Fire and Ash (Immortal Touch) (13 page)

BOOK: Fire and Ash (Immortal Touch)
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“May I ask you a person
al question, Mr. Reid?” Eva timidly inquired.

“Go right ahead.”

“What happened to the one who changed

wide grin returned. “Ah…interesting story there. But you might find it a little unpleasant.”

“I’d like to hear it.”

“Well…if you insist.” He leaned back in the chair and propped an ankle casually over his knee. “I was twenty-nine then, dying from the effects of blackwater fever. Kidney failure, more than likely. In those days, quinine was given to combat malaria and that could be what triggered my condition. The doctor wasn’t doing me a damn bit of good and I wasn’t expected to live, so as a last resort my father took me to see a woman who lived along the edges of the Everglades. She was rumored to be a witch, and the more superstitious folks said she had the ability to heal when doctors couldn’t. It was a long shot, but people do crazy things when they’re desperate, I suppose.

Cecilia took one look at me and that was all she wrote. She instructed my father to leave me with her and return in three days, with the promise that by that time I’d be fully recovered. Her only demand was that in return, I marry her. With no other choice, he agreed to her terms and entrusted me to her care. As it turns out, a witch wasn’t the extent of what that woman was.” He chuckled. “Guess it’s a good thing for me she fell in love at first sight.”

It was a
beguiling story, almost like a fairy tale. “And did you marry her?”

“I did. I had
no other alternative - I needed guidance. Someone to learn from. I knew nothing about existing as a vampire.”

“Then what happened to her?
I assume she isn’t still around since you’ve said you’re the oldest.”

“She was too controlling.
Possessive. I got tired of it in a hurry. What man in his right mind wants to be saddled with the same woman day in and day out?” Suddenly realizing his faux pas, he looked contrite. “Oh hell, I didn’t mean…I just meant, you know, marriage isn’t for everyone. No offense intended.”

“None taken.” Julian’s voice was icy.

her?” Eva was appalled.

“You must understand
- I was newly turned. I hadn’t yet learned to control my instincts. I do feel remorse now for what I did. She only wanted to love me, but I preferred my freedom.” He shrugged. “Such is life.”

So much for a happy ending to
fairy tale. Eva shuddered.

Reid picked up his laptop and stood. “Well, I imagine you two would
like to be left alone to enjoy the rest of your vacation. Is there anything I can get for you?”

Julian stood as well, his arm still encircling Eva. “I don’t think so. Thank you for taking the time to see us.”

“It was my pleasure. Remember, if you need anything or have any questions, don’t hesitate to call. Enjoy your stay in Florida.”

“Thank you, Mr. Reid. It was really nice meeting you.”
Now that the dreaded rendezvous was over with, Eva felt a weight lifted from her.

“And you as well, young lady. Best wishes for a long and prosperous marriage.”

Finally he was gone, and they breathed a collective sigh of relief.


All things considered, it could have gone worse.

No discernable threat from those two. Winter had
behaved defensively, as expected, but no more so than any other male immortal would in such a situation. He’d managed civility and restraint better than most. Not that Asher hadn’t felt the violent urge himself - it was inevitable. But as much as his hands ached for the sensation of the Englishman’s bones cracking beneath them, he prided himself on his ability to maintain complete control. He relished killing, yes, but on
terms. When
decided it was time. His animal instincts did not govern him.

Of course, he’d lied through his teeth about feeling remorse for having done away with
Cecilia. He’d never felt the slightest pang of regret, only relief that he was free of that cloying bitch. Love…
…that foolishness was for the weak and he’d never been weak. Neither had he loved - not even when he was still human. His own pleasure, his own needs, were all that had ever mattered to him. Anything else was a waste of energy.

As for the
girl, the fledgling vampire…Tristan could keep mental surveillance on her for a while, just to observe her progress. Though he suspected that Winter would keep her under his wing and out of trouble. There would be no need to assign a guardian - it was her originator’s responsibility to serve as tutor.

little creature, that female. Normally redheads weren’t his preference, but this one possessed an exotic beauty that was quite captivating.

And speaking of captivating beauties…

It was time to plan his next move with the recalcitrant Samara.


“We’re leaving tomorrow,” Julian informed Eva firmly.

The salty breeze pulled a few strands of hair loose from her meticulous French braid, and she
released her hand from his to tuck them behind an ear. Her other hand held her sandals as they strolled along the shore, their bare feet making
split splat
sounds against the wet sand.

“Can’t we stay a
little longer?” she appealed. “I love the beach, and I haven’t been in years. Just another day or two. Come on…it’ll be fun.”

He soothed her disappointment with a gentle smile and a compromise. “I’ll take you somewhere else
, love. This isn’t the only beach in the world, you know.”

“Is it because of Reid?”

The smile vanished, replaced almost instantly with a troubled grimace. “I don’t trust him.”

“Are you sure it has nothing to do with
that ‘male aggression’ thing?” She reached for his hand again.

must admit - it was all very disconcerting. I’ve never felt such strong antagonism towards anyone in my life. It was all I could do to keep from smashing that bloke’s face in. And I couldn’t even explain
I felt that way. I really wish Kendall had better prepared me for it.”

“Maybe since he doesn’t
experience that…sense of rivalry, or whatever you want to call it…himself, it just didn’t occur to him.”

“Does it not strike you as odd that someone so
very young would lay claim to the title of elder?”

A little, I guess. But you heard what he said.”

Yes…well, I don’t know if I buy that explanation. And the way he was able to take my form - that was…” He shook his head, speechless.

“You took the words right out of my mouth,” she agreed.
“I hope he never finds out about Lainie. What do you think he’d do?”

’d just as soon never find out. Perhaps it’s for the best that she chose to remain in Scotland.”

“You’re probably right.” She
paused to peer at something that turned out to be a dead jellyfish. “Do you suppose he does that a lot?”

“I’ve no doubt he uses it to his advantage. Wouldn’t you?”

“Do you think he’d ever…I don’t know…”

“I had the same thought. Though I don’t know why he would. We’re no threat to him.”

“Maybe we should have a code word,” she suggested. “Just in case…then if we ever had doubts we could use it and we’d know for sure.” She might sound paranoid, but it couldn’t hurt to be prepared, right? It was such a spooky thought. To never know if the person you were with was actually the person you
they were…

“All right, Miss Bond, what do you propose?”

“Um…how about banana?”

To his credit, he tried to keep a straight face. He did not succeed.

“Yeah, you’re right…it should probably be more like a question
-and-answer type thing. Something personal. Let’s see…” she thought for a minute. “Okay, how about this. The question can be, ‘Where is the butterfly?’ and the answer…”

“There can only be one answer to that.
She’s been set free.”

“Will you remember that?”

“Yes, I’ll remember.”


“I promise.”

you know what, I just thought of something I forgot to ask him.”

“What’s that?”

“I wanted to ask whether it’s possible for vampires to reproduce.”

“Eva, love…” Julian stopped to take her head in his hands. Looking into her eyes, he said gently, “I think we both
already know the answer to that. Now don’t we?”

“I just thought I’d ask…” But she knew, had known all along, that he was right.
She was no longer ovulating. Her body was barren now, pregnancy an impossibility. It was probably all for the best - and for the same reason that she would never become a teacher as she’d always planned. She could never live with herself if she were to accidentally hurt a child.

Eternity was a long time to have to live with something like that.

“We have each other. Can’t that be enough?”

His words made her heart ache. How could he ever think he wasn’t enough for her? “Jules
, you’re everything to me. I’ll never want anything more…please don’t say things like that…” Her arms encircled his neck and he responded automatically with the passionate kiss that was hers forever.

“Let’s go home,” he said softly.




Don’t hang up…please, I just wanna talk to you…”

“I told you not to call me again. We have nothing to talk about.”

“I made a mistake. I made…such a mistake…please don’t do this to me, I need you…I think I’m losing my mind…”

“You don’t need me.
I think you already proved that. You’ll be fine.”

“Nothing’s fine…nothing’s fine…”

“I’m sorry for what happened to Paisley. I am. But I can’t help you with this, Rick. I just don’t have it in me.”

I hafta talk to you. I can’t talk to anyone else.”

“Go sleep it off. Okay?
Just go to bed.”

“I can’t tell anyone else. Don’t you understand?”

“No, Rick, I don’t understand. I don’t understand why you keep calling me when there’s nothing left to say.”

It killed her. I know it.”

“What are you talking about?”

“That thing…that thing that looked like me. It was me. I saw myself, I passed myself, it was like looking into a fucking mirror…and then she was dead and there was blood everywhere…”


“It was the doppelganger. It was me…but
not me. Do you get what I’m saying?”

“No. I don’t.”

“It was me, but it wasn’t me…why can’t you understand…”

awake from her nightmare, Sami’s breath came in shallow pants as her heart raced like a thoroughbred released from its stall. It look her a moment to realize that it wasn’t the dream that woke her but her cell phone’s ringtone. Taking a deep breath, she retrieved it from the bedside table.

Unknown caller.

She didn’t even have to speak. The music was already playing faintly in the background, terrifying in its mere simplicity. That same song,
Nights in White Satin
. It was an anthem that had no particular significance to her but was fast becoming a source of dread. Was it supposed to convey some message? If so, what?

You aren’t accomplishing a damn thing with your nocturnal crank calls. So why don’t you just give it a rest?”

There was no response, just the
hauntingly eerie wailing of the Moody Blues. She’d never hear that song again without feeling chills down her spine.


The week passed by fairly uneventfully for Sami. She caught a glimpse of Asher here and there, but thankfully he was keeping his distance. Maybe he’d finally come to the conclusion that she was a lost cause. Maybe he’d give up on her and call the mud flap girl instead. That woman was way more his speed, anyhow. The desperately acquiescent type who would hang on to his every word, stroke his inflated ego, submit passively to whatever he requested with no opinions of her own.

Sorry, but that wasn’t her

Friday evening after work she donned an eye-catching red dress and joined the horde of tourists gathered
in front of the tiki bar to watch the Polynesian fire dance show. Stuart already had a place at the bar, and he waved her over to offer his seat to her. She was a little surprised to see him there - he’d struck her as more of a homebody, preferring to spend his off hours playing online computer games. He was unapologetically the quintessential geek, and she admired him for it.

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