Firecracker Under Pressure - Firecracker #3 (Erotic Romance) (7 page)

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Erik grabbed a handful of Trixie’s hair next and pulled her up, causing him to slip out of her mound. She turned around at his bidding to find him stroking himself. Trixie understood perfectly. He wanted her mouth around him and she was more than happy to oblige, but wouldn’t go down willingly. She wanted Erik to force her mouth there. Trixie wanted to be taken to his cock and made to give service without being asked. She needn’t have worried. 
He lowered her head to his organ and Trixie took up the stem.

They both wanted this and there was no point in hiding it anymore. Erik had given her something no other man had ever done. The presence of mind to take ownership of her entire release, without disappearing. That was worth a little worship.

Trixie took up all she could and stroked his length with both hands. He was close and she wanted to finish him. He throbbed mightily in her grip and shot out of himself, frothing and spuming as he howled, overcome by his own repressed animal instincts. Trixie took a breath to admire her Viking as he burbled forth. 
He finally slowed to a trickle, but only when she let up on him.

Erik collapsed against the nearest cavern wall, utterly spent. The ground was hard and rocky, but he didn’t care. Trixie fell on top him and spread herself across his broad chest, inhaling the heady scent of their commingled lust. He placed an arm around her heavily.

“According to certain pagan traditions as witnessed by the forest," Trixie started, "you just made me your wife.”

“I don’t even know where to begin Trixie. Never… in all my life… has it felt that good. It was so primal. Does that make me a bad person?”

Trixie propped her head up to connect with him more meaningfully.

“Not at all. Nor am I an awful person for loving how helpless you made me feel. I might be out of commission for a while, but that’s to be expected. Better to get it out of our system with somebody we trust. Just tell me we don’t have to climb back down this mountain today.”

“No. I’ll cook us a haunch of beef over a fire tonight and then we’ll repel down tomorrow.”

Trixie couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It was her daydream uncannily made manifest.

“If you wear animal skins while cooking I may have to turn this cave into our home.”

Erik laughed at that. “Your body is going to be even more sore tomorrow than it is now, and that was before I had my way with you.”

“Worth it.”

“You say that now. You’re going to need a professional masseuse when we get back to the city, but I have that covered as well.”

“Oh?” Trixie asked, suddenly wary of surprises, “What do you have in mind?”

“I hired a masseuse to work at Bare All Fitness last week. Real decent guy. New in town and very qualified. Vanessa thinks he's great. If we're lucky, maybe she'll find some happiness there.”

Trixie felt her insides tighten into a knot.

“Does this guy have a name?”

“Cy, short for Cyril. Cyril Foley.”

The End of Firecracker #3

Author's Note

So here we are vivacious readers at Firecracker #3. I'm officially averaging one installment a month. It's been a delightfully exhausting ride for Ms. Harridan and I, both of whom have a lot more stories to share. The feedback I've received has been very helpful and your complements are more encouraging than you know. Thank you for following along as I continue this journey into the titillating world of smut writing. If I knew that taking this challenge from my friend and colleague Mimi Strong would be so enjoyable, I would have accepted a long time ago.



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Meet Trixie Harridan for the first time during "
Firecracker in Heat
Follow Trixie Harridan exploring her options during "
Firecracker Gone Astray
Join Trixie Harridan as she takes ownership of both men during "
Firecracker Takes Aim
Preview to Follow
1. Going Down in Flames

Trixie tried her level best not to let the image of Cy giving Vanessa a massage upset the balance of her weekend with Erik. She knew first-hand how amazing a massage from Cy felt, and how aroused she became when manipulated by his expertly trained fingers. She could only imagine it was the same for anybody else, especially if they weren’t expecting it. An uptight snatch like Vanessa was primed to go off at the slightest touch. She would probably floodgate torrents of syrup if Cy so much as touched her inner thigh. Trixie shuddered in disgust at the thought.

There was nothing she could do about it even if Vanessa was on Cy’s table. She and Erik were all the way up a mountain, not so much as a city in sight. Still, that didn’t stop Trixie from waking before the crack of dawn so that she would be packed and ready to go when Erik regained consciousness. She waited for the sun to crest over the distant horizon before she started clearing her throat.

Erik woke up groggily inside their cave, which he had furnished with a bed of fir tree branches after cooking them dinner over an open fire. As usual, Erik was making the supreme effort to impress her in his own way. Thankfully, there was no more talk about 
, but she knew it was on his mind. You can’t just bring up a subject like that and then take it back. Erik was managing to simply enjoy the time they had, whereas Trixie was guilty of already having one foot off the mountain.

When Erik realized that she had already gotten up before him, he emerged out of the cave naked, cock swinging between his legs like a pendulum. He stretched like a colossal bear, shaking off the stiffness of sleep. Every band of muscle pulled taut across his body. She felt the urge to mount him, but resisted the impulse, which wasn’t easy. Trixie was already dressed and sitting atop her backpack near the ledge, fully packed and ready to go. Even so, she was easily distracted by his physique. Erik rubbed his bright blue eyes until they were clear enough to see her waiting for him.

“Aren’t you an early bird. How long have you been up?”

“Not long,” she demurred, “I wanted to watch the sun come up and you looked so peaceful sleeping that I didn’t have the heart to wake you.”

Erik smiled, satisfied with the answer. It was mostly true. Much as she had wanted to leave earlier, Trixie knew they couldn’t safely repel back down the mountain in the dark. He sauntered over and leaned down to give Trixie a kiss. His manhood started to embolden as their lips remained in contact for longer than a peck. She knew what he was thinking. It was morning after all.

Trixie rolled her eyes. She had expected to be sore after the cave pillaging Erik had given her the night before, but she was surprisingly ready for action again. Suddenly catching up with Cy and Vanessa didn’t seem so pressing. Trixie looked up at Erik appraisingly, trying to get a sense for his mood and her own at the same time. His prick was growing increasingly rigid and he smelled of the forest. 
I really am turned on that easily, aren’t I?
 Trixie admitted to herself. Maybe if she just took him for a little spin. Her cunny seemed to like the idea and sighed open with anticipation at the thought.

Erik saw where she was looking. She must have been scowling without realizing it, because he covered himself up with both hands.

“Oh hey, don’t take this as me trying to suggest… I mean, it’s just that… I wake up like this every morning. It’s not my way of starting…”

Erik was starting to ramble, but Trixie would have none of it. She didn’t want him backpedaling to his old self again.

“Shut up,” Trixie said assertively, cutting him off. She slowly stood to face him. This wasn’t on her preferred timetable, but Trixie was damned if she was going to let him start feeling self-conscious about his desires again. Not on her watch.

Trixie grabbed Erik’s enormous cock in one hand and pulled his face down to her height, kissing him ravenously. She bit his lip as she jerked the skin of his member more aggressively, engorging the veins against her fingers. Erik kissed her neck, and then lifted Trixie up off the ground, cradling her in both of his arms. He was about to turn around and walk them back to their cave, when she stopped him.

“No. Here, by the ledge.”

“Where you were sitting?” he asked.

“No. Even closer. Right by the ledge.”

Trixie was still stroking his prick, unwilling to let go. Erik looked out across the landscape and then back at Trixie. She bit her lower lip and looked up at him through strands of ginger hair. Erik's eyes closed lazily as his organ throbbed with her touch. It went against his better judgment, she knew, but he was so easy to ply with sex. She liked him better when he took risks.

“Trixie, I…”

“Put me down so I can take my clothes off.”

He did. Trixie pulled her shorts and top off quickly and threw them behind Erik with the cliff to her back, looking up at him the whole time. The air was still chilly, but she wasn’t planning on staying cold long. When she was done with her undergarments and stood naked before his towering cock, she reached under Erik’s stem and cradled his balls gently. He inhaled deeply, but didn’t resist as she pulled him closer to the ledge, walking backwards.

“I’m trusting you to stop me.”

After a few steps, he reached out and grabbed her shoulders. She casually looked down at her feet and smiled back up at him. There was still a little room before the ledge, but they were close enough for what she wanted. She knew he wouldn’t let her get into any real danger, but Trixie already had Erik acting contrary to his instincts. Trixie reached up, grabbed his massively broad shoulders, and pushed down against them. She didn’t have the strength to actually force him to the ground, but he quickly got the idea, and followed her lead. Trixie straddled him once he was on the ground. Erik tried to lean up to kiss her, but she slammed the palm of her hand into his chest.

“Stay,” she commanded.

Erik did as he was told. She reached between her legs, grabbed his member, and teased the head around her cleft. The tip of his gigantic cock was already moist, which she commingled with her own juices, swiping him back and forth up and down her breach.

“Remember,” she said to Erik, “you wanted this and you got it.”

Trixie plunged her hips back and swallowed his prick with her enveloping cunt. Erik was getting easier to take these days. Trixie knew she was loosening for him as her muscles stretched and relaxed to make room for his girth.

The early morning temperature motivated Trixie to swivel her hips more vigorously. She worked up a sweat in no time, rising and falling along his length, colliding Erik up against the back of her sheathe. She closed her eyes, stretched upwards with both arms, and imagined that she was floating. When she leaned back, Erik grabbed her midsection, holding her in place.

“Don’t want me to fall of the cliff?” she asked with a languid smile, eyes half-open.

“Not if I can help it,” he said.

“You sure?” Trixie answered, still milking his rigid appendage, “Your life could be a lot more straightforward without me around.”

“A lot less exciting you mean.”

He began guiding her hips just then, inflating inside her by tensing his groin muscle. Erik felt amazing as he raised his hips off the ground with each thrust, never letting go of her flanks. Trixie felt as if she were riding a thoroughbred horse. Erik had such an incredible body. She reached down with her nails and raked them across each of his pectorals, leaving long scratches beneath his hairy chest. He exhaled in pain, but didn’t scream or yell.

Trixie decided that as diversions from her schedule went, this was an extremely good one. She found herself caring less about getting off the mountain and more about savoring Erik’s enormous python between her legs. She leaned forward on his cock and kissed his full lips. Only one adjustment would make their morning fuck even better.

“Remember this rhythm,” she told him.

Trixie slowly lifted herself off his prodigious cock and turned around. Erik gripped his spear as she mounted him in reverse and accepted him between her lips. Her nethers barely had time to protest his absence before readily taking him back again. She pushed back against his abdominal muscles in a circling loop while looking out across the mountaintops, only now touched by sunrise. Trixie felt like a conqueror surveying her lands from up high. 
This was her domain, and she was marking it with their commingled sweat. 
Trixie placed two hands on Erik’s legs and gazed down at the forest, thousands of feet beneath their rocky wind-swept seat of sexual power.

Erik found their rhythm again and drove up her snatch with abandon. Suddenly nothing else mattered. This is exactly where Trixie wanted to be. She sat up straight as Erik bounced her up and down on his prick. She lifted every strand of red hair into a bundle off her neck with both hands and moaned as he plowed the furthest depths of her cunt. Trixie leaned forward, looking over the ledge, straight down into the valley below. She had expected to feel dizzy, but instead felt perfectly natural above it all. This must be what it feels like to fly, Trixie thought. She was close to releasing now.

That’s when Erik let go of her hips, grabbed both of her arms, and pulled them back. She was still leaning forward, inclined over the ledge, but wasn’t going anywhere, not while Erik was kiting her body. Trixie felt the impulse that every bird must feel at some point in their lives, when they make their first leap and glide to the ground. Crazily, Trixie tried to break free of his grip, take that leap of aerial faith, but Erik held her wrists more tightly than ever. She was his to do with as he pleased, widening her cavern with his swollen cock.

That’s when the familiar warmth she knew all too well came crashing through her floodgate, spreading out from the pit of her belly, igniting lightning across her nethers. Trixie was at a complete loss to herself as Erik made sure she didn’t plummet down the mountainside. Her release back splashed against his stomach and chest, just before his stem throbbed with splurge, the veins of his cock throbbing, and filled Trixie to brimming, and then overflow. She fought to stay conscious, but wasn’t exhausted anymore, like after the climb. Trixie howled like a mountain lioness in heat overlooking the world, and then passed out in the milky whitewash that overwhelmed her senses.

Her last thought as the wind rushed up against her face, was how lucky birds must feel every day of their lives

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