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Authors: Patricia Briggs

Fire Touched (24 page)

BOOK: Fire Touched
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He turned around—balanced on his rump until he could get all the way around—so he could see me easily. I was going to take a wild guess that the height didn't bother him at all.


“That's dumb,” he said. “Where's one of the werewolves? If they fall, they might be able to catch themselves. What's Adam thinking to send you up here?”

I growled at him. “Adam is otherwise occupied. Next time you
decide to kill yourself, wait until he's home and can climb up here himself. If I have to do this again, I might just push you off myself.” It probably wasn't what I should have said to someone sitting five hundred feet—more or less—in the air, but my hands hurt, and I had made it up here by concentrating on how mad I was at the stupid werewolf who made me do it. Also, I have a problem with suicide, and have ever since my foster father had left me alone at fourteen because he couldn't bear to live without his wife. I couldn't take my anger out at him, so I let Sherwood be the scapegoat.

He laughed.

“And yes, I agree with you,” I said. “Climbing up here is very, very dumb. I know why I did it. Why did you?”

He sighed and spun around again, making me cling more tightly to my bar. “I'm a useless freak,” he said, gesturing at his leg. “It's hard to kill a werewolf, but I'm pretty sure that drop would do it.”

Me, too. But that wasn't a productive thing to say, so I found something else. “Marley was going to fire you for climbing up here until the other Lampson guy told him who you were. Apparently you are too useful to them to fire.”

He snorted, and I had a thought. He'd been working here since the third day he'd come to the Tri-Cities.

“Just how many times have you climbed up here without getting caught?” I asked.

“All of them but one,” he said.

“You came here to get out from under Bran's eye so you could kill yourself,” I said.

He didn't say anything, which was a “yes” in my book.

I thought of the kind of courage it would take to climb all the way up here to kill yourself, decide not to, and climb all the way
down nearly every day for the better part of the month. And the question that occurred to me then wasn't “why?” but “why not?”

“What stopped you?” I asked his back.

He raised his head and looked up, gesturing to the night sky with one hand, waving with what I considered to be reckless abandon. “Look at that. Do you see the lights? And the sky? Beautiful. Up here? It feels like the huge tightness in my spine that contains all those things I've forgotten loosens up a little.” He tapped his forehead. “I can feel those things, curled up inside me, waiting like the sword of Damocles. And I think, maybe I should wait and see if I can find myself. Then I'll have a better idea of what I have to lose.”

I made sure my grip was tight, then I looked—out, not down. And he was right. It was beautiful.

And the wind decided right then to blow hard enough to send a buzz through the rail I was holding on to. I felt the vibrations of it under my fingers and had to reassure myself that this crane had been sitting here for at least a couple of years and hadn't fallen down yet. It was certainly designed to hold up more than the three or four hundred pounds that Sherwood and I represented between us. Surely.

And still, the metal vibrated.

“I see your point,” I said tightly. “But I think your hiding place has been found out. You think maybe we could talk with our feet on the ground? Fair warning, if I fall and break every bone in my body, Adam will never forgive you.”

He laughed again. “Okay,” he said. “Do you need any help getting down?”

About halfway to the ground, I stopped to rest. He was below me. When I'd told him I'd get down the same way I got up, he'd
scrambled around me to get underneath where he could catch me if I fell. He hadn't said it, but he hadn't had to.

After a minute, I said, “You know what makes me crabby? I didn't need to go up there, did I? If we'd waited for you, you'd have come down just like you always have.”

“Yes,” said Sherwood. Then he said, his voice a little dreamy, “Probably. But maybe I'd have come down another way.”

He started down again then, moving slower than he had to so that I didn't hurry.

“You missed your chance,” I told him. “I think your days of climbing up here unseen are over.”

“Yes,” he said. “But there's always the suspension bridge.”

“If I have to climb up the suspension bridge,” I told him. “I really will push you off.”

He must not have understood I was serious because he laughed again.


So neither of us got arrested for trespassing, though it was, I understand, a near thing. I got Sherwood into Adam's SUV. The Vanagon's radiator had developed a leak and I hadn't found it yet, so Adam had taken a Hauptman Security SUV and left me his. I had to think a bit to get the lights on and the SUV in gear, but I remembered not to swerve to avoid the ghost of the guard who stepped into the road in front of us. But I couldn't help but mutter, “Sorry, Sorry,” under my breath when the bumper went through him.

Sherwood looked at me and raised a brow in query.

“Ghosts,” I said. “I see dead people.”

“Do you?” he said.

I nodded.

“Sucks to be you,” he said.

“Beats climbing 560 feet up a crane trying to talk down an idiot who couldn't avoid being seen.”

“True,” he said thoughtfully. “But doesn't take away from my earlier observation that it sucks to be you.”

I had to drive back to the interstate and over the Blue Bridge to get home. It added fifteen or twenty minutes to the trip. Having the Cable Bridge down was going to get old really fast.

My phone rang through the stereo system, an unfamiliar number. It wasn't my car, and my purse with my phone in it was tucked under my seat. And then Sherwood helpfully hit the
button on the stereo's touch screen—I think he thought I was having trouble reaching it. Any number not in my contacts list I usually let leave a voice mail. It saved me from the guilt of hanging up on someone trying to sell me auto warranties on cars I didn't own.

“Mercy,” I said.

“Stay away—”

“Pastor?” I said. “Pastor White. Is that you?”

He cried out, and the connection was reset.

I turned on my turn signal, hit the gas, and headed to church. Maybe they were at Pastor White's house, but I didn't know where he lived. The best I could do was the church.

“What's up?” asked Sherwood.

“That's my pastor,” I told him. Pastor White was new; our last pastor had left to take over his father's church in California. Pastor White wasn't quite as engaging or accepting, but his faith was real. “Somebody wants me to go to church,” I said.

I hit a button on the stereo, and said, “Call Adam.” Sherwood
and I listened to his phone ring. When the voice mail picked up, I said, “Someone attacked slash kidnapped my pastor, and I'm heading to the church right now. It is eleven fifty-four.” I disconnected. Whom to call? Ben and Paul were home with Jesse and Aiden.

“Call Honey,” I said. And got her answering machine. I didn't leave a message. “Call George.” Another answering machine. I pounded a fist on the steering wheel. “What the heck good does it do me to be a pack member when there's never anyone home?”

“I do not understand ‘what the heck good,'” said the stereo. “Please say a command. Some commands you might find useful are ‘call' or ‘search address book.'”

I growled, then said, “Call Mary Jo.”

She picked up immediately. “Hey, Mercy,” she said, her voice wary.

“I need you to gather anyone you can find who is not guarding the house,” I told her, “and bring them to the Good Shepherd on Bonnie.” I gave her terse directions because it was hard to find, even with the address.

“Got it,” she said.

I hit the
button and settled in to drive.

“I'm not much good in a fight,” said Sherwood tightly. “My leg.”

“You can pick up a three-hundred-pound bar of steel, you can fight,” I told him, not looking away from the road. I was driving too fast, and I didn't want to hit anyone.

There was a pause.

“I guess that is so,” he said, like it was a revelation. “Okay.”

The church was small. It had been a house that someone converted into a church about twenty years ago. It was tucked unobtrusively into the most mazelike section of Kennewick, a little residential area on the north side of the railroad that ran along
the Columbia. There were only two ways in or out, one on the far east side, one on the west. The east-side entrance was the easiest to navigate.

The church grounds backed up to the railway, and between a couple of empty lots and the parking lot, it was half a block from the nearest house. There were two cars in the lot, parked next to the handicap parking. One of them was Pastor White's. The other was a Ford Explorer that had seen better days.

I parked Adam's SUV on the side of the lot farthest from the cars and the church building. I gathered the Sig's two spare magazines from my purse and stuck them in the back of my waistband because my stupid jeans didn't have pockets. Sherwood scrounged around and came up with a tire iron. I shook my head at him, opened the rear hatch, and pushed back the mat to expose the big locked box. My handprint released the lock. I opened the box and revealed Adam's new treasure chest. Inside was a collection of guns and various bladed weapons.

“Any idea what we're facing?” Sherwood asked, examining the contents of the box.

I shook my head. “Probably fae, but it could be one of the anti-supernatural groups or Cantrip or anyone. If they are here, in the church, it probably won't be vampires.” Sherwood had spent a few years in the Marrok's pack. He'd know how to fight whatever we'd face as well as I did. “If you figure it out first, let me know.”

He picked up an ax and checked it for balance. “This works for the fae,” he said. Then he picked up the HK45 compact, checked it. (It was loaded.) “This will do for anything else.” He decocked it and put it in the pocket of his jeans. “Compact” was an optimistic label for that gun.

“That's a dangerous place to carry it,” I told him.

He grinned at me. “Nah, that's my bum leg. Can't shoot my foot off 'cause someone already did that. What does the interior look like?”

“The church was a house, once upon a time,” I told him. Then I described it the best I could.


We paused for a moment by the cars. By now, the scent of fae magic lingered in the air, so I was pretty sure that was whom we were facing. However, the Ford Explorer belonged to a human male who did a lot of smoking.

“Do you recognize him?” asked Sherwood in a voice that wouldn't carry.

I shook my head, but the church wasn't empty during the week. I was grateful that it wasn't a Tuesday when the choir practiced or Thursday when the youth group met to plan their monthly community service. On other days . . . “The pastor has a degree in sociology,” I told him, softly. “He makes most of his living as a counselor for recovering addicts.”

“Not a lot of money in that,” Sherwood observed. He was looking around alertly; the conversation was to keep relaxed and ready. It wasn't how I functioned, but I'd fought side by side with enough people—mostly wolves—to know that it was a technique that worked for some people.

I said, “Not a lot of money being a pastor of a small nondenominational church, either. I expect that if he wanted to be rich, he'd have gone into a different business.”

“Does this change our strategy?” Sherwood asked, patting the car soundlessly.

He was acting as if I knew what I was doing.

“I don't think so, right?” I said. “Two hostages, or two victims if the fae have already killed them.”

“The humans aren't dead,” said Zee, startling a squeak out of me and an annoyed look out of Sherwood. “I was alerted that something was planned—and apparently my information was correct.”

“Where did you come from?” I asked him.

He frowned at me. “Where your enemy might be next time.”

“Nah,” said Sherwood. “He was waiting around the corner of the building, Mercy. Downwind, but I caught a glimpse of him when you parked. I figured he'd been waiting for us. If he'd been the enemy, I'd have said something. I didn't see him approach, though.”

“Do you know who they are?” I asked Zee. “What do they want?”

“Nine or ten idiots who follow a greater one,” Zee answered. “These are the ones who left a letter on Christy's front door. According to my source—and Adam's telephone conversation—they want Aiden.”

I frowned. “I can scent at least three.” One of whom I knew.

“Four,” said Sherwood. “One of them is flying, but I caught something where it landed on the top of the car.”

Zee considered the church. The lights in the upstairs rooms were on, but the windows had all been replaced with stained glass. It was impossible to see inside.

“The humans are upstairs with Uncle Mike,” Zee said, confirming my nose. “I heard them set him to watch.”

“Is he the one who told you about this?” I asked.

“Probably,” Zee said. “I can't imagine that he'd be this stupid unless he's working as a spy for the Council.”

“What's stupid about it?” asked Sherwood. “They take
hostages Mercy cares about to get an unlikeable ancient in the shape of a boy who is doing his best to burn down Mercy's home. Trade the hostages for the boy—and it's a win-win for all.”

The dry dislike in Sherwood's voice told me that he'd had an unpleasant encounter with our Aiden. Aiden was prickly and very good at getting under people's skin when he wanted to. If I hadn't seen him vulnerable, hadn't heard his nightmares, maybe I would be more ambivalent about him, too.

BOOK: Fire Touched
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