them?”

“I do. Finn wants it for sure. Brooke has been a little quieter on the issue. We’ll need to talk to her, maybe give her some more time to ponder it.”

“Felicity,” Hugo muttered.

“Yeah. She’s done a number on that kid. It seems to have stopped, though. Brooke wasn’t contacted at all this week. The parents must have addressed things.”

“I hope so.”



week before Summer and Russell’s wedding Hugo had no other jobs besides helping her get everything put together. As suspected, the dress alterations were minimal and easy, considering the dress she chose was a simple off-the-shoulder shift with long sleeves and no trim. The cream, silk shantung wasn’t new to Hugo, so he was familiar with how to work with it, taking care not to snare the delicate fabric with a tattered needle.

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