Finding Home (12 page)

Read Finding Home Online

Authors: Ali Spooner

Tags: #romance historical, #lesbian erotica, #lesbian adventure, #romance adult fiction, #pioneer woman

BOOK: Finding Home
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Nat woke up starving when she smelled
Marissa cooking in the kitchen. Marissa had placed her night shirt
on the end of the bed and she slipped it over her head before going
to the kitchen.


Biscuits were baking in the hearth as
Marissa was frying bacon in a skillet.


Good morning, Marissa,” Nat
said as she hugged her lover from behind.


Good morning, my love,”
Marissa said as she turned in Nat’s arms and kissed her sweetly.
“Are you hungry?”


I am starving,” Nat said as
she squeezed Marissa.


Have a seat at the table
and breakfast will be ready soon,” Marissa said.


Nat took a seat and was eying the apple
pie when Marissa turned around. “Don’t even think about spoiling
your breakfast,” she warned.


Yes ma’am,” Nat


Marissa finished frying the bacon. “How
would you like your eggs?”


Fried for me,” Nat said and
Gyp let out a “woof” of agreement. “Has she already been outside?”
Nat asked.


Yes, she went out when I
first got up,” Marissa said. “She has kept me company since coming
back inside.”


She is an excellent
companion,” Nat said as her fingers stroked the dog’s


She loves you dearly,”
Marissa said.


That feeling is mutual,”
Nat said. “I don’t know what I would do without her.”


Marissa placed two eggs on Nat’s plate
and two in Gyp’s bowl then turned away to cook her eggs. Nat broke
up several slices of bacon and a biscuit and then broke the yokes
on the egg for her companion. Nat buttered a biscuit and then
poured some honey over it while she waited for Marissa to join


Go ahead and eat while it’s
hot,” Marissa said.


No, I will wait for you,”
Nat said. “You won’t be long.”


Marissa returned to the table and slid
the eggs onto her plate and joined Nat at the table.


Thank you for a great
meal,” Nat said.


You are most welcome, now
let’s eat,” Marissa said.


Gyp had waited on Marissa and when she
saw Nat begin to eat, Gyp stood and began to eat.


Marissa watched her closely. “She is so
well disciplined.”


Not discipline, Gyp has
good manners,” Nat said with a wink.


They ate their fill of breakfast and
Nat looked at Marissa. “What are you doing today?”


I thought I would put a
roast on for dinner, with some canned vegetables from the garden,”
she said.


Will you need to be here to
watch over it?” Nat asked.


No, I think the fire is low
enough, it will cook slowly without burning. What do you have in


I need to go into town to
take the pelt in and make payment on some new breeches,” Nat said.
“I also need to drop the buck head off to Smithy. Would you care to
join, Gyp and me?”


I would love to,” Marissa
said and as she stood to clear the table, Nat reached for her and
pulled Marissa into her lap.


Nat studied her face closely, tracing
the fine lines at the corner of Marissa’s eyes with a slow
fingertip as the smile on her face grew wide. Marissa’s eyes shined
with excitement as Nat examined her face intently.


Do you like what you see?”
Marissa asked.


No,” Nat said. “I love what
I see.”


Marissa pulled Nat’s head down to meet
her lips and kissed her softly. “You make me want you so badly,”
Marissa whispered.


Nat smiled seductively at Marissa and
scooped her up in her arms and carried her back to the bedroom. Gyp
stretched lazily and trotted over to the fireplace in the bedroom
and curled up for a nap.


She sat Marissa on the edge of the bed
and lifted the night shirt above her head as Marissa’s hands
caressed the length of Nat’s long muscular legs. Marissa’s hands on
her body made her burn with desire and she reached behind her head
to remove her night shirt, leaving her naked in front of her lover.
Nat smiled down at Marissa as her hands moved around to fondle the
cheeks of her ass as her tongue trailed from one hip bone to the
other. Nat buried her hands in Marissa’s long hair as Marissa’s
hands moved between them to cup Nat’s small breasts, causing her
lover to moan with pleasure.


I need you,” Marissa
breathed against Nat’s skin.


Nat pulled back the covers on the bed
and then joined Marissa on the bed. Marissa rolled her onto her
back and straddled Nat’s waist. As she leaned forward, her hair
cascaded down across Nat’s bare skin, leaving a trail of fire
burning down Nat’s body. Nat moaned loudly as Marissa kissed down
her body and her hair floated across Nat’s hard nipples.


You like that feeling,
hmm?” Marissa whispered against her skin.


Oh yes, Marissa,” Nat said
her voice full of passion.


Then you should really like
this,” Marissa said as she moved her right breast between Nat’s
legs as she drug her nipple up Nat’s lips and across her aching
clit and then moved down to repeat her movements.


That feels so good,” Nat


Marissa felt Nat’s wetness coating her
breast as she moved her body against Nat’s. “I am going to make you
feel so much better.”


Marissa moved further down Nat’s body,
her tongue tracing small circles around Nat’s clit, teasing her
lover to the brink of climax only to back off and allow Nat to
release the breath she was holding.


Marissa, please,” Net


Marissa’s fingers gently parted Nat’s
lips and her tongue lavished slow kisses on Nat’s body as she drank
in Nat’s juices. When her tongue finally entered Nat’s body, she
shook uncontrollably and flooded Marissa’s face with her sweetness.
Marissa climbed up Nat’s body, licking her lips as her eyes smiled
at Nat.


You taste so sweet, my
love,” Marissa said as she whispered in Nat’s ear.


Nat took her in her arms and cradled
her to her body. “You make me feel so loved,” she said.


Because I love you so
dearly,” Marissa said.


Nat stroked Marissa’s hair as she
stared into her love filled eyes.


May I return your love?”
she asked.


We have an errand to run
first, but then you will have all afternoon,” Marissa


I will hold you to that,”
Nat said.


I certainly hope so,”
Marissa said. “I will clean up and put the roast on while you get
dressed and clean up the kitchen,” she said. “Then we will be off
to see a woman about some breeches.”


Nat returned her smile as Marissa left
her arms, leaving her body feel so empty. “I love you,


I know and I love you


Marissa poured fresh water into a bowl
and washed her face. Her hands washed Nat’s wetness from her bare
breasts and she smiled at the memory of their lovemaking. She
patted her skin dry and slipped a clean dress over her head. Today
she would forego undergarments, preferring instead to feel the soft
cotton against her bare breasts. She would wear the coat Nat had
bought for her to hide her brazenness as they walked to

Nat and Gyp waited for her out on the
porch and when Marissa appeared from inside the house Nat reached
for her hand and she picked up the small bag of supplies and they
walked to Nat’s cabin.


Nat handed Marissa the small sack and
walked around the cabin to pick up the buck head that she would
sell to Smithy. She returned to Marissa and took her hand as they
started into town.


Marissa and Gyp waited outside as Nat
went inside to bargain with Smithy. He was impressed with the size
and perfect condition of the buck’s head and paid Nat handsomely
for the prize.


I wouldn’t be surprised if
this sold today,” Smithy said. “Be sure to keep me in mind if you
do more hunting.”


I will,” Nat said as she
tucked the gold coins in her pocket and stepped outside to join
Marissa and Gyp.


Nat took the sack from Marissa. “Is
there anything you need while we are in town?”


I will buy some coffee,”
Marissa said.


Take this then,” Nat said
as she fished a gold coin from her pocket.


I have money, Nat,” Marissa


I know you do, but I’ve
been the one drinking all your coffee.”


That’s a small price to pay
for all that you have done for me,” Marissa said.


I’d say it was a pretty
even deal, so let me buy this time,” Nat said.


Marissa took the offered coin and
slipped it into the pocket of her coat as they walked to general
store. She bought coffee while Nat picked out a dozen yellow


More apples?” she


Part of my deal for new
breeches,” Nat said with a smile.

They paid for their items and then
walked to the small house on the edge of town.


The Indian woman was sitting on her
porch and smiled as they approached.


Good day,” Nat said as she
stepped onto the porch.


Welcome back, my friend,”
the woman said. “Come inside and I will size you.”


Nat and Marissa followed the woman into
the small house while Gyp waited outside.


You may have a seat there,”
the woman said to Marissa as she pointed to a chair. She then took
a length of rawhide in her hands as Nat sat the sack on the


You have long legs to be so
small in the hips,” the woman said as she measured Nat’s


I do a lot of walking so
they get me where I need to go,” Nat said with a wink to the old

There,” she said as she
finished measuring Nat. “Let’s take a look at your


Nat took the deer skin from the sack
and handed it to the woman.


She smiled at Nat. “You tanned this
piece well. I can easily get two pairs out of this,” she


That’s even better,” Nat
said. “Just let me know what else you need for the second


Nat took the apples, venison and other
staples from the bag she had brought for payment and laid them out
on the table.


The woman smiled at the smoked meat as
Nat placed it on the table. “Your payment is more than enough for
two pairs of breeches,” she said. “When do you need them?” she


I am going to the ocean for
the next four days, so there is no hurry,” Nat said.


The old woman’s eyes lit up at the
mention of the ocean. “Will you do something for me?” she


Certainly, what is it?” Nat


The woman walked from the small room
and returned a moment later with a waterproofed skin. “In the sands
of the beach close to the shore you should be able to find clams,”
the woman said. “I would appreciate if you could bring me some
stored in salt water when you return,” she said as she handed Nat
the skin.


You will have to tell me
what they look like as I have never been to the ocean before,” Nat


The woman picked up a piece of charcoal
and drew a crude shape on the table. “They look like this and will
be buried in the sand where the waves wash over. When the tide is
low, you will easily see the bubbles in the sand from their
breathing and will know where to dig. “She smiled at Nat. “I will
make you two some excellent soup, if you can bring


Nat picked up her sack and took the
skin from the woman. “I will do my best and will see you at the end
of the week.”


Thank you, my friend,” the
woman said as she walked them out the door. “Be safe in your
travels,” she said as they walked off the porch to join

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