Read Flame Thrower Online

Authors: Alice Wade

Tags: #Kindred Souls, #Eternal Press, #Magic, #Thrones, #Torture, #Magical Kingdoms, #warriors, #Swords, #love story, #hero, #Romance, #Fantasy, #erotic romance, #Mages, #Love, #erotica, #CedarNeedle, #Pendant, #Chivalry, #Alice Wade

Flame Thrower (25 page)

BOOK: Flame Thrower
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Gareth nearly broke her neck when he threw her to the ground. “You bitch!” She watched his feet from her position on the floor where her cheek rested on the dirt floor of the tent. She was too afraid to move.

“I would never touch my sister in such a way. I love her as a brother only, and find your words foul.”

After a moment Crysin coughed and tried to sit up, but he pushed her back down with his foot. “Stay there.” He was furious, so furious that he lost perspective. Going into this he had no intention of harming Princess Crysin at all, but she’d pushed at his barely controlled anger. She’d pushed and she’d challenged. So like the women he hated and so like the useless women he’d bedded.

Gareth looked down upon her and grinned. “Seems to me like you need to learn a few things, Crysin. Maybe you should be taught in the same fashion as my poor sister was taught. She learned her place quickly, but something tells me that even after you are shown the way, you still won’t hold a candle the grace and charm my sister holds.”

“What?” she tried to ask but he pushed with his foot and she coughed again.

“You need to be enjoyed, dear, that’s what,” he replied while he admired her shapely figure.

Crysin squirmed in the dirt under his scrutiny. Gareth radiated pure evil and she knew she had to wait him out until his insanity passed. He couldn’t really mean what he’d just threatened. After a moment he let her up so she could rub her neck and brush her hair back from her face.

“The exchange will take place in a few days, so until then, Princess, you are mine to do with what I please.”

“Gareth, think about this, Ryan will not like me being harmed.” Then she realized her third mistake. Gareth didn’t care what Ryan thought.

“To hell with your brother,” he yelled. “He stole my sister and married her without permission! Do you think I give a pig’s arse what he thinks?”

Crysin cringed back and cowered as Gareth walked towards the tent flap and spoke firmly to a man standing just outside. When he turned, there was a feral look burning in his eyes as he stalked back to her. “Get up. Make yourself presentable.”

Seeing she had no option at the moment, Crysin complied and stood calmly while her legs shook. That movement betrayed her attempt to look strong.

He rummaged in his luggage and removed a vial of something toying with it between his fingers. He appeared to contemplate something before he turned around and approached her. “Now, I won’t be unkind and hand you over without the same experience that we gave Tillian. This,” he held up the vial, “will ensure you enjoy what you experience tonight. Open up.”

She spat at him again and found herself in a headlock with his strong fingers prying her mouth open, pouring the foul tasting liquid into her mouth. Before she could spit it out, he plugged her nose, causing her reflex to swallow and the drug slid down her throat.

Just then the tent flap opened and he released her to cough through the ordeal and catch her breath.

“Ah, Ellis. Excellent timing.”

The burly man that entered slugged his way towards Gareth and stood staring at Crysin with interest. “You’ve impressed me with your skills, especially in tracking and capturing this lovely Princess over here. Since I have nothing else to reward you with, I give her to you. All I ask is that you do not damage her or mark her in any way.” He waved at Crysin whose eyes were wide with shock and filled with terror. “Enjoy.”

She experienced a new level of fear when the burly man named Ellis approached. She could already see the large bulge in his pants and the wicked gleam in his eye. She turned to Gareth and pleaded, begging him to reconsider.

“Gareth, please, you can’t do this.” The drug’s effect kicked in and her body flushed with a burning desire like she’d never known before. She felt a yearning grow within her stomach and knew her body responded by becoming aroused. That realization had her mind teeter her towards terror that she would find any enjoyment at the thought of what was to come.

Ellis stalked forward, hunting his prey and smiled. “Very kind of you, Prince. I’ll teach her what a Folkyn man is made of,” he sneered.

“You can’t do this, Prince Gareth! I will never forgive you for this,” she pleaded while Ellis dragged her from the tent.

When they were at the entrance, Gareth responded, “Oh, yes I can. Hope you have fun, Crysin. I lost whatever decency I had when I allowed my sister to be whored out by our Father. The only person I hope to ever get forgiveness from is her, but that is a distant dream. I hope you enjoy Ellis. I hear he’s quite the lady’s man and knows how to please, if you know what I mean.” Gareth actually winked at her.

“You’re a bastard, Gareth,” she spat.

“Yes, I know,” he replied and he watched her disappear around the corner outside the entrance of his pavilion. From outside he could hear the cat calls while she was dragged kicking and screaming through the camp to Ellis’ tent.

Chapter Five

Gareth’s pavilion was quiet when Crysin returned in the early hours of the morning. She looked shameful and rumpled, but otherwise unharmed. Ellis pinned her arms behind her, immediately causing her to go limp while he plundered her mouth one last time before he released her to Gareth. She’d lost the ability or desire to fight back hours ago. After the kiss he suckled her neck leaving behind a mark that would bruise within a few moments.

“You were a nice reward,” Ellis said gruffly before he stood back, nodding to Gareth before he did.

Gareth laughed when he caught the Princess’s blush that spread across her face just before she turned her head away. “I see you enjoyed yourself, Crysin. Well, hopefully your brother arrives soon with my sister so you can go back and share what you most likely just learned from Ellis with your future husband,” he laughed again.

“You’re a cur’s son, Gareth,” she sneered and she pulled away from Ellis. She moved away, trying to shake the feeling he still aroused in her blood. The drug she had swallowed was most definitely potent and kept her heated and ready for anything this man gave her. Between her legs, her body throbbed with twinges and the burning need for release even now.

“Yes, I answer to many names-cur’s son, bastard, you take your pick.” He turned to Ellis. “If you continue to do a good job, there will be more rewards like this. You may go now.”

Gareth watched Crysin where she had retreated in the corner and assumed a seat on the cot directly across from the one he had assigned her. Ellis had not retied her arms so she sat with her arms braced at her sides and leaned forward, looking at the ground. He could tell she struggled with the effects of the drug and felt a smug satisfaction at that.

He shifted his weight to one leg and crossed him arms as he evaluated her, curious about something. “Are you ashamed, Crysin?” he quietly asked.

“Yes.” Her voice cracked with that admission.

“Why? You sounded like you enjoyed yourself.” Gareth inched forward and now loomed right before her. He could clearly see the drug had yet to run its course and that caused a warm tingle to this groin. His mind danced with opportunities and thought through what he could do with that information.

“Because I’m a proper woman and would never do such acts as that man had me doing last night. I’m not a virgin, but that was vulgar. For that I’ll never forgive you,” she said with venom.

Her words were sobering and damped his arousal. “Yes, well I’m not looking for your forgiveness. I was more curious to know how badly my sister will hate me, so I wanted to measure your shame first. Difference is, she was a virgin, so I need to factor that into her hate. I stole her innocence and for that I’m not sure I can forgive myself.” His voice was soft, like he was talking more to himself than Crysin, but the power in the words had an effect on her none the less.

Crysin reacted as if slapped. “Was I just an experiment to you, Gareth? Some sick justification to absolve your sins?” She scooted away and turned her head. “You make me ill.”

“I don’t really care. I want to understand so I can find some way to live with myself for what I’ve done.”

Her head slowly turned back against her better judgment. She shouldn’t care, but she had to know what this bastard did to the woman her brother just married. “What exactly did you do to her?”

He shrugged. “It wasn’t me as much as our Father. He whored her out for coin to three wealthy Lords who were more on the shady side. She trusted me to protect her and I was ordered to abandon her there with them.” His change in timbre caused Crysin’s eyes to show a slight twinge of pity for him. “I watched her eyes when I left her, watched when she realized I deserted her to their treatment.” At this, Gareth hung his head and remained quiet for a long moment. “I’ll never forgive myself for that look. It said it all because once she’d pieced it all together, she was terrified.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “How could you do that?” There was a gut-wrenching pull in her stomach because if Ryan ever did that to her, she would be destroyed. Her next words came out as a horrified whisper. “You’re her brother, Gareth. I bet she died inside watching you walk away.”

“Probably,” he shrugged. He was beyond feeling any pain from her words, for he had already flogged himself daily since the moment he shut the door, drowning out Tillian’s cries.

Gareth looked back at Crysin and sadly smiled. She was rumpled and used, but overall quite attractive, causing the warm tingle to return. “I had no choice. I love Tilllian more than anyone else in this world, and I was forced to do this to her. I guess I’m weak because you’re right, I’m her brother. Sworn to protect her, yet I couldn’t save her the one time she needed me. That one moment, that one act made me a villain. No better than the man who made me do it.”

Crysin saw her opening. If she could play on his deranged emotions, she might be able to save herself. “You could make it right, Gareth. Let me go.”

Gareth looked like he thought over her offer than belted out a laugh that startled her. “Are you jesting? Seriously? I couldn’t do that anymore than I could have saved her. My only option is to bring her back.” He shook his head. “No, sorry, dear. You’re stuck with me until that brother of yours returns what is not his to keep.”

“You could be more than this,” she tried again. She prayed there was something good in him, something of the Prince she hoped he could be. Maybe buried deep, but she had to try and see if she could reach it.

“Enough, I’ve relived that moment daily since it happened. He stole her, now he must give her back.”

“She’s not property, Gareth!” Crysin cried. “She’s a woman, flesh and blood. Your bloody sister!”

“She belongs to Folkyn.”

“She belongs to Yorath. She’s our Queen. You can’t seriously think Ryan would just give her up, do you?” Crysin suddenly realized how far into his insanity he was. There was no reaching him, and there was no talking her way out of this. Either Ryan did something soon or Gareth would repeat what he’d done last night to try and abate the demons running through his head.

Gareth looked at her again sideways in a calculated stare. “She’s not a Queen. She’s a whore.”

“She’s your sister,” she spat and found his hand suddenly at the back of her neck, pinning her head back and holding her in place. His angry face hovered before her and he shook with fury.

“Stop saying that,” he threatened in a low, dangerous tone.

“She’s your sister,” Crysin repeated, trying to break him down. She saw in his eyes the effect those words had on him. She figured out in that moment what it was that would cause him pain. She understood how to use it too. She’d use his guilt as a sword.

Gareth covered her mouth with his in a furious kiss that left her lips bruised. He broke the contact and kissed her again, this time more gently when he realized she wasn’t fighting back and felt the flair of arousal at her touch. He couldn’t fight the guilt and he couldn’t make the pain go away. Instead he hid behind the only thing he knew would block it from his soul for a brief moment in time. He gave into his lust.

Crysin didn’t fight. She knew instantly if she did, he’d kill her and that would be the end of it. She’d never see her family again and she’d never walk free. She gave in to the torment and let Gareth have his way in order for her to live to see another day. Somehow, that acceptance freed her from the shame she felt and suddenly Crysin felt stronger, more in control.

Gareth guided her slowly to the cot and stretched out over her, slowly taking her arms and securing them above her head so he could have access to her body, which he freely roamed. Firm stomach, tight little breasts that felt firm in his hand and filled his palm. Whoever got to enjoy this body was lucky.

“Roll over,” his gravelly voice ordered, “on your stomach.”

“Don’t do this.” She couldn’t resist.

“Roll over.” It wasn’t a request.

He yanked her clothing off and then Gareth began his attention, more to curb his own pain than to bring pleasure, but he caressed Crysin and robustly claimed her in order to ease his own torment. He rode her hard, enjoying the last effects of the drugs while her body responded with a heat that pushed him harder and faster than he’d believed he’d be able to go.

She moaned and pushed back and met his inward thrust, causing him to lose his ability to think. Crysin hated herself, but she lost herself in the feelings he generated.

That motion caused Gareth to push into her deeply and felt her respond. He gave her all he had as she accepted it and gave back more. His release was violent, leaving him shattered and shaking, and with a quick check so was she. He snorted with smug satisfaction that the drug still boiled in her blood, which was good. He had so much more to explore and frankly had more vials of the drug to administer when this ran out.

His guilt abated slightly, he pushed off her and flashed a wicked smile. The Gareth from earlier, the wicked one, had returned. “No wonder Ellis looked so satisfied. You’re incredible, Princess. You must keep whatever man warms your bed very happy and satisfied.”

Crysin shot him a look that would have melted ice. She continued to ignore him and turned away. “What am I supposed to do now,” she snapped dispassionately.

“Oh, you are a feisty one, aren’t you?” His eyes were on the pile of discarded clothes on the floor and he realized they were filthy. “There’s water over in the corner and I have some clothes you can wear in my chest over there.” He motioned to a chest off to the left. “Go get cleaned up.”

“Bastard,” she growled and she rolled off the bed to find the water. Washing as quickly as she could, Crysin never removed her gaze from his while he greedily watched her. She didn’t want to let him out of her sight for very long, thinking there wasn’t anything left in Gareth to reach or save. He appeared to be completely lost to his guilt and that made him unstable.

She located a shirt and pants in the chest then proceeded to get dressed. Crysin turned to face him once she was decent and composed. “How long until my brother arrives?”

“We gave him three days to respond. It’s only been one since he was given the ultimatum.”

“So, what are you planning on doing with me for the next two days?” she asked.

“Well, you will have a choice of course. You can stay with me and be my personal toy for two days. You must do as I ask or I’ll punish you by allowing more of my men to savor your charms. You can choose to just go to the troops now and take your chance.” Gareth was very callous while he delivered the options.

“I see. Sleep with you or them. Either way, I get used, right?” she said with scorn. “What choices. I’m overcome with your generosity, Prince Gareth. What exactly would you to do to me anyway?”

“Many things, dear,” he snickered then rose from the bed to get dressed. “I think you will find my stamina and creativity matches Ellis’ so I’ll keep you quite satisfied.”

* * * *

Ryan paced around the conference room where he had gathered a few of his most trusted generals. He wouldn’t accept Tillian’s advice to just hand her over and end this.

Tillian stood along the back wall, trying to avoid attention, but he would look at her every now and then and stop his pacing. They’d argued about this behind closed doors and she’d lost. He’d not listen to her council and she was furious and scared, but wouldn’t challenge him before his men.

Wallace watched too and thought they both appeared like caged animals, searching for the one moment to spring free and attack. Ryan was wound up and clearly agitated, and Tillian looked like she held her frustration inside. He wasn’t sure which was more dangerous. When he looked into her eyes, he saw something that troubled him. She had the appearance of being up to something and he didn’t trust it.

Ryan came close and trapped Tillian against the wall by resting both hands on either side of her head. “Accept,” he whispered.

She stared deeply into his eyes but didn’t back down, feeling strong and confident for the first time in months. “No. We’re running out of time, Ryan. She needs our help and I’m the answer. Just hand me over then come and get me,” Tillian whispered back. “You know my course has merit, you’re just too blinded to see it.”

Ryan smiled at her ferocity on this topic and cheered her confidence, for he knew it was there, just buried under all her shame and fear. He knew his mind was made up and she’d not sway him. “I don’t agree.” Ryan denied her once more.

Her smile raised an alarm in the back of Ryan’s mind. She had the advantage at the moment and she took it. “She’s your sister, Ryan. Think about it. Think hard. What’s going to happen if you show up and you don’t hand me over? He’ll kill her instantly. You can’t take that chance.”

Her comment caused a muscle in his cheek to twitch. “We’ll get her back, trust me,” he said confidently. He knew she didn’t believe him, though. Her narrowed eyes said it all and it tore into his heart that she couldn’t see why he wouldn’t listen. Why he couldn’t take her advice and hand her over the people who hurt her so much already. Instead of words, Ryan did something that would help her understand and accept.

He kissed her.

It was a gentle kiss, one filled with apology and regret, but mostly it was filled with love, and she couldn’t resist him. She felt his tongue roam around her mouth, dancing with her own and whenever he did this, it always stole her ability to think. Tillian gave up completely and moaned into his mouth while she melted into his embrace. In that kiss, their argument was forgotten and their dilemma ignored. All that mattered was Ryan.

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