First Class Stamp (13 page)

Read First Class Stamp Online

Authors: Aj Harmon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Family Saga, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Sagas

BOOK: First Class Stamp
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His lips found her hair and he kissed her and Sophia
wondered if her legs would continue to hold her. He kissed her again and then
released his hold on her and forced her legs apart, allowing him total access
to the treasure that was before him.

“Do you mind?” he whispered.

“God, no!” she whimpered. “Please,” she all but begged.

She didn’t see his smile but felt his moist tongue as he
parted her and she stopped breathing as he stroked her nub over and over again.
“Yes,” she sighed as her head fell backwards. “Right…there.” It was like a
dream as she looked down on his head at the apex of her thighs. She’d read
about men who knew how to pleasure a woman in novels but had not experienced it
for herself; his head bobbing as his tongue grazed over her and sharp pangs of
pleasure streamed through her like nothing she’d experienced before.

Ben held onto her thighs as he devoured her until she
grabbed his wrists and cried out as her body shook with complete pleasure and
her orgasm all but ripped her apart. Ben’s tongue didn’t still but continued at
a slower rhythm, extending her spasms until she thought she would collapse.
Then, as her body relaxed, Ben stood and kissed her and she could taste her
salty nectar on his tongue. It was by far the most erotic thing she’d ever done
and her body reacted immediately as Ben cupped each breast in his hands and
rubbed her nipples with his thumbs.

Slowly, he guided her backwards until her knees hit the
mattress, then he continued to guide her ‘til she was on her back, a vision of
beauty to Ben as he gazed at her pale white skin and her black silken hair
splayed across the white duvet. He imagined her to be a Roman goddess and knew
he could worship her for the rest of his days.

Shrugging out of his briefs, he pulled a condom from the
nightstand and encased his length, Sophia watching his every move. As he leaned
over her, she scooted up the bed until her feet were on the mattress and Ben
crawled over her like a lion capturing his prey. She parted her legs wide,
anticipation and excitement in her eyes as he lowered his body to hers, his
shaft poised at her sweetness. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around
his neck and arched her back to him, brushing her aching nipples across his
chest, searching for relief. Ben acknowledged her desire and slid down her body
and took each elongated bud to his lips, kissing, sucking, biting, until he
felt her hips underneath him thrusting upwards, desperate for him. Obliging
her, Ben lifted his weight onto his elbows and entered her slowly. She was
slick yet tight and when she gasped as he filled her, he stopped moving ‘til
she adjusted to him inside her. She was so wet and ready and her sweet scent
was driving him to delirium. She lifted her hips to him and he slowly pulled
out and then slammed back into her with such force that she slid up the bed. He
pulled out and slammed in again, this time to her groan as she grabbed his ass
and held him inside. She twisted her hips and shifted her legs and Ben could
feel her clitoris pressing against him. She eased her grip on him and so he
continued with his movements, each thrust bringing him closer and closer to the
edge, each moan from Sophia filling him with more and more desire for her,
until he didn’t think he could hold it any longer.

“Please,” he begged.

She ground into him and he bit his bottom lip, using every
ounce of control he could muster until she pleaded, “One more,” and he slammed
into her at her command and the room shattered around them as he flexed his
spine and released and she quivered with pleasure as her orgasm racked her body.
He collapsed on top of her, staying inside her where it felt warm and safe. He
didn’t argue with the strange feelings…he just felt them and closed his eyes.


“Wow,” she whispered a few minutes later, after she’d caught
her breath and her brain began functioning again, allowing her to form words,
although the right words wouldn’t come. How could she describe the most amazing
sexual experience of her life? How could she explain that it had been with a
man that hadn’t been on her radar? How did she gracefully extricate herself
from his arms and tiptoe into the bathroom so she didn’t wake him?

Ben had nuzzled on her ear and neck as his heartbeat had
slowed and then he rolled off her, made a quick visit to the bathroom and
crawled back into bed, pulling her to him. Her head now rested on his chest,
his arm wrapped protectively around her and he was asleep. His breathing was
slow and deep and Sophia very gently slid through his arm and out of the bed.
Ben rolled over onto his side, his breathing unchanged. She hurried to the
bathroom and shut the door. Flicking on the light, she caught sight of her
reflection in the mirror. Her hair was messed, her lipstick gone and she could
see a faint red mark on her neck. Looking down at her feet, her Jimmy Choo’s
were still on. It made her smile. She took care of business and cleaned herself
up. Splashing some cool water on her face, she patted it dry with a hand towel
and re-hung it on the wall next to the sink. She needed to dress and get home
to Alex.

Turning off the light, she quietly opened the door and using
the light coming down the hall from the living room, she located her
undergarments. Silently, she slipped them on and then reached for her dress.

“Are you sneaking out?”

Sophia jumped. “You scared me,” she whispered.

“Are you leaving?”

Sophia sat on the edge of the bed next to Ben and placed her
hand on his cheek. “I need to get home to Alex and I didn’t want to wake you.”

Ben threw back the sheet and stood and stretched. “I have to
wake up because I have to walk you home.”

“I’m fine,” she replied. “Go back to bed.”

“Nope! I am nothing if I’m not a gentleman. I
walk you home.” Ben stepped into his closet and pulled out a pair of jeans and
a sweatshirt. He was going commando. Sophia felt her nipples tighten and a
tingling in the pit of her stomach. Just the thought was turning her on, but
she had to get home.

Ben helped her with the zipper on her dress and as he held
her leather jacket open for her to slip her arms into, he swung her to face him
and pulled it closed, his fists still closed around its edges. He kissed her
slowly and deliberately, tempting her to stay, showing her what she would miss
when she left.

“I would stay, but Alex,” she sighed.

“I know. Let’s get you home.”

As they exited the building, Ben took Sophia by the hand and
as she looked up at him, she knew she was in big trouble. She smiled and quickly
turned away as they walked to the corner and across the street. Approaching the
door, Sophia was finding it difficult to say goodbye. She didn’t want their
time together to end.

“I know it’s late,” she began, “but after a few hours of
sleep and taking care of some things tomorrow, how about I cook you dinner in
the evening? Of course Alex would be there, but we’d…”

“I’d love to,” he beamed, his excitement evident. “Oh,” he
frowned. “Actually, I can’t.”

Sophia was surprisingly devastated. She took a second to
steel herself and shrugged her shoulders as she said, “Well, it’s no big deal.”

“No!” Ben said. “I want to come, I really do. There’s
nothing I’d like more than to spend time with you,” he said softly as he
stepped towards her and ran his finger down her cheek and then took her chin in
his finger and thumb. “Really,” he repeated. “But I have another commitment.
How about Sunday? Why don’t the three of us spend the day together? Picnic in
the park? Maybe some Frisbee and a museum? What’d’ya say?”

“I’d like that,” she smiled. “It’s a date.”

Ben left her with a kiss that would be hard to forget and
then ushered her inside and all but skipped back to his apartment.


Peter Lathem had raised his boys to be gentlemen and Maureen
Lathem had raised her boys to understand social etiquette. Ben would never
arrive at a dinner invitation empty handed. Stopping at a small flower stand on
the way to Maria’s apartment, he purchased a small bouquet of lilies as his
hostess gift. He’d picked lilies because they were always in Matt and Janie’s
apartment so he figured women must like them.

As he rode the elevator up, Ben’s thoughts drifted to his
previous evening with Sophia. In actuality, he’d thought about it
day. Several times he’d picked up the phone to cancel his dinner with Maria and
Luca, but each time guilt had stopped him from doing so. However, now that he
was in her building, he was still feeling guilt, only this time because he
wanted to be with Sophia. For someone who’d been telling himself over and over
again that he was happy and content, he sure as hell wasn’t feeling that way

After ringing the doorbell, Ben only had to wait a couple of
seconds before the door swung open and the smells of Brazil wafted to his
nostrils, making him inhale deeply. Maria stepped aside and welcomed him in.

“Smells amazing,” he grinned.

“I hope it tastes amazing too,” Maria chuckled as she
accepted the flowers he handed to her.

“Thank you for the invitation.”

“Thank you for coming,” she smiled and Ben followed her into
the living room.

The table was set and Luca was lighting the tall candles in
the middle. She had gone to a lot of work to make everything look and smell
wonderful. Ben was feeling guiltier by the minute.

Maria left to put the flowers in water and Luca trotted over
to Ben and threw his arms around his waist. “Hi Ben,” he said.

Ben patted his head and said hello. Luca stepped back and
offered to take his jacket. Ben slid his arms out of the sleeves and into the
waiting arms of Luca who disappeared down the hall.

“Can I do something to help?” he asked as he wandered around
the corner into the kitchen.

“No,” Maria smiled. “I’m just getting everything on the
table and we are ready.”

Ben watched as she carried through platter after platter of
mouth-watering food. As she bent over the table, her dress rode up her thighs
and Ben quickly averted his eyes. Somehow he knew he couldn’t look at another
woman. Not after last night. He sat in the chair that was offered and Luca came
running back and climbed into the place next to him. Maria sat opposite.

“How’s your weekend been so far?” she asked.

“Really good. Yours?”

“Just been cooking,” Luca interjected. “Mama’s been making
this all day.”

“Oh Maria! You shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble,” Ben
offered, now
feeling guilty.

“No trouble at all,” she smiled. “It’s the least we could do
and besides, I love to cook.”

“Well, it’s very kind of you to invite me.”

The conversation drifted to Luca and his new school. Ben
heard all about his new teacher and all his new friends and about the soccer
team and how much fun he was having. By the time they had all finished eating,
Ben knew everything there was to know about sixth grade at St. Luke’s.

They all cleared the table, Ben and Luca carrying the plates
and dishes through to the kitchen and Maria taking care of them once there. Ben
poured himself some more wine and Luca popped the can off another soda.

“No more Coke for you, young man,” Maria exclaimed and
yanked the can from his fingers. You go to bed in thirty minutes.”

“Aw mama,” Luca pouted. “Please?”

“No,” she chuckled. “You don’t need the extra sugar or the
caffeine! I’ve made dessert,” she turned to Ben. “Would you care for some?”

Ben smiled and nodded and a slice of quindin was handed to
him. “You remembered?”

Maria smiled. “You made such a fuss that night at dinner.”

All those years ago when Ben had taken his two companions to
dinner, he’d tasted the sinfully delicious coconut custard for the first time.
He hadn’t had it since, but it had made an impression on him and Maria had

Luca took his plate and went to sit at the dining table,
leaving the two adults in the living room.

“So how are you liking the new job?” Ben asked between

“Very much,” she nodded. “But let’s not talk about work tonight.
We’re enjoying the evening as friends.”

Ben smiled and nodded so he asked her about the city and
what she’d seen so far. Maria replied that all she’d really seen was her new
office and Luca’s school as she hadn’t really had much time for anything else
yet. “But I hope to remedy that soon,” she added.

Once again, Ben and Luca took their plates to the kitchen
and Maria cleaned them off under the faucet and placed them in the dishwasher.

“Luca?” Maria asked. “Please go and brush your teeth and get
into your pajamas.

“Do I have to?” he whined.

She gave him a look that Ben recognized. It was the look
he’d been given by his mother many, many times as a boy. It meant do what I say
! Luca obeyed and trudged down the hall.

“He’s a good kid,” Ben smiled.

“Yes, he is.”

A few minutes later Maria emerged from tucking Luca in and
as she entered the living room, where Ben now sat, she said, “He’s asked for
you to go through and say goodnight. Do you mind?”

“Of course not,” Ben said as he stood and headed for his bedroom.

Once inside, he found Luca lying in bed with his covers
tucked under his arms, a small bedside lamp casting a soft glow around the
room. He sat on the edge of the twin bed and ruffled Luca’s hair. “Thanks for
letting me come to dinner. It was nice.”

“Will you come again?” Luca asked.

Ben shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“I think it would be good if you did.”

“We could try to go to another Yankees game if you wanted,”
Ben suggested.

“Maybe,” Luca yawned.

Ben chuckled. “Goodnight Luca.”

“Goodnight Ben,” and Luca closed his eyes.

Ben turned off the lamp and walked through the doorway,
closing the door behind him. “Already asleep, I think,” Ben grinned.

“That was fast!” Maria was surprised. “Maybe you should be
here for every bedtime.”

Whether or not the statement was made in jest, it still made
Ben feel awkward. He sat in the arm chair across for Maria on the sofa and
tried to figure out what was going on his head.

“Can I get you some coffee?” Maria asked.

“Ah, no, thank you. I should probably get going. Everything
was wonderful,” he said as he stood.

Maria followed him to the door. “You don’t have to go, you
know,” she said. “You could stay.”

“I can’t stay,” Ben said as he opened the front door and
turned back to her. “Thank you for dinner. Your imaginary debt is paid in
full,” he smiled.

Maria reached for his hand but he shoved it into his pocket.
The gesture was very clear. She attempted a smile but understood that there
would not be any more dinners. While Ben was a great man and had forged a bond
with her son, he was not the man for her and his eyes said it all. He wasn’t
interested. Thankfully, she hadn’t done or said anything to be embarrassed
about…her pride was still intact. Bruised maybe, but intact.

“Goodnight Ben.” And he was gone.

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