Finding Her Son (23 page)

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Authors: Robin Perini

Tags: #Suspense

BOOK: Finding Her Son
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This couldn’t be happening. She had to get away. To find Joshua and to warn Heather. Emily squirmed in her chair and wrapped her coat tighter around her, then shoved her hands in the pockets. Her fingers hit the metal of her cell phone. She clutched it, and her gaze flew to the men. If they would just leave her alone, she could call Mitch or 911. He’d find her. He’d save her.

She could count on him.

The truth filled Emily’s heart with awe. She could count on Mitch Bradford. He’d lied, but he wouldn’t let her down. She moved her fingers over the on button.

“Hey, there. What’re you doing?” Vance grabbed Emily and yanked her to her feet. “You search her?” he asked Ghost.

“She shot me. I got the gun. Exactly when—”

“Idiot.” Vance tugged her coat off and patted her down.

Emily shivered as his hands lingered over her breasts. He squeezed them and then pushed her down in the chair. Maybe he wouldn’t look in the pocket.

He grabbed the coat and snagged the cell phone. “Fool.” Vance pressed a couple of buttons. “No calls for the past half hour. You dodged a bullet, dude. The doc would’ve had me kill you, too, if she’d led the cops here.”

Vance dropped her phone on the floor and rammed the heel of his boot into it, smashing the small device, then tossed it into a sink and ran water over it. “No cavalry.”

His satisfied smile squeezed out most of Emily’s hope. She’d put herself in this position, and now Joshua would never know that his mother had loved him very much.

Ghost finished applying several butterfly strips and pulled down his bloody sweater. “That’ll do me. I’m changing, and then I gotta dump the car. Take care of her.”

He pushed up his sleeves, and Emily saw the red-and-green devil tattoo. Her head ached, her mind whirled. It wasn’t right. Something was missing.

Oh, God. Ghost wasn’t the man from that night. Perry had been right.

“She’ll be fine in here,” Vance said. “One less room to wipe down for trace evidence.”

They closed her in, and the sound of the door bolting sealed Emily’s fate. Once the poor girl’s baby was born, both of them were dead. Mitch didn’t know about Ghost or Vance. Unless Emily found a way out.



entire perimeter of the building and didn’t see an opening. Odd. Usually an abandoned building like this wasn’t so heavily fortified. All the windows appeared boarded. He needed intel. No way to know how many people were inside. Emily had disappeared five minutes ago. It felt like a lifetime.

How the hell was he supposed to get in? He had to be smart, or Emily was dead.

A familiar black van pulled down an alley nearby. Yes.

Lieutenant Decker jumped out, and his SWAT teammates followed. Mitch edged in the alleyway, out of the line of sight of the apartment building.

“Give us the sit rep,” Lieutenant Decker ordered as the team surrounded Mitch.

Mitch spoke quickly and succinctly.

Decker nodded toward one of the other entry men, Reynolds. “Find us a way in.”

“You got it, Lieutenant.”

“Roof?” Mason, the sniper, asked, indicating a building across the street.

“That’s your best bet,” Decker said. “Keep a lookout for any activity.”

“Our hostage. Can she help us?” Reynolds asked.

“She thinks she’s alone in this,” Mitch said. “With good reason. She doesn’t trust the police department.”

“Great,” Decker muttered. “Does she trust you?”

“To save her life. Maybe. Otherwise, no.”

Lieutenant Decker lifted his brow. “Man, Mitch. What trouble have you gotten yourself into? I heard Tanner was trying to palm you off to summons duty this morning.”

“Long story.”

“In position, Alpha Leader,” Mason’s voice came across the radio.


“What’s the risk if we ram?” Greggson, the number-two entry man, sidled up to Decker and Mitch.

“Ghost, the guy I believe took her, lures pregnant girls off the streets. Then they disappear. I know of one girl, Kayla Foster, who’s missing. Another teenager ended up dead postpartum.”

Greggson let out a violent curse. “A real winner.”

“We could have a bunch of pregnant teens in that building,” Mitch warned. “You gotta go in careful.”

“Any way we can talk our way in?”

“Alpha One to Alpha Leader.” Mason’s voice crackled over the radio. “I’ve got movement. Second floor. Southeast corner. Someone just shifted a board.”

Mitch grabbed the lieutenant’s binoculars and peered at the window. Cobalt blue eyes stared out the small gap. He’d recognize them anywhere.

“Emily,” he breathed. “She’s amazing.” Her fingers slipped around the second slab. “She’s using metal to pry the wood away from the window.”

Decker ripped back his binoculars. “Assuming she’s locked in—and I doubt she’d try to break out of a second-story window if she weren’t—putting someone in her room might give us an advantage.”

“I can slip in and get her out,” Mitch said.

“How’s your leg?”

“Good enough for this.”

Decker studied him. “All right.” The lieutenant handed him an earpiece and a black tool bag. “Get in position. Reynolds and Greggson will pull you up.”

Within minutes, Mitch had the harness around him and was walking up the side of the building. No alarm had sounded. Those inside had figured a few condemned signs would keep people away. That and a paid-off cop.

When he reached the window, he made a quick cutting motion with his hand. He dangled thirty feet above the ground. Emily’s fingertips were clutched around the second board.


The top of her head peered out, and her eyes widened when she saw him. Then they softened in relief. “I knew you’d come.”

Then she smiled. Mitch’s heart thudded against his chest.

“Stand back,” he said. She nodded and moved away from the window. He quickly pried the boards from their hinges before sliding through the window.

Emily launched herself at him the second he touched down. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “Are you okay? You’re not hurt?”

She shook her head, burying deeper against him, hugging him tight as if she would never let him go.

“There was blood at your house,” he said, unable to keep the harshness from his voice.

“Ghost. I shot him.”

He set her back from him and unfastened the harness. He couldn’t stop grinning at her. “You are one spectacular woman.”

He hugged her close again, relishing the feel of her small body against his, her breasts pressed hard against him. “They’re going to kill me,” she whispered. “And another girl. She’s having a baby, and after she delivers they plan to get rid of both of us. We have to help her.”

He took one last breath, inhaled the scent of her, one last second to hug her close, then stepped away. “How many girls? How many guarding them?”

“I don’t know. I heard some teenagers laughing up and down the hall, so I don’t think everyone’s being held against their will. There’s a police officer. Vance. He killed Perry. He’s the one who shot at us, too. Just a warning,” Emily said bitterly. “A doctor is here, too. And Ghost, but he said he was going to move Sister Kate’s car. That’s everyone I saw.”

“You practically took a tour.” Mitch smiled. “Good job.” His dad had also been right about Vance. Mitch relayed the information to Lieutenant Decker. If Ghost exited the building, he could provide SWAT’s access opportunity.

Mitch bent to Emily and kissed her. “We’re going to get everyone out of here. I promise.” Mitch knelt in front of the door, testing the lock. “I wanted to send you out the window, but the SWAT team is moving into position. No time.”

“I heard the dead bolt shut.”

“Not a problem,” Mitch said as he pulled out a small tension wrench and eased it into the bottom of the lock and stabbed a pick above it. Two tries and the lock gave way. He pulled the pick out and slowly turned the wrench. “Voila.”

“You learned that in SWAT?”

“Nah. Noah taught me how to sneak back into the house when I was about fourteen.”

He communicated the new status to Lieutenant Decker.

“We’ll stay put for a few minutes. The guys are set up outside to see if Ghost exits. That way they can go in quiet.”

Emily studied Mitch’s face. He looked energized and alive.

“This is the life you want. The excitement,” she said quietly.

He turned his head. “I’m good at it. And yeah, I like catching the bad guys.”

“You’ll get back, Mitch. Your leg will improve enough to do the job. Then you can have what you want.”

He laced his fingers through hers. “What if I want you, too?”

Before she could reply, a clanging alarm sounded in the hallway.

“Okay, girls, back into your rooms. Looks like we’ve got a new arrival almost here.”

The jolly voice made Emily shudder in revulsion.

“The doctor,” she said. “The baby’s coming.”

“We’re out of time, but he’s also made it easier. If everyone’s in their rooms, we can make this thing happen safely.”

Mitch tapped his earpiece.

With a quick relay of more intel, Mitch turned to Emily. “They have Ghost. They’re coming in. Doing a room-to-room. You stay here. They’ll come get you.”

“Where are you going?”

“To find the room with the doctor.”

He shoved a weapon into her hand. “Don’t shoot the SWAT team. Officer Vance, on the other hand, feel free to take aim. There’s nothing I hate more than a traitor.”

He slipped out of the door, his stealth movements dangerous.

She gripped the gun in her hand and stood near the door, expecting screams or shuffling, but it was utterly silent.

A few minutes later, her hand had cramped around the gun. The lock turned. “It’s SWAT, Mrs. Wentworth,” a voice said softly.

An arm covered in black eased through a crack in the door. A split second later, a man had pivoted and stripped her of her weapon. “I’m Reynolds. Good to meet you. Now come with me.”

Emily stepped out of the room, covered by the large SWAT team member. About four pregnant teens were being rushed down the stairs, a couple being carried with hands over their mouths.

Vance rounded the corner in a dead run. He headed toward Emily. Mitch plowed after him.

“Vance. Stop!”

Reynolds pushed her down, covering her body before taking aim at the errant cop.

“Bitch,” Vance screamed and leaped at her.

Chapter Thirteen

Mitch caught Vance from the side and shoved him away from Emily. The man slammed into the floor, and with a quick move, Mitch pinned Vance to the ground and forced his hands behind his back. Mitch had to stop himself from taking a cheap shot at the guy who’d gone after her. “You’re going down.”

Reynolds stood and helped Emily to her feet. “Nice move. You back?”

“Almost.” Although the ache in Mitch’s leg indicated a SWAT assignment wouldn’t happen anytime soon.

Reynolds knelt down and fastened zip ties around Vance’s wrists. “Where’s the doctor, traitor?”

“I wasn’t doing anything wrong.” Vance glared at them. “I just followed you guys in.”

Emily stalked over to the man on the floor. Mitch could see the fury vibrating from within her.

“You were going to kill me,” she said.

“Liar,” Vance spat.

Mitch tugged the man to his feet and spun him around against the wall. He closed his fingers around the soon-to-be-ex-cop’s neck.

Emily rushed behind Mitch, leaning over his back. The woman was fearless.

“You know something about my son. I know you do.” Her husky voice had gone desperate.

“Idiot. Your son was never here. You were chasing the wrong devil from the beginning.” Vance laughed.

Emily sagged against Mitch. “No.
here knows
. They just have to.”

He shoved his arm harder against the guy’s throat. “Unless you want me telling every inmate you’re a cop, you give up the doctor’s location. I find out you’re lying, you won’t last a week inside.”

Vance went ghost-white and deflated like the coward he was. “Fourth floor. Insulated room so the other girls don’t flip out when they hear them scream.”

“What’s the layout?” Mitch snapped. “And how do I get in without tipping him off?”

Their prisoner spilled the description of the room. “Doc’s waiting for the midwife. She’s not here yet, but he’ll expect a knock on the door.”

Mitch passed off Vance to another of his teammates, then turned to Emily. “Go with them. I want you outside.”

She shook her head. “I can help. If he’s really expecting a woman, I can get him to open the door for me. Otherwise, you place the girl in the room at risk if he panics.”

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